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1、Fine, thank you.Im glad to see you.CC第一单元C 当对方说:“好久不见,你好吗?”的时候,你应该回答自己的状况。3. Nice to meet you. Im ok.Nice to meet you, too.Not too bad.BB第一单元B 当对方说:“很高兴认识你”的时候,一般用同样的句子回答:“我也很高兴认识你”。4. How is life?Same as ever.Thanks. And you?I hope all goes well with you.It is nice meeting you!AA第一单元A 当对方问“最近怎么样”的时

2、候,你应该根据自己的真实情况作答,而不是道谢或言他。5. How are you doing?Youre welcome.Just so-so.I dont know.I dont like it at all.第一单元B 当对方问“你好吗”的时候,你应该根据自己的真实情况作答。6. How are you getting on with your study?Terrible.Not at all.第一单元C当对方问“最近你学习怎么样”的时候,你应该告诉对方你的真实情况,而不是道谢或言他。7. How are you getting on?Very well. Thank you.第一单元A

3、 当对方问“你好吗”的时候,你可以直接回答后再道谢。B的意思是“不用谢”,C的意思是“没关系”,D的意思是“我不知道”。8. How do you do?How do you do?Ok.No, thanks.9. Havent seen you for ages. Hows it going?Havent seen you for ages.Yes, long time no see.How are you?Everything is all right.第一单元D 当对方说:“好久不见。你好吗”的时候,我们一般根据真实情况作答。10. Hello. Im Susie. Its so kin

4、d of you.Hi. Im Jack. Nice to meet you, Susie.“你好,我是苏珊”的时候,你也应该很有礼貌地告诉对方你的姓名并问候对方。A 的意思是“不用谢”,B 的意思是“你真是太好了”,C 的意思是“你好,我叫杰克。很高兴认识你,苏珊”,D 的意思是“我很好,谢谢”。11. When we learn a foreign language, we should hold that no culture is inferior _ the others.fortoasunder第一单元 B 固定搭配 be inferior to 的意思是“比低等,低级”12. C

5、an you turn down the _ of the radio? I have a bad headache and want to have a sleep.voicenoisevolumeamount第一单元 C Volume 意为“音量”,相当于 amount of the sound。A. voice声音,B. noise噪音,D. amount量13. The academic achievements are always the students _ concern.minormajorlessinferior第一单元 B 本题从意义上来选择:学生主要关注的当然是成绩,所

6、以选B:主要的。A. minor次要的,C. less较少的,D. inferior较低级的14. The employee requires that he _ the right to know the situation of the company.havehashavinghad第一单元 A require 之后的宾语从句要求用“(should +) 动词原形”的形式15. The kids behave themselves _ their parents presence.withatinon第一单元 C 固定搭配 in ones presence 的意思是“当着某人的面”16.

7、 In the first class in this semester, the teacher started _ a story she experienced during the summer holiday.第一单元 D 固定搭配 start with 的意思是“以开始”17. When she got home after school, she turned on the TV _ did her homework.butnotthanrather than第一单元 D rather than 相当于 but not。句子的意思是:她放学回家后没有做作业,而是打开了电视18.

8、Human beings arent _ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him.abovewithoutwithin第一单元B “人都会犯错,所以我决定原谅他。”其中 be above mistakes 的意思是“不会犯错的”19. The three _ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthquake.remainingremainedhaving remainedremains第一单元A remain 是不及物动词,remaining 是形容词,意为“剩下的”20. No

9、body can deny that success in study _ in the flexible method and positive attitude.laylielieslain第一单元C 固定搭配 lie in 的意思是“取决于”21. Not until they got married _ that he is a rude man.she knewhad she knownshe had knowndid she know第一单元 D not until 引导的时间状语从句提到句首时,主句要进行部分倒装,系动词、助动词和情态动词提到主语之前。此句型的主句谓语一般不用完成

10、时态22. With her children living abroad, she has her house _ every December.paintedpaintbe paintedto be painted第一单元 A havedone 的意思是“请某人做某事”23. To my surprise, I found the classroom is _ at 8:00 in the morning.bareblankemptynothing第一单元C empty 表示“教室里面没人”,bare 表示“没有被覆盖的,没有应该有的东西的”,blank 表示“两维空间的缺空”24. Wh

11、enever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the _ and gas are turned off.electricelectricalelectronicelectricity第一单元 D A, B, C都是形容词,electricity 是名词,意为“电”25. With user-_ computer, people with little education can also learn how to use it.friendfriendlyfriendlinessfriendship第一单元B 此处需要形容词,B是形容词,user-fr

12、iendly 的意思是“方便用户使用的,友好的”26. His devotion _ this country made him support 20 poor children to finish school.第一单元 D devote / devotion 只与介词 to 搭配使用,表示“对奉献”27. Their dormitory is _ ours in decoration.likely tosimilar tofamiliar tointended to第一单元 B A 的意思是“可能做”,B 的意思是“与相似”,C 的意思是“与熟悉”,D 的意思是“打算做”28. This

13、method is _ which saves us half of the time and effort.efficienteffectiveinfluentialfruitful第一单元A A 的意思是“有效率的”,B 的意思是“有效果的”,C 的意思是“有影响的”,D 的意思是“有成效的”29. The students preference _ learning online urge the teachers to learn more about computer and network.第一单元 B prefer / preference 通常与 to 搭配使用,表示“对的青睐

14、”30. In one aspect, the seven-day National Day Holiday _ the students distraction from a resultas a result ofresults fromresults in第一单元D 句子缺少谓语,所以只能在动词短语C 和D 中选择,C 的意思是“由原因导致的”,D 的意思是“导致(结果)”31. Good communicative skills are _ importance to a good leader.ofby第一单元 C 固定搭配 be of importance 的意思

15、是“对至关重要”32. Beat in the eggs, one a timeat any timeat timesat one time第一单元 A at a time 意为“每次,一次”;at any time 意为“任何时候(都可能会发生)”;at times 意为“有时”;at one time 意为(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度;同时33. _ dripping of water wears away a stone.constancyconstantinconstantinconstancy第一单元B 先从句子结构分析应该填入形容词,排除 A 和 D;再按句意“滴水穿

16、石”看,只能选择 B34. Wed better focus on the program that caters _ the needs of children.第一单元C cater for 为固定搭配,表示“迎合,投合”35. This MP3 is _ that twice expensive asas expensive as twicetwice as expensive astwice expensive as第一单元C 表示倍数用 twice as . as36. I had my car _. Would you please pick me up tomorr

17、ow morning?repairrepairingto be repairedrepaired第一单元 D have sth. done 的意思是“请某人做某事”37. There is no reason for you _ her honesty.not believenot believingnot to believeto not believe第一单元 C there is no reason for sb. to do sth. 是特殊句型,意思是“某人没有理由做某事”38. Whenever he meets with a new word, he will _a dictio

18、nary.look it uplook it inlook it up inlook it with第一单元C look sth. up in a dictionary 是固定结构,表示“查字典”39. I didnt realize he was a famous film star _ he took off his dark glasses.whenuntilunlessonce第一单元B notuntil表示“直到才”40. Due _technological changes, our life becomes more and more convenient.第一单元 A due

19、to是固定搭配,表示“由于”(注意:若有主观题目,请按照题目,离线完成,完成后纸质上交学习中心,记录成绩。在线只需提交客观题答案。)二、主观题(共1道小题)41.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Difficulties in Studying English”. You should write no less than 80 words. 参考答案:主观题答案暂不公布,请先自行离线完成。三、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题)42. How do you acquire confidence? Speak English with friends first because with them you can speak freely without feeling shy. Then try your ability with your teachers and with foreigners if you have an opportunity to meet them. Dont be afraid of mistakes. Nobody is above m

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