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1、4、祈使句祈使句用来表示请求、命令等,句中没有主语,肯定形式由谓语或者谓语+宾语(+宾语补足语)构成,否定形式则在句前加Dont.Stand up, please. 请起立。Dont worry. 别担心。can的用法:can是情态动词,表示“能,会,可以,被允许等”,其后接动词原形,否定形式为cannot,可缩写为cant.She can speak Japanese. 她会讲日语。I cant remember his name. 我不记得他的名字了。Can you spell your name? 你会拼写你的名字吗?5、现在进行时态概念:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可以

2、表示目前一段时间内或现阶段正在进行的活动。结构:由be动词(am, is, are) + 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。Mary is flying a kite in the park. 玛丽正在公园里放风筝。-What are you doing now?你现在在干什么?-Im reading English. 我正在读英语。Are they drawing the pictures now?他们正在画画吗?动词现在分词是动词原形变化而来的,规则变化如下:动词ing形式叫动词现在分词,其构成如下:1) 直接在动词后加ingplayplaying, dodoing, ta

3、lktalking, sing-singing2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去e,再加ingmakemaking, writewriting, havehaving, taketaking3) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词且词尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这个辅音字母,再加ingrunrunning, stopstopping, putputting, swimswimming注意对现在进行时态的判断。判断一个英语句子用什么时态,主要看句子的时间状语,一般说来,每种时态都有与之相对应的时间状语。现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。因此,这个时态最常用的时间状语是now;但有不少句子

4、并没有now,只能通过提示语如look、listen等或者通过上下文来确定用现在进行时。She is cleaning her room now. 她正在打扫房间。Look! The girl is dancing over there. 看!那个女孩在那里跳舞。-Can you go and play games with me? 你能和我们一起做游戏吗?-Cant you see I am doing my homework? 你没看见我正在做作业吗?6、have/ has的用法1) 谓语动词have表示“有”,有两种形式:have和has,前者用于第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you

5、)和第三人称复数(they),后者用于第三人称单数(he, she, it)或单数名词。I have an apple and he has two bananas. 我有一个苹果,他有两个香蕉。You have a new English teacher. 你们有了一个新的英语老师。It has two big eyes. 它有一双大眼睛。Julie and Jack have a nice car. 朱莉和杰克有一辆好看的车。2) have/has句型与there be句型的比较:两者都表示“有”,但用法不同。前者表示所属关系,即表示“某人或某物有什么”,而后者表示存在,表示“某地有什么”

6、。They have some new books. 他们有一些新书。There are some new books on their desks. 他们桌子上有一些新书。She has a lot of pretty skirts. 她有很多漂亮的裙子。There are a lot of pretty skirts in the shop. 商店里有很多漂亮的裙子。3) have/ has的否定句,一般要加助动词do/ does,再加not构成,即do not have (dont have)/ does not have (doesnt have). She does not have

7、 a sister. 她没有姐姐。We dont have any classes on Saturday. 我们星期六没有课。Ann and I dont have a big room. 我和安没有一个大房间。4) 一般疑问句由“助动词Do/ Does + 主语 + have + 宾语”构成,回答用Yes, do/ does.或者No, dont/ doesnt.-Do you have a big house? 他们的房子大吗?-No, they dont. 不,他们的房子不大。-Does he have an eraser? 他有橡皮吗?-Yes, he does. 他有的。5) 特殊

8、疑问句由特殊疑问词 + 助动词do/ does + have (+状语)构成。What do they have? 他们有什么?What does he have? 他有什么?How many telephones do they have? 他们有几部电话?7、介词用法1) 具体时间前介词用at。. He gets up at half past seven every day. 他每天七点半起床。She goes to bed at eleven oclock. 她十一点睡觉。2) 表示“在早上,在下午,在晚上”的短语中用介词in,且定冠词the不能省略;表示“在中午,在夜里”的短语中介词

9、用at,不加冠词。in the morning在早上,in the afternoon 在下午,in the evening 在晚上at noon在中午,at night在夜里3) 表示“在某天”、“在某天的上午、下午等”的短语用介词on。What do you usually do on Monday morning? 星期一上午你通常做什么?Do you sometimes go out to eat on Friday evening? 有时你星期五晚上出去吃饭吗?He watches DVDs on Saturday night. 星期六晚上他看DVD。Parents take chi

10、ldren to parks on June 1. 六月一日,家长们带着孩子去公园。4) 在this, last, next, every等词前面既不加介词,也不用冠词。What are you doing this afternoon? 今天下午你做什么?He visits his grandma every Friday. 他每个星期五都去看望祖母。She is going to Shanghai next Monday. 她下个星期一去上海。8、一般现在时一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作,或表示现在的特征或状态。其动词形式是:动词原形(只有第三人称单数作主语时除外,要加-s)其疑问句和

11、否定句需要用助动词do或does1) 肯定句用行为动词原形表示They get up very early every morning. 他们每天早晨起来很早。I visit my grandparents four times a month. 我一个月去看望祖父母四次。2) 否定句用dont + 动词原形来表示We do not go shopping on Sundays. 我们周日不去购物。I dont think you like this colour. 我想你不喜欢这个颜色。3) 一般疑问句则是把助动词do提前至句首,后面动词用原形。回答时,肯定用 “Yes, 主语+do”;否定

12、句用 “No, 主语+dont”。Do they go to school at seven oclock? 他们七点去上学吗?-Yes, they do.-Do you like this skirt? 你喜欢这条裙子吗?-No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。一般现在时用来表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与以下的时间状语连用:often 经常,always 总是,sometimes 有时,usually 通常,every day/ week 每天/ 周等。He usually goes to school by bike. 通常他骑车上学。I visit my grandparents eve

13、ry week. 我每个星期都去看祖父母。She is always late for class. 她总是上课迟到。My parents and I sometimes go out to eat. 我和父母有时出去吃饭。It often rains here. 这儿常常下雨。主语为第三人称单数时的一般现在时一般现在时态,当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要是第三人称单数,后要加-s或-es。He likes reading at night. 他喜欢夜里读书。She usually goes to school by bike. 她平时骑车上学。The little cat drinks

14、milk every day. 小猫每天都喝牛奶。转换成否定句要加doesnt,其后的动词用原形。Kelly doesnt get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. 凯丽星期六星期天起床不早。He doesnt feel well today. 他今天感觉不舒服。转换成一般疑问句,句首用Does,其后的动词用原形。Does he have lunch at school? 他在学校吃午饭吗?Does it take long by train? 乘火车要很长时间吗? 2011年6月10日agree with sb 同意某人的看法agree on sth 同意

15、某事arrive at/in sp 到达某地ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事ask sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事be strict in sth 对某事要求严格be strict with sb 对某人要求严格decide to do sth 决定做某事dislike doing sth 不喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事find sb do/doing sth 发现某人做某事finish doing sth 完成某事give sb sth 给某人某物give sth to sbha

16、ve fun doing sth 做很有趣help sb with sth 帮助某人某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事its time for sth 该做某事了its time for sb to do sth 该某人做某事了its time to do sthlike doing/to do sthmake sb do sth 让某人做某事mind (sb) doing sth 介意(某人)做某事pass sb sth 把某物递给某人pass sth to sbpractice doing sth 练习做某事remember doing sth 记得做过某事reme

17、mber to do sth 记得要做某事see sb do/doing sth 看见某人做某事show sb sth 给某人看某物show sth to sbspend(in) doing sth 花费做某事spendon sth 花费在某物上 start doing sth 开始做某事start to do sthstop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来再做某事talk about sth 谈论某事talk to/with sb 与某人交谈tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事tell sb

18、 not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事want sth 想要某物want to do sth 想要做某事want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事watch sb do/doing sthwish to do sth 希望做某事would like to do sthUnit7 What does he look like?一短语1 look like 看起来像.2 curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直发3 medium height/build 中等高度身体4 a little bit 一点儿5 a pop singer 一位流行歌手6 h

19、ave a new look 呈现新面貌7 go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物8 the captain of the basketball team篮球队队长9 be popular with sb 为-所喜爱10 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事11 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情12 tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事13 have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事14 remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的)15 remember (forget)

20、 doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做)16 one of - -中的一个二本单元的重点句:1 Is that your friend? No, it isnt.2 What does she look like?3 I think I know her. ( I dont think I know her.)4 Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.5 Shes a little bit quiet.6 Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.7 She never stops talking.8 She li

21、kes reading and playing chess.9 I dont think hes so great.10 I can go shopping and nobody knows me.11 Now he has a new look.三重难点解析1 What does/ do +主语 + look like? 询问某人的外貌特征,看上去什么样?Eg: What does your friend look like?2 形容头发时, 可按照先长短,后曲直,最后说颜色的顺序说。 She has long curly black hair.3 one of + 名词复数,谓语动词要用“

22、单三”形式。 One of his friends is a worker.4 不定代词做主语时,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。修饰不定代词词,应该放在它的后面 I can go shopping and nobody knows me.5He is (通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等)He has(通常为形容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官)He wears(穿、戴、留。可以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须)6I dont think的用法表达否定的看法I dont think she is good-looking.回答人的补充 2011-02-08 01:15 Unit 8 Id l

23、ike some noodles一 短语1beef and tomato noodlesnoodles with beef and tomato 牛肉西红柿面chicken and cabbage noodlesmutton and potato noodlestomato and egg noodlesbeef and carrot noodles2would like to do sth want to do sth 想要作某事3what kind of noodles什么种类的面条4what size bowl of noodles什么大小碗型的面5a largemediumsmall

24、bowl of noodles 大中小碗的面6ice cream冰淇淋orange juice桔汁green tea绿茶RMB人民币phone number7 House of Dumplingsnoodles饺子面馆Dessert House甜点屋二重点句型1 What kind of vegetablesmeat drink food would you like?Id like Id like chicken and cabbage noodles. 2. What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef noodles.3. What k

25、ind of noodles would you like?4. What size bowl plate of noodles would you like? Id like a large medium small bowl moodes.5. What size cake would you like?I would like asmall birthday-cake.1would like 想要(表示一种委婉的语气)其用法相当于want.would like + 名词would like an apple (want an apple)would like to do sthHe would like to play soccer.-Would you like to see the dolphins?-Yes, Id like to.(1)would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,可与人称代词缩写为d, 与其它情态动词一样可帮助完成疑问句和否定句。(你能举出例子吗?)我想要些牛肉。 Id like some beef.她想去打乒乓球。She would like to play ping-pang. (你能变否定句和疑问句吗?(2) Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any.肯

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