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1、1. My father cant sleep well, because he drinks much c at night.2. I have the f . Mom will take me to the hospital.3. Dont eat too much candy. You may get a t . 4. She kept c all night, so we couldnt sleep well.5. When you have a f , you should drink more water.达标测评1.听到那件事,我感到很难过。Im sorry that.2. .不

2、要看电视看得时间太长了。Dont watch TV _ _ . 3. 玛利亚背痛,所以她不应该举重东西。Maria has a backache, so she heavy things.4.你应该多喝开水。You drink .5.听到那件事,我感到很难过。6.不要看电视看得时间太长了。7. 玛利亚背痛,所以她不应该举重东西。【教学反思】备 注(教师复备栏及学生笔记) Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B1.预习本课单词及词组。2.复习使用“Whats the matter? 及 How are you feeling now? ”询问身体状况。3.学习使用had better/

3、had better not提出建议。【重点分析】1. You look pale. 你看起来气色不好。look是系动词,后跟形容词pale做表语,构成系表结构。如:You look young. 你看起来很年轻。2.Youd better go to see a doctor. 你最好去看医生。had better do sth. 最好做某事,表示劝告或建议。否定形式是had better not do sth.最好不要做某事。Youd better not go out because it is raining outside. 你最好不要出去了,因为外面正下着雨。2. I dont f

4、eel like eating. 我不想吃东西。feel like 意为“想要”,通常后跟动名词。He feels like drinking whenever he is excited. 他一兴奋就想喝酒。【链接】近义词组 want to do sth.; would like to do sth. 3. You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下来休息。lie为动词,意为“躺”,它的过去式是lay,过去分词是lain, 现在分词是lying.4. You should take good care of your eyes. 你应该保护好你的眼睛。care n

5、. 照顾,照料。take good care of 细心照顾/照料 如:You must take good care of your mother. 你必须好好照顾你的妈妈。【链接】同义词组:look after; care for 如:She is looking after the dogs. 她在照看这些狗。She cared for her father all through his long illness.她在她父亲久病期间一直照料着他。1.小组合作朗读对话1a,并翻译对话内容。2.小组交流讨论完成1b. 2a,独立完成2b. 2c。合作探究3.在文中找出下列短语,并翻译:lo

6、ok pale take you to the hospital cough day and night lie down and rest drink hot tea with honey not so well drink cold water eat too much candy 根据汉语提示完成句子1. Because I have a cold, the doctor tells me to (躺下)and have a rest.2. The nurse should (照看,照顾)the patients.3. Jim has a bad cold. He (想要)drinkin

7、g some boiled water.4. He always has a toothache, so he (一天刷两次牙)。达标检测1. You walked to long. You a rest. A. must have B. should had C. should have D. will have2. Youd better late for class, Jim. A. wont be B. not be C. not to D. dont be3. You shouldnt work so long because work is bad for your health.

8、 A. too much B. too many C. many too D. much too4. He down and rested before ten oclock last night. A. lie B. lay C. lied D. lying5. The little boy has only eight now. A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothesUnit 2 Topic 1 Section C2.学习病人和医生之间的交际用语。3.学习如何用英语写请假条。【重点难点预测】1. Let me check it over again.

9、让我在检查一遍。Check over 意为“检查,给做体检”,属于动词和副词组成的短语,后面若接名词作宾语,名词放在词组中间或后面;若接人称代词做宾语则必须放在中间。The doctor checked me over. 医生给我做了体检。2. and dont worry about your lessons. 不要担心你的功课。worry about sb./sth. 担心某人/某物。Dont worry about me. Ill be all right. 别为我担忧。我会没事的。【拓展】be worried about sth./sb. = worry about sth./sb.

10、担心某事/某人。 Im not worried about her because she can take care of herself. = I dont worry about her because she can take care of herself.我不担心她因为她能照顾好自己。3. So Id like to ask for two weeks leave. 所以我想请两周的假。(1) ask for sth. 请求;恳求(给予) 如:You may ask the police for help when you lose your way. 但你迷路的时候,你可以向警察

11、寻求帮助。(2) a weeks leave. 一周的假; two weeks leave = a two-week leave 两周的假 如: we can only take a two-day (two days) leave. 我们只能请两天的假。2. 小组交流讨论完成 2,独立完成1b. 3。dont worry check it over again take these pills two pills each time three times a day move your leg too much follow the doctors advice ask for two w

12、eeks leave 三展示提升1.What do the two people in white clothes do?Oh, they are _ (dentist).2. Do you want a _ (boil) egg for breakfast?3. Follow the dentists _ (advise), and youll get well soon.4. Take care of your_(tooth) or youll have a toothache.5. You have a fever, youd better _ (lie) down and have a

13、 rest.根据汉语意思完成句子。(5分)1.这个小女孩听从了我的建议,离开了。The girl misses _ my _ and left.2.你今天感觉怎么样?不是很糟。How are you feeling today?_ _ .3.露西生病了,她想请三天假。Lucy fell ill and wanted to ask for .4.你的左脚怎么了?让我给你检查一下吧!四 展示提升Whats wrong with your left foot? Let me _ it _.1.I had a backache. I cant sleep._A.Dont worry.B.Not so

14、well. C.Imsorry to hear that. D.Why?2.Oh, you have a headache and a cough. _ have you been like this?Three days.A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How many3.My hometown is in the south of China. There is _ rain in spring.A.many B.lot of C.a lot D.plenty of4.Im afraid you have a cold. Youd better go

15、 to see a doctor._A.No, I have no time. B.Thats a good idea.C.Its very kind of you. D.Im sorry to hear that.5.How are you feeling now? I can go to school after lunch.A. Not so well. B. Even worse. C. Much better. D. I feel terr Unit 2 Topic 1 Section D2.复习had better, had better not, should, shouldnt

16、的用法。1. , but I couldnt read it until today. , 但直到今天我才能阅读它。Until即可作介词,后接一个时间名词;也可作连词,引导一个时间状语从句,这里是介词。Notuntil意为“直到才”。【链接】(1)until用于肯定句,表示“直到时;到为止”,主句动词为延续性动词。可以与till互换。They watched TV until midnight. = They watched TV till midnight.他们看电视一直看到午夜。(2) until用于否定句,表示“在之前;直到才”, 主句动词为非延续性动词。 Dont get off th

17、e bus until it stops. 直到车停好才能下车。【注意】until引导时间状语从句时,主句为一般将来时,从句应 用一般现在时表示将来时。I wont leave until your mother comes back. 你妈妈回来时我才会离开。2. Im very sorry to hear that both you and your sister are sick. 得知你和你姐姐都病了,我很难过。(1) both and 意为“和都,既又”,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数。 Both you and I were wrong. 你和我都错了。(2) sick意为“生病

18、的”,可作表语,也可作定语。 a sick boy 一个生病的男孩The old man is sick. 那位老人生病了。而ill表示“生病的”时常作表语,不作定语。正确: Mr. Zhang is ill today. 张老师今天并病了。错误: Mr. Wang is an ill man. 王老师是一个病人。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. You look p_ today. Are you sick?2. I caught a f_ and had to lie in bed.3. We can learn a lot on the I_.4. The box is too hea

19、vy. Can you help me l_ it?5. His illness was more s_ than the doctor first thought.选出可以代替划线部分的选项( )1. He has plenty of work to do. A. lots of B. many C. a little D. a lot ( ) 2. Ill take some medicine. A. has B. had C. have D. ate ( ) 3. Shall we go and play? A. Lets B. Why not C. Why dont D. What a

20、bout ( ) 4. The doctor check over the boy at once. A. looked at B. looked after C. looked over D. came over ( ) 5. Liu Fangs mother is ill. She stayed at home to take care of her. A. look up B. look after C. look into D. look at单选1. You should not eat _ meat. It can make you fatter.A. too many B. to

21、o much C. much too D. many to2. You should take _ on time, _ each time, and two times a day.A. the medicines; three pills B. the medicine; three pills C. the medicine; three pill D. the medicines; three pill3. If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest.A. shouldnt B. had better not C. ha

22、d better D. mustnt4. some pills and youll get well. A. Pick B. Catch C. with D. Take5.Oh, its late. I must go now. Its raining outside. Dont leave it stops. A. when B. after C. while D. until6. The boy is . Whod like to look after the boy? A. sick; ill B. ill; ill C. ill; sick D. well; sickTopic 2 I

23、 must ask him to give up smoking.Section A1.为了保持健康继续学习好的生活习惯。2.学习有用的单词和短语: article, cause, cancer, give up, throw around, litter, habit, energy, necessary, enough 3. 学习情态动词: must, must notmust, mustnt, Dont, stay up late at night,put into,throw around/ throwaround, brush your teeth twice a day.1c巩固提

24、高(must,mustnt,Dont)2a. Look listen and say: Healthy habits注意“动词-ing”作主语的句子,加以记忆!2b Group work一 自主学习1.掌握单词表上单词:From “article” to “enough”(1)自读、纠错 (2)领读 (3)背记 (4)造句: Its _ _ for us to brush teeth twice a day.注意运用句型:Its necessary for sb. to do sth.他不够上学的年龄。He is not old _ to go to school.我们来得及赶到机场。We h

25、ave _ time/time _ to get to the airport. 注意辨别以上两句中enough的位置。2.听读对话 1a.3.自读1a,找出重、难点、短语和句型并释疑。(1).一定不要在阳光下看书 _ (2).一篇有关吸烟的文章 _(3).我一定让他戒烟。_.(4).把它给我父亲看看。链接:带某人参观 _.【合作探究】单项选择( )1.Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes. Ill go to bed right away. A. is B. are C. was D. be( )2.If you feel _, you shoul

26、d go to school. A. bad B. worse C. better D. good( )3.How often do you exercise? _ A. Less than three times a week. B. More than 10 hours. C. From one thirty to three. D.I often do it.( )4._ necessary for us _ English well. A. This is; to learn B. Its; to learn C.Its; earn D. Thats; learn( )5.If you eat _ food and take _ exercise, youll keep healthy. A. more; more B. less; less

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