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1、3. Oh, a meal. Yes, thatd be nice. But where? I dont want to eat anywhere.4. Do you think so? Mm of course, she doesnt approve of anyone.5. Yes. But what do you suggest? She wont enjoy anything, will she?6. No, I asked her. I think she doesnt want to go anywhere.7. I know. Its odd, isnt it? Never mi

2、nd. We dont have to go out with anyone.8. In fact, lets not go out with anyone.Key12345678Not at all.Only in special cases. 1. (That means she will go out only with someone special.)2. (That means she doesnt like anybody, no matter who he or she is.)3. (That means she would only eat at some special

3、restaurants.)4. (That means she doesnt approve of anyone, no matter who he or she is.)5. (That means she has special tastes.)6. (That means she just wants to stay at home.)7. (That means we can go out with particular ones.)8. (That means they will go out on their own.)Part 2 Listening and Note-Takin

4、gMountain Rescue ServiceA. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words.1. The first thing that happens is that the person who reports the accident is closely questioned.2. They will also need to know how many people were involved in the accident and what kind of injuries t

5、here were.3. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group.4. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey.5. The base is set up near a telephone so that extra help can be contacted without delay.B. Listen to a talk about mountain rescue service. Take notes and complete the follo

6、wing outline.When an accident is reported to the Mountain Rescue Service, the first thing that happens is that the person who reports the accident is closely questioned.The rescue group needs to find out a number of details. First, they need to know exactly where the accident happened, with a map re

7、ference if possible. Then they will want to know the time of the accident. They will also need to know how many people were involved in the accident and what kind of injuries there were. Finally, they will ask for other useful details, such as the colour of the victims clothing and the weather condi

8、tions.Then the rescue teams call-out procedure begins. Team members keep their personal equipment at home so as to be ready to set off within fifteen minutes of receiving the call. The advance party of about four people sets off right away. They carry a radiotelephone with them to send details to th

9、e main party and to the base. They are also equipped and trained to give immediate medical assistance.The main party follows the advance party. They carry a radiotelephone and more supplies, including a stretcher for the victim. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group. Their job is to h

10、elp the main party on its return journey.Rescue control is set up in a mobile base. This vehicle carries the teams supplies other than personal equipment. It is equipped with radiotelephone and the means of providing hot food and drinks. The base is set up near a telephone so that extra help, for ex

11、ample ambulance, doctor, helicopter or reserves, can be contacted without delay.A. 1. The first thing that happens is that the person who reports the accident is closely questioned.B. Mountain Rescue ServiceI. The rescue group needs to find out a number of details. A. The place where the accident ha

12、ppened. B. The time of the accident. C. Details about the victim.II. Then the rescue teams call-out procedure begins. A. Team members keep their personal equipment at home so as to be ready to set off within fifteen minutes of receiving the call. B. The advance party of about four people sets off ri

13、ght away. 1. They carry a radiotelephone with them to send details to the main party and to the base. 2. They are also equipped and trained to give immediate medical assistance. C. The main party follows the advance party. 1. They carry a radiotelephone and more supplies, including a stretcher for t

14、he victim. D. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group. 1. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey.III. Rescue control is set up in a mobile base. A. This vehicle carries the teams supplies other than personal equipment. B. It is equipped with radiotelephone and the mea

15、ns of providing hot food and drinks. C. The base is set up near a telephone so that extra help, for example ambulance, doctor, helicopter or reserves, can be contacted without delay.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Sentence IdentificationIdentify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP),

16、complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided. 1. What do I care if you choose to make a fool of yourself?2. Walter was satisfied with the outcome; his wife, however, was bitterly disappointed.3. Their trip to the

17、park seashore next day was cut short by the first heavy drops of rain from the brooding clouds.4. Eileen, Sophia and William decorated the room, replaced the furniture, and cleaned the carpet.5. Many of the players have slight injuries, but the team as a whole is in fine shape. 1. CPL 2. CP 3. S 4.

18、S 5. CPPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 Stressed OutA. In the dialogue the speakers talk about stress management. Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Friend: Are you OK, Mia? You look beat. You look really tired.Mia: I am. I cant seem to sleep at n

19、ight. Ive been under a lot of pressure lately a lot of stress.Friend: Whats up? Ive got a million things to do. Im busy at work. Im working on the house too, you know. Im trying to fix it up. I need to finish it before winter. Just lots of deadlines. Any way I can help? Thanks, but not really. Its j

20、ust things I have to do. Well, you need to manage that stress a little better. Are you getting any exercise? Who has time? You really should ride a bicycle to the store, or walk to work a couple of days a week, or go swimming at the community center. It helps me to get exercise when Im busy. You don

21、t have to become a fitness nut*, you know. That is a good suggestion. Its just the time, you know. Im always thinking of what I should be doing. No wonder you cant sleep. A lot of people learn to meditate* or learn yoga. Meditation and yoga are supposed to be good ways to deal with stress. They help

22、 you relax. Yoga? Maybe Ill call the community center. They might have some classes there. You know, another thing you can do is to take vitamins. You use up a lot of vitamins and you dont get them in your meals all the time. They wont help the stress, but they might help your body handle it better.

23、 You really should take vitamins every day. Yeah, I should get some. Thanks. How about going out with Rosa and me this Friday? Itll do you good. We could see a movie, make you forget your problems. Have a little fun.Mia : You know, youre right about all of this. Lets go somewhere Friday night, have

24、dinner, see a movie. Thatll be fun. Now youre talking! OK. See you Friday. Got to get back to work! Mia, youre hopeless, truly hopeless.B. Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words. 1. Friend: Ive got a million things to do. Im busy at work

25、. Im working on the house too, you know. Im trying to fix it up. I need to finish it before winter. Just lots of deadlines.2. Friend:A. F 1. Mia looks great.T 2. Mia has been under a lot of pressure probably because she finds it difficult to meet the deadlines. T 3. She is repairing her house hersel

26、f.T 4. Her friend believes exercise can help you relax.T 5. Her friend also believes that if you get regular exercise you will probably become a fitness nut.T 6. Mia has insomnia.T 7. Meditation and yoga are supposed to be good ways to deal with stress. F 8. Vitamins can also relieve stress.T 9. Mia will go out with her friend Friday evening.T 10. Mia is probably a workaholic.B. 1. Friend:Dialogue 2 ReflexologyA. Listen to two people talking about reflexology and complete the following chart. Woman: Did I tell you about the reflexology* class Im taking

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