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高中英语会考真题 模拟训练试题含答案解析Word文件下载.docx

1、3.Whats mainly discussed in the text?A.Dont judge something B.Autumn is the harvest season in a year.C.Never give up until you get success D.Spring is the best time to do the years workBAmerican teenagers are driving less than ever before.Surveys of American teenagers show that American young people

2、 prefer chatting with their fiends online or playing games on the Internet to driving around in their cars.For teenagers in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century,they had to have a car at an early age to show they were cool.Today, many teenagers have to choose between a car and the latest smart phones

3、.With gas prices going up ,car driving is becoming more expensive.For almost half of the people between 18 and 26,surfing the Internet is more important than owning a car. Young adults today meet their friends just through Facebook and chat , swap photos and play games together.The golden age of the

4、 50s and 60s of the 20th century when teenagers drove around just for fun is gone . In those days a shiny new car was something to boast about . It shower who you were . In those days a shiny new car was something to boast about . It showed who you were . In 1978 about half of all 16-year-olds got t

5、heir drivers licenses(驾驶执照)as soon as they had reached that age . In 2010 the figure dropped to only30%.Today driving is not as much fun as it was in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. In the golden age car meant everything for young people . Another reason why teenagers drive less may be stricter

6、 driving tests and the fact that 16-year-olds must drive with experienced drivers over 21 .A study also shows that Americans of all ages have reduced car use , mostly because high gas prices.4.Why did teenagers in the 50s and 60s have to buy a car?A.To go traveling with their families . B.To play ga

7、mes with their friend .C.To have more talks with their friends D.To become cool and enjoy themselves.5.What make todays American car sales fall down according to the last paragraph?A.High gas prices B.Strict driving tests C.Heavy traffic D.Lack of fashion styles6.The text is organized by comparing t

8、he different needs between American teenagers in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century and .A.American teenagers in 1978 B.16-year-olds in Asia C.todays teenagers in America D.middle-aged AsianCMarco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. When he was 17 years old, he traveled across Europe and Asia with his

9、father , who wanted to do trade with the Chinese . Eventually , they arrived in Beijing .Atthattime,ChinawasruledbytheYuanDynastyEmperor,KublaiKhan. KhanwelcomedMarcoandhisfather.HeveryhappytomeettwoforeignerswantedlearnallaboutEurope.fatherwereguestsatEmperorsPalace.Althoughyoung,heclevercouldalrea

10、dyspeakfourlanguages.TheEmperorimpressedhimtheybecamefriends.Heaskedserveincourtsentdomanyimportanttasksacrosscountry.In1291,after17yearsofservicereturnedItaly.nowawealthyman.Notlongreturn ,localwarbrokeoutneartown.Duringwar,captainwarshipbutcaughtenemyputintoprison.However,luckyenoughanotherprisone

11、rwhoenjoyedlisteningtostoriesChina.anauthortookdictationwhiletoldhim.thenwrotebookcalledDescriptiontheworld,whichonebest-sellingbookspeoplereadingbook,themthoughtMarcosstoriestoofantasticbetrue.Butalwaysstoodtales.Justbeforewhenquestion,“Wasittrue?”,replied,“IhaveonlyhalfwhatIsaw!”7.How long did Mar

12、co polo serve the Emperor?A.34 years B.17 years C.27 years D.37 years8.Who wrote the stories in a book named The Description of the World?A.Marco polo B.Kublai Khan C.A prisoner D.A captain9.What did people think of Marcos stories at first?A.Old and outdated B.Enjoyable but horrible C.Long and borin

13、g D.Interesting but unbelievable10.The genre(体裁) of the text belongs to a(n) A.story B.advertisement C.drama report 第二节、七选五 (共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多项选项。If you want to lead a healthy life ,you should take care of your body and manage choices in our life. 11 Drink

14、 proper water Water is very essential for our body to function. It is much needed in our body as it carries out our body functions: removes waste and carries nutrients and oxygen around our body. We should take appropriate water every day . 12 Eat kinds of fruit Healthy eating is a must to have a he

15、althy lifestyle. Eating fruit benefits our body with vitamins and materials. 13 In order to lead a healthy life , one must eat fruit every day.Regular exercise 14 Exercising increases the life span, lowers the risk of diseases and help in weight loss. Increase of physical activity will lead us to a

16、healthy life.Enough sleep Sleep is a must for our body for a healthy life as our body needs rest after a day of hard work . If you dont get enough sleep , you may tend to eat more . You many also face earlier aging and dark circles beneath your eyes. So try to avoid these problems, please get enough

17、 sleep.Quit smoking to cut down unhealthy risks Smoking is not good for health , as it may lead to lung cancer , a heart attack and so on Health risks cannot be decreased even by smoking light cigarettes. 15 .A.Above all , get close to nature .B.To enjoy a healthy life , quit smoking .C.Here are a f

18、ew tips to lead a healthy life .D.Having a balanced diet is good for our health.E.Drinking more water helps in losing weight ,too .F.Exercising daily brings great benefits to our body .G.For example , oranges give more benefits than vitamin C pills.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分60分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读

19、下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There was once a lonely girl who longed(渴求) so much for love . One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving birds . She took them home and put them in a small 16 .She cared them with love and the birds 17 . Every morning the

20、y greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great 18 for the birds.One day the girl left the cage door open . The larger and stronger of the two birds 19 from the cage. The girl was so 20 that he would fly away . As 21 flew close , she grasped him wildly . He heart felt glad at her success in

21、 22 him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp(无力的). She opened 23 and stared in horror at the dead bird . Her desperate lovehad killed him.She notice the other bird 24 back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for 25 .He needed to soar into the clear, blue sky . She lifted

22、him from the cage lightly and 26 threw him into the air . The bird circled once , twice , three timeThe girl watched happily at the birds enjoyment . He heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be free 27 happy . However, the bird flew 28 and landed softly on her shoulder.

23、 It sang the sweetest melody that she had ever 29 .The fastest way to lose love is to hold on to it too tight ; the best way to 30 is to give it WINGS!16.A.basket C.cage D.garden17.A.grew strong B.became quiet C.grew weak D.became small18.A.anger C.pity D.sorrow19.A.fell down B.walked C

24、.jumped out D.flew20.A.moved B.frightened C.encouraged D.excited21.A.the smaller B.he C.the other D.she 22.A.feeding B.killing C.touching D.catching23.A.her hand B.the door C.her eyes D.the cage24.A.moving B.acting C.drinking C.freedom D.rest26.A.coldly B.wildly C.angrily D.softly27.A.and B.but C.or D.so28.A.farther B.about C.closer D.away29.A.cared B.found C.watched D.heard30.A.stop love B.keep love C.believe D.refuse love第卷第二部分、英语知识

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