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1、学校/学院主页Related Websites:1 (Paste the link of your graduate School)2 (Paste the link of your department)我在上述学校就读过的专业(如果有第二专业,也请注明)Major (If you have/had a minor, please specify also ) 上述学校的专业情况介绍(如师资力量,专业的知名度,就业前景等情况,150字为限)A brief introduction of my major in this school, such as professional reputat

2、ion, employment prospects (word limit: 150 words)硕士期间的主修专业综合平均成绩(百分制以及您所计算的GPA):Graduate Major GPA in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100; 3.6/4.0我在硕士阶段的导师以及他/她的介绍My advisor during graduate study and his/her brief introduction我的本科学校/院系及就读时间 My undergraduate school/dep

3、artment and the duration1 (Paste the link of your Undergraduate School)本科期间的主修专业综合平均成绩(百分制以及您所计算的GPA):Major GPA in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100;(该项选填)本科期间的辅修专业(第二专业)综合平均成绩(百分制以及您所计算的GPA):Optional (Minor) GPA in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) syste

4、m, such as 88/100;您认为对您申请的专业有用的核心课程名称(硕士和本科期间的都可以)以及分数(百分制以及您所计算的GPA,请勿超过10项):List the courses (taken in graduate school or undergraduate school)related to your intended study area Please specify the course name and the corresponding grades (Item limit: 10)我的交流学生经历(如果不适用可以留白)My experience as an exch

5、ange student (Optional)我在*学校的*专业交流过:I have been exchanged in * University/College (study area:*)交流时间:Exchange duration交流期间我所选修的核心课程(请中英文对照填写):The courses I take/took:我在交流期间的收获(150字为限)What I gain/ed there as an exchange student? (word limit:2 简单介绍我的性格:2 A brief description of my personality :3 我的座右铭是

6、什么?我崇拜的偶像是谁(以及他/她的简单介绍)? 3 My motto? The idols I worship? (A brief introduction of him/her will be appreciated )4 我对所申请专业的兴趣出发点源于何处?下面是我的描述。4 How do/did I gain the professional interest for my intended study area?The following is my description.5 下面是我和所申请专业的相关工作和项目经历。在这些工作和项目经历中我具体做了什么工作 ,怎样做的?在这些工作

7、和项目经历中最让我难忘的是什么;挑战有那些?我是如何应对的?5 The following is about relevant professional experience and project work.What were your concrete tasks in those professional experiences and project works?How did you accomplish them?What was the most memorable story when you were facing those challenges?6 描述我的团队经验,我怎

8、样和和其它研究人员或我的同学配合的?在团队中担当怎样的角色?6 Describe the team experience you have/had. How did you interact with your fellow researchers and classmates?7 (选择填写)我感觉我的本科成绩过低而不足以体现学术资质和努力程度,这个原因是由于(学校评分严格,分数不高但排名高,或其他解释方法)7 (Optional)You may be underestimated in academic aptitude and endeavor because of your low u

9、ndergraduate GPA; can you give any reasonable explanations for that?8 我在大学期间重要的奖励和突出成就,这些包括学术性的和非学术性的,以及我印象深刻的奖项和原因8 Please list the awards and the achievements you have during the college life, including the academic and non-academic ones. 9 如果有论文或者专著发表,请列出发表论文、期刊,简介所发刊物内容、期刊名、机构名(出版商)、内容、对未来方向的影响和

10、工作态度的具体事例,请提供正确的英文专有名词供我们参考。研究论文方向内容跟申请科系有关之阐述 (研究的目的,研究具体方法,研究所用仪器名称,研究(实验)主要步骤,研究结果(重要资料的数值),研究的意义等;以及具体研究专题的内容,具体仪器操作步骤,完成专题论文中间过程表现学术水平。(如果方便,请直接附上重要文章的英文摘要)9 List the publications you have or will have, including the full title of the article, journal/book name, and a brief introduction of the

11、content. How will these works contribute to your application for the intended study area?Please also provide the terminology in English for our reference.(If possible, attach the abstract below.).10 谈谈我对未来所要选择专业的认识,如果所申请的专业与本科专业不一致,谈谈想要申请该专业的原因。以及打算如何克服跨专业申请的困难的?10 Describe your understanding of the

12、 study area that you will apply for. If it is different from the major you have, please explain why you want to transfer to the new program, and how you plan to conquer the expected difficulties?11 我的家庭背景,比如父母的职业对自己的影响?自己的居住地是否对自己的成长有着深远的影响?(运用发散思维写几句,150字为限)11 Family background, for instance, wheth

13、er or not my parents occupations have influence on me?Or whether or not my residences have far-reaching influence on me? (150 words limited)12 为什么选择所申请的学校以及专业?(请只以一所为例,因为成稿一般只提到一所申请学校,针对不同的学校,请自行略作修改使用)该校吸引你的特色、以及该校该科系的特色。请附上相关的英文网站链接。请勿大段复制粘贴学校的中文简介12 Why do you choose this school and major?(Please

14、 refer to one school only. The final version we provide will only cover one school, however, you can amend it for different applications.)Which attributes does this school/major attract you?Please paste the related links of the schools/departments that you might be interested for our reference. 13 我未来的学习和职业规划:13 My future study plan and the career plan:14 (英文)我对文章的开头的要求或者建议,也可以天马行空的随便写几句:14 My suggestions for the beginning of the essay. All kinds of thoughts are welcome.

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