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1、D.促进科技创新与社会和谐稳定7.纪念辛亥革命100周年大会10月9日上午在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛出席大会并发表重要讲话。关于辛亥革命,以下说法错误的是( )。A.革命使民主共和的观念深入人心B.革命开启了中国前所未有的社会变革C.结束了中国长达两千年之久的君主专制制度D.革命的主要组织有兴中会、保国会、光复会、中国同盟会等革命团体8.超级稻第三期亩产900公斤攻关验收组2011年9月19日下午宣布,经专家测定,位于湖南省邵阳市隆回县羊古坳乡雷峰村百亩试验田的超级稻加权平均亩产达到( )公斤。中国工程院院士袁隆平说,这标志着我国杂交稻技术在世界继续

2、保持领先地位。A.980.6 B.953.6 C.926.6 D.910.89.( )是确保国家粮食安全的基础支撑,是突破资源环境约束的必然选择,是加快现代农业建设的决定力量,具有显著的公共性、基础性、社会性。A.农业投入 B.农业科技C.农业增收 D.农业改革10市场经济最本质和最基础的规律是( )。A价值规律 B等价交换规律 C生产价格规律 D利润最大化规律11根据剩余价值学说,资本家剩余价值来源于( )。A工厂 B投资 C货币 D工人劳动12.国债投资拉动经济增长的原因在于( )。A国债投资加大了消费基金比例,促进了消费增长B国债投资用于经济建设和形成货币购买力,可以促进经济发展C国债投

3、资增加了积累基金比例,减少了消费基金D国债投资增加了货币发行量,加快了商品流通速度13.毛泽东决定把党的支部建立在连上,在人民军队中建立党的各级组织和党代表制度是在( )。A.古田会议 B.三湾改编 C.八七会议 D.遵义会议14.中国共产党的思想路线的核心内容是( )。A.从群众中来,到群众中去 B.坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想C.解放思想、实事求是 D.坚持实践的观点15王某邀请张某到家里吃饭,张某打车准时到王某家门口时,王某打电话给张某说,自己要加班,不能请张某吃饭了,张某只好又打车回家,以下说法正确的是( )。王某和张某之间存在合同关系,王某不按照约定请张某吃饭,王某应承担违约责任王某应向

4、张某承担缔约过失责任,赔偿张某打车的费用王某和张某之间形成无因管理关系,王某应赔偿张某打车的费用王某没有义务请张某吃饭,也不应赔偿张某打车的费用16形式意义上的民法是指( )。经立法程序系统编纂的民法典由民法专家编写的著作最高司法机关关于民法的解释性文件 =实质意义民法法律出版社出版的民法大百科17下列何种情况下,当事人可以解除合同?( )因不可抗力致使合同不能适当履行在履行期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务当事人一方迟延履行主要债务当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使实现合同目的困难18应当先履行合同债务的当事人,得行使不安抗辩权的情形是:有确切证据证

5、明对方( B )经营状况恶化 丧失商业信誉 转移财产 更换法定代表人19甲(男,周岁)为达到与乙(女,周岁)结婚的目的,故意隐瞒乙的真实年龄办理了结婚登记。两年后,因双方经常吵架,乙以办理结婚登记时未达到法定婚龄为由向法院起诉,请求宣告婚姻无效。人民法院应如何处理?( B )以办理结婚登记时未达到法定婚龄为由宣告婚姻无效对乙的请求不予支持宣告婚姻无效,确认为非法同居关系,并予以解除认定为可撤销婚姻,乙可行使撤销权20关于行政处罚和刑罚的折抵,下列说法不正确的是?( C )A行政拘留可以折抵拘役B行政拘留可以折抵有期徒刑C没收违法所得可以折抵没收财产D罚款可以折抵罚金21李某自1997年4月起开

6、始非法制造、贩卖匕首,至次年1月停止。1998年8月公安机关根据举报发现了李某的违法行为。下列哪一种说法是正确的?A对李某违法行为的追究时效应从1997年4月起算B公安机关不应对李某予以处罚C李某系主动停止违法行为,可以从轻处罚D若李某配合查处违法行为,应当减轻处罚22某县公安局民警甲在一次治安检查中被乙打伤,公安局认定乙的行为构成妨碍公务,据此对乙处以200元罚款。甲认为该处罚决定过轻。下列哪种说法是正确的?( A )A对乙受到的处罚决定,甲既不能申请复议,也不能提起行政诉讼B甲可以对乙提起民事诉讼C对乙受到的处罚决定,甲可以申请复议但不能提起行政诉讼D对乙受到的处罚决定,甲应当先申请复议,

7、对复议决定不服可提起行政诉讼23某市某区人民政府决定将区建材工业局管理的国有小砖厂出售。小砖厂的承包人以侵犯其经营自主权为由提出行政复议申请,本案的行政复议机关应当是下列哪一个?A市国有资产管理局 B市经济贸易局C市人民政府 D区人民政府24一位从事几十年领导工作的老干部在总结其领导经验时这样说道:“坐得正,行得端,领导才有威信,说话才有影响,下级才能信服。”这位老干部强调领导的影响力来自于( )。A.专家权 B法定权力 C奖惩权 D感召力25人们所谓的开发领导力或开发领导潜能,主要指的是( )。A个人权力 B职务权力 C领导权威 D个人权力和职务权力26.爱因斯坦相对论的提出,是物理学思想的

8、一场重大革命,他( )。A.否定了牛顿的力学原理 B.借鉴了法国科学家拉瓦锡的学说C.揭示了时间空间并非绝对不变的属性D.修正了能量、质量相互转化的理论27.在物理学上,把人们引向一个新的王国微观世界的是( )。 居里夫人 爱因斯坦 吉尔伯特 伦琴A. B. C. D.28.科技创新与民生问题密切相关。下列表述错误的是( )。A蒸汽机车、蒸汽轮船的出现,使交通运输业发生了革命性改变B电冰箱、洗衣机、吸尘器的使用,大大减轻了繁重的家务劳动C互联网的出现,标志着人类从信息封闭时代进入大众传播时代D南优二号杂交水稻的培育,有助于解决未来世界性饥饿问题29.下列我们日常生产生活所需的产品中,不属于发酵

9、工程产品的是( )。农民自酿的米酒 绝大多数农用抗生素味精 维生素30.神舟七号载人飞船点火升空后最先抛弃的是( )。 A整流罩 B助推器 C二级火箭 D逃逸塔31.下列观点不属于达尔文进化理论的是( )。 A.生物在代代相传的繁育过程中都有可能发生变异 B.变异的长期积累,导致各个物种出现千变万化 C.变异是长期存在、逐步发展的,进化是逐渐发生的 D.生物进化不是“适者生存”,而是“幸者生存”32.计算机最主要的工作特点是( )。 A.存储程序与自动控制B.高速度与高精度C.可靠性与可用性D.有记忆能力33.在下列设备中,不能作为微机的输出设备的是( )。A.打印机 B.显示器C.绘图仪 D

10、.键盘和鼠标34.微机系统与外部交换信息主要通过( )。A.输入、输出设备 B.键盘C.光盘 D.内存35.RAM具有的特点是( )。A.海量存储B.存储在其中的信息可以永久保存C.一旦断电,存储在其上的信息将全部消失且无法恢复D.存储在其中的数据不能改写36.一个完整的计算机系统包括( )。A.主机、键盘、显示器B.计算机及其外部设备C.系统软件与应用软件D.计算机的硬件系统和软件系统37.下列行为可能使一台计算机感染病毒的是( )。A.新建一个文件夹 B.使用发霉的软盘C.使用外来软件或光盘 D.强行关闭计算机38.下列文件类型中可以用“画图”应用程序打开的是( )。A.文本文件(.txt

11、) B.声音文件(.wav)C.视频文件(.avi) D.位图文件(.bmp)39.在约定的时间内若_,系统将运行指定的屏幕保护程序( )。A.在硬盘或光盘上无读写操作B.无键盘和鼠标动作C.在屏幕上无新的信息输出D.无键盘或鼠标动作40.在Windows中,同时显示多个应用程序窗口的正确方法是( )。A.在任务空白区单击鼠标右键,在弹出快捷菜单中选择“横向平铺窗口”命令B.在任务空白区单击鼠标右键,在弹出快捷菜单中选择“排列图标”命令C.Ctrl+Tab快捷键进行排列D.在资源管理器中进行排列Who takes care of the elderly in the United States

12、 today? The fact is that family members provide over 80% of the care that elderly people needMost times, the elderly live in their own homesA very small percent of Americas elderly live in nursing homes Samuel Preston, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania, studied how the American family

13、is changing He reported that by the time the average American couple reaches 40 years of age, their parents are usually still aliveThis statistic shows the change in lifestyles and responsibilities of aging AmericansThe average middle-aged couple can look forward to caring for elderly parents someti

14、me after their own children have grown upMoreover, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years ago, family members must provide long-term care These facts also mean that after caregivers provide for their elderly parents, who will eventually die, they will be old and may

15、require care tooWhen they do, their spouses will probably take care of them because they have had fewer children than their parents did Because Americans are living longer than ever, more social workers have begun to study ways of caregiving to improve care of the elderlyThey have found that all car

16、egivers share a common characteristic: They believe that they are the best people for the job The social workers have also discovered three basic reasons why the caregivers take on the responsibility of caring for an elderly, dependent relativeMany caregivers believe they had an obligation to help t

17、heir relatives Some think that helping others makes them feel more usefulOthers hope that by helping someone now, they will deserve care when they become old and dependent41Samuel Prestons study shows that Alifestyles and responsibilities of the elderly are changingBelderly people may need care for

18、a long time because they live longer after an illnessCmost American couples over 40 have no living parentsDmiddle-aged Americans have to take care of their children and parents at the same time42Who will most probably take care of the middle-aged Americans when they need care themselves?ATheir husba

19、nd or wife BTheir childrenCTheir close friends DThemselves43All caregivers believe that they can Akeep closer to their old parents by this means Bimprove care of the elderly with the help of the social workers Cdo much better if they have a job as social workers Dtake care for their elderly parents

20、better than any other person44Which of the following is NOT a reason why people look after their relatives?AThey feel they are of use to other peopleBThey think it is their duty to help their relativesCThey want to set an example to their childrenDThey hope they deserve care when they need it45What

21、is the main idea of the passage?AMost old people live longer today after an illness than people did years agoBMost elderly people are taken care of by their families, who assume the responsibility for different reasonsCMany old people are put into nursing homes by their families, who do not visit th

22、em regularlyDMost elderly people are satisfied with the better ways of caregiving that social workers have come up withAround the world more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activitiesNow, there are people who look for an immediate excitement from a risky activity which may only last a

23、 few minutes or even seconds I would consider bungee jumping(蹦极)to be a good example of such an activityYou jump from a high place 200 meters above the ground with an elastic(弹性的)rope tied to your feet You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground It is sa

24、id that about 2 million people would say are as risky as bungee jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe

25、and boringNot very long ago, peoples lives were constantly in dangerThey had to go out and hunt for food, diseases could not easily be cured, and life was a continuous battle for survival Nowadays, according to many people, life offers little excitementThey live and work in quite safe conditions: th

26、ey buy food in shops, and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become illThe answer for some of these people is to look for danger in activities such as bungee jumping46Of the risky activities, bungee jumping _ Aoffers an immediate excitement Bis a fashion Cmakes one relaxed Dm

27、akes one brave47In bungee jumping, you Ajump as high as you can Bslide down a rope to the ground Ctie yourself to a rope and fall Dfall without a rope48Which of the following is true according to the passage? AAbout 200,000 people in the world have tried bungee jumping BIn order to keep one safe, a

28、rope is tied to feet of the jumping CDiving into the sea from the top of the cliffs is much more dangerous than bungee jumping DMany people nowadays feel life dull because they havent tried bungee jumping 49The writer of the passage has a attitude towards dangerous sports Apositive Bnegative Cneutral Dcritical50The best title for the passag

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