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1、因此本空填ages。 43A.working BlivingCplaying Dgoing选C根据该空后面的“with their new toys”可知孩子们是“玩耍”新的玩具,所以此处要用playing。44A.confidence BinterestCanxiety Dsorrow选B但是,不久他们对新玩具的兴趣(interest)逐渐消失了。45A.same BextraCfunny Dexpensive选A到了一月,同样的(same)玩具再也不能吸引孩子们了,他们就把那些玩具收起来了。46A.wellorganized BcolorfullyprintedCnewlycollecte

2、d Dhalffilled选D生活中装满一半(halffilled)邮票的集邮册和没有完工的模型多的是。后文的“unfinished”是关键信息。47A.broad BpassingCdifferent Dmain选B这些东西说明很多人曾经喜欢某一件事,结果半途而废。他们的兴趣是短暂的(passing)。故选B。48A.silently BimpatientlyCgladly Dworriedly选C当父母带回家一个宠物时,孩子高兴地(gladly)为它洗澡、刷它的毛。49A.promise BburdenCright Dgame选B但是,过不了多久,照顾动物的重担(burden)又被移交给了

3、父母。50A.courage BcalmnessCconfusion Dexcitement选D青少年带着极大的兴奋之情(excitement)进入高中。51A.graduation BindependenceCresponsibility Dsuccess选A但是,不久他们就盼望着毕业(graduation)。52A.children BstudentsCadults Dretirees选C前句中的young adults暗示下文谈论的是成年人。根据文意可知,抱怨每天开车上班花费时间长的人,应该是成年人。53A.carefully BeagerlyCnervously Dbravely选B而

4、当他们刚刚拿到驾照时,他们翘首企盼(eagerly)一次开好几个小时。eagerly“渴望地”,符合文意。54A.required BobtainedCnoticed Ddiscovered选Bobtain“得到”。这里指考取驾照。55A.need BlearnCstart Dplan选D在退休前,人们通常计划(plan)做很多事情。56A.great BstrangeCdifficult Dcorrect选A这些事情是他们上班没有时间做的大事(great things)。57A.time BmoneyCskills Dknowledge选A参见上题解析。他们上班太忙了,没有时间(time)做

5、这些事情。58A.only BwellCeven Dsoon选D但是,退休后不久(soon),像打高尔夫、钓鱼、阅读及其他所有的消遣方式都变得没有意思了。59A.lost BchoseCleft Dquit选C那些消遣方式就像他们刚离开(leave)的工作一样,非常乏味。60A.pets BtoysCfriends Dcolleagues选B这些退休老人遭遇的处境,就像一月的孩子一样,开始找新玩具(toys),寻求刺激了。(二)It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood (情绪).

6、When you are _49_, you may find yourself blaming work pressures or an unknown future. However, it could just be that youve been sitting behind your desk too long.One way to improve your mood is _50_. Psychologically,it provides you with a break from the stresses in your life. Also, in the process, y

7、ou may aim for _51_ goals, like a new personal running record or a better body shape. The achievement of a particular goal makes you feel good and contributes to your _52_. That is why exercise has been shown to _53_ your selfrespect.You do not have to train yourself _54_ to feel the psychological b

8、enefits of exercise.What really matters is _55_, not intensity (强度) of your exercise. You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or simply gardening on weekends.49A.ill BpoorCunhappy Dunsuccessful选C由文章的第一句“It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood (情绪)

9、”可知,此处表示当你不高兴的时候,你会责怪工作压力或未知的将来。 BcommunicationCsleep Dexercise选D由第二段第三句中的“like a new personal running record or a better body shape”以及最后一句中的“That is why exercise .”可知,改善情绪的一个方法就是锻炼。51A.clear BpresentCcommon Dearly选A“like a new personal running record or a better body shape”说明在这个过程中,你可以有明确的目

10、标。clear“清晰的,明确的”,符合语境。52A.ability BrelationshipCconfidence Dbusiness选C实现了一个特定的目标会让你感觉不错,并且会增加你的信心。confidence“信心”,符合语境。53A.tear down Bbuild upCset aside Dgive out选B根据上下文内容可知,此处表示那就是为什么锻炼可以建立自尊。tear down“拆毁”;build up“建立”;set aside“留出,拨出”;give out“发生,分发”。54A.hard BeverywhereCcarefully Dlate选A由下文的“not i

11、ntensity (强度) of your exercise”可知,训练的强度并不重要,不必太用力训练,去感受它给你带来的心理上的好处。55A.time BlengthCform Dfrequency选D文章最后一句中的“You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week”是提示。由此可知,真正重要的是频率而不是强度。(三)If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why.Do you need it for a _36_ re

12、ason, such as your job or your studies?_37_ perhaps youre interested in the _38_, films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _39_ of the language.Most people learn best using a variety of _40_, but traditional classes are an ideal (理想的) start for many people.T

13、hey _41_ an environment where you can practice under the _42_ of someone whos good at the language.We all lead _43_ lives and learning a language takes _44_.You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a _45_.It doesnt matter if you havent got long.Becoming fluent in a langua

14、ge will take years, but learning to get by takes _46_.Many people start learning a language and soon give up.“Im too _47_,” they say.Yes, children do learn languages more _48_ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _49_.And learning is good for the health of your br

15、ain, too.Ive also heard people _50_ about the mistakes they make when _51_.Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes _52_ youre much less likely to make them again.Learning a new language is never _53_.But with some work and devotion, youll make progress.And youll be _54_ by the positive reaction of

16、 some people when you say just a few words in _55_ own language. Good luck!本文是一篇议论文。文章就学习外语的原因、方法以及外语学习与年龄、犯错误之间的关系等进行了讨论。36A.technical BpoliticalCpractical Dphysical选C由接下来的“such as your job or your studies”可知此处是问你学一门外语是因为某种现实的需要(诸如求职或求学)吗?practical“现实的”,符合语境。37A.After BSoCThough DOr选D分析上下文之间的逻辑关系可知

17、,此处是说或许你对另一个国家的文学、电影或者音乐感兴趣,而且你知道掌握该语言将会是多么大的帮助。本段讨论的是学习外语的原因,上句和本句分别给出了一种原因,显然两句之间为并列关系。故选D。38A.literature Btransport Cagriculture Dmedicine选A根据语境可知,所填词语与接下来的“films or music”并列,被“of a different country”修饰,故选A。39A.view BknowledgeCform Ddatabase选B见37题解析。have a knowledge of“掌握,了解,熟知”。40A.paintings Bre

18、gulationsCmethods Dcomputers选C大多数人使用各种不同的方法学得很好,但对许多人来说,传统的课堂是理想的开端。故选C。41A.protect BchangeCrespect Dprovide选D它们(传统的课堂)可以“提供”一种环境:你可以在一个精通该语言的人的指导下不断练习。42A.control Bcommand Cguidance Dpressure选C见上题解析。under the guidance of“在的指导下”。43A.busy BhappyCsimple Dnormal选A接下来讨论的是学习外语需要大量的时间,由此可知此处是说我们都生活得很忙碌,但学

19、习外语需要时间。故选A。44A.courage BtimeCenergy Dplace选B见上题解析。谈论的是学习外语需要时间,故选B。45A.theory BbusinessCroutine Dproject选C根据前半句中的“regularly”可知选C。如果定期学习外语,成功的机会会更大些,所以要努力养成习惯。routine“惯例,常规”。46A.some risks Ba lot lessCsome notes Da lot more选B要学到流利的程度需要数年的时间,但只要求说得过去,需要的时间则少得多。but表示转折,前一句说的是需要很多时间,后一句自然说的相反。47A.old B

20、nervousCweak Dtired选A根据接下来的“children”和“adults”可知,本段讨论的是学习外语与年龄之间的关系,故选A。许多人开始学习外语,但很快就放弃了。他们会说“我年龄大了”。48A.closely BquicklyCprivately Dquietly选B的确,孩子比成年人学习外语更快。49A.age BspeedCdistance Dschool选A本段讨论的是学习外语与“年龄”之间的关系,故选A。50A.worry BhesitateCthink Dquarrel选A我还听人们说:他们担心学习时犯的错误。51A.singing BworkingCbargain

21、ing Dlearning选D本文讨论的是学习外语的事情,故选D。52A.if BandCbut Dbefore选B此处为“祈使句and陈述句”结构。放松心态,自嘲自己的错误,这样你再次犯错的可能性就会大大降低。53A.tiresome BhardCinteresting Deasy选D本句为本段的首句,起着承上启下的作用,是对上文的总结。上文讨论的是学习外语的众多困难,然后通过“But with some work and devotion, youll make progress.”话锋一转,讨论学习外语的收获。54A.blamed BamazedCinterrupted Dinforme

22、d选B此处讨论的是学习外语的收获你用他们的语言说上几句,外国人的积极反应就会让你“惊喜”,故选B。55A.their BhisCour Dyour选A见上题解析。(四)The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost nonexistent.In the world of digital technology, email, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be _36_.Solitude can be hard to dis

23、cover _37_ it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have _38_ our culture.The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a (n) _39_ as weve known it.People have become so _40_ in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted _41_ theyd rather not be.Today w

24、e can talk, text, email, chat and blog (写博客), not only from our _42_, but from our mobile phones as well.Most developed nations have become _43_ on digital technology simply because theyve grown accustomed to it, and at this point not _44_ it would make them an outsider._45_, many jobs and careers require people to be _46_.From this point of view, technology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a _47_ to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible

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