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1、Education has become an important industryan industry that is second to none in terms of importance to our society. 7、由于健康和生活条件的改善,人类寿命快速延长,这是二十一世纪所有发达国家的一个特征。The rapid extension of the lifespan, resulting from improved health and living conditions, is a feature of all developed countries in the 21s

2、t century. 8、媒体自由是否应该被限制是一个被激烈争论的话题。支持者和反对者之间的争论一直没有平息。It is a bitterly contested/highly contentious/highly debatable issue whether freedom of press should be restricted,A row between supporters and opponents remains unsolved. 9、最近几年,人们已经对不加控制的汽车尾气排放的严重影响表示了关注。People have,in recent years,shown conce

3、rn on the dire consequences of increased car emission. 10、就市民个人是否应该获得他们正在享受的医疗保健和教育服务而言,存在很大的争议。There is a big controversy surrounding/over individual citizens entitlement to the health care and education service they are enjoying. 11、最近人们认为,城市扩张对健康有负面影响 Urban sprawl has rencently been thought to ha

4、ve negative effects on peoples well-being. 12、先天和后天的争论是心理学领域最经久不衰的话题之一。The nature vs nurture debate is one of the most enduring topics in the field of psychology. 13、在最近几十年里,社会上暴力的不断增加已经引起了公众的关注。It has raised public concern over the past decades that the violence in the society is on the rise. 14、在过

5、去的二十年里,环境保护已经上升成为最热门的话题之一。Over the past twenty years,environmental protection has arisen as one of the hottest topics. 15、随着世纪不断推移,女性权益和女性在当今社会的角色已经得到更大的重视。As the century continues/progresses,a greater emphasis has been placed on womens right and their role in todays society. 16、研究人员赞同一个观点基因影响人的性格特点

6、。Researchers agree on the point that genes influence personality traits. 17、对于很多教育者而言,如何将聪明学生的才华开发到极限是一个有趣的问题。For many educators,it is an interesting issue how to explore intelligent students talents to the utmost. 18、随着因特网的使用变得普通,它的优缺点已经成为争论的话题。With the utilization of the Internet becoming ever-pre

7、sent,its pros and cons has become a subject of discussion/a matter for debate. 19、在这几年里,没什么话题可以像围绕保护动物的争论那样吸引如此之多的注意。No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate surrounding animal protection. 20、在过去大约二十年的时间里,贫富之间的差距这一话题受到无休止的争论。For the last twenty years or so,the issue of the

8、divide between the rich and the poor has been subject to (nothing but) endless dispute. 21、最近几年,人类社会的生活标准似乎已经有了本质提高。In recent years,it has appeared as if/it seems that the living standard of human society has been substantially improved. 22、电视暴力是否导致现实生活中的暴力行为这一问题是许多研究的主题。The question of whether or n

9、ot violence on television leads to violent behaviour in real life has been the topic of numerous studies. 23、在一个文明社会里,或许没有什么比接受教育更为重要的了。There is probably no issue more important to a civil society than the access to education. 24、在最近几年里,体育运动员和艺人高收入的持续曝光已经引起社会上对这些名人价值的新的讨论。In recent years,the ongoing

10、 disclosure of the high income of sportsmen and entertainers has ignited a new row on the value of those famous figures. 25、与此相反的意见是动物保护是耗费时间和徒劳无益的。The counter-argument/the contrary argument/the objection is that animal protection is time-consuming and unrewarding. 26、关于城市扩张和其影响一直很受关注。Concerns over

11、urban sprawl and its consequences are not new./There is an ongoing concern over/about urban sprawl and its consequences. 27、人们对于媒体暴力和社会暴力之间的因果关系持质疑态度。There are serious doubts about the causal link between media violence and social violence. 28、在我看来,对动物保护的反对意见是基于不正确的事实和偏见的。It seems to me that the obj

12、ection against animal protection is based on incorrect facts and stereotypes. 29、我强烈反对减少学校中的音乐和体育课程。I profoundly/strongly disagree with curtailing music and sports at school. 30、妇女有资格从事所有行业,同时也应该被给予这样的权利,对此我表示赞同。I subscribe to the notion that females qualify for every walk of life and they should be

13、 granted such rights. 31、就我所知,参与全球贸易的好处是很多的。As far as I know/As far as I am concerned,the advantages of participating in global trading are many. 32、对于电脑给小孩学业带来的益处,我持很高的评价/对此评价甚低。I have a good/low opinion of the contribution of the computer to childrens schooling. 33、我认为艺术的角色是不可或缺的,虽然它对社会的影响并不总是显而易见

14、的。It is my considered opinion that the role of art is indispensable,although its impact on our society is not always manifest. 34、我认为当我们评估国际旅游业的益处时,需要考虑很多因素。It is my view that many factors should be taken into consideration when we evaluate the benefits of the international tourism industry. 35、从海外进

15、口蔬菜和水果的好处和坏处将在下面进行讨论。The pros and cons of importing fruits and vegetables from overseas will be discussed below. 36、在理解这个观点上,有两点关键。Two points are critical in understanding this argument. 37、两个观点都是部分正确。Both sides/arguments are partly right. 38、要明白为什么有如此矛盾的观点,我们需要先看看支持每个观点的事实。To understand why there a

16、re such conflicting opinions,we must first look at the facts in favour of each argument. 39、我同意他们的建议住房问题只能由政府来解决。I agree with their recommendation that housing problems can only be addressed by government. 40、我对这个事情有两方面的看法。I am of mixed opinions about/on this. 41、有关电脑的使用对小孩学习上的有利影响,我持支持态度。I have pos

17、itive attitudes toward the beneficial effect of using computers on childrens learning. 42、我认为,环境保护是我们保持经济持续发展所做努力的主要部分。As I see it/From my point of view,environmental protection is a central part of our effort to keep the economic development sustainable. 43、我认为在那些最需要解决的问题上需要花更多的人力、物力,这是很明显的。In my o

18、pinion,it is clear/true/obvious/certain that more manpower and material should be spent on the problems to which the masses most need solutions. 44、我认为政府比公司更有可能减少或者避免一些在科学研究中不道德的行为。I am of the opinion that/I take the view that the government is more likely than companies to reduce or avoid immoral/u

19、nethical practices in scientific research. 45、我认为种族、性别、年龄和残疾歧视都应该被禁止。I am sure/certain/convinced that discrimination on the grounds of race,gender and disability should be banned. 46、就个人来说,我觉得关于工业化是好是坏、是福是祸的争论是不会有结果的。Personally,I think that disputes about whether industrialization is good or bad/a b

20、oon or a bane/a blessing or a curse are fruitless. 47、以下是在家工作优缺点的概括性论述。Following is an outline of advantages and disadvantages to working at home. 48、城市扩展的正面和负面影响将在下面进行概括。Both positive and negative effects of urban sprawl will be outlined below. 49、我觉得私人企业和政府之间的合作关系可以产生理想的效果。I think/believe/suppose

21、that a partnership between private enterprise and the government can create a desired result. 50、我相信我们可以很有把握地说:人的特点是由环境而不是由遗传决定的。I believe we can safely say that ones characteristics are determined by environment but not by heredity. 51、我支持培养孩子的独立意识是老师和父母的基本任务之一这个观点。I subscribe to/support/am in favo

22、ur of an opinion that cultivating childrens sense of independence is one of the basic tasks of parents and teachers. 52、这篇文章会具体说明国际合作在环境保护上的优势。This essay will elaborate on the strengths of international cooperation in environmental protection. 53、这篇短文的目的是描述一些导致女性在高等教育中比例过低的因素。This purpose of this mi

23、ni essay is to describe some factors accounting for females underrepresentation in tertiary education. 54、虽然技术发展会产生很多问题,但是它整体的影响是正面的。Although technological advances would create a number of problems,their overall effect may be positive. 55、在全球范围内,全球化给每个行业既带来了机会又造成了问题。Globalisation poses both opportu

24、nities and problems for every industry on a global/international/worldwide scale. 56、这篇文章将分析基因和环境在个人犯罪行为中的不同作用。This essay will analyse the different functions that genetics and the environment play in the criminal behaviour of individuals. 57、没有足够的证据证明基因在一个人的成长或行为上占据最重要地位。There cannot bi enough evid

25、ence to conclude the point that genetics play the most important role in the outcome or behaviour of an individual. 58、一个人的犯罪行为有可能是他们的基因背景和成长环境的共同结果,这样的结论是很明显的。It seems obvious to reach the conclusion that an individuals criminal behaviour can be the result of both their genetics background and the

26、environment in which they were raised. 59、根据给出的理由,我深信严厉的刑狱对于那些潜在的罪犯是有效的震慑工具。I am convinced,for the reasons I have given that tougher prison sentences may act/serve as a deterrent to other would-be offenders. 60、当今的就业环境更加以技术和经验为基础。Todays employment environment has become increasingly skill-and experi

27、ence-based. 61、飞机是最快的交通工具,然后是火车和汽车。Air is the fastest mode of transportation,followed by rail and automobiles. 62、家庭暴力在世界上很多地方是一个大问题。Domestic violence is a huge problem in much of the world. 63、工业空气污染,尤其是那些发展中国家的工业空气污染,不仅对周围的环境非常有害,而且对本国的居住者也有害。Industrial air pollution,especially that of the develop

28、ing nations,is extremely harmful not only to the surrounding environment,but also to the inhabitants of that country as well. 64、媒体既是信息的来源也是娱乐的来源。Media is both a source of information and a source of entertainment. 65、估计或是衡量媒体在当今社会的重要性是很困难的。It is difficult to estimate or measure the importance of me

29、dia in todays society. 66、现代广告业是都市工业文明的核心部分,反映了当代生活最好和最坏的方面。Modern advertising is an integral segment of urban industrial civilization,mirroring contemporary life in its best and worst aspects. 67、在建筑外观上,设计师很容易与建筑的业主以及未来租户想法不一致。The architect of an apartment building can easily be at cross-purposes with the owners of the building and with the future tenants regarding the look of a building. 68、人口的老龄化和出生率的降低给国内就业市场带来了严重的问题。An ageing population and a declining birth rate constitute a serious problem fo

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