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1、 interesting; interestedC. interested; interested D. interest; interested;7. -Remember the first time we_ _?-Of course, I do. You _ _ a song on the stage.A. have met; sang B. met; sangC. met; were singing D. have met; have sung8. -How exciting! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morn

2、ing.-Were you crazy? You _ _ yourself!A. must have killed B. would have killedC. should have killed D. could have killed9. Generally speaking, _ _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when to take B. when taking C. when to be taken D. when taken10. _ seems strange to us is _

3、she can sing so many English songs beautifully.A. It; that B. That; how C. It; Why D. What; that答案:DAADC BCDDD一、根据句子意思填写单词。1. A good book is a good .2. An a day keeps the doctor away.3. this passage carefully before you answer these questions.4. 12th March is Day.5. Albert Einstein is a great .1. fr

4、iend 2. apple 3. Read 4. Tree Planting 5. scientist二、补全对话。A: Hello! Im doing a survey about learning English? 1 questions?B: OK. Great! 2 ? For more than two years. 3 ? I learn it by listening to the tapes. What do you think is the most difficult for you ? I cant catch others when they speak English

5、 fast. Why not 4 ? Maybe it helps you learn English. Oh, yes. Thank you very much. Thats all right.1. May I ask you some2. How long have you studied English? / How long have you been studying English?3. How do you learn English?4. join an English language club?三、智力测试。1. They didnt go as it was raini

6、ng cats and dogs.A. now and then B. heavily C. a little D. here and there2. There are twenty caps in a room. Ten of them are red and the rest of them are green. It is late at night. There is no lamp in room. You go into the room to get two caps and you cant see the colour. How many caps must you tak

7、e out at least if you want to get two caps of the same colour?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Nineteen3. If M is above N and O, and N is above O and below P, which one of the following statement (叙述) is correct?A. M is not above O and P B. O is above N C. P is above O D. P is between M and N4. -Mike didn

8、t pass the exam. -Its an old story.A. 老生常谈 B. 过去的事 C. 假话 D. 司空见惯5. -Whats the smallest bridge in the world? -The bridge of .A. a head B. an eye C. a nose D. an earBBCDC一、选出画线部分读音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. cake B. name C. have D. same( ) 2. A. put B. duty C. new D. student( ) 3. A. apple B. after C. are D. clas

9、s( ) 4. A. over B. open C. on D. close( ) 5. A. twin B. nice C. Miss D. AmericanCAACB二、选出不同类的词。( ) 1. A. hawk B. rabbit C. lion D. tiger( ) 2. A. breakfast B. suitcase C. haircut D. party( ) 3. A. bring B. leave C. zip D. get( ) 4. A. week B. suddenly C. hand D. Denmark( ) 5. A. chilly B. lucky C. h

10、appy D. valleyADCBD三、单项选择。1. You will find a true friend me.A. on B. about C. with D. in2. We were all overjoyed at the news the experiment turned out .A. that, success B. that, a success C. which, success D. which, a success3. This morning I had difficulty someone that car .A. finding, who get, to

11、work B. to find, that got, worked C. finding, who could got, working D. in finding, got, to work4. I saw the man down and the driver away. A. knocking; drive B. knock; driving C. knocked; driving D. knock; drive5. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother to swim.A. how will it lea

12、rn B. will it learn how C. it will learn how D. and it learns how6. -What do you think about dress in the shop window?-Oh, its beautiful. She will be pleased if she can have it as birthday present. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the7. Hi, Bill. I _ you _ in this city. How long have been here?A.

13、 didnt know; were B. don are C. havent known; are D. dont know; were8. in the chimney for five hours, the thief looked very pale and tired. A. Having been trapped B. Being trapped C. trapping D. Having trapped9. -_ I watch TV, Ill turn it down and never make any noise.-Good. you are doing should nev

14、er disturb others. how important you are, never forget about how others feel. A. Whatever; Whenever; No matter B. Whenever; Whatever; No matterC. Whether; 不填 D. No matter; 不填10. Sally_ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D.

15、had written11. -It is said that Jack is very rich and goes to work in his own new car every day. What is he? -_, I am not sure.A. Somebody of a manager B. Something of a managerC. Anyone of a manager D. Anything of a manager12. -Those shoes wont for mountain-climbing.-_ this pair be OK?A. help; Shal

16、l B. work; May C. do; Will D. get; Would13. The most exciting thing for him was he finally found two tinned fruits in seemed to him to be a servants bedroom. A. that; what B. what; what C. that; that D. what;14. Is it true the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?A. when B. that when

17、C. whenever D. that15. Many new workers trained and in two months they will to build a new railway.A. are; be sending B. are being; be sent C. are; send D. will be; be to send16. -Is it Pro. King that will give the lecture on radiation?-I cant I know it for sure. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk17. T

18、he newly-founded pany is faced with lots of trouble, the financial problem is not the worst.A. which B. of which C. to whom D. with which18. The truth, Sir, is that the old man across the street when my car hit him.A. was to walk B. had been walking C. walked D. was walking19. I smoke out of habit,

19、not for pleasure; for I have been in the habit for twenty years. the B. the; a C. x; the D. x; x20. There were many students and teachers at the party yesterday. I looked for two seats to sit down with my friend, Tim, but there were .A. neither B. nothing C. none D. noDBCCB CAABC BCABB ABDDC四、根据汉语意思

20、完成句子。1. 你最好不要事先不打电话就去拜访朋友。Youd better a friends house first.2. 外国朋友们正逐步习惯于在中国生活。The foreign friends are used to in China.3. 他们特意花费心血让我们感觉轻松。They their way us at home.4. 她经常制定大计划,却从未实施过。She often that never happen.5. 那个小男孩迫不及待地要打开礼物。The little boy the present.1. not visit, without calling 2. graduall

21、y, living 3. go out of, to make, feel 4. makes big plans 5. cant wait to open五、根据汉语写单词。1.The group is made up of local_(音乐家) who have been performing together for several years.2.Youll fall (落后) others if you dont try your best.3. When I walked (经过) the house yesterday, I heard someone singing in En

22、glish.4. To our surprise, he suddenly returned on a (寒冷的) snowy night.5. One of the (科学家) es from South Africa.6. Whats the (价格) of this English-Chinese dictionary?7. Sometimes Americans (问候) each other with a hug.8. The children were (不高兴) because they didnt get Christmas presents.1. musician 2. be

23、hind 3. past 4. cold 5. scientists 6. price 7. greet 8. unhappy六、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 be, watch, real, afraid, paint, big, quick, listen to, prefer, be worth1. He living in the country to the city.2. We shouldnt spend too much time TV.3. The book reading twice.4. E-mail English is great for writing .5. T

24、he old woman is afraid of alone.6. His problem is that he cant sleep well at night.7. Are you interested in music?8. We miss our old friends who moved to another city last year.9. Is he of the snakes? Yes, he is.10. Mr. Smith enjoys pictures.1. prefers 2. watching 3. is worth 4. quickly 5. being 6.

25、biggest 7. listening to 8. really 9. afraid 10. painting七、连词成句。1. went, her, and, I, one, found, ill, her, see, badly, day, to 2. school, know, late, who, do, often, for, is, you, ?3. anything, that, there, I, is, for, do, you, can, ? 4. if, could, Guangdong, snowed, you, it, in winter, tell, in, me

26、, ?5. black, have, all, painted, windows, the, been1. I went to see her and found her badly ill one day. 2. Do you know who is often late for school?3. Is there anything that I can do for you? 4. Could you tell me if it snowed in winter in Guangdong?5. All the windows have been painted black.八、改错。1. Please have my case carry to the station. 2. Unless you two stop to fight, Ill call in the police. 3. Im sorry to have you wa

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