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版高考英语浙江版复习检测专题三 完形填空模拟检测一 记叙文一 含答案Word下载.docx

1、d never seen _13_ like that,” said Eduardo.“My glasses _14_ turned black.” Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door, but Cody didnt _15_.Eduardo made his way back downstairs.At the same time, Marcos saw Yim and Suzanne took a _16_ out of the garage.Cody was _17_ at the window.Marcos seized it, posit

2、ioned it near the _18_, climbed toward the boy and got Cody out.The day after the fire, Alex _19_ Marcos.“Thank you for saving my son,” Alex said.“You are his _20_ forever.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。邻居家着火后,15岁的Marcos勇敢地救出了被困的8岁的孩子Cody。1A.journalist BteacherCwriter Dlawyer解析:选B根据第4空前的“He headed back inside to pr

3、epare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo是一位老师。2A.outside BupstairsCagain Dinstead选A根据该空后的“found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family”可知,叫喊声是从外面传来的。3A.attractive BcommonCpuzzling Dwrong选D根据该空后的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo认为外边没什么事。4A.or BforCbut Dso选CMarco

4、s的动作与父亲的动作构成转折,故用but。5A.under repair Bin sightCon sale Don fire选D根据第11空前的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,那所房子着火了。6A.waved BpointedCrushed Drode选C从上句情况得出,看到邻居的房子着火了,Marcos光着脚冲向了那儿。 BhelpCadvice Dfreedom选B发生了火灾,那些人在那儿呼救。8A.coughing BsingingCthinking Dsmiling选A根据第11空前的“thick smoke and great he

5、at”可知,Alex Ma咳嗽着从楼梯上跑下来。9A.everyone BanyoneChe Dit选B根据第8空前Marcos和爸爸看到了Alex Ma从楼梯上跑下来可知,Eduardo问楼上是否还有人。10A.managed BdecidedCcontinued Dstopped选AAlex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽,所以他说话很困难。11A.guided BpulledCforced Dpressed选C根据本空前的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,他上了楼梯,但是浓烟和热浪迫使他在地上爬行。12A.hidden BcaughtCenjoyed Dlocked选D根

6、据第15空前的“Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door”可知,Cody把自己反锁在了屋子里。13A.behaviour BsilenceCsmoke Ddamage选C根据第14空后的“turned black”可知,Eduardo说他从来没有见过这么浓的烟。14A.frequently BfinallyCusually Dimmediately选D由上文的火势判断,火很大,烟很浓,他的眼镜一下子就被熏黑了。15A.struggle BrespondCagree Dappear选B根据“Eduardo made his way back downsta

7、irs.”可知,他撞门,但Cody没有反应。16A.ladder BchairCbike Dbox选A根据18空前后的一系列动作可知,Yim和Suzanne从车库中拿出了一把梯子。17A.playing BwalkingCscreaming Dhesitating选CEduardo撞门时,Cody没有反应,由此可知,Cody正在窗户那儿大声呼救。18A.tree BgarageCdoor Dwindow选D上句中的window有提示。Marcos一把抓过梯子,把它靠在窗户那儿,然后爬了上去。19A.visited BencouragedCrecognized Dmissed选AMarcos家和

8、Alex家是邻居,所以第二天,Alex去拜访了Marcos并表达了谢意。20A.leader BheroCfriend Dfan选B根据上文Marcos勇救Cody可知,Marcos将永远是Cody心中的英雄。B浙江瑞安四校联考)Jim entered my firstgrade classroom in August.He could not speak in sentences, did not know the _1_, could not write, and appeared misplaced in a grade level too advanced for his _2_.Af

9、ter classroom placement testing, Jim and I began with _3_ to write his name, then playing kindergarten alphabet games.I had taught in a kindergarten previously for 13 years.Being a(n)_4_ teacher, I knew where I needed to _5_.His seating in the class was right at the end of my finger.Everything we di

10、d in the whole class, he did with me _6_.Then around Christmas, Jim _7_ a role model in the class Jack, the _8_ boy I had in the class.Jack also took an interest in him._9_, Jims seating changed, next to Jack.Jack became his playmate.When we did classroom tasks, Jack _10_ Jim.In March, I was _11_ to

11、 receive a student teacher.With her help, I became a tutor to Jim, and to my surprise, he began to read.He _12_ 10 words, and could read books with those words.Then he began to _13_ those words.While everyone else was learning about kilometers in math, Jim and I worked on _14_ shoes.He did not even

12、know how to cross the strings.May arrived.It was time for _15_.Jim could not read firstgrade words, _16_ he could read 17 preprimary words.He read them with only 3 _17_.In addition to this, he _18_ to write numbers 1 to 100.The president called him “a little _19_ story”Jim has been a(n) _20_ to us.A

13、nd now he talks, nonstop, fluently in sentences.班上一名叫吉姆的学生有学习障碍,但是在作者和同学杰克及其他人的帮助下,他取得了明显的进步。1A.alphabet BclassroomCteacher Dchange选A根据本空前后的“could not speak”和“could not write”可知,他认读有障碍,说不出整句子,认不全字母表,更不会写。2A.memories BneedsCgoals Dgrades选B根据本空前的“misplaced in a grade level”可知,对于他来说,似乎显得目前的年级水平对他的需求来说太

14、高了。3A.liking BcontinuingCpromising Dlearning选D根据本空前的“testing”以及作者是一位老师可知,入门测试过后,作者开始教他学习写自己的名字。4A.important BstrictCexperienced Dambitious选C根据本空前一句可知,作者是一名有经验的老师。5A.write BwatchCpractice Dstart选D作者是一名有经验的老师,所以知道从何处开始。6A.gratefully BnervouslyCseparately Dsecretly选C根据上文他的学习状况可知,班上同学一起做的事情,他都得单独和“我”做。7

15、A.provided BfoundCused Dshowed选B根据本空后内容可知,吉姆在班上发现了一个榜样。8A.cleverest BtallestCluckiest Dhappiest选A根据本空前的“role model”和吉姆的情况可知,杰克是班上最聪明的孩子。9A.Evidently BEventuallyCHonestly DSuddenly选B根据上句杰克也乐意帮他可知,最终,吉姆的座位换到了杰克旁边。eventually “终于,最后”。10A.helped BinvitedCtrained Dtrusted选A根据上句中的“playmate”可知,他们成了合作伙伴,并且在做

16、任务时,杰克也会去帮吉姆。11A.proud BsurprisedCsure Dfortunate选D根据下句中的“With her help”可知,作者非常幸运地有了一位实习老师的帮助。12A.discovered BstressedCcreated Drecognized选D根据上句中的“to my surprise, he began to read”可知,吉姆竟然认识了10个单词。 BspellCforget Dtranslate选B根据“Then”及作者教吉姆字母表可知,吉姆认识单词后,开始拼写单词。14A.repairing BshiningCtying Dwash

17、ing选C根据本空后一句可知,作者教吉姆系鞋带。15A.examination BcompetitionCperformance Dspeech选A根据本空后内容可知,是考试的时间了。16A.but BandCor Dfor选A根据本空前后内容可知,他不会读一年级的单词,但是他能读17个学前班的单词。17A.steps BmistakesCdifferences Dskips选B根据下文可知,吉姆取得了很大的进步,所以他读这些单词时只出现了3处错误。18A.chose BwantedCremembered Dmanaged选D根据吉姆的进步可知,他能成功地写出数字1至100。19A.word

18、BlifeCsuccess Dlove选C根据吉姆的进步可知,校长说这是一个成功故事。20A.hero BlossCinspiration Dpuzzle选C从上文他取得的进步判断,他的学习过程让大家深受鼓舞。C绍兴市高三一模)A storm was coming, but Alex was too busy fixing her leg bandage to notice it.She said to herself, “Great.I _1_ myself the week before Cross Country Running tryouts (选拔赛)I am so _2_.Why

19、did I think running through the forest would be a good idea in the first place?”After _3_, Alex went to the kitchen and poured herself some lemonade.She opened the door to her _4_ and sat down outside.“Every year, I work so hard and yet, I always _5_,” Alex said.“Last year, I was one spot away from

20、Varsity (校队)The previous _6_, I handed in my medical forms late .”Suddenly there was a flash of _7_.Sounds like its going to be a thunderstorm, Alex thought and _8_ to head inside.She tried to _9_ the door, only to find that she had locked herself out._10_, Alex shook the door handle _11_ back and f

21、orth.As she took a quick step backwards, she lost her _12_ and fell down.“Why me?” she yelled.“Why did this all happen to me?” Once Alex _13_ to pull herself up, she sat silently on the staircase.As rapidly as the rain poured from the sky, so did the _14_ stream down Alexs face.Alone and wet, Alex w

22、ept until all the _15_ and wetness of the day washed away.Finally, when she _16_ crying, she looked up at a suddenly _17_ image of her backyard.The air felt light and the sun shone through the clouds._18_ her leg still felt stiff, Alex tore off the _19_ and stood up.“I will take part in the Cross Co

23、untry this year and I will make Varsity,” Alex _20_ with a breath of inspiration, “Nothing will stop me.”亚历克斯在越野赛跑选拔赛前一周受伤,心里非常苦闷。碰巧她又在一场暴风雨中把自己锁在了门外,不禁痛哭起来。暴风雨过后,看着明亮的后院,亚历克斯的心情也好了起来并决定重振旗鼓。1A.blame BinjureCenjoy Dhelp选B根据本段开头的“bandage (绷带)”可推测,亚历克斯“受伤(injure)”了。2A.stupid BweakCsmall Dlazy选A根据下一句内容

24、可知,亚历克斯很后悔在森林里跑步,认为自己太“傻(stupid)”了。3A.resting BrunningCapologizing Dcomplaining选D根据上段内容不难看出,亚历克斯在“抱怨(complaining)”。4A.bedroom BgardenCbasement Dbackyard选D第三段中的“she looked up at a suddenly _17_ image of her backyard”提示了本题答案。5A.regret BmissCfail Descape选C根据本空前的“yet”和本空后的“I was one spot away from Varsi

25、ty (校队) .I handed in my medical forms late .”可知,虽然亚历克斯努力训练,但却总是“失败(fail)”。6A.year BmonthCweek Dday选A根据本段中的“Every year” “Last year”可知,这里指前一“年(year)”。7A.inspiration BlightningCwhite Dloneliness选B根据下句中的“thunderstorm (雷暴)”可知,突然有一道“闪电(lightning)”。8A.looked up Bcleared upCgot up Dstayed up选C根据上段中的“sat dow

26、n outside”可知,这里指亚历克斯“起来(got up)”向里走。9A.close BrepairCopen Dchange选C根据空后的“only to find that she had locked herself out”可知,亚历克斯试着“开(open)”门,却发现自己被锁门外了,因此感到很“沮丧 (Frustrated)”。10A.Afraid BFrustratedCConfused DAshamed选B参见上题解析。11A.violently BnaturallyCeventually Ddirectly选A为了开门,亚历克斯“用力地(violently)”前后晃门把手。12A.breath BbalanceChead Dheart选B根据本空后的“fell down”可知,亚历克斯失去“平衡(balance)”摔倒了。13A.hoped BdecidedCmanaged Dag

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