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1、landfills废物填埋场;biodegradable solvents能进行生物降解的溶剂;volatile chemicals稳定的化学物质;management commitment管理委员会。U4 Test : Environmental Analysis1.词组英译中Precision and accuracy准确度和精确度;bulk collection批量收集;matrix material基体材料(基质);Analysis sequence分析序列;multivariate statistics多元统计;interactive effect相互影响;insofar在范围下;O

2、verall analytical scheme整体分析方案。5.translate paragraph 14 into Chinese.Environment analysis involves the performance of chemical,physical,and biological measurements in an environmental system . This system may involve either the natural or the polluted environment,although the term“environmental anal

3、ysis”is increasingly used to refer only to situations in which measurements are made of pollutants .Normally,four types of measurements are made:qualitative analysis to identify the species present;quantitative analysis to determine how much of the species is present;speciation or characterization t

4、o establish details of chemical form and the manner in which the pollutant is actually present (such as being adsorbed onto the surface of a particle);and impact analysis in which measurements are made for the specific purpose of determining the extent to which an environmental impact is produced by

5、 the pollutants in question . The overall objective of environmental analysis is to obtain information about both natural and pollutant species present in the environment so as to make a realistic assessment of their probable behavior . In the case of pollutants,this involves assessment of their act

6、ual or potential environmental impact,which may be manifest in several ways . Thus,a pollutant species may present a toxicological hazard to plants or animals .It may also cause contamination of resources (such as air,water,and soil) so that they cannot be utilized for other purposes . The effects o

7、f pollutants on materials,especially building materials,may be another area of concern and one which is often very visible and displeasing (for example,the defacing of ancient statues by dioxide in the atmosphere) . A further area of environmental impact involves esthetic depreciation such as reduce

8、d visibility,dirty skies,and unpleasant odors .Finally,it is important to recognize that an environmental impact may not always be discernible by normal human perception so that detection may require sophisticated chemical or physical analyses . In order to provide a meaningful description of the ge

9、neral field of environmental analysis,this field may be considered from three points of view:the basic concepts underlying the reasons for and choice of the analyses which are normally performed;the available technique and methodology commonly used;and the current status of capabilities in environme

10、ntal analysis .环境分析包括性能的化学、物理和生物测量在一个环境系统。这个系统可能涉及要么自然或污染环境,尽管术语“环境分析”是越来越多的使用仅仅在哪些情况下测量的污染物。通常情况下,四种类型的测量是:定性分析确定物种的礼物;定量分析,确定有多少物种存在;物种形成或特性建立细节的化学形式和方式,在污染物实际上是现在的(如被吸附到表面的粒子);和影响分析,测量是为特定目的的确定环境影响程度产生的污染物的问题。环境分析的总体目标是获取信息和污染物种类都是自然存在于环境,使一个现实的评估他们的可能的行为。对于污染物,这包括评估他们的实际或潜在的环境影响,这可能是体现在几个方面。因此,一


12、8 Type and sources of air pollutants1.英译中Primary pollutant一次污染物;secondary pollutant二次污染物;air stagnation空气停滞;herbicide除草剂;nitrous oxide一氧化二氮;nitrogen dioxide二氧化氮;soot煤烟;dust灰尘;smog烟雾;ozone臭氧;pesticide杀虫剂。2.中译英正常浓度normal concentration; 严重污染的serious pollution determining factors;液体微滴liquid droplets;光化学

13、氧化物photochemical oxide;放射性物质radioactive substances;不完全氧化incomplete oxidation;含硫的sulfur-containing;风化wind erosion;汽车尾气automobile exhaust.3. What Is Air Pollution?Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans,other animals,veg

14、etation or materials . There are two major types of air pollutants . A primary air pollutant is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration . It can be a natural air component,such as carbon dioxide,that rises above its normal concentration,or something not usually fo

15、und in the air,such as a lead compound emitted by cars burning leaded gasoline . A secondary air pollutant is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components . Serious air pollution usually results over a city or other area that is emitting high levels of

16、 pollutants during a period of air stagnation . The geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angeles and Mexico City,makes them particularly susceptible to frequent air stagnation and pollution buildup . 空气污染是什么?空气污染空气,通常定义为包含一个或更多的化学物质浓度足够高伤害人类,其他动物,植物或材料。主要有两种类型的空气污染物。一个主要的

17、空气污染物是一种化学直接添加到空气,发生在一个有害的浓度。它可以是一个自然空气组件,比如二氧化碳,这高于正常浓度,或者是没有通常的空气中找到,比如铅化合物排放汽车燃烧含铅汽油。一个二次空气污染物是一种有害的化学大气中形成通过化学反应在空气组件。严重的空气污染的结果通常在一个城市或其他地区,是高水平的污染物排放在一段空气停滞。地理位置的一些人口稠密的城市,如洛杉矶和墨西哥城,让它们特别容易受到频繁的空气停滞和污染积聚。 4.英译中To escape the smog you might go home, close the doors and windows, and breathe in cl

18、ean air. But a number ofScientists have found that the air inside homes and offices is often more polluted and dangerous than outdoor air on a smoggy day. The indoor pollutants include:(1)nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide from gas and wood-burning stoves without adequate ventilation; (2) carbon m

19、onoxide soot,and cancer-causing benzopyrene (from cigarette smoke); (3) various organic compounds from aerosol spray cans and cleaning products;(4)formaldehyde(which causes cancer in rats)from urea-formaldehyde foam insulation,plywood,carpet adhesives, and particle board;(5)radioactive radon and som

20、e of its decay products from stone, soil, cement, and bricks;and(6) ozone from the use of electrostatic air cleaners.为了躲避烟雾你可能会去的家,关闭门窗,呼吸清洁的空气.但是一些科学家已经发现,在一个烟雾弥漫的一天房子内和办公室内的空气比室外空气污染和危险的。室内污染物包括:(1)由于没有足够的通风产生一氧化碳和二氧化碳;(2)二氧化碳、烟煤和致癌物质苯并芘(来自抽烟);(3)各种有机化合物的喷雾罐和清洁产品;(4)脲醛泡沫绝缘材料,胶合板,地毯胶粘剂,和刨花板的甲醛(大鼠)会

21、导致癌症;(5)和一些放射性氡及其衰变产物的石头,泥土,水泥和砖;(6)使用静电空气净化器的臭氧为零。U11 Test: effects of air pollution(1) Reduction in visibility results in a social cost due to slowdown of air traffic and the need for instrument-guided landing systems. 减少能见度产生的社会成本是由于经济放缓的空中交通和需要仪表引导着陆系统.(2)These impacts are taken into considerati

22、on when sensitive components are designed, and the required protective measures or design modifications add to the cost of the item being produced.这些影响都考虑当敏感元件的设计,和所需的保护措施或设计修改添加到项目的成本被生产。肺囊lung sac; 氟中毒fluoric cachexia ;煤烟soot;呼吸系统respiratory system;过滤filte ; 吸附adsorption;浓度concentration;硫化氢hydroge

23、n sulfide;硫化铅lead sulfideU12 water pollution and pollutant1.英译汉Treatment facilities净化结构;municipality 市政;population equivalent 人口当量; basement flooding 地下室泛滥;per capital 按人均计算; per day 每天;runoff 径流量;domestic sewage生活污水;the type of terrain 地形3.翻译“Industrial wastewater”部分 U16 Biological wastewater treat

24、mentBiological degradation生物降解;equalization basin调节池;aeration basin曝气池;sludge flocs 絮凝体;settling tank沉淀池;dissolved oxygen溶解氧;biofilm 生物膜;suspended growth悬浮生长3.翻译下段文字High biomass systems:Many current approaches to high biomass systems employ a combination of fixed film suspended biomass in the proces

25、s . High biomass systems have gained a certain popularity in Europe . During the past few years,a number of investigations undertaken in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRC)have been reported . Among the advantages attributed to such systems have been improvements in nitrification performance,sludg

26、e settleability,and effluent quality .Reasons for selecting high biomass systems over construction of additional aeration tanks and clarifiers (or other secondary treatment process) include reduced space requirements,increased process stability,and capital/operating cast savings . High biomass syste

27、ms call for installation of supplemental equipment over that contained in a conventional activated sludge plant . More installed equipment generally implies more maintenance,and,to some extent,this is true for some of the systems . In addition, the presence of both suspended and fixed biomass forms

28、and higher biomass concentrations may require a certain level of additional operator time to achieve optimum system performance . The presence of inert support media and higher biomass concentrations in these systems can increase overall power consumption . To achieve desired mixing patterns in retr

29、ofitted aeration tanks,power input may have to be increased . Also,the presence of additional biomass increases system oxygen requirements which,in turn,requires additional power input . In addition,high biomass systems generally yield higher levels of nitrification,which also can affect overall pow

30、er consumption . Such factors should be addressed when analyzing operating casts . 高生物系统:许多当前的方法系统采用高生物量结合固定膜过程中暂停了生物质。高生物系统已经获得了一定的知名度在欧洲。在过去的几年中,许多调查进行的德意志联邦共和国(FRC)已经被报道。在优势归因于这种系统已经改善硝化性能、污泥沉降性,和废水的质量。 理由选择高生物系统建设的额外充气坦克和clarifiers(或其他二级处理过程)包括减少空间的需求,增加过程稳定,和资本/操作铸储蓄。 高生物系统要求安装附加设备,包含在一个传统的活性污泥植物。更多的安装设备通常意味着更多的维护,并且,在某种程度上,这是真实的系统。此外,存在两个暂停和固定生物质形式和较高的生物量浓度可能需要一定程度的额外的操作符时间实

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