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1、Made TV programmes.Founded a new university.为单词选择正确释义1theme A不同的;各种各样的2central B独一无二的;仅有的3various C保存;保留4amusement D有吸引力的事物;吸引5swing E旅游业6attraction F锦标赛;联赛7tourism G消遣;娱乐(活动)8unique H秋千;摇摆;摆动9preserve I中心的;中央的10tournament J题目;主题(曲)1J2I3A4G5H6D7E8B9C10F.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n长度;长2_ n行动;事迹3_ n移民;殖民者4_ n生物;

2、动物5_ vt. & vi. & n前进;促进;进步1.length2.deed3.settler4.creature5.advance.根据英语释义写出单词1_:being admitted to a society,a school,etc2_:short,printed article in a paper cover3_:imagination;product of the imagination4_:drawing,dealing with current events in an amusing way5_:machine that converts energy into pow

3、er or motion1.admission2.brochure3.fantasy4.cartoon5.engine.选用正确短语的适当形式完成句子come true;be modelled after;be familiar with;be famous for;no wonder1France _ its wine,which is known to famous for2He stayed up last night._he was sleepy in class.No wonder3The new church _ St Peters in modelle

4、d after4Your dream will _ some e true5We _ her name,but we havent met her.are familiar with课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1Parks find only one way to meet peoples need.(F)2It costs little or no money to go to some parks.(T)3Though theme parks are not so huge,they provide more than amusement parks.(F)4Theme parks

5、only make a profit from the charge for admission.(F)5Disneyland is the oldest theme park,named after Walt Disney.(T)6In theme parks,people can only look or watch,they are not allowed to go for activities,let alone (更不用说) eating or buying anything.(F).读课文回答问题1What are theme parks?Parks that have a ce

6、rtain theme.2Whats the Dollywoods main attraction?Its culture.3Whats the main purpose of Dollywood?The main purpose of it is to educate people.读课文完成表格ParksThemesActivitiesDisneylandcartoonsTravel through 1._ or visit a pirate ship. Meet your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon 2._.Enjoy exciting

7、rides,from 3._ ships to freefall drops.DollywoodcultureWatch famous country music groups 4._.See 5._ and other craftsmen make objects.Try the same kind of American candy made 150 years ago.Take a ride on the only 6._ train and enjoy one of the best old wooden roller coasters.See beautiful bald eagle

8、s in the 7._Camelot Park8._Watch magic shows with Merlin the Wizard.See fighting with 9._ or on horseback in the jousting area.Learn how people in 10._ England ran their farms and looked after their animals.1.space2.character3.swinging4.performances5.carpenters6.steamengine7.preserve8.history9.sword

9、s10.ancient课文深层理解.主旨匹配Para 1ATo introduce Disneyland.Para 2 BTo introduce theme parks.Para 3 CTo introduce Camelot Park.Para 4 DTo introduce Dollywood.Para 1BPara 2APara 3DPara 4C.单项选择1Which is the reason why tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland?ADisneyland will bring you into a magi

10、cal world and make your dreams come true.BYou can meet your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character in Disneyland.CYou can travel through space,or visit a pirate ship in Disneyland.DDisneyland has many attractions such as exciting rides,fantasy amusement parks and so on.2What makes Dollywoo

11、d one of the most unique theme parks in the world?ADollywood has many rides.BDollywood can show visitors Americas traditional southeastern culture.CYou can see the worlds largest bald eagle preserve in Dollywood.DDollywood is very beautiful.3How many theme parks are mentioned in the passage?AOne. BT

12、wo.CThree. DFour.4Which is WRONG about Englands Camelot Park?AYou can watch magic shows with Merlin the Wizard.BYou can learn how people in ancient England ran their farms and took care of their animals.CYou can see knights fighting with swords or on horseback.DYou can fight in the big jousting tour

13、nament.5Whats the main idea of the passage?ATheme parks are more than amusement.BTheme parks have a certain idea.CTheme parks are places for people to amuse themselves.DTheme parks have many kinds of interesting things to see and to do.1.D2.B3.C4.D5.C.感悟下列句子所用的句型并尝试译成汉语1Whichever and whatever you li

14、ke,there is a theme park for you.无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园。2The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland.你最熟悉的主题公园很可能就是迪士尼乐园吧。3With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪士尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。4Come to Dollywood to ha

15、ve fun learning all about Americas historical southeastern culture!来多莱坞尽情了解美国东南地区的历史文化吧!5To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England,come to Camelot Park!想进入古英格兰的梦幻世界吗,那就来卡默洛特公园吧!如何写好景点类介绍说明文本单元的写作任务是写一篇介绍景点的短文。写这类文章的具体要求是:1景点介绍要简明扼要、主题鲜明。需要用较短的、概括性的文字给游客留下深刻的印象,达到让人产生游览欲望的目的。2.要写清景点及其中各项活动项目的

16、功能或特点、地理位置、交通方式以及收费情况等。3景点一般由若干活动项目组合而成。介绍时可依照先概述景点,再分述活动项目,最后总述的顺序。分述活动项目可依照游玩路线进行。4介绍景点以说明为主,在说明中可以穿插描写和叙述。【常用句式】1介绍功能或特点。The theme of the park is.You will enjoy doing/seeing.It is known/famous for.It is home to.2介绍地理位置。It is located/situated in the centre of.It lies in/to the south/east of.On the

17、 top of.stands.3介绍面积。It has/covers an area of.square kilometres.with an area of.square kilometres.4介绍历史。It has a history of.years.with a history of.years.has witnessed too history.5介绍交通方式。You can reach the building/museum by.You can get there a little more quickly by.6介绍收费情况。The admission fe

18、e is.You need to pay.for the entrance ticket and an additional charge of.yuan for.They charge no additional fees except the entrance ticket. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容:1简况:800多米长,600多年历史,300多家商铺。2位置:天安门广场南面。3交通:公共汽车17、59、69路等,地铁2号线。4特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。注意:1.词数100左右。2可以适

19、当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:步行街pedestrian street;当当车trolley car;地铁subway【范文点评】范文点评Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter for asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.Qianmen Street,more than 800 metres long,is a famous street with_a_history_of_over_600_years,along_which_there_are_more_

20、than_300_shops.As the street is in the centre of Beijing,just to the south of Tiananmen Square,it is very convenient to get there by taking Buses No.17,59 or 69 besides Subway Line 2.Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but there are trolley cars to take you not_only_to_the_shops,but_also_to_theatr

21、es_and_teahouses_where_you_can_experience_a_truly_Chinese_way_of_life.Im sure youll like it.Yours,Li Hua本文内容安排合理,要点详略得当,层次清晰。作者通过其扎实的语境和词汇知识很好地完成了所要求的写作任务。with介词短语使语言表达简洁有力。along which.非限制性定语从句,有效地补充信息,使句意完整,表达要点到位。not only.but also.;where引导的定语从句体现了作者深厚的语言功底,使文章内容更加精彩请根据下面表格的内容写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍郑州绿博园

22、(The Green Expo Garden in Zhengzhou)。地点紧邻郑开大道面积约3 000亩特色展园94个,各类灌木、花卉700余种,共63.5万株宗旨展示造林方面取得的成就,提升环保意识,倡导绿色生活门票成人每人次30元公交568路和573路The Green Expo Garden in Zhengzhou is located next to Zhengkai Road.It covers an area of about 3,000 mu.There are 94 exhibition parks altogether,which are home to more than 700 types of shrubs and flowers.Besides,the number of shrubs and flowers is as many as 635,000.The aim of building the garde

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