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高考一轮北师版英语 第1部分 必修4 Unit 11 The MediaWord文件下载.docx

1、painful adj. 令人痛苦的,引起疼痛的23announce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 公布,宣告,声明24delight vt. 使愉快 n. 快乐delighted adj. 高兴的,愉快的delightful adj. 令人高兴的25analyse vt. 分析analysis n. 分析26employ vt. 雇用employer n. 雇主employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇用unemployment n. 失业(状态)27argument n. 争论;理由argue vi. 争论28respect vt. 尊敬,尊重respe

2、cted adj. 受人敬重的respectable adj. 值得敬重的respectful adj. 恭敬的,表示尊敬的29advertise vt. 为做广告;登广告advertisement n. 广告advertising n. 广告活动;广告业advertiser n. 广告人30suit v. 适合suitable adj. 合适的31contribution n. 贡献,捐助contribute v. 贡献,捐助32consideration n. (作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事consider vt. 考虑,打算considerate adj. 考虑周全的,体贴的.阅读单词要

3、识记33current adj. 当前的,现在的34agenda n. 议程35poverty n. 贫穷,穷困36committee n. 委员会37distinction n. 殊荣;物质;区别38innocent adj. 天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的39visually adv. 外表上;视觉地40astronomer n. 天文学家高频短语会默写1stand for 代表,支持2in favour of 赞同,支持3consist of 由组成4stand out 突出,显眼5as long as 只要6be made up of 由组成7be used to 习惯于8be linke

4、d with/to 与相关联9comment on 发表意见 把归功于11go ahead with 着手干,开始做12participate in 参与,参加13help out 帮忙做事;摆脱困境14in detail 详细地15come down to 结果是16look forward to 盼望,希望教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.(“of抽象

5、名词”相当于其对应的形容词。)1.对我们来说保护环境是非常重要的。It is of great importance for us to protect the environment.2.It is likely to be just the name of a company,part of which may be a general location.(be likely to do.“可能会做”。2.我认为他明天很可能会赢得这场比赛。I think he is likely to win the match tomorrow.3.However,not all advertising

6、 is about selling products and services for a profit.(not all表示部分否定。3.并非这里所有的人都喜欢和他相处。Not all the people here like to get along with him.4.According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by ch

7、ildren.(as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。4.只要你努力学习,你就会通过考试的。As long as you study hard,you will pass the exam. 【导学号:34802081】精讲7个考纲单词 demand vt.要求,请求;需要 n要求;需求(量),需要教材原句Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world.全世界的人们都要求变革。(1)demanding adj. 要求高的;需要技能的;苛求的;难满足的(2)be in (great) demand (迫切)需求o

8、n demand 一经需求meet/satisfy ones demands 满足某人的需求(3)demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要某物demand of sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事demand that.(should) do sth. 要求The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers demands.经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。The customer demanded a reasonable explanatio

9、n from/of the supermarket.那名顾客要求超市给一个合理的解释。名师点津sth. demand doing/to be done“某物需要被”。类似用法的词还有want,need,require等。The old city which has a long history demands protecting/to be protected in many ways.这座历史悠久的老城需要从多个方面加以保护。链接写作一句多译她要求他归还向她借的书。She demanded that he(should) return the book he borrowed from h

10、er.(that从句)She demanded of him to return the book he borrowed from her.(简单句) blame vt.责怪,归咎于 n过失,责备高考佳句I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers accident.(2016年全国丙卷完形填空)我经常梦到我应当为米勒的事故负责。(1)blame sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人blame sth. on sb. 把某事怪到某人头上be to blame (for.) 应承担()责任;该(因) 受责备(用主

11、动形式表示被动意义)(2)take the blame for. 对负责put/lay the blame for sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人身上I dont blame you for being angry.我不怪你生气。As far as the cause of the accident is concerned,I think,it is the driver of the lorry who should take the blame.对于事故的原因,我认为卡车司机应该负责。名师点津在be to blame (for)短语中,不定式用主动语态表示被动含义。链接写作句型

12、转换我们不应当把孩子们的错怪罪在他们身上。We shouldnt blame the children for the mistakes they have made.The children should not be to blame for the mistakes they have made.We shouldnt blame the mistakes the children have made on them. 34802082】 employ vt.雇用;聘请;使忙于;使从事于高考佳句Its standard practice for a company like this o

13、ne to employ a security officer.(2014年山东高考单项填空)对于像这样的一家公司而言,雇用一名保安是常规做法。(1)employer n 雇主employee n. 雇员;受雇者employment n. 职业;工作;使用(2)employ 雇用某人任employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事He has been employed in writing a new book these days.这些日子他一直忙于写一本新书。Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to

14、find employment (employ)毕业生感到找工作越来越难。 attempt vt.&n.尝试,试图教材原句But sometimes,the paparazzi go too far in their attempt to get the best photographs.但是有的时候,狗仔队为了获得最有卖点的照片做得很过分。(1)attempt to do sth. 试图做某事(2)in an attempt to do sth. 为了做某事make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 企图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试F

15、or years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children.多年来,研究人员试图证明,电视对孩子是很危险的。We made an attempt to leave (leave) for camping,but were stopped by our teacher.我们想去野营但被我们的老师拦住了。He was as proud as a peacock when he passed his driving test at the first attempt.他在第一次尝试中通过驾驶

16、测试时得意洋洋。我试图说服她,但是徒劳无果。I attempted to persuade him,but in vain.(attempt v)I made an attempt to persuade him,but in vain.(attempt n) pretend vt.假装;装作教材原句Pretending to be a repair man to get into the house of a film star and take pictures of her daily life.装扮成一个维修工人进入一个电影明星的家并偷拍她的日常生活照。pretendIt is sha

17、meful that some men pretend to be rich on matchmaking websites in order to find a beautiful Miss Right.有些男人为了找到漂亮的另一半而在相亲网站上假装富有,这是很可耻的。Jacy pretended to have known (know) everything about it and said nothing.杰西假装已了解了一切,一句话也没说。I had been lying to myself,pretending (pretend) that everything was fine.

18、我一直对自己撒谎,假装一切顺利。 approach vt.&vi.接近;靠近;找商量 n接近;方法;途径;步骤;通道高考佳句They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table.(2016年全国丙卷阅读理解)他们在东区一个舒适的咖啡店坐下来,不到几分钟,另一个客人就向他们的桌子走来。(1)approach sb. on/about sth. 就某事与某人洽谈(商量、交涉)be approaching 快到了(2)at the

19、 approach of 在快到的时候make approaches to sb. 设法接近某人approach to doing sth. 做某事的方法As the Qixi Festival is approaching,many shops in Jinan are selling Valentines Day items to satisfy the needs of young lovers.随着七夕节的临近,济南许多商店出售情人节物品以满足年轻情侣的需求。Im not very good at making an approach to strangers.我不善于和陌生人打交道。

20、She approached the bank for a loan in order to buy a new house.为了买一所新房子她向银行申请贷款。 【导学号:34802083】 conclude vt.做出结论;结束;结束时说教材原句Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults,and those meant for children.利兹大学得出结论说,人们辨别得出成人影片中的脏话和儿童影片中脏话的区别。(1

21、)conclusion n 结论draw a conclusion 得出结论(2)conclude from sth. that. 从中得出/推断出conclude sth. with sth. 以结束to conclude 总而言之,最后to be concluded (连载的文章)下期(次)登完To conclude,it was a great success.总之,这是很大的成功。Or even more to the point,conclude your speech with “Thanks for your time.”或者更简洁恰当的是,用“谢谢你的聆听”来结束你的演讲。We

22、 can draw a conclusion (conclude) that protecting nature is protecting ourselves.我们可以得出结论:保护自然就是保护我们自己。诠释3个核心短语 consist of由组成;由构成教材原句Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are.有些广告中含有一些图片或专家说的话,告诉人们该产品如何好。(1)consistent adj. 相容的;一致的be cons

23、istent with 和一致/相符(2)consist inlie in 存在于;在于consist with 一致;符合(3) 由组成The medical team made up of/consisting of/composed of five experienced doctors and ten skilled nurses will be sent to the earthquakehit areas.由五名有经验的医生和十名熟练的护士组成的医疗队将被派往地震灾区。Success consists in the ability to continue efforts throu

24、gh failures.成功在于经历失败而继续努力的能力。The results are entirely consistent (consist) with our earlier research.这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。名师点津consist of一般不用于进行时态和被动时态。 stand out突出,显眼教材原句Modern advertisements must stand out in a world full of competition by combining the highest standards of design with ideas linked t

25、o the products to make them more attractive.现代的广告必须把最高水平的设计和产品理念相结合,以增强吸引力,这样才能在激烈的竞争中胜出。stand for 代表;象征;主张stand by 袖手旁观;支持(某人);遵守stand up for 为站起来说话,拥护,维护We stand for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute.我们一贯主张和平解决这一国际争端。As a matter of conscience,he doesnt feel that he can stand up fo

26、r the president any longer.凭良心讲,他认为他无法再支持总统了。 as long as与一样长,只要高考佳句As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.(2016年全国乙卷阅读七选五)只要有密码存在,人们就一直试图破译它们。(1)表示“长达之久”。(2)表示“只要”,相当于“on condition that,provided that或者if”。(3)表示“既然”。As long as there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。ll accep

27、t any job as long as I dont have to get up early.只要不早起,任何工作我都能接受。As long as we have driven that far,we might as well go on.既然我们已经驶得这么远了,不妨继续前行。突破2个高考句型 (教材P22)AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.艾滋病是另一个深受关注的问题,所以性教育和保健管理非常重

28、要。句中of great concern是“ofn.”结构,表示“深受关注的”。“ofn.”结构在句中常作表语、定语或宾语补足语,说明事物的性质或状态,通常用在正式场合或书面语中,其用法如下:(1)of(great,no,little,some,much)抽象名词(value,importance,use,help,interest,significance,benefit,necessity等)(2)of(different,the same,similar)分类名词(kind,type,sort,shape,size,colour,length,depth,width,weight,height,age,date等)(3)of(good,bad,nice,fine,serious,high等)性质名词(quality,character,characteristics,feature等)Mr Johnson,a great stamp collector,has owned stamps of many different kinds and sizes.约翰逊先生,一位了不起的邮票收藏家,手里有许多不同种类和尺寸的邮票。The economics of national growth are of the greatest importa

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