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1、8.Please dont mention the murder before our children _(以免吓着他们).in case theyll be frightened9.On average, it is said, visitors spend only _ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.half as much (money)10.Pollution is caused either by mans release of completely new and often artificial (人造) substances in

2、to the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (物质), such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.有两种情况可以造成污染。一是人类向周围环境排放新的人造物质;二是排放大量的天然物质,如油轮在海上发生泄油事件。11.Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every day.尽管英语的历史不像汉语

3、那么古老,但世界各地每天却有很多人在说英语。12._ (假如没有反对意见) we will begin the task right now.Provided there are no objections13.对不起,我没有把你的书带来。我一到家,就给你寄来。Im sorry that I havent brought your book here. As soon as I get home, I will send it to you.14.Due to falling house prices, our apartment is _ (比一年前价值低了).worth less than

4、 it was a year ago15.亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面都比他弟弟的要好。The drawings painted by Henry were superior to his brothers in many respects.16.早知道他不来参加晚会,我们就不等那么久了。If I had known that he wouldnt come to the party earlier, we wouldnt have waited so long.17.As the course becomes more difficult and demanding, there is usu

5、ally _ (出勤率相应下降)。a corresponding drop in attendance18.一切都表明他的计划出了毛病。Everything shows that something has gone wrong with his plan.19.They are strong enough to break clown houses and other buildings; sometimes they break more buildings than the earthquake itself.海浪威力无比,不仅毁坏房子和其他建筑物,有时对建筑物的破坏远远超出地震本身。2

6、0.The doctor has got used to _ (用医生的目光观察病人).observing his patients with a medical eye21.在不久的将来,北京将变得更加干净漂亮。In the near future, Beijing will become cleaner and more beautiful.22.对学生来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。It is very important for students to obey this rule.23.快点,他们在等着我们呢。Hurry up! They are waiting for us.24.O

7、ther scientists believe that our search hasnt been long enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy.还有一部分科学家认为,我们对外太空探索的时间并不长,因此,不能排除我们星系存在外星人的可能性。25.It was cut long, so that it would let in as much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather.墙上的孔开得很长

8、,这样便于光线照进房内,同时,孔开得很细,这样就能挡风避雨。26.It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real.有人辩解说,收音机也有此功能。但在电视屏幕上,一切都会变得更加生动真切。27._ (任何人违法) will be fined or put in jail.whoever breaks the law28.会一开完,他们就开始工作了。Hardly had the meeti

9、ng been over when they began to work.29.运动会已经延迟到下星期一了。The sports meet has been put off till next Monday.30.He finished the job _ (以健康为代价)at the expense of his health解析 词组:at the expense of(以为代价)31._ (没有什么可做),we played gamesThere being nothing to do解析 独立主格结构:there + being+其他成分,多放在句首。32.就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她的妹

10、妹几乎没有什么共同之处。So far as hobbies are concerned, Jenny and her sister have nothing in common.33.When the Europeans came to the New World, the Indians, at first, taught the settlers how to plant corn, bake fish, make canoes and smoke tobacco.当欧洲人刚来美洲时,印第安人教会了这些定居者如何种植玉米、烤鱼、造小木船和吸烟。34.Although much remain

11、ed unaltered, _ (不容否认) that some significant changes were occurring.there is no denying35.史密斯问我,“今天晚上有英文电影吗?”Smith asked me, Is there going to be an English film this evening?36.He was badly injured; only the very finest treatment _ (能让他挺过来)。could have brought him through37.他害怕批评,要他认识自己的错误是不容易的。He i

12、s afraid of criticism. It is not easy to make him realize his own mistakes.38.我往车站跑的时候,遇到了约翰。I met John when I was running to the station.39.Father _ (确保) that much of my spare time is profitably occupied.sees to it/makes sure40.汤姆过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。Tom used to drink nothing but coffee.41.You must also be

13、ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely.你必须准备为训练小狗而花费大量时间,同时要坚持给它足够的锻炼机会。人们在乡下养狗是个例外,因为狗可以自由走动。42.Newspapers often have information on gardening, cook

14、ing and fashion as well as a small but very popular section on jokes and cartoons (漫画).报纸常刊登有关园艺、烹饪、时装等方面的报道,同时也有短小精悍却很受欢迎的笑话与漫画专栏。43.The more confident a student is, _ (考试越不可能作弊)。the less likely he is to cheat in an examination44.In English vocabulary, _ (有法语渊源的词汇)are not rare.words of French origi

15、n45.尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划。In spite of the difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.46._ (不论是什么建议), he will turn a deaf ear to them.whatever the suggestion is47.It has been demonstrated that many times that it is often this idea that is causing their problems rather than any lack of

16、skill in mathematics.实践证明,许多情况下,正是人们对数学的这种错误看法才使得他们在数学学习时遇到许多困难,而不是他们的学习能力或技巧方面比别人差。48.老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手把它撕得粉碎。After the old man read the letter, he was so disappointed that he tore it into pieces with his trembling hands.49.They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the

17、 countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.艺术家们认为,在不计其数的形状与色彩中,有一些特别有趣,值得向观众展示。50.Except for a number of stores _ (主要街道两边), the others are closed on Christmas Day.along the busy streets51.The disgrace of being beaten by a weaker man is _ (是这位冠军远远无法忍受的

18、).more than the champion can stand52.As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones.随着时间的推移,我们会越来越多地使用大脑,这将使我们的大脑会变得更大。53.The naughty boy _ (以为乐)pulling the cats tail yesterdaytook delight in词组:take delight in(以为乐) 2)时态:一般过去时。54.她读这部

19、小说时,不禁想起了她在农村渡过的那五年。When she was reading the novel, she couldnt help thinking of the five years she spent in the countryside.55.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。Although Nancy wanted to join in the discussion very much, she was too shy to say a word.56.她待我们很好,就像是对待她的亲兄弟一样。She treats us very well, as if we were h

20、er brothers.57.This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly spread to Germany, France and England.在土耳其,人们流行赠送带有秘密意义的爱情礼物。这一想法很快传到了德国、法国和英格兰。58.大多数学生发现,亚里士多德的哲学思想比他们原先所想的要复杂得多。Most students find out that Aristotles philosophy is more profound than they expected.59.一辆卡车驶进了学校白雪覆盖的操场。

21、A truck pulled into the snow-covered sports ground at the school.60.If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases.如果使用语言的主要目的是交流思想,那么犯错误就显得不重要了。使用者会逐渐意识到错误并最终加以改正。61.他经常睡得很晚,有

22、时候十二点才上床。He often goes to bed late; sometimes he doesnt go to bed until 12 oclock.62.Taking a journey to the moon for us is _ (不是幻想而是现实)。not a fantasy but a reality63.就是在这间房子里,他们工作了近十年。It is in this room that they have worked for nearly ten years.64.Let him have his own way. _ (强迫他去做.有什么意义) what he

23、is reluctant to do?Whats the point of forcing him to do65.Shanghai may not _ (是中国典型代表), but at least it will give you some idea of what is going on in typical of China66.They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a needle in the

24、 wrist, for example, would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth.他们试图发展令人信服的针灸理论,来说明银针是如何止痛,比如,为何在手腕上扎针却能制止嘴部的疼痛。67.There is one thing I dislike about him: he will never _(承认犯了错误).admit having committed/made a mistake68.The businessman recently _(忙于从事)foreign tradehas been engaged in时态:由前面的recen

25、tly决定此处应使用现在完成时。2)词组:be engaged in(从事于,忙碌于)69.All penguins are good parents-the emperor penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world.企鹅是称职的父母,国王企鹅称得上是世上最好的父母。70.Whether I walk or sleep, this subject is _ (总是困扰不已)。always on my mind71.科学家已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效得多。Scientists have done countl

26、ess experiments, showing that praise is much more efficient than criticism in improving a mans behavior.72.Jet lag happens when your bodys time clock becomes confused.乘坐飞机时,当体内的生物钟变得紊乱,时差给人体带来不良的现象就会产生。73.一定要找出办法来防止污染。A way must be found to prevent pollution.74.And in situations where we ourselves a

27、re forced to stand close to another person on crowded subways, for example, we turn our eyes away, and if actual body contact is involved, tense the muscles on the contact side.在一些场合,当不得不站得离别人很近时,比如在拥挤的地铁上,我们不会去注视对方。假如有身体接触时,我们的肌肉会变紧。75.The decision will _ (只会导致更多的犯罪)。only result in more crimes76.这封信不需要今天发。The letter need

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