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高中英语外研版必修三 UNIT 5单词短语大默写 附带答案Word格式.docx

1、39. keep doing sth.40. focus on41. be unique to sb.42. force sb. to do sth. 43. figure out44. as well as45. toughness n.46. majority n.47. attempt n.48. the attempt to do sth. 49. result in50. result from51. either.or.52. failure n.53. indicate v.54. part of.55. human nature56. be likely to do sth.

2、57. take risks58. psychologist n.59. jump out of60. refer to.as61. personality n.62. stand for63. thrill n.64. expect to do sth. 65. suggest v.66. desire n.67. be connected to68. benefit from69. benefit n.70. totally adv.71. be up to sb.72. encourage sb. to do sth.73. remind sb. to do sth. 74. balan

3、ce v.75. stop doing sth.76. outweigh v.77. the other way round78. agree with ones opinion 79. clue n.80. port n.81. at first82. calm adj.83. play cards84. unaware adj.85. be unaware that.86. be unaware of sth. 87. at that point88. on the horizon89. rise up90. break.into.91. hunt for92. put up the te

4、nt 93. first aid kit94. be used for.95. go on an adventure 96. alcohol n.97. bandage n.98. plaster n.99. thermometer n.100. rubber n.101. cotton wool102. cotton n.103. wool n.104. guideline n.105. cover.with.106. cloth n.107. beforehand adv.108. two weeks beforehand 109. bleeding n.110. take ones te

5、mperature 111. as soon as possible 112. liquid n.113. cool sth. down114. if necessary115. injury n.116. stretch v.117. be regarded as118. be known as119. take notes120. write down121. in full122. day after day123. face n.124. get injured125. fantastic adj.126. impressive adj.127. raise money128. the

6、 introduction to sth. 129. be known for130. become a reality131. find out132. intend to do sth.133. servant n.134. the pacific ocean135. along with136. fall into137. submarine n.138. capture v.139. charge n.140. in charge141. captain n.142. ahead adv.143. ahead of144. in order to145. permit v.146. p

7、ermit sb. to do sth.147. fascinated adj.148. be fascinated by.149. adapt v.150. be adapted from.151. chapter n.152. look back upon153. leave an impression on 154. relate v.155. in front156. as if157. no longer158. helmet n.159. nut n.160. astonish v.161. ray n.162. consume v.163. distinguish v.164.

8、at a distance165. darken v.166. gradually adv.167. surround v.168. fine adj.169. even adj.170. wrinkled adj.171. flat adj.172. shore n.173. dazzling adj.174. carpet n.175. drive away176. intensity n.177. account for.178. vibration n.179. pass through180. atom n.181. depth n.182. at the depth of183.

9、in broad daylight184. broad adj.185. beneath prep.186. try to do sth.187. infer v.188. make sense189. be used to do sth. 190. work out191. marine adj.192. take turns doing sth. 193. respond to.194. a tour to.195. available adj.196. dive v.197. lunch included198. shallow adj.199. shipwreck n.200. wai

10、t for201. upright adj.202. be about to do sth. 203. set sail204. once again205. scenic adj.206. resident n.207. all year208. male n.209. female n.210. scary adj.211. harmless adj.212. delight sb. with sth. 213. curiosity n.214. with curiosity215. school n.216. appeal to sb.217. present sth. to sb 21

11、8. cultivate v.219. exploration n.答案1. 西班牙(国家) 2. 太平洋3. 寻找4. 向西的,朝西的 5. 去.的路线6. 开始的,最初的7. 开发,开拓,开辟 8. 经由9. 因此,从而10. 地区,地带11. 氧气12. 可用的13. 在海平面上14. 容忍15. 国界,边界16. 在.的边界17. 证实,证明18. 发生19. 值得20. 值得做某事 21. 数以百计22. 在某物上花钱 23. 大量的钱24. 人群25. 一大群人26. 不舒服27. 因为,由于 28. 丧命29. 即使,尽管30. 到.结束时31. 计划做某事32. 纯粹的,十足的

12、 33. 赚钱34. 成功地做了某事35. 夺取某人的生命 36. 与.相似37. 使.成为焦点38. 转身39. 继续做某事40. 集中注意力于.41. 对某人来说是特别的42. 强迫某人做某事 43. 弄清楚44. 也,和45. 韧性46. 大多数47. 努力,尝试48. 做某事的尝试49. 结果,导致50. 由于.51. 要么.要么.52. 失败53. 表明,显示 54.的一部分55. 人性56. 很可能做某事 57. 冒险58. 心理学家59. 跳出60. 把.称为.61. 性格62. 代表63. 惊险,刺激64. 预料到做某事65. 表明,暗示66. 欲望,渴望 67. 与.相关68

13、. 受益于,得益于69. 益处,好处完全70. 完全71. 由某人决定72. 鼓励某人做某事73. 提醒某人做某事74. 使保持平衡75. 停止做某事76. 重于,大于77. 相反的情况78. 同意某人的观点79. 线索80. 港口81. 起初82. 风平浪静的83. 打牌84. 没有觉察到的,没意识到的 85. 没意识到.86. 没意识到某事87. 在那个时候88. 在地平线上 89. 上升90. 使.碎成. 91. 寻找92. 搭起帐篷93. 急救箱94. 被用作.95. 去冒险96. 酒精97. 绷带98. 创可贴99. 体温计100. 橡胶101. 药棉102. 棉布,棉纱103. 羊

14、毛,毛纱104. 指导方针105. 用.覆盖. 106. 布107. 预先,事先108. 提前两星期109. 流血,失血110. 量体温111. 尽快地112. 液体113. 使某物冷却114. 如果有必要 115. 损害116. 延伸,绵延117. 被当作.118. 作为.而出名 119. 记笔记120. 写下,记下 121. 全部地122. 日复一日123. 面对124. 受伤125. 极好的,有趣的126. 令人印象深刻的 127. 筹款128. 对.的介绍129. 因.而出名 130. 成为现实131. 搞清楚132. 打算做某事133. 仆人,用人 134. 太平洋135. 与.一起

15、136. 掉入,落入137. 潜水艇138. 捕获,俘获139. 主管,负责140. 掌管141. 船长142. 在前面143. 在.之前144. 为了145. 允许,准许,许可146. 允许某人做某事 147. 被迷住148. 被.吸引149. 改编150. 改编自.151. 章节152. 回忆,回顾153. 给某人留下深刻印象154. 相联系,有关系 155. 在前面156. 好像,彷佛 157. 不再.158. 头盔,钢盔 159. 坚果160. 使吃惊161. 光线,光束 162. 消耗163. 看清,认出 164. 在远处165. 使变暗166. 逐渐地,逐步地167. 环绕,围绕

16、168. 细小的169. 平坦的170. 有褶皱的171. 平坦的172. 岸173. 耀眼的,夺目的 174. 地毯175. 赶走,驱走 176. 强度177. 是.的原因178. 震颤,颤动179. 经过,穿过 180. 原子181. 深度182. 在.的深度 183. 在大白天184. 宽的,阔的 185. 在.之下186. 尽力做某事 187. 推测188. 有意义,讲得通189. 被用来做某事 190. 解决,算出191. 海洋的192. 轮流做某事193. 对.做出回复 194. 去.旅行195. 可用的,可获得的 196. 潜水197. 包括午饭198. 浅的199. 失事的船200. 等待201. 直立的,垂直的 202. 即将做某事203. 启航204. 再一次205. 景色优美的206. 居民,住户207. 全年208. 雄性动物209. 雌性动物210. 可怕的,恐怖的 211. 无害的212. 用某物取悦某人 213. 好奇心214. 好奇地215. 群216. 吸引某人217. 把某物呈现给某人 218. 逐渐形成219. 探测

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