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1、judge判断letter字母stand for代表formula公式 竖式tall 高(9 meters tall)sides of 1边长为1width 宽度surface 表面the same as 和一样shorter side 短边 the longest side 最长边highest largest shortest lower than before smallest value 最小值 largest value 最大值the rate of 率(the rate of profit 利润率)instead of 取代work out 解出get together 组合no

2、less than 不超过a line of 5 每行5个left 剩余rule 规律in uniform motion 匀速relationship 关系overlapped area 重叠面积speed速度(the speed of)times 倍equation 方程式possibility 可能性convertAtoB把A变成Bdivide into 分成distance 距离equal 相等consistency 浓度(consistency of)the area of 的面积shaded region 阴影面积work efficiency 工作效率形状:trianle三角形cu

3、be 正方体 立方体square 正方形rectargle 长方形cylinder 圆柱体quadrilateral 四边形rectangle 矩形rhomb, rhombus 菱形ellipse 椭圆sphere 球体cone 锥体pyramid 棱锥prism 棱柱volume体积分类总结:1. 有关数运算add,plus 加 subtract 减 difference 差 multiply, times 乘 product 积 divide 除 sum 和(sums of) 2. 有关分数和小数 proper fraction 真分数 improper fraction 假分数 mixe

4、d number 带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction 普通分数 simple fraction 简分数 complex fraction 繁分数 numerator 分子 denominator 分母 (least) common denominator (最小)公分母 quarter 四分之一 3. 有关数论 natural number 自然数 positive number 正数 negative number 负数 odd integer, odd number 奇数 even integer, even number 偶数 integer, who

5、le number 整数 positive whole number 正整数 negative whole number 负整数 consecutive number 连续整数 real number, rational number 实数,有理数 irrational(number) 无理数 inverse 倒数 composite number 合数 e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15 prime number 质数 e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15 注意:所有的质数(2除外)都是奇数,但奇数不一定是质数 reciprocal 倒数 common divisor 公

6、约数 multiple 倍数 (least)common multiple (最小)公倍数tens 十位 units 个位 4.几何部分 所有的角:(1)interior angle 内角 exterior angle 外角acute angle 锐角 obtuse angle 钝角 right angle 直角(2)所有的三角形 equilateral triangle 等边三角形 scalene triangle 不等边三角形 isosceles triangle 等腰三角形 right triangle 直角三角形(3)有关收敛的平面图形space 空间area 面积line 线poin

7、t 点circle 圆centre 圆心 (美作:center)circumference 圆周arc 弧radius 半径diameter 直径degree 度semicircle 半圆 chord 弦 edge 棱 leg 三角形的直角边opposite 直角三角形中的对边congruent 全等的5.其它 inch 英寸 foot 英尺cubic meter 立方米intercalary year(leap year) 闰年(366天) common year 平年(365天) discount 打折 profit 利润 interest 利息decrease to 减少到 decrea

8、se by 减少了 increase to 增加到 increase by 增加了per capita 每人 ratio 比率 (anti)clockwise (逆) 顺时针方向 cardinal 基数 ordinal 序数 direct proportion 正比table 表格unit 单位,位小升初英文奥数题(一)1、In 2004, 16 June falls on a Wednesday. On what day of the week will 16 June fall in2010?2、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters

9、of that number is_.3、The sum of the digits of the following product 9995554、Three positive integers have a sum of 28. The greatest possible product that these integers can have is_.5、In what follows, and are different numbers.When 503 is divided by the remainder is 20.When 503 is divided by the rema

10、inder is 20.When 493 is divided by x the remainder is_.6、A lady, her brother, her son and her daughter (all related by birth) played volleyball. The worst players twin (who is one of the four players) and the best player are of opposite sex.The worst player and the best player are of the same age.Wh

11、o cannot be the worst player(s)?A) brother onlyB) daughter onlyC) son and daughter onlyD) lady and daughter onlyE) lady only7、If you continue the given number pattern, in what row and in whatposition in that row will the number 320 be?1 - row 12 3 - row 24 5 6 - row 37 8 9 10 - row 4The answers are

12、given in the order of row ; position.参考答案:1、Wednesday 2、45 3、27(求数位上上的数字之和) 4、28=9+9+10,因此答案为8105、503-20=483 483=37232123,因此 x 483,因此此题余数是10. 6、D 7、25,20小升初英文奥数题(二)1、Did you know? In the decimal number system (base 10) ten different digits, 0 to 9, are used to write all the numbers. In the binary nu

13、mber system (base 2) two different digits are used, i.e. 0 and 1.Which one of the following numbers is not a valid number in theoctal number system (base 8)?A) 128 B) 127 C) 126 D) 125 E) 1242、The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a regular polygon withtwenty sides (icosagon) is_.3、If a and b

14、 are integers, 103=1,1527=3, and then 3796 is equal to_.4、Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. When 4 is added to each number the ratio changes to 5 : 7.The sum of the two original numbers is_.5、The greatest number of Mondays which can occur in 45 consecutivedays is_6、Saul plays a video game in which

15、 he scores 4 for a hit and lost 6 for a miss. After 20 rounds his score is 30. The number of times he has missed is_.7、Three girls A, B and C run in a 100 m race. When A finishes, B is 10 mbehind A and when B finishes C is 20 m behind B. How far in metres was C from A when A finished?(Lets assume al

16、l the athletes run at a constant speed)8、The areas of the faces of a rectangulabox are 84 cm2 , 70 cm2and 30 cm2.The volume of the box in cm3 is_.9、You have 3 weights: 1 kg, 3 kg and 9 kg as well as an equal arm balance, as shown. How many different weight objects can you weigh with these three?Remember the weights may be placed on either side参考答案:1、A 考察我们学过的简单的进制问题,显然8进制中没有8出现2、170 找规律,公式为n(n-3)3、1 定义新运算,就是求3796的余数。4、40,16和245、76、57、28米,根据距离比求出速度比,三者的速度比为1:9/10:18/258、420 分解质因数9、13种

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