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1、课堂上多以激励为主,注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说,积极做,快乐学。 四、教学策略及教法设计 在教学中实时运用了TPR 教学法,情境教学法,直观教学法等学习方式。 五、教学媒体设计 1在教学过程中使用单词卡片,课件,尺子,录音机及磁带。 六、教学过程设计与分析 教学过程 Step1:Warming/Revision 1Greenings 2Say a chant(课件展示) Oen little bird fly,fly,fly. Oen little rabbit jump,jump,jump. Oen little body run,run,run. Oen little bo

2、dy sits down. 3Revision(单词卡片) (big_small long_short tall_short fat_thin) 4.看手势猜单词。 Step2 resentation 1. Learn the new words: taller Shorter. And sentence :_ is taller/shorter than _. Tshow a giraffe课件)How do you like the giraffe? Tshow Yao Ming课件)This is Yao Ming.He very likes playing basketball.He

3、stands two meters and twenty six. 用尺子量出姚明的身高。How do you like Yao Ming? Yao Ming and Miss Qin,whos taller? Ss:Yao Ming is taller . T:(Show a card)Can you read it? Whats meaning of “taller”?talltaller taller. (together then team by team.)Yao Ming is taller than Miss Qin.So whos shorter ?Miss Qin is sh

4、orter. Yes,Miss Qin is shorter than Yao Ming. Learn words: shorterthan shortshorter (together then ask and answer)Whos shorter than Yao Ming? (加上动作)Miss Qin is shorter than Yao Ming.(show a card)Can you read It? Ss :than than than(用嘴形引导)Whos taller than Miss Qin?Yao Ming is taller then Miss Qin. Pra

5、ctice (1)(show a picture Amy and Lingling.课件)whos taller and shorter? (2)(show a picture about Daming and Sam.课件)whotaller and shorter? Learn new words:old young older younger and sentenis(show a old man课件)Look ,an old man.Can you read it? SsldoldoldWhats meaning of”old”?(then say a chant) He is old

6、 ,old old old.(课件展示)Are you old?No.Yes ,you arent old .you are young. young young young.Im young ,young young young.(课件展示) Ask and answerMiss Qin and old man youger and older?(Show a cardlder)whos older? T(show a card:younger)whos younger?Old man is older than Miss Qin. Miss Qin is younger than old

7、man .oldolderyoungyounger(看手势发音)then look and guess words. Practice : Look listen and answer.(show two pictures about :Amy and Sam ,Lingling and Daming.课件)whos older and younger?伴随着手势暗示。 strongstronger(show a picture about Mike Tyson.课件)This is Mike Tyson .He likes playing boxing.He is strong. stron

8、g strong strong(课件) Read a chant:He is strong ,strong ,strong ,strong.(课件展示)Miss Qin and Tyson ,whos stronger?Guess ,please.Mike Tyson is stronger than Miss Qin.strong_stronger.(together then boys by girls然后师生互相比较。) Bet I down know Sam and Lingling, whos stronger?Lets guess,please.(课件展示两人) S1ing is

9、stronger than Sam. S2:Sam is stronger than Lingling.Whos right?Now lets open your book then find picture 5 and picture 6 tell me,please. Lingling is stronger than Sam. Lets learn Module 5 Unit1 Amys taller than Lingling. Step4learn text . (1)Listen and point. (2)Listen and repeat. (3)Ask and answer.

10、 Amy and Lingling ,Daming and Sam,who are older and younger? Step5: practice (课件展示4组图 有人物,动物,体育用品。用上刚学的单词和句型比较它们的不同。 Step5 Summary Step: Homework n 回家与爸爸妈妈比一比用上所学的单词和句型。 设计思路及多媒体应用分析 设计意图:通过说和表演chant营造一种轻松欢快的课堂气氛。激发了学生的英语兴趣。复习单词是为新知做铺垫。用丰富的肢体语言帮助学生学习,让学生体会到小小成功带来的乐趣。用生动的图片课件及非常熟悉的体育明星吸引学生的注意让学生更好的理解

11、taller,shorter 的意思。并那尺子在墙上标出姚明的身高与自己相比较,深刻感知YaoMing is taller和MissQin is shorter 的意思。通过以上铺垫很快就引出今天要学的新句型.is taller shorter than.用老师和姚明比引出新句型。并学习新的句型。用形容词的原型和比较级同时出现发现不同。有老师肢体语言的帮助学生很快掌握了taller .,shorter.为下面学习做了铺垫。 设计意图:学生很难学会than的发音。我通过看嘴型和动作来学习。让学生觉得英语不那么难学。并把单词引用到句型中。通过这样的看图说话,及巩固了新知又结合课文内容学习了间接课文

12、通过老人艺术的图片增加课堂的趣味性。吸引学生的注意力。提高学习效率。通过朗朗上口chant来帮助学习,同时又与课前老师教的chant相呼应。然后开玩笑的反问学生Are you oid?学生很快说No.从而顺利的引出单词young并学习。这环节操练新知,又巩固新知。通过老师与老人的比较,形象的理解了older及younger的意思。用肢体语言强调older和younger的方法帮助记忆。通过看手势猜单词的方法old older young younger.师生形成一定默契。形成良好的师生关系,有利于孩子学习。通过课件,练习看图说话。巩固了单词和句型,又学习了课文内容。通过拳王的强壮的形象来引出单

13、词strong.并放到句子中学习。然后让学生看课件自读chant 来练习巩固单词strong.通过对比和问答很快的学习了strong的比较级stronger. 并运用了刚学的句型is stronger than。通过猜Lingling和 San 比较强壮?操练了句型,发挥了学生的想象,同时也有机的学了课文。为下来的课文教学起到了很好的过度作用。引起思考和猜测。引入课文教学生看懂图。理解课文。能跟读录音机。并回答出刚才的提问。通过结合学生生活实际,展示学生熟悉的人物和体育用品。观察比较不同。巩固新知,拓展了学生思维。培养学生边观察及边思考的学习习惯。并巩固及运用新知。巩固及让知识延伸。 七、版书

14、设计 Module 5Size Unit 1Amys taller than Lingling. _ istaller than_. shoter older younger stronger 八、练习设计 Practic in groups 九、教学过程流程图 课堂教学设计模版 Presentation and practice Say a chant Warm_up Revision Greenting Group_work Show Practice Summary and homework Practice and expanding教学反思:英语学习跟汉语一样,在生活中提取,在生活中

15、运用。所以这节课我侧重让学生实际体验中感受英语,学习英语。紧密结合实际情况,让学生广泛参与,亲身体会。充分运用多媒体课件和肢体语言创设语言情境进行教学及过课前活动,竞赛的形式增强课堂教学的趣味性,体现学生的主主体地位,让学生积极参与课堂教学。突出以学生为主,教师为铺的教学思想。力求以学生发展为中心,变要我学为我要学。教学过程中重点难点突出, 降低学习难度。在师生互动中渗透认为关怀,形成良好的教学环境和良好的师生关系。为将来的教学工作顺利进行打下良好基础。 统观这节课的教学,由于教学内容贴近学生生活,加上亮丽生动课件及小组竞赛,学生积极性高,达到了教学目的。但也存在不足,我始终有点不敢完全放手让学生学,总担心学生学不会,怕掌控不了课堂纪律。给学生思考和创造的时间不够多。

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