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1、它能引导让步状语从句吗? 3. _ your students against or for the plan made by the teacher? A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Did against(反对)是动词吗?它可以用做谓语吗?此题的最佳答案是A吗? 4. A _ road goes _ from one place to another. A. straight, straightB. straightly, straightly C. straight, straightly D. straightly, straight straightly是straigh

2、t的副词形式吗?换句话说,修饰名词用straight,而修饰动词就用straightly吗? 本节搜集了同学们在词性用法上容易出错的一些典型例题,希望对你们的学习有所帮。 1. during可用做连词引导从句吗 _ he was in Japan, he visited many places. A. During B. Since C. While D. In 此题容易误选A,将介词during误用做连词。正确答案应为C。不过此题若改为如下形式,则应选介词during: his stay in Japan, he visited many places. A. During B. Since

3、 C. While D. In 但是下面一例要填while,而不能填during,因为其后接的已是一个介词短语,所以不 宜再用介词during,而用while,可将其视为省略句: _ at school, he wrote his first novel. 可视为 While (he was) at school, he wrote his first novel.之省略。 5. straightly 是 straight 的副词形式吗 A _ road goes _ from one place toanother. A. straight, straight B. straightly,

4、straightly 此题容易误选C,认为第一空是用于road前作定语,故用形容词straight(这是对的);第二空应填副词straightly,用以修饰动词goes (这就不对了)。在现代英语中,straight既可用做形容词,也可用做副词。straightly这个副词形式在现代英语中已被废弃,许多词典均不再收录此词。所以此题最佳答案应选A。 6. close可表示“关着的”吗 He fell down to the ground, his mouth _ and eyes _. A. open, close B. opened, closed C. opened, close D. op

5、en, closed 颂夂苋菀孜笱A,其实应选D。open和close均可用做动词,前者表示“开”,后者表示“关”,是一对反义词,如: Please open your mouth.请张开嘴。 Please close your mouth.请闭上嘴。 但是open和close也可用做形容词,此时前者意为“开着的”,后者意为“接近的”“亲近的”等,并不表示“关着的”,要表示“关着的”,英语用closed,即用做形容词时 ,open与close不是一对反义词,而与closed才是反义词。 7. suddenly可用做连词引导从句吗 I was about to go out _ the tele

6、phone rang. A. whenB. suddenlyC. as soon asD. directly 此题很容易误选B,因为从句意看,填入suddenly后刚好符合“我正要出去,电话铃突然响了”的语境。但从句法来分析,空白处前后各为一个句子,而suddenly是副词,显然不承担起连接两个句子的作用。此题最佳答案选A,when在此用做并列连词,意为“这时(突然)”。秩纾邯 We were about to start, when it rained.颐钦要开始,就下起雨来了。 She was walking down the road when she heard someone sho

7、uting for help.她正在路上走着,突然听见有人呼救。 8. afraid可用做动词吗 Dont_; no one will hurt you. A. afraid B. frighten C. fearD. nervous 此题应选C,其余三项均容易误选:选A不对,因为afraid是形容词,Dont应接动词原形,若填be afraid则也可以;选B不对,因为frighten虽为动词,但它为及物动词,其意不是“害怕”,而是“使(某人)害怕”,选它不仅意思不通,而且语法也不对(因为及物动词后缺宾语);选D也不对,因为nervous是形容词,不能紧跟在dont之后。 9. against

8、是介词还是动词 _ your students against or for the plan made by the teacher? A. Do B. Can C. AreD. Did 此题正确答案是C,但很容易误选A,主要是没有意识到其后的against是介词,而不是动词。注意:有些介词、形容词、副词等,具有动作意味,不要将其误认为是动词。如果你不能去,就让他代你去。 螅If you cant go, let him instead you. :If you cant go, let him go instead of you.t go, let him go instead. :ins

9、tead和instead of均含有“代替”、“取而代之”的意思,在汉语中含有动作意味,但它们却不是动词(instead是副词,instead of是介词)。 10. abroad是副词还是名词? Now some young people hope to _ for further education. A. go abroad B. go to abroad C. go to the abroadD. go the abroad 此题容易误选B或C,将abroad误认为是名词。其实abroad是副词,所以此题正确答案为A。又如: 当心,前面有危险。 误:Look out, there is

10、 danger in the ahead. 正:Look out, there is danger ahead. 析:ahead意为“在前面”,它是副词,而不是名词。 11.可用friendlily作为friendly的副词形式吗? He treated all the people around him,_he knew or he didnt know,_. A. if, friendly B. whether, friendly C. if, in a friendly way D. whether, in a friendly way 此题第一空应填whether,因为它与其后的or构

11、成whether . or .结构,表示“无论?还是?”,至于第二空,许多同学可能会误选friendly,认为它以ly结尾,应是副词,在此用做状语。而其实在现代英语中friendly只用做形容词,不用做副词。所以此题的最佳答案是D,而不是B。顺便说一句,下面以ly结尾的也是形容词,而不是副词:lonely(孤独的),costly(高价的,昂贵的),lively(有生气的,生动的),lovely(可爱的,美 丽的,愉快的),orderly (整齐的,守规则的)等。 He feels lonely among strangers.在陌生人中他感到孤寂。 We had a lovely weeken

12、d.我们度过了一个愉快的周末。 The car is too costly for me to buy.这汽车太贵了,我买不起。 He is a lively child and popular with everyone.他是个活泼的孩子,大家都喜他 12. lack可用做形容词吗? The boss praised the young man for his hard work, though he _ experience. A. is lack of B. is lacking in C. lacks ofD. is lacking of 此题答案选B,be lacking in是习语

13、,意为“缺乏”,其后通常接experience, frankness, courage等抽象名词。选A是错误的,因为lack可用做名词和动词,但不用做形容词;选C是错误的,因为lack用做动词时,它是及物动词,其后不用介词(注:用做名词的 lack后可接介词of);选D是错误的,因为没有be lacking of这个搭配。篇二:形容词和副词练习及答案 1. It was _ opportunity to miss. A. too good an B. a too good C. too a good D. too good 2. I dont like it at all. It cant b

14、e _. A. better B. worse C. best D. worst 3. There was nothing special about this film it was only _. A. particularB. average C. interesting D. strange 4. She looks very _ but I cant remember her name. A. similar B. familiar C. friendly D. strange 5. He said he would return the money, and I was _. A.

15、 fool enough to believe him B. enough fool to believe him C. fool enough believing him D. enough fool believing him 6. “This book is _ more useful for us students.” “Yes, but it is _ toodifficult.” A. quite, quite B. much, rather C. rather, quite D. quite, much 7. The children all looked _ at the br

16、oken model plane and felt quite _. A. sad, sadB. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 8. The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _ house in the forest. A. wooden pretty little B. little pretty wooden C. pretty little wooden D. wooden little pretty 9. He wanted to read more, so he asked his

17、 friends if there was _ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something 10. The doctor assured the patient that there was _ with her, but she could not help worrying. A. seriously wrong nothing B. nothing serious wrong C. nothing seriously

18、 wrong D. serious nothing wrong 11. How is your father? Hes fine. Hes_ to play tennis every Sunday. A. enough active still B. enough still active C. still active enough D. still enough active 12. Did you wash your new suit in hot water? Of course not. I am not _ foolish. A. very B. that C. very much

19、 D. too 13Which team is _ to win the game?I dont know, but Ive found _ for ours to win. A. probable; it unlikely B. likely; it possible C. possible; it possible D. likely; it possibly14. He didnt understand the _ question, so there was a _ expression on his face. A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzling; pu

20、zzlingC. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling 15. She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she cant eat _ in his restaurant. A. free, free B. free, freely C. freely, free D. freely, freely 16. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D.

21、closing 17. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _ passed the last exam. A. easily B. hardly C. actually D. successfully 18. We dont care if a hunting dog smells _, but we really dont want him to smell _. A. well, well B. bad, bad C. well, badly D. badly, bad 19. “

22、_ do you think of your English teacher?” “Oh, he is an _ man.” A. What, interesting B. What, interested C. How, interesting D. How, interested 20. The operation was successful, but I still felt _. A. very painful B. much painful C. a lot of pain D. very paining 21. “Our team is _ to win the match.”

23、“Really? But I dont think so.” A. easy B. difficult C. possible D. sure 22. I think he is _ to tell us the secret, but Im not sure. A. possible B. likely C. impossible D. certain 23. Lets make it at seven oclock on Tuesday morning at my office if _.A. youre convenient B. it is convenient for you C.

24、you feel convenient D. it is convenient with you 24. We were two hours late that day, which was due to the _. A. crowded traffic B. crowded traffics C. busy traffic D. busy traffics 25. Mary is very clever and _ worth teaching, but her brother is not. Look, he isnow _ asleep in class. A. very, very

25、B. much, very C. well, very D. well, fast 26. “Could I take your order now?” “Yes. One _ tea and two _ coffees.” A. black, whiteB. red, white C. black, greenD. red, black 27. Entering the house we found him lying on the bed with his mouth _ and eyes _. A. open, closeB. opened, closed C. opened, clos

26、e D. open, closed 28. A _ road goes _ from one place to another. A. straight, straightB. straightly, straightly C. straight, straightly D. straightly, straight 1. 我从未见过这样漂亮的画。_ 2. 那是个非常动人的故事。_ 3. Bob是两个男孩中较高的一个。_ 4. 今天不如昨天冷。_ 5. 他比汤姆年龄小。_ 将下列句子译成英语 语法填空 用所给词的适当形式填空 (tight,short,develop,culture,clear

27、,good,necessary,count,actual,age,like,common)While income worry is a 1 common problem of the aged,loneliness is another problem that parents may faceOf all the reasons that explain their loneliness,a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major oneThis phenomenon is “E

28、mpty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症) In order to seek 4 chances outside their countries,many young people have gone abroad,leaving their parents behind with no 5 idea of when they will return homeTheir parents spend lonely days and nights,taking care of themselves,in the hope that some day their children will

29、 come back to stay with themThe fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it that they will hold as value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countriesWhatever the case is,it has been noted that the values they hold do not doThis geographical andaged parents 1iving by themselv

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