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1、结束做某事,做完某事 finish doing sth购买东西 shop for = go shopping for在17世纪 in the seventeenth century 也;还 as well很;非常 a lot 洗盘子 wash dishes很多;许多 plenty of玩得开心 enjoy oneself入睡 fall asleep 依靠; depend on例如 for example 除之外 apart fromModule 3告诉某人关于的事情:tell (sb) about (sth) 告诉某人去做某事:tell (sb) to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事:tel

2、l (sb) not to do sth 金牌:gold medals几年之后:several years later 放弃:give up坚强的意志:strong will 以自豪:be proud of/ take pride in动身,出发:set off 而且;又:as well as为而死:die for 死于创伤,交通事故等其他原因:die from死于疾病,饥饿等自然原因:die of 照顾,护理:take care of以便,为了:so that 在那时:at that time独立第,独自地:on ones own 起飞:take off因为:because of 返回:re

3、turn to足够的好:good enough 再一次:once again了解:learn about 设法完成某事:manage to do sth病人:the sick 在某人去的路上:on ones way toModule 4从地方离开:leave from 离开这里去地方:leave for(特别)小心对待:be (especially) careful with 住口,闭嘴:shut up照顾,照料:look after = take care of = care about / for 确保,确信:make sure 许多,大量的:plenty of = lots of.担心/

4、 担忧:worry about = be worried about 建议某人做某事:advise sb to do sth马上就要做某事:be about to do sth 叫醒某人:wake sb up一条短信:a text message 旅途愉快:have a good trip有点儿:a bit 关掉,关闭:turn off变得对厌倦:become bored with 实现:come true出差:on business 玩的高兴,有乐趣:have fun赶紧去做某事:hurry to do sth 上交,提交:hand in不能做某事:be unable to do sth 整

5、天:all day long收拾,整理:tidy up 依靠:depend on按时,准时:on time 练习做某事:practise doing sth对和某人在一起感到高兴(不高兴):feel very happy (unhappy) with sb把某人单独留下:leave sb alone 直到时候才:not until向某人要;寻求:ask (sb) for 计划做某事:plan to do sth向某人告别:say goodbye to sb 高兴做某事:be pleased to do sth对感到满意:be pleased with 打扫干净:clean up在某人身边:be

6、 around sb 给某人送行:see sb off与某人争吵:fight with sb 无意,偶然:by accident后来:later on 匆忙:in a hurry带走:take away 处于危险之中:in danger指出:point out 例如:for exampleModule 5禁止吸烟 No smoking 禁止做某事 No + 名词/动名词违反规定 be against the rule 遇上麻烦,处于困境 in trouble禁止入内 No entry ( enter- entry ) 拍照,照相 take a photo那怪,不足为奇:no wonder 去楼

7、上(楼下) go upstairs (downstairs)保持安静:keep quiet 不合适的,不方便的 no good不要没礼貌,不要粗鲁 Dont be rude. 与不同 be different from谈论talk about 也,还 as well例如 for example 物理实验 physics experiment把用装满 fill with 所有年龄段的人 people of all ages查出,弄清楚 find out 了解关于 learn about你所有问题的答案 answers to all your questions 用它转化为能源 use it to

8、 create energy挖煤 dig coal 让某人做某事 let sb do sth一种带有轮子的卡车 a kind of truck on wheels 进入太空旅行 travel into space把与比较 compare with 免费入场 be free to enter发高烧 have a high fever 立刻 at once在的后面at the back of 在中间 betweenand期待着,期盼着look forward to 注意pay attention to考虑,思考 think about Module 6乐器 musical instruments

9、课下,下课之后 after class考试不及格 fail ones exams 和达成协议 make a deal with养成的习惯 get into the habit of 做志愿者工作 do volunteer work需要从繁重的课业中休息一下 need a rest from schoolwork那可是太遗憾了! Thats a shame. 不行,没商量 No deal.增加,拓展世界知识 increase my knowledge of the world那不是问题的关键 Thats not the point 代替,而不是 instead of最终决定,最后一句话 last

10、 word 向某人寻求;向某人要 ask sb for向某人寻求建议 ask sb for advice 试用,试验 try out对某人生气 be angry with sb 付钱 pay the bill错误地 by mistake 主动干某事 offer to do sth零花钱 pocket money 出错 go wrong攒钱,储蓄 save up 犯错误 make mistakes短语部分针对性练习题根据汉语提示填空:1. This book is about _(现代的) buildings.2. Im reading about the _(古代的) pyramids in

11、Egypt.3. 尼亚加拉瀑布是世界自然景观之一。 The Niagara Falls is one of the _ _ of the world.4. 他的成绩总是排在班上最末。He is always _ _ _ _ the class.5. 地面突然向谷底倾斜。 The ground _ _ to the valley floor.6. 我没有在那个城市逗留很长时间。I dont _ _ _ in the city.7. 雪没有一点融化的迹象。 The snow showed _ _ _ melting.8. 老师让我们讨论一下下周的计划。 The teacher asked us t

12、o have _ _ _ the plan for next week.9. 这个小村庄距离伦敦二十英里远。The small village is _ _ _ London.10. 当他们到达的时候,太阳升起了,照在沙滩上。 The sun _ and _ on the beach when they arrived.11. 昨天知道那个小男孩找到妈妈,我才离开。 Yesterday I _ leave _ the little boy found his mother.12. 记着一到那就给我打电话。Remember to ring me _ _ _ you get there.13. 当

13、他打电话的时候,我正在写书信。_ she was making a phone, I _ _ a letter.14. 自从格林先生三年前来到中国,他就在那所学校教书。 Mr. Green _ _ in that school _ he came to China three years ago.15. 她将在下周一作一个关于健康的演讲。 She will _ _ _ on health next week.16. 当假期来临的时候,汤姆会和他的朋友们去一个有趣的地方。 When the vacation comes, Tom will go _ _ with his friends.17.

14、母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃饭。 Mother told me to _ _ _ for breakfast.18. 劳动节你有什么计划吗? Do you have _ _ _ May Day holiday?19. 我有好多特别的东西送给你。I have _ _ _ for you.20. 我们只放一天假。We only _ _ _ _.21. 孩子们上周在公园玩的很高兴。 The kids _ _ _ in the park last Saturday.22. 当我读初中的时候,我数学很糟糕。 _ I was in junior middle school, I was _ at maths.2

15、3. 在许多国家,人们从新年前夜就开始庆祝了。 In many countries, people start celebrating on _ _ Eve.24. 我到家的时候,我的妹妹正在看电视。_ I got home, my sister was _ _.25. 种完树之后,我们就离开了。 _ we planted the trees, we _.26. 因为她是世界上最好的运动员之一,所以她是我的英雄。 Shes my hero because shes _ _ _ _ _ in the world.27. 当他五岁时,他开始学英语。He started to learn Engli

16、sh _ _ _ _.28. 无论做什么,她都不放弃。 _ she does, she never gives up!29. 她不比别人聪明,但她努力学习。 She isnt _ _ anyone else, but she works hard.30. 去年,那部电影使他成为了一位明星。That film _ _ a star last year.31. 史密斯先生已经不间断地工作了九个小时。Mr. Smith _ _ for nine hours without stop.32. 史密斯先生辛勤的工作使得他成为该公司的最好的员工。 Mr. Smiths hard work made _ _

17、 _ worker in this company.33. 那个男孩跑得太快,我都追不上他。 The boy ran _ fast _ I cant catch him up.34. 当你有空的时候,给我发一条信息。 _ me a _ _ when you are free.35. 老师建议他尽快离开。 The teacher _ him _ leave as soon as possible.36. 我们虽然穷,仍然很快活。 _ we are poor, we are _ very happy.37. 她刚要做饭,这时来了一些客人。 She _ _ _ cook supper when so

18、me guests came.38. 不用担心,我会按时叫醒他的。 Dont worry! I will _ _ _ on time.39. 我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。 We turned on the light _ _ we can see what it was.40. 我希望我的父母对待我别再像对待小孩子一样了。 I _ my parents would stop _ me like a child.41. 我的妈妈在睡觉,所以我让弟弟关掉了电视。 My mother is sleeping, _ I told my little brother to _ _ the TV.42

19、. 博物馆对各个年龄段的人来说都是很有意思的。 The museum is very interesting for people _ _ _.43. 星期天可以免费进入这个公园。 The park is _ _ _ on Sundays.44. 在这个国家,煤是主要的能源。 _ is the main _ in this country.45. 她想要弄明白这台机器是怎样运作的。 She wants to _ _ _ this machine works.46. 他很喜欢车,我确定他不会错过那个车展。 He loves cars very much. Im _ he will not mis

20、s the car _.47. 如果我不做作业,妈妈会惩罚我的。 _ I dont do my homework, Mum will _ me.48. 我的妈妈从一点工作到五点。 My mothers works _ 1:00 _ 5:00.49. 老师弄清楚汤姆为什么迟到了吗? Has the teacher _ _ why Tom was late?50. 难怪人们不喜欢这部电影。它太无聊了。 _ _ people dont like this movie. Its boring.根据汉语提示填空答案:1. modern 2. ancient 3. the natural wonders

21、4. at the bottom of 5. falls away6. remain too long 7. no sign of 8. a discussion of 9. twenty miles away from10. rose ; shone11. didnt / until 12. as soon as 13. While / was writing 14. has taught / since15. make / give a speech 16. somewhere interesting 17. lay the table 18. any plans for19. many

22、special things 20. have one day off 21. had great fun 22. While / bad23. New Years 24. When / watching TV 25. After / left26. one of the best players / athletes 27. at five years old / when he was five 28. Whatever29. cleverer than / smarter than 30. made him 31. continues working / has worked32. hi

23、m the best33. so ; that 34. Send ; text message 35. advised ; to 36. Although ; still 37. was about to38. wake him up 39. so that 40. hope ; treating 41. so ; turn off42. of all ages 43. free to enter 44. Coal ; energy 45. find out how 46. sure ; exhibition47. If ; punish 48. from ; to 49. found out

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