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1、Getting together and assessing the status of your relationship is a very important answer to the question: whether can you save your relationship alone. Both of you will have made mistakes and the realization of what these are will give you time to reflect on methods and compromise to help avoid fut

2、ure problems that are similar in nature. 21. What would worsen the relationship between two people according to the passage?A. The mature of a relationship.B. Different needs and ideas.C. The differences between two people in aspect of culture.D. A persons compromise and misunderstanding.正确答案:C22. W

3、hat is the first step you can take to save the relationship?A. Communicate with your partner so that two can work together.B. Assess the status of your relationship.C. A change to renew your love and feelings towards each other.D. Define the problems and understand the reasons that cause them.D23. W

4、hich of the following is a good way to save the relationship?A. One person can take a few days off to travel to some places alone.B. Two people can spend some quality time together.C. Two people can find new meanings of their feelings and emotions.D. Two people can find some friends to discuss about

5、 their problems appearing.B24. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. An effective communication between any kinds of friends is very important.B. In order to establish trust and faith, one person should try to talk to his or her partner as much as possible.C. In order to avoid t

6、roubles or problems in future, two people should have a reflective attitude towards mistakes they have made or will have made.D. With the mature of a relationship, it is certain that more problems or conflicts would appear.25. What is the tone of the author towards the solution of possible problems

7、in a relationship?A. Pessimistic. B. Optimistic.C. Neutral. D. Unclear.Passage TwoQuality family relationships are becoming increasingly important in our society. With pressures and issues children are facing today, the need for open communication and positive family relationships is vital. Todays c

8、hildren also face dangers not known of in the past. Children are being taught not to blindly obey an adults requests if it could be a safety risk. As a result, adults are no longer perceived as infallible and children are encouraged to think or decide for themselves and be more assertive than childr

9、en in previous generations. Most parents want their children to feel free to talk to them; yet dont always know how they can foster it. It helps if parents can remember that communication involves proper timing and both talking and listening. When children have a problem, their parents efforts at li

10、stening often result, instead, in lecturing and offering advice. Unsolicited advice provides little opportunity for children to share their feelings and can result in children becoming reliant on others influence. In turn, these children may develop inadequate decision-making skills as they mature.M

11、ost parents can be very accepting about most of the feelings their children have, unless they say something that makes the parent angry, anxious, or uncomfortable. Effective listening involves a respectful attitude, concentration, eye contact, and an effort to stop and think about when to be silent

12、and when or how to respond. A simple nod or word of acknowledgment will let a child know you are listening. When listening, avoid probing questions like Why?. These questions shift the focus from feelings to analyzing and children may interpret it as a denial of their feelings. Instead, tune into th

13、e feelings, and then put the feeling word into a sentence. This will show that you understand and accept how they feel. Children of all ages learn how to identify their feelings and solve their own problems when parents help give their feelings a name.Sometimes children will express their negative e

14、motions in inappropriate ways, such as yelling. Parents can allow children to feel angry but share specifics about how they can express their anger in acceptable ways. Help them generate ideas for constructive ways to express their anger. When parents have negative feelings or want more cooperation

15、from their child, they also need to respectfully express themselves. Instead of ordering, focus on the problem without blaming and give children a chance to decide for themselves what actions they need to take. 26. Compared with the children in the past, todays children _A. are enjoying less pressur

16、e from society and family.B. are becoming more obedient to their parents.C. are becoming more decisive.D. are becoming more dangerous.27. How to foster quality family relationships according to the author?A. Parents should listen to their children and offer adequate advice.B. Children feel free to t

17、alk to their parents whenever they like to do so.C. Children become more independent and not reliant on their parents.D. Parents should know how to accept and share childrens feelings by proper communications.28. What would children become if their parents give them unasked advice?A. They would beco

18、me more effective in making decisions.B. They would become more reliant on their own decisions.C. They would be confronted with some problems in decision-making in future.D. They would become more independent of their parents.29. Which of the following cannot be considered as effective listening?A.

19、Parents pay proper attention to what their children say.B. Parents should keep silent whenever their children are talking.C. Parents can use nonverbal language, such as nod to express their feelings.D. When listening, parents are willing to recognize their children as individuals with opinions of th

20、eir own.30. What can parents do if their child is angry?A. Let their child yell or lose his or her temper.B. Try to control his or her temper.C. Help their child to express the negative emotions in suitable ways.D. Give their child an opportunity to make his or her own decisions.Vocabulary and Struc

21、ture Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (60 points)31. When boundaries between countries are not clearly _, there is usually trouble.A. differed B. definedC. made clear D. distinguished32. Our basketball team has won a(n)_

22、victory over the National Team.A. overwhelming B. surprisingC. inevitable D. unhesitantA33. On weekends my husband usually _ a glass of wine.A. subscribes to B. engages inC. hangs on D. indulges in34. In the United States educational system, intermediate school is the transitional _ between the prim

23、ary grades and high school. A. stage B. periodC. time D. process35. A recent study found that children who viewed cartoons experienced more pain during blood tests than children whose mothers were at present and _ with them.A. interfered B. interactedC. distracted D. comforted36. As soon as I am _ i

24、n Italy, I will send you my permanent address.A. staying B. livingC. settled D. resided37. Can you _ between an authentic antique and a fake one?A. separate B. compareC. contrast D. distinguish38. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an individuals personality and development are more influenced by nature or by _.A. training B. educationC. nurture D. schooling39. The plan could face _ opposition abroad given surging global food prices and deforesta

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