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高考英语一轮选修8 Unit 1单元训练附答案人教版Word文档格式.docx

1、10The _ (disver)that her husband as unfaithful t her as a shing aaening答案1refring2urred3perentage4have been hirediigratin6raial7indiating 8eventuall9natinalit10disver二、完形填空阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。rs Ball had a sn His nae as i She _1_ hi ver uh and as he as nt a _2 _ hild, she as alas

2、_3_ that he ight be ill, _4_ she used t tae hi t see the best _ in the tn fur ties a ear t be led _6_During ne f these _7_, the dtr gave i all inds f tests and then said t hi, “Have u had an _8_ ith ur nse r ears reentl?” i _9_ fr a send and then ansered, “es, I _10_”rs Ball as ver _11_ “But I sure

3、u have _12_ tld e that, i!” She said rriedl “h, reall?” Said the dtr _13_ “And hat truble have u ith ur nse and ears, b?” “ell,” ansered i, “I alas have truble ith the hen I _14_ seater ff, beause the _1_ is ver tight”名师点评深爱儿子的鲍尔夫人一直为儿子的健康忧虑,常带他去医院看病,甚至被儿子脱毛衣引起眼睛和鼻子的不适而虚惊一场。(A)1 A lved B hated issed

4、 D ared【解析】A。根据下鲍尔夫人常带儿子去看病可见她非常爱儿子,故选择lved。()2 A rihB lever strngD happ【解析】。鲍尔夫人担心儿子会有病,常带他医院,说明Ni没有强壮的体魄,故选择Strng。(A)3 A afraidB surprised gladD sure上讲到鲍尔夫人爱儿子,那么儿子的健康状况应让做妈妈的担心才对,而不是惊奇或快乐,故选择afraid。(D)4 A hihB fr butD s【解析】D。两分句从意思上看,应为因果关系,因此应用s引导这个结果状语从句。() A plaerB teaher dtrD laer生病了当然是去看医生,再

5、根据下意思,应选择dtr。(B)6 A rundB ver frD after【解析】B。l ver为固定词组,意为“检查”。(B)7 A talsB ears visitsD stas上提到一年要去医院检查四次,下将要讲到其中一年里发生的一事情,故选ears从而形成对应。(D)8 A anserB thing rdD trublehave truble ith sth 意为“在某方面有麻烦”为一习惯用语。(B)9 A aitedB thught stdD led医生问了一个问题,他要作出回答,因此得思考一会儿,故选择thught。()10 A didB ill haveD d医生的问题用了现

6、在完成时态,对之作出的回答也应用现在完成时,即:es,I have。(D)11 A exitedB interested pleasedD surprised深爱儿子的妈妈第一次听说儿子鼻子、眼睛有问题应感到惊讶,故选择surprised。()12 A alreadB ust neverD alas妈妈感到惊讶是因为她从未听儿子提到过这回事,故应选never。(B)13 A angrilB seriusl happilD arefull医生对自己经常检查的病人,出现新的病情应作为严肃的事情处理,故应选seriusl。(B)14 A turningB taing eepingD puttingt

7、ae a seater ff意为“脱去毛线衣”。(A)1 A llarB nse uthD ear穿毛衣时衣领子挤压眼、鼻引起疼痛,故应选llar。三、阅读理解A段阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。India has a ver vast histr and heritage(遗产) The untr has itnessed se f the st iprtant events in the past and ever event has an effet f its n n the ulture, religin, lifestle, and en f the

8、 untr This is ne f the leading reasns h turists prefer India t travel and explre Histrial turs in India prvide everthing that a traveler expets fr his/her urne These histrial turs give an pprtunit t stud and explre Indian histrHistrial turs f India generall nsisted f fur phases: anient, edieval(中世纪的

9、), dern India and nteprar(当代的)India Se f the histrial travel paages are:Frts and PalaesThe rih ultural past f India is refleted in the untless frts(堡垒)and palaes arss the untr st f the frts ere nstruted as a defense devie t eep the ene aa and palaes ere ade n the naes f the ings and queens Se f the

10、faus frts and palaes are: Agra Frt (Agra), Fatehpur Siri (Agra), Haa ahal (aipur), Aber Frt (aipur), it Palae (aipur), Galir Frt (Galir), sre Palae (sre), Red Frt (Delhi), etIndia Heritage TursThe ain purpse f India Heritage turs is t ae Indians as ell as turists failiar ith the rih Indian lega(遗产)

11、The heritage f the untr is at least 000 ears Se f the heritage turs are: edieval heritage, Raput heritage, Glden Triangle, splendid Guarat, etSuth India Histrial TursThe Suthern India is nn fr its diversit and there are an plaes, hi(景区) in Suth India inlude Ga, hin, erala, unnar, Periar, ttaa and th

12、e list ges n and n1The ain purpse f this passage is A t reprt se iprtant events in the histr f IndiaB t intrdue se turs that an explre the histr f India t help stud the ulture and histr f IndiaD t tell us h t explre the histr f India2an turists prefer t travel t and explre beause A dern India has li

13、ttle t studB Indian peple have an interesting lifestle its ulture is greatl influened b its histrD Indias histr is lnger than that f an ther untr3st frts ere built in rder t A hnr the ings B at as a palae fr queens eep eneies aa D attrat turists4Arding t the passage, Raput heritage A is a faus frt i

14、n IndiaB is ne f the heritages in India has a histr f n re than 200 earsD lies in Suth India试题分析:主要向读者介绍了印度历史化之旅。印度有着丰富的历史化遗产,过去发生的事对印度的化、宗教、生活方式和经济都有着很深远的影响。1写作意图题。根据第一段“These histrial turs give an pprtunit t stud and explre Indian histr”和第二段“Se f the histrial travel paages are:”可知,主要介绍了一些与印度的历史有关的

15、旅游项目,故选B。2细节理解题。根据第一段“ever event has an effet f its n n the ulture, religin, lifestle, and en f the untr This is ne f the leading reasns h turists prefer India t travel and explre”可知,过去发生的事对印度的化、宗教、生活方式和经济等产生了影响,这是人们喜欢到印度旅游的主要原因,故选。3细节理解题。根据第三段“st f the frts ere nstruted as a defense devie t eep the

16、 ene aa”可知,建造碉堡的目的是为了抵御敌人入侵,故选。4细节理解题。倒数第二段主要介绍的是印度的化遗产,Raput heritage是遗产之一,而不是碉堡,排除A;根据“The heritage f the untr is at least 000 ears”排除;倒数第二段未提到印度南部,排除D;根据倒数第二段“Se f the heritage turs are: edieval heritage, Raput heritage, Glden Triangle”可知,Raput heritage是印度化遗产游中的一个旅游项目,故选B。考点:广告类短阅读B段【2016高考训练题】阅读

17、下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、D)中,选出最佳选项。 Se sa llege is asted n the ung S an f us l ba at ur n llege ears and realize hat e uld have dne differentl t ae the st f the hile e ant g ba, e ertainl an ffer ur sns and daughters ur best advie t help the ae the right hies in llege Hpefull, the ill have feer regrets t

18、han e d Flling are five guidelines parents an share ith their llege-bund ids t put the hle experiene in perspetiveEDUATIN IS UR FIRST PRIRIT As sn as u arrive n apus, there ill be peting interests Feel free t he the ut but alas reeber that u are there first and frest fr ur eduatin G t lass prepared

19、and n tie Be engaged during lass ae sure ur prfessr ns u and realizes that u areBE RESPNSIBLE There are an laers f respnsibilit D hat u sa u ill d and, if u ant, n up t it earl and uniate learl But being respnsible isnt ust abut eeting ur itents; it is als abut taing are f u, ur bd, and ur friends F

20、r exaple, re than 1800 llege students die annuall fr alhl-related inuries L ut fr urself and ther peple ae derate(适度的), sensible deisins s u arent affeted b the nsequenes laterTAE THE PPRTUNIT Inredible pprtunities ill present theselves: studing abrad, interning at a unique plae, tring ne things Dnt

21、 let fear prevent u fr taing advantage f the There a never be s uh tie r as an resures devted t ur betterent again in ur life Sa es t pprtunities that ill help u grFIND AND BE A ENTR(良师益友) Se f the best lessns available t us an e utside f the lassr in the fr f a entr ne f the st perful grth pprtunit

22、ies is being a entr Earl n, find sene n apus h u feel an help u gr and develp a relatinship ith hi r her Als find sene fr u t entr u ill reinfre and enrih ur n learning experiene b teahing sene elseGET THE B DNE It is natural t asinall feel u ant t quit, hen it aes re sense t u t g find a full-tie b

23、 Resist that urge As eln Negrn-Ris, a ther f t, h is urrentl pleting her degree, advises, “N atter h diffiult it sees, eep at it beause hever insuruntable(难以对付的)it feels n ultipl that b 10,000 and that is h it feels hen u are in ur thirties ith a full-tie b and a fail and are tring t pursue a degree

24、”1 Arding t the passage, the st iprtant thing fr llege students is _ A taing part in different ativities B ring hard t get a degree seizing ever hane t tr ne things D iprving theselves b learning fr the thers2 hih f the flling abut llege life is true? A Passing n hat uve learned in llege an help u e

25、nrih ur learning experiene B ae sure that u are respnsible fr urself rather than thers Prfessrs ill nt assess ur perfranes in lass but the grades u get in exas D u an ae full use f the pprtunit henever u ant 3 hat an e infer fr the rds said b eln in the last paragraph? A Persistene is the e t suess

26、hen u eet ith diffiulties in ur learning press B It is better if u gain re ring experiene befre u finish ur eduatin As lng as u r hard, u an gain a degree even hen u are in ur thirties D uth is the best tie t learn sine u have less burden4 hat is the ain purpse f the passage? A T give se rules fr th

27、e llege students B T all n the students t ae full use f llege ears T suarize se tips fr parents t share ith their hildren D T analze the benefits and diffiulties f llege life参考答案、BAD 四、七选五(201•东北师大附中二模)ur hildren are athing u _1_ Arding t the Health Prgra, develping health habits is an iprtant

28、 part fr ur hildren And hen it es t develping health habits, parents influene their hildren re than anne else_2_ hat happens during thse earl ears an influene hildren fr the rest f their lives This inludes se eating and exerise habits hildren are ver areful, even at a ung age hildren ath hat thers d

29、 arefull and iitate the behavirs f thse lsest t the As parents, u shuld d the flling: _3_ If u d that, ur hildren are re liel t be enthusiasti abut develping theirsLet ur hildren see u taing are f ur n phsial health b eating fruits and vegetables Tal t the abut health habits in apprpriate ters and at a prper tie _4_ puters, televisins and ther frs f tehnlg are a ar part f life in the 21st entur Unfrtunatel, as the use f tehnlg in the he inreas

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