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1、1. How do you know that? ( ) 2. Thank you. ( ) 3. I get up at 7 oclock. ( ) 4. Is your father a businessman?三、听对话,选择每组对话发生的场景,圈出字母A或B。6% A 1 BA 2 BA 3 BA 4 BA 5 BA 6 B四、Mike和Mr Jones正在谈论假期。假设你是Mr Jones,听Mike的句子,选择答语,在括号中写字母A或B。10%( ) 1. A. Good-bye, Mike. B. Nice to meet you, Mike.( ) 2. A. I went t

2、o Yunnan. B. I will go to Xinjiang.( ) 3. A. My parents and uncle. B. Yes, it really is. ( ) 4. A. I didnt see anything. B. Sure. I learned a special dance.( ) 5. A. Interesting but not easy. B. The panda ate bamboo.五、Angela要回国了,她和同学们在干什么呢?听短文,判断句子是否和短文相符。相符的在括号中打勾(),不相符的画叉()。( ) 1. Angela is from t

3、he UK.( ) 2. The class is having a farewell party for Angela.( ) 3. Miss White is sitting beside Zhang Peng. ( ) 4. The children like Zhang Pengs kung fu.( ) 5. Its Miss Whites birthday today.笔试部分六、看图片,补全单词。每个短横填入一个字母。7810七、判断意群。判断准确的句子切分方法,在括号中填入字母A或B。( )A. Lily | is | a beautiful flower.B. Lily is

4、 | a beautiful | flower.A. My math | teacher often draws | pictures at | home.B. My math teacher | often draws pictures | at home.A. Tony | drank the blue | juice from the bottle. B. Tony | drank | the blue juice | from the bottle. A. You | shouldnt stand | in front of the car.B. You shouldnt | stan

5、d in | front of the car.八、猜谜语。读谜语,选择答案,在相对应的方框中打勾。1. Doctors and nurses work in this place. People go there when they are very ill. Usually it is open 24h a day. hospital garden2. The Chinese Spring Festival is often in this month. This is the shortest month. Usually there are only 28 days. January

6、February3. This is a kind of fruit and vegetable. It looks like a ball. When its young, it is green. When it is old, its red or yellow. onion tomato九、搭配。将字母标号填入括号中。每个选项只能用一次。第一组第二组( ) pencilA. officer( ) wearA. a diary( ) policeB. giving( ) sayB. a hamburger( ) classC. work( ) readC. morning exercis

7、es( ) ThanksD. room( ) eatD. sunglasses( ) homeE. box( ) do E. goodbye十、单项选择。选择最佳答案,将字母标号填入括号中。( ) 1. May I have _ egg, please? I want to paint an Easter egg. A. a B. an C. some( ) 2. John didnt come to school today _ he hurt his leg. A. and B. so C. because( ) 3. School is over. We _ go home now. A

8、. can B. cant C. dont( ) 4. In China, days are _ than nights in summer. A. short B. longer C. long( ) 5. Id like to go _ with my classmates this weekend. A. a camp B. camp C. camping( ) 6. Tell us about _ school, please, Grandpa. A. you B. your C. yours 十一、从方框中选择句子补全对话,将字母标号填入横线中。A. But my baby is s

9、till in the bed.B. Bye.C. I will go and buy the rice for you.D. Thank you.E. Can you come and help me, please?Cindy: Excuse me, Emma. _Emma: Sure. Whats it? Im going to the supermarket. I need to buy some rice. Yes? _ Can you come and look after(照看) her for a short time? You can just stay at home. _

10、 We can have dinner together. Haha! Silly me! OK, please also buy a fish and two tomatoes. No problem! Im going shopping now. _ _ Bye. 十二、补全短文。从方框中选择准确的单词,将字母标号填入小诗中。A. first B. was C. theirs D. rode E. walkYesterday and TodayYesterday I _ a little baby. I cried for milk, and Mom would come.Today Im

11、 a big child. I do my homework, and housework Ill do some.Yesterday I _ a little bike with my father and my mother.Today I _ to school and come home with my little brother.Yesterday I waited for my birthday from the _ day of the year.Today I get ready for _ when the days are coming near. 十三、根据图片内容,补

12、全句子。每个空格填写一个单词。1. There are three little _ in the picture.2. The man is _ than the girl. 3. Yesterday morning, I went swimming, and in the afternoon I _ many nice pictures.4. Its 11:30 now. The girl _ _ lunch now.十四、阅读短文,完成相对应的题目。 A Next Saturday would be Christmas. Everybody was thinking about givi

13、ng and getting gifts. B Sandra was in her bedroom. She was thinking. “Last year, I drew a picture for Dad. I bought a flower for Mom. I gave my new puzzle book to David. What about this year?” C She phoned her friends. Ida said, “You can buy a flower for your father and draw a picture for your mothe

14、r this year.” Betty said, “We dont need changes. Your parents and your brother will always love your gifts.” Andy said, “You can ask them. Maybe they can tell you.” But Sandra still didnt know what to do. D Then she looked at the family photos and she thought of the good old days. They had picnics t

15、ogether and slept on the grass. They climbed the mountains and Father picked some fruits. They went cycling to the countryside and Mother fell off the bike. They went to the lake and swam. _ They did so many interesting things!E “Now I know what I can do,” Sandra said. She worked for three evenings.

16、 Then she finished her gift. It was a family photo book with short stories. F On Christmas, Mum, Dad and David saw the book. “What a big surprise!” they said.(1)搭配每个段落的大意,仿照例子,将段落前的字母标号填入括号中。( ) The family were surprised to see the photo book.( ) Sandra made a photo book.( ) Sandra thought about the

17、 gifts for her family.( A ) Christmas was coming.( ) Sandra asked for ideas from her friends.( ) Sandra looked at the family photos.(2)根据上下文,补全短文中的句子,写在下面的四线三格中。写4-8个单词。不得使用短文中已有的事件。听力材料同学们,你们好!这是2019年小学英语六年级毕业调研卷的听力部分。共有五个大题。每个大题中的每个小题均连续读两遍。准备好了吗?让我们开始吧。第一大题、听句子,在每组中圈出句子中包含的单词。1. M: An elephant is

18、 very big.2. W: What do you want for your birthday?3. M: That animal has a long nose.4. W: The yellow shoes are yours, and the brown shoes are mine. 5. M: Robin likes all the seasons. 第二大题、听句子,判断你所听到的句子末尾是升调还是降调,在括号中画出相对应的箭头。 降调2. Thank you. 升调3. I get up at 7 oclock. 降调 升调第三大题、听对话,选择每组对话发生的场景,圈出字母A

19、或B。现在你有15秒钟的时间读题目。现在请听题。 Look there! So many cows and sheep! W: Are they going to eat the vegetables here? M: Dont worry. There is a small river between the animals and the vegetables. Can you come and help me in the kitchen, honey? What can I do, Mom? Wash the carrots and cut them. Im going to cook

20、 noodles with carrot and beef. The music room is so big. It looks beautiful. Yes, and the music from this piano sounds great! Do you always have music class here? Yes. 4. M: There is a basketball game this afternoon. Are you going there? What time? 3 oclock in the gym. Why? Not many students can wat

21、ch the game in the gym. The weather report says its going to rain this afternoon. Wow! Its really long! It looks like a train on the mountains. How did people build it long long ago? I dont know. But I know its the longest wall in the world. Can we go up and have a look? Why not?6. M: Look at the bl

22、ue ball. Its our home. The blue colour is the sea water. And the green colour is the trees and grass. Its so good living there. This is our only home. I miss my family so much. Me too. We will go back next week. 第四大题、Mike和Mr Jones在谈论假期。1. Nice to see you again, Mr Jones.2. Where did you go in the ho

23、liday?3. Yunnan is a very beautiful place. 4. Did you do anything interesting?5. How did you like the dance?第五大题、听短文,判断句子是否和短文相符。相符的在括号中打勾,不相符的画叉。Angela is going back to her home in the USA in July. Today, the class is having a farewell party for her. On the wall there are photos of Angela and her c

24、lassmates. Miss White is sitting beside her. Angelas hand is in Miss Whites hand. They look like mother and daughter. The children are watching Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng is doing kung fu. His kung fu looks like a monkey. Its so funny and the children are laughing happily.Now Chen Jie is playing the pip

25、a. Its an American song. What will Angela do? She will sing a very nice Chinese song.Listen. She is singing! How beautiful the song is! Then she sings another song, Happy Birthday to you. Wow! What a big surprise for Miss White! Its her birthday today!听力部分到此结束。请继续做读写部分的题目。祝你们取得好成绩!参考答案一、听音选词。 1. big

26、 2. want 3. nose 4. mine 5. seasons二、听音,标语调。 1. 降调 2. 升调 3. 降调 4. 升调三、听音选图。 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A四、听音,选答语。 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A五、听音,判断句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、补全单词。 整个单词准确,方可得分。 1. kite 2. horse 3. watermelon 4. postman 5. sandwich 6. rainy 7. sleep 8. umbrella 9. football 10. ice-skate 1. A

27、BBA 1. hospital 2. February 3. tomato九、搭配 第一组:EADBC 第二组:DEABC十、单项选择 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B十一、补全对话。 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D十二、补全短文 BDEAC十三、补全句子。 根据逻辑和语法,准确即可。如有拼写错误,即不得分。 1. pigs / animals / friends / brothers 2. taller / stronger / bigger / older / younger 3. took 4. is eating/having/taking

28、(此小题2分,需全对方可得分。)十四、阅读与写话。(一)搭配段落大意 F E B (A) C D(二)句子写作如果多于1句,只评价第一句。如果不足4个单词,仅评价书写。1. 书写:1分。包括大小字母、标点。出现1个不规范书写,即扣0.5分。扣完为止。2. 逻辑:必须符合上下文逻辑,方可得分。如无法确定,由组长决定。如逻辑错误,扣3分,下面两条不再评价。照抄文中原句者,逻辑方面不得分。3. 拼写和语法:出现一处错误,扣0.5分,扣完为止。4. 品质:语言丰富,有想象力,有趣,能表达自己的观点等。能达到其中一点,即可得分。 语言不丰富的例子: 讲述短文中已有的事件并修改数个词:如They ate some fruits.

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