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1、2. They are _ with a new problem which they must solve at once.3. She has _ an unhappy time recently.4. She thinks only of herself, she never _ other people.5.Once she is determined to do something, it is impossible to get her to_. 6.They insisted they _ equally.7.He was born in Shandong Province an

2、d _ there.8.They have been to seven European countries _.三、短语翻译(每空一词)。1.刚开学的那天,我们的老师就给我们提了一些学习英语的建议。 On the very first day of school, our teacher _us _ English learning.2.大多数下岗的人员都是文化不高的人。 Most of the people who _ _ _ _ usually have little education.3.相信自己,别相信他的鬼话。 _ _ yourself. Dont _ him.4.他上台后就推出

3、了一系列的改革方案。 After _ _ _, he carried out a series of reform.5.他乐于助人。 He _ _ _ _ others.高中英语必修二单词及语言点练习一、请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1.Some experts of the world _ _ _ his paintings.他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。2.He has given us so much help that I really wanted to do something for him _ 他给我们如此多的帮助我想为他做些事作为报答。3.The two countries

4、 are still _ _now.那两个国家现在还处于战争中。4.Our English teacher is friendly _ _ _ kind to us.我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。5.He _ _ the game yesterday.昨天他参加比赛了。6.He _ _ _ his parent was going out for a holiday.他和他的父母将要去度假。7.The students went out of the classroom _ _ _.学生一个接着一个走出教室。8._ _ _, the food is not enough.在我看来,这食物不够

5、。9.Its not surprising youve got stomachache. _ _ you have eaten too much.你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。10._ _ _ my computer, I could finish my job in time.在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。11._ _ _, what you said is reasonable.在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。12.Do you know how did the world _ _ _ ?你知道宇宙如何形成的吗?13.My family lives _ _.我一家人相处融

6、洽。14.He wrote a letter to _ _ the job.他写信申请那份工作。15.The storm _ a bad _ _ the crops.那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响。16.Once you make up your mind, you should _ _ it.你一旦下了决心,你应该坚持下去。17.I spent a whole morning to _ _ my books.我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好。18._ _, you should make a plan for your study.首先你应该为你学习制订好计划。19.We should _ _

7、_ our parents.我们应该对我们的父母诚实。20.The club _ _ last year.那个俱乐部去年解散了。 二、请根据首字母完成下列句子。1.Few birds managed to s_ the winter last year.2.Can you p_ your honesty?3.I am c_ changing my job. 4.Tom gave me a surprising g_ at my birthday party.5.How is your i_ for the job today?6.My sister was luck to be a_ to B

8、eijing University.7.I will keep my p_.8.We are now going to i_ the Minister of Education.9. What he said doesnt r_ to his action.10.It is an a_ if you know how to type.11. I p_ didnt believe what he said at the meeting.12.We d_ on which plan to carry out.13.I s_ that she do the job herself.14. R_, h

9、e has made great progress.15.Orange juice c_ vitamin c.16.The earthquake costs great l_.17.His book was quite a h_ in London.18.Do you know how did it f_?19.Guilin is an a_ city.20.We enjoyed the p_ last night.高中英语必修三单词及语言点练习一、用所选择词组的正确形式填空do harmin memory ofdress uplook forward tospy on, cut down,

10、lose weight, in debt, make a bet on, account for, to be honest, on the contrary, as for, prevent(from), gradually,give birth to, break out, settle down, have a gift for,manage to do,1.They _and went to the dancing hall together. 2.Reading in the strong sun light will_to your eyes. 3.She is_ hearing

11、from her boyfriend in Australia. 4.On the Dragon Boat Festival people usually eat zongzi_Qu Yuan,a great poet.5.How much did you pay the man to _me?6.Ill _my smoking,maybe cut it out entirely.7.The doctor helped me to _ by putting me on a diet.8.He is heavily _ to his boss, so he has to work day and

12、 night to pay it off.9.He spends all his money _ horses.10._, I dont think we have a chance of winning.11.Im not ill._,Im very healthy.12._the hotel,it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea.13.How can you _ your being late again?14.After hard working, they improved the things _.15.We should

13、_ the trees _(cut)16.The bird flu _ in the city and it soon spread all through the country.17.This accident _ a peaceful movement.18.His grandfather_ in the armchair with a newspaper. 19.It seems that she _music. 20.Even though the project is difficult , we _ to finish it on time.二、句子翻译 1、当地震爆发时,我觉得

14、好像世界处于末日。(as though)_2、显然他在撒谎。( it is obvious that.)_3、有人建议我们立刻动身。(set off)_4、我看到她匆忙走过。可能发生什么可怕的事。(see sb doing/do/done)_5、你看起来很累。怎么不请假休息一天?(why not do, why dont you do)6、他过去常常坐在这椅子上读书。(现在分词作伴随状语)7、我们正要启程这是下雨了(be about to dowhen)8、是老师帮助取得这么大的进步。(强调句)9、我直到做完作业才去睡觉。(not .until, It is/was not untilthat

15、.)10、你可以任何你喜欢的时候来,拥有任何你喜欢的东西。(whenever, whatever)11、她病得如此严重以致明天是否能来还不清楚。(it was not clear whether or not)12、这个箱子是那个箱子的三倍重。13、英语和法语一样是有趣的科目。14、我宁愿骑自行车,也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。(rather than) _15、据我所知,距离汽车站不到一百米就有一个银行。(as far as;within)高中英语必修四单词及语言点练习完成句子1. 他把一生都贡献在帮助残疾人事业上. He _ all his life _ _the disabled peopl

16、e.2. 这本字典是给小孩用的.(be intended to ) The dictionary _ _ _ children.3.努力改善这个工厂工人们的劳动条件是值得做的事_ _ _to improve the working conditions for the workers of this factory.4.我突然意识到他是在向我求婚。 Suddenly it _ _ _ he was trying to ask me to marry him.5.Jane宁愿呆在家里也不愿参加那样的聚会。 Jane _ _stay at home than go to such parties.

17、6. 校长对我的教学工作很满意The headmaster _ _ _ my teaching work.7. 山西省盛产煤矿 Shanxi Province _ _ _ coal. 8.摆脱一种坏习惯不是件易事。 It is hard to _ a bad habit. 9.她挑出了和衣服搭配的鞋子She _ _ the shoes that matched the dress.10.她从报纸中裁剪下了照片并将其粘到文件夹中She _ _ the photo from the newspaper and glued it to her folder.11.他们没有交电费,因此电源被切断了Th

18、ey had their electricity _ _ because they didnt pay the bill.12.我们再也不能缩减开支了We cant _ _ our expenses any further.13.灰松鼠是由北美传人英国的.The grey squirrel _ _ _ Britain from North America.14.为了避免被车撞上,他不得不来个急转弯。 _ avoid _ _ by the car, he had to make a sharp turn.15我的同学并不都是团员。_ _ my classmates are league memb

19、ers.16由于不知道她的电话号码,我们无法跟她取得联系。_ _ her telephone number, we couldnt get in touch with her.17.这个小男孩通过玩在线游戏娱乐 The boy _ _ by playing games online on Sundays.18.当地政府给公园提供的许多运动器材。 The local government _ the park _ a lot of sports facilities.19.与其说他笨,倒不如说他懒。 He is _ lazy _ stupid.20.他是一个有经验的教师。He _ _ _ tea

20、ching语法练习名词性从句1.When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know_. A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering C. is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering 2.One reason for her preference for city life is _ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A. that B. how C. what D. why3.To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions _had used the p

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