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1、下课前用它来巩固,让学生课后还有余音在耳的感觉。 唱演结合,培养学生艺术气质。鼓励学生试着用旧谱编新歌唱,试着自己编歌谣吟唱,培养学生的创新能力,有意识地加强对学生学习策略的指导。 3. 日常口语交际能力 在教学中,教师根据教学内容创设情景或带学生到真实情景中学习,融日常用语学习于情景表演之中,让学生在情景中学,在表演中练,在交际活动中用。 会话表演分这样三个步骤进行:语言示范性表演,由教师或师生共同完成,要到位,让学生明白;语言巩固性表演,在双人或多人中进行,如大组集体会话竞赛、男女生团体、小组、全班对半等形式鼓励全体学生参与;发展语言的创造性表演,安排在学生已经掌握了一些语言知识的基础上进

2、行,鼓励学生灵活组合,扩展会话。 4. 英语故事(课本剧) 针对中高年级学生,自选生动活泼、学生耳熟能详的经典故事进行英语口语和表演能力的训练。教师略讲重点词句,学生朗读操练,复述故事,再模仿表演,最后鼓励学生自由组合进行创造性的课本剧表演。 5. 开展丰富多彩的英语活动 利用学校现有的硬件资源,利用西方某些重大的节日,开展一些诸如西方国家我知道、英语圣诞联欢会等活动,旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣的同时,教会他们一些相关知识,同时能训练学生口语表达及舞台表演的能力。英语课本剧1:SNOW WHITE SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人 P-白马王子 D-小矮人 A-小动物 音乐起,旁白

3、 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didnt love the new queen, because she w

4、as cruel. One day, In the kings palace:-白雪出场 S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 Q: I am a queen, Im very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, whos the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beauti

5、ful than you! Hunter, go kill S.w. 猎人出场 H: Yes, my queen 音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 Help me ,help me, please, please A: whats the matter with you? The hunterhunter bite you bite you 小动物追赶猎人下场 I am tired and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. 音乐起,7个小矮人出场, D: 1Look, som

6、ebody ate my food- 2somebody drank my water- 3someone is sleeping now- 4What a beautiful girl!- 小矮人睡觉-音乐起公主先醒了-小矮人醒了-对话 5How do you do? How do you do? My name is S.w Nice to meet you! (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too- 6 welcome to our house!7Would you like to live here? My pleasure, thank you very much! Le

7、ts go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 皇后、魔镜出场 Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the most beautiful? What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, Hello, Good morning grandma! pretty girl ,would you like a bite? Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地 The

8、 girl is dead! Hahaha 小矮人出场、围着公主哭 S.w wake up, wake up 音乐起,动物引着王子出场 P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子吻公主,公主醒了 Thank you for your help! My pleasure 音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞小学英语课本剧剧本2:小鸭子(Little Duck) 剧中角色:Little Duck, Grandma, Mr. Cat, Mr. GoatNarrator: Little Duck promises his grandma tha

9、t he is going to visit her in the morning, but he was late! Why is that?(星期天,小鸭子在睡觉。电话铃响了。)Little Duck: Hello, Grandma. How are you?Grandma: Hello, Dear. I am fine. Thank you. How about you? Im pretty good. Im calling to tell you that Im going to visit you this morning. Oh great! Look forward to see

10、ing you then. Ill cook something good. Bye. Bye.(小鸭子上路了。他来到一条小河边,看到猫先生正在河边捉鱼。 Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you?Mr. Cat: Fine. And you? Im fine, too. What are you doing? Im catching fish! I see a big fish but I cant catch it! Dont worry. Let me help you.(小鸭子跳入河里,帮猫先生捉到了鱼。 Here you are. Enjoy it. Th

11、ank you. My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)Ive got to go. Bye.(这时,远处传来呼救声。Mr. Goat: Help! Whos that? Lets go and see.(小鸭子和猫先生四处寻找,终于在一棵树下发现了正在呻吟的山羊先生。 Whats wrong with you, Mr. Goat? I was running too fast and fell down. My leg hurt. Let me help you. I can help, too.(他们把山羊先生扶起来,然后一起送山羊先生回了家。 Thank you very much.

12、Sure. Oh, its 3 p.m. Im late!Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Where are you going? Im going to visit my grandma. Thank you and goodbye. Bye.小学英语 课本剧剧本 小鸭子(Little Duck) 小学英语剧剧本3: A Picnic Scene 1: The family at the breakfast tableDad: Heres some breakfast.Mum: Thanks,Dad.Kate: Yes, please.Ben: Mum? Yes? Can we

13、go for a picnic today?Rick and Kate: Yes! Great! A picnic. OK.Rick, Kate and Ben: A picnic, a picnic, a picnic is great.A picnic for Rick, for Ben and for Kate.A picnic, a picnic, a picnic is great.A picnic, a picnic is great.Scene 2: The family are packing their carRick: Here are the sandwiches. Ho

14、w many have you got? Eighteen. Fine. And here are the hot dogs. Nineteen. Great. And heres the orange juice.Twenty cans.All: Super.Children: How many sandwiches?How many sandwiches?Eighteen, eighteen, eighteen. Yeah.How many hot dogs?Nineteen, nineteen, nineteen. Yeah.Mum and Dad: Twenty cans of ora

15、nge juice.Nineteen hot dogs.Eighteen sandwiches.Oh, wow, a picnic is great! A picnic, a picnic, a picnic today. A picnic, a picnic, a picnic, hooray!Parents and children: A picnic, a picnic, hooray!Scene 3: In the car Dad, a sandwich, please. Here you are. Yummy. Dad, a hot dog,please. Dad, a can of

16、 orange juice, please. A picnic, a picnic, a picnic hooray!Scene 4: In the park Ben , lets play a game .Ben : OK . Rick : What does it mean? One . And this ? Four . What about this one ? Sorry , I dont know . Ah , its wonderful . What a lovely park. Yes, its great. Oh, what a lovely day. The sky is

17、blue, The grass is green, The park is nice and clean. Its great to have a picnic.Scene 5 : Going home Rick, Kate and Ben : Were so tired .All : Its great to have a picnic .Its great to have a picnic .Oh , what a lovely day .Scene 6 : Two days later Mum : Ben ? Can you go ? OK , Mum .Postman : This i

18、s for you . Oh , thank you . Postman . Look what weve got .Rick and Kate : Oh , great . A present!Children : A present , a present , a present is great . A present for Ben , for Rick and for Kate .A present , a present , a present is great .Dad : Open it !Kate : Oh , no !Mum and Dad : What is this ?

19、 Look , there is a letter .You left your things in our park . Your Park Ranger . Oh , no . Come here , children . Dont be worry . Well do better next time .小学英语剧剧本4: THE DAUGHTER OF THE SEACharacter :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞)故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had b

20、een a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something :龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful ,and trees of the forest are green ,and birds can sing so sweetly女儿们:When can we rise up ou

21、t of the sea ?龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.oh how wonderful !How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful thin

22、gs.大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. Thats horse !二女儿:wa ho The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ?三女儿:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them.四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world .It is different from my home .But Im afraid of whales.五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of f

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