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1、学院所自豪的多样性,不仅是学生群体的组成,还有教职工队伍。我们坚信,当大多数的讲师积极参与研究和咨询时,教育的质量将会得到显著的提高。我们为学院研究型的环境感到骄傲,在这种积极的环境中,所有的学生都能够充分发挥他们的潜能。当学生毕业时,我们告诉他们:“你们没有离开雷丁,而是带着雷丁的一部分走向未来。”建筑管理与工程学院更类似于一个在全世界拥有分支的大家庭。鉴于我们已经成为测量和建筑相关专业的杰出机构长达四十年,我们拥有大量优秀的校友,但是在读的学生永远是最重要的,因为他们代表着未来。联系方式雷丁大学 白骑士校区 建筑管理与工程学院 219邮箱 邮编:RG6 6AWEmail: scmeread

2、电话:+44 (0) 118 378 8200传真:+44 (0) 118 931 3856智能建筑学硕士学习目标公认的智能建筑的定义:“智能建筑是通过利用地域(组织、结构、设施);过程(自动化,控制系统);人群(服务者,用户)和管理(维护,使用性能)四个连续元素之间的相互作用以及它们之间的内部联系,达到时刻为每一位成员提供经济、高效、环保的条件的建筑。”院长致力于向学生提供关于智能建筑的先进知识并且培养那些将要委托、设计和经营这类建筑的人。这群人包括已经在建筑和房地产业里工作的业主和开发商,建筑师,科学家,工程师和后勤经理,或打算进入建筑业的人。参加本课程的代表将有机会学习

3、智能建筑的本质以及由它们所派生的设计、施工和管理流程。建筑行业在每一级都非常支离破碎。本课程为不同学科的专业人员提供了在一起学习工作的机会。总而言之,智能建筑创造一种能够使组织者达到其商业目标,居住者发挥其最大效能,同时有效管理资源在最小消耗量的环境。课程模块也反映出这个理念。学习成果一个整体评价方法和以及认知和理解将被着重讲授。课程设立的主要目的是期望代表们能够获得以下学习成果: 他们将能够用整体互动的方式开展工作; 他们将能够对适用于智能建筑的技术创新做出评价; 他们将能够辨别描述影响设计、施工和设备的管理过程中的决策制定的经济、社会以及技术问题; 他们将学会批判性的评估高、低技术之间的平

4、衡; 他们将会认识到智能建筑是人类需求的体现; 他们将能够管理影响公司活动的迅速的变化率。通过每个模块的讲座,研讨会,讲习会以及完成每个模块后的作业或论文,你将会得到这些成果。来自不同学科的代表们在整个模块周里互相学习并且能够与来自多个领域具有专业背景的主讲人进行交流,从中受益。课程总监主要负责确保每个模块的课程设置都满足目前和未来的需求。目前和未来的需求是由具有处理中长期计划经验的主讲人们讨论决定的,他们来自学术界和工业界,在可持续发展和当前项目上都各有建树。本课程也可以培养持续职业发展(CPD)需要的专业人才,由于CPD是大多数专业机构必须考虑的所以整个建筑行业该类人才缺口很大。课程主题

5、运用多元科际研究法来理解智能建筑。 运用最新的现代化科技账户来预测未来建筑物和业主可能的发展情况。 在考虑经济、社会和技术问题的条件下,对有效的做出关于设计,建造和管理过程的决定打下坚实的基础。 介绍适用于建筑的最新技术创新。 学习高低技术需求之间的平衡,从而达到设计、建造、维护建筑物,使之能够达到:o 成本有效o 支持业务目标 o 易于销售o 对人类的需求能做出灵敏的反应o 消耗最少的能量o 释放最少的C02o 改善当地环境 o 是健康的 培训对象这项计划是专为那些设计、建造、管理、运营智能建筑的人而打造的。他们包括:业主和开发商、建筑师和设计师、项目顾问、工程师、环境经理、成本顾问和设施经

6、理。对于那些来自其他领域的资深人士,他们具有整体大局观,同时追求一种更有效、更健康且对环境做出响应的建筑物,以满足市场需求,这项计划也将使他们受益。课程考核硕士学位课程必须完成五个必修和三个选修模块。每个模块四到五天。在选择选修模块时,允许学生“裁剪”课程计划以达到满足专业发展需求和个人需求。每个模块完成后,学生需要完成一份作业,作业内容可以与学生所在的组织机构有关。课程结束时必须完成15000字的论文。文凭的授予方式对那些不想完成硕士论文的人适用。单独的模块可以作为个人的继续教育课程。课程模块必修模块 概念、策略和管理 IT和通信系统 建筑系统、建筑和人 建筑智能化施工 财务分析和投资评估

7、选修模块 工程管理的原则 应用信息学 研究方法 应用信息学 IT项目管理和规划 可持续性设计施工和运行 设计管理和概述 设备管理 入学要求考生须拥有相关专业的第一学位(或同等学历证明)职业前景我们的目标,是要针对智能和智能建筑,发展思路和新思维方式。使学生们接触理论、学习研究和评价的方法,为他们带来工作技能,培养他们能够将理论联系实际。这将使学员完成课程: 增加运行核心技术领域的部门; 在一个团队环境下管理他人; 在其组织内部或外部获得晋升机会。赞助商细节说明:Happold Trust Sponsorship (pdf-104kb)University Of ReadingSchool of

8、 Construction Management and EngineeringAbout usWelcome from the Head of School, Professor Stuart GreenWelcome to the School of Construction Management and Engineering. The School is an internationally recognisedcentre of excellence for teaching and research in the built environment. Our courses are

9、 fully accredited by professional bodies such as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). Our close relationship with industry and the professions is of central importance in ensuring that our graduates are much sought after by industry and hav

10、e the appropriate skills to ensure successful career progression. Reading graduates are especially well represented at the very top of the surveying profession, both in the UK and internationally. Our taught programmes reflect the very best of current practice, including the latest developments in B

11、uilding Information Modelling (BIM) and sustainability. But even more importantly, the School provides academic leadership for the sector and points the way towards new ways of working. To have a degree from the University of Reading does not guarantee a successful career, but it provides an excelle

12、nt start. The outlook of the School is inherently international, in recognition of the way construction services are increasingly delivered across global networks. We especially value our international students for the broader perspectives which they bring to our community. But internationalisation

13、is not just about welcoming students from overseas; its also about providing an international experience for students from the UK. The School celebrates diversity not only in terms of our student profile, but also我们坚信,当大多in terms of our staff. We also strongly believe that the quality of the educati

14、onal experience is significantly enhanced when the majority of the lecturers are themselves actively involved in research and consultancy. We pride ourselves on a research-intensive environment where all our students can learn to fulfil their potential in a supportive environment. When our students

15、graduate we like to say that they are not leaving Reading, but that they are taking a little piece of Reading with them. The School of Construction Management and Engineering is akin to an extended family with branches all around the world. Given that weve been running surveying and construction-rel

16、ated courses for the best part of forty years we have impressive alumni; but the most important students are always our current ones, because they represent the future. Contact detailsSchool of Construction Management and Engineering WhiteknightsPO Box 219ReadingTelephone: +44 (0) 118 378 8200Fax: +

17、44 (0) 118 931 3856数的讲师积极参与研究和咨询时,教育的质量将会得到显著的提高。MSc Intelligent BuildingsAims and objectivesOne generally accepted definition of intelligent buildings is:An intelligent building is a dynamic and responsive architecture that provides every occupant with productive, cost effective and environmentally

18、 approved conditions through a continuous interaction among its four basic elements: places (fabric; structure; facilities): processes (automation; control; systems): people (services; users) and management (design; construction; performance) and the inter-relationship between them.The principal aim

19、 of the course is to provide advanced knowledge of intelligent buildings and hence educate those who will commission, design and manage such buildings. This group will include building owners and developers, architects, scientists, engineers and facilities managers who already work in the constructi

20、on and property industry, or those who are considering entering the construction industry.Delegates who attend this course will have the opportunity to study the nature of intelligent buildings with respect to design, construction and the operation processes from which they are derived. The construc

21、tion industry is very fragmented at all levels. This course offers opportunity for professionals to study and work together irrespective of their discipline.It can be concluded that an intelligent building creates an environment that allows organisations to achieve their business objectives and maxi

22、mise the effectiveness of its occupants, while allowing efficient management of resources with a minimum lifetime cost. The modules for the course reflect this idea。Learning outcomesA holistic evaluative approach as well as knowledge and understanding will be emphasised. In setting the principal obj

23、ectives for the course it is intended that delegates will experience the following learning outcomes: they will be able to use a holistic interdisciplinary approach in their work; they will be able to evaluate the latest technical innovations applicable to intelligent buildings; they will be able to

24、 identify and describe the economic, social as well as technical issues which underpin effective decision-making in the design, construction and facilities management processes; they will learn to critically assess the balance between high and low technology; they will recognise that intelligent bui

25、ldings are responsive to human needs; they will be able to manage the rapid rates of change, which impinge on activities of their companies. You will achieve these outcomes through lectures, seminars and workshops during module attendance; by completing assignments set for each module and by complet

26、ing a dissertation. Delegates come from various disciplines and learn by studying with each other throughout the module weeks and by benefiting from the exchange with the presenters who come from a wide range of professional backgrounds.The Course Director refers to the module programme as aspiring to meet dreams and realities. The dreams and realities of this are dealt with by presenters from academia and industry with experience of dealing with medium and long term scenarios, particularly with regard to subjects like sustainability, as well as current projects.课程设立的主要目的是期望代表

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