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本文(译林牛津英语六年级上册6A Unit6keep thecity cleanWord文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

译林牛津英语六年级上册6A Unit6keep thecity cleanWord文档格式.docx

1、(What will the students do?)INTERACTIONAIMSWarming-upFree talkShow some pictures about smog What do you think of our city? What is dirty?What makes the air dirty?Wheres the smoke from?What else makes our city dirty?Watch the pictures and talk.Learn the following new words.dirtyThe air is dirty.smoke

2、, factory, rubbishT_Ss 呈现雾霾相关的图片,吸引学生注意力,让学生感受身边的环境问题。通过学生对图片的感受引出单词dirty,air.通过老师的提问让学生初步感知本课重点句型:What makes dirty?通过老师的进一步提问,引出单词 factory, rubbish Pre-reading Show Miss Li and her students in the picture on Page58 and ask:What will they say?Look at the picture and answer the questions.T-SsS-S学生通过对

3、图片的观察分析,推测文本内容,同时活用刚刚所学句型和单词.While reading1. Watch the cartoon and find the answer:What are dirty in their city?2. Read page58 and try to find out the answer.What makes them dirty?3.Read the dialogue after the cartoon and sum up the dialogue Ask Ss to make a dialogue:4. Ask Ss to read Page59 What wi

4、ll they talk about next?1) Read the dialogue on Page59 and find out their solutions to the problems.2)List the answers on the blackboard 5. Do you have any problems while reading? How do you solve the problems?6. Reading time1) Read after the computer2)Read the whole dialogue by selves Ss answer:The

5、 air is dirty. The streets are dirty. The river is dirty.Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Rubbish makes the river dirty.Ss retell the dialogue .Make a dialogue.Read in groupsRead the dialogue and find out the answersRead the answerTalk abo

6、ut their learning ways.T-S学生通过观看卡通和初读58页课文内容,找出Miss Li的城市中存在的环境问题,并利用老师提供的句型结构概括表达这些问题,把握文章大意。学生通过跟读课文学习,进一步了解文本内容。学生通过小组学习,找出答案,提高自主学习能力。通过小组之间交流学习方法,学生能发现问题解决问题的能力,找到适合的学习方法。通过编对话学生能活用词汇、句型进行交流的能力。通过朗读,加深对文本内容的理解,为语言输出作准备。Post readingHomework: Read story time three timesBlackboard Design What can

7、we do to keep ? Smoke the air take the bus/metro, walk to school, Rubbish the streets moveaway from ,plant more treesRubbish the river put the in the binTitlePeriod 21.Understand the words:factory, smoke, rubbish, messy, dirty, clean。2.Understand and use the sentence drills:What makes dirty/messy. m

8、akes dirty/mesy. What can we do to keepclean? To keep clean,we can3.Can use the intonation to talk about the enviroment4.know about how to give a speech1. Can use the words and sentences to talk about enviroment2. Can use the correct intonation: rising and falling3. learn to give a speech and write

9、a speechDaily reportEnglish chant学生每日汇报或英文诵读Presentation 1. Show a video about Changzhou and lead to the theme of this lesson:Try to write a proposal aboutTo keep our city clean2. Talk about how to write a proposalShow the structure of writing a proposal. Watch the video and know sth. about CZTalk w

10、ith the teacherLearn the structure of a proposalT-Ss 通过谈论城市卫生情况,揭示本课任务,引导学生初步感知倡议书的格式,培养学生自主性思考和发散性思维。Presentation1. Talk about Changzhou according to the proposal structure.a). Whats wrong with the city?b). What makes the city dirty?c). What can we do to keep the city clean?d). What should we say t

11、o call again?2. Review the key words and key sentences of this unit.1. Show a picture of Youngs sons room(messy and dirty)2.Show a picture of a messy and dirty classroom.* Talk about the classroom in groups, and try to say a short passage with the key sentence structure1. Show the pictures of P662.

12、Show some pictures of real life, a).Choose one to talk about in pairs b). Talk about the intonation.Talk about ChangzhouRead and know well about the key wordsa).Review the structure of a proposalb).Talk about the room in pairsPair work Group workSolo work Pair work结合倡议书内容,以开放性问题引导学生归纳本单元重点词汇短语。在谈论城市

13、环境的过程中,给学生创设主动运用本单元重点词汇的机会。通过同桌对话,谈论房间情况,运用和巩固本单元重点句型,提高学生的语言组织能力和表达能力。通过学生学习场所的场景创设,提供运用新语言结构表达自己想法的机会,锻炼学生的语言运用能力。通过真实生活场景的创设,给学生活用新知,强化倡议书结构的机会;培养学生细致观察和讨论问题的能力,同时在对话过程中复习和巩固音调的正确运用。Production1.Choose a place and write a proposal2. Ticking time.write a proposalAssessment.S-Ss通过实践,让学生利用本节课所学结构写一份完

14、整的倡议书,进行语段输出,提高写作能力的同时,培养学生的环境保护意识。Exercise Exercise bookReview and practiseUnit6 keep our city cleanPeriod 31.Can retell story time2. use rising and falling intonation to ask and answer questons3.Can read cartoon time and act it4.Ss can talk about how to behave in public places1.Ss can talk about t

15、he behavior in public places2.Ss can read catoon time and enjoy the funPOCEDURE(What willthe teacher do)Warming-up&Revision1. Brain stormWhat do you think of when you hear the word “city”?2. Talk about the life in thecity. T: Do you like living in the city? Why?3. DebateGive some words or phrases ab

16、out the city.Try to answer:I like living in the city.Because there are I like DebateSs-Ss通过谈论城市生活,引起学生的辩论,通过辩论摆出住在城市的好处与坏处。(Sound time)1.Sound timeT:Rubbish is a big problem in city.Do you throw rubbish on the floor?2. What can we do? What can we do for the city?Do you _?3. Pair work.Can we keep our

17、 city clean?Yes, we can. We can _. keep(s)/ make(s).Do you _?Yes, I do./ No, I dont/_.No ,I dont.We can _. keep(s) clean./ make(s) .Yes, I do./ No, I dont. _由城市的垃圾问题直接问学生是否有乱扔垃圾的行为,进入语调训练,引导学生用升调提问一般疑问句,并用降调回答。在学生提出解决方法时,引导学生说出这么做的原因,巩固单元核心句型 keep(s) clean和 make(s) 。并用Do you?提问,巩固语调。在与学生互动中形成对话内容,让学

18、生结合语调和我们能为城市做的事编对话。Presentation(Cartoon time)1. Show the picture of Bobby and Tinas city.What can you see? What do you say?2 Whats wrong with Billy?3. Watch the video and find the answer.4. What do you want to say to Bobby?5. Dub for the story.6. Read the story together.7 . Act the story.Look at the

19、 pictures and talk about them.Talk about the behavior of Bobby.Dub for the story.Boys BobbyGirls- TinaTry to act the story.With books.Without books.Add your own words Cartoon time由城市图片引出,并请学生扮演Bobby和Tina,猜猜他们会说什么, 以猜的形式让学生带着问题初读故事,找出Billy受伤住院的原因,并在故事中学习新词。通过谈论Bobby的行为,你想对Bobby说的话,在情境中充分调动学生的语言储备和思维,

20、继续运用本单元的核心句型keep clean和make,并学习should 和shouldnt的用法。绘声绘色地朗读,读出语言的美感,读出故事的趣味。学生分层次表演。鼓励学生创造性地表演,给故事加结尾,培养学生的创新思维,给学生语言表达的平台。SummaryWhat do you learn today?To do what we can do is a kind of love for life.Try to answer.引导学生可以从这个故事谈谈,也可以根据自己的生活谈谈,怎样从自己做起,保护我们的生活环境,做自己能做的事情也是对生活的一种热爱。Homework1. Read carto

21、on time 3 times.2. Listen to the song on line . living in the momentUnit 6 Keep the city cleanYes Group No Group PKUnit6 keep the city cleanPeriod 41. Use words and sentences fluently “ clean, dirty” “What makes the air dirty? What can we do to keep our city clean?”2. Make a poster or give a speech

22、3.Ss can pay more attention to the problem of environment and promote advice1.Use the words and sentences correctly2.Give a speechPPT , some flash cards, a tapeEnjoy the song “Two little black birds” and let the Ss answer three questions:Listen to the song and try to answer.通过歌曲,激发学生的想象,引发学生对城市环境问题的

23、关注。Checkout time1.Talk about the tree problems in Sunshine Town.1)T talks about the first problem. with the Ss.2) Ss talk about the second problem into pairs.3) Let the Ss try to say something about the third problem.2.Ask Ss to play a game.3.Revise the new words.1) Read them.2) Sentence-makingmake(

24、s)dirty/4.Talk about the environment in Yangzhou.1) Q: What makes Yangzhou beautiful?2) Finish a passage.Ss try to answer the questions.Ask and answer in pairs.Try to read.Make some sentences a gameAnswer it with “.make(s)beautiful通过对Storytime的复习,三个问题层层推进,提炼出本单元的重点句型,学生能准确运用。通过游戏,巩固关于环境保护的短语。通过谈论扬州的环境,对相关重点词组,句型等,能熟练运用。Practise1.Talk about the beauty of Primary school.2.Talk about the sanitation of school1) Ask Ss to show the survey.2)Show the problems as a model.Use three or four sentences to show the beau

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