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1、C. eye D. footThrowing, kicking, punching or batting from the“_34_” side may result in throwing 34. A. proper B. indirect C. correct D. wrong_35_ many opponents who are more accus- 35. A. away B. down C. off D. uptomed to dealing with the _36_ of players 36. A. minority B. majority C. plenty D. lack

2、who are right-handed. This is _37_, in many 37. A. the reason B. the case C. why D. that_38_ at a professional level, a higher 38. A. games B. hobbies C. activities D. rounds_39_ of players are left-handed than in the 39. A. part B. percent C. proportion D. sectionpopulation as a whole.The word “rig

3、ht” in many languages means “cor-Rect” or is _40_ with lawfulness , whereas the 40. A. related B. mixed C. connected D. combinedwords associated with “left,” such as “sinister”, gen-erally have _41_ associations. 41. A. negative B. positive C. constructive D. doubtfulIn the past, in most Western soc

4、ieties, childrenwere often _42_ to use their right hands, especially 42. A. allowed B. forced C. enforced D. luredto write _43_. In some cases the left hand was 43. A. by B. in C. with D. on_44_ behind the childs back so that it could 44. A. tied B. attached C. brought D. removednot be used. If, in

5、the future, they are allowed tochoose, there will certainly be more left handers, andprobably _45_ people with minor psychologi- 45. A. no B. more C. greater D. fewercal disturbances as a result of being forced to use theirright hand.CDCAC BADDC BCACC ABCAD2.Most people hate rock music. _26_ I am 26

6、. A. If B. While C. When D. Evennot by nature an unreasonable or biased person, twovivid and striking personal _27_ of rock music 27. A. hearings B. encounters C. experiences D. happeningsduring the past two weeks have persuaded me that it hasbecome a duty for _28_ of us with enough common 28. A. so

7、me B. all C. most D. those_29_ to see its potential dangers to point them 29. A. sense B. knowledge C. feeling D. brainout. My first experienceperhaps a _30_ 30. A. major B. minor C. main D. subordinateone, but highly symptomaticwas the realization thatif I spoke to my teenage son when he was listen

8、ing torock music through headphones, he replied in an_31_ loud voice, as if there was something 31. A. unreasonably B. unattractively C. unfairly D. unnaturallywrong with his hearing. The _32_ occurred when I 32. A. aacident B. incident C. second D. nextwent with him to a “concert” and _33_ for my-

9、33. A. witnessed B. realized C. looked D. learnedself what these affairs are like.Till I went to that concert, I had always_34_ the “live-and-let-live” attitude that rock 34. A. adapted B. adopted C. admired D. ownedmusic was simply not my _35_ but that other people had 35. A. enjoyment B. taste C.

10、favorite D. like_36_ right to enjoy it if it was their. But what I 36. A. all B. no C. each D. everysaw and heard _37_ me that we are allowing 37. A. convicted B. convinced C. concluded D. believedsomething very powerful to take _38_ of the 38. A. possession B. notice C. attention D. careyounger gen

11、eration. In the first place, I noticed acollective madness, _39_ by the noise level. But 39. A. bringing about B. brought about C. to bring about D. bring aboutsecondly, and far more dangerously, I observed that af-ter a time everyone was _40_ along by the noise, and 40. A. taken B. brought C. caugh

12、t D. carriedgave up his _41_ . By the end I was in the mid- 41. A. hobby B. time C. individuality D. energydie of a faceless crowd who clapped and _42_ 42. A. stood B. sat C. leaned D. stampedand jumped around like monkeys. It was the mostdegrading human _43_ I have ever had the mis- 43. A. action B

13、. spectacle C. occasion D. attitudefortune to witness, and I seriously believe that_44_ our present younger generation would 44. A. with time B. on time C. in time to come D. in no timethank us if we managed to _45 _ a stop to it 45. A. put B. make C. get D. comenow.BCDAB CDABB DBABD CDBCA3.In our s

14、ociety, we must communicate with peo-ple. A great deal of communicating is performed ona person-to-person _26_ by the simple 26. A. basis B. base C. foundation D. groundmeans of speech. If we travel in buses, we are likelyto have conversations _27_ we give infor- 27. A. whereas B. which C. that D. w

15、heremation or opinions, and sometimes have our views_28_ by other members of society. 28. A. expressed B. challenged C. agreed D. voicedFace-to-face contact is by no means the _29_ 29. A. existing B. sheer C. only D. oneform of communication and during the last two hun-dred years the _30_ of mass co

16、mmunica- 30. A. art B. device C. way D. tricktion has become one of the dominating factors ofcontemporary society. Two things, _31_ 31. A. below B. above C. over D. beyondothers, have caused the enormous growth of thecommunication _32_. Firstly, inventiveness has 32. A. ability B. form C. system D.

17、industryled to _33_ in printing, photography and so on. 33. A. advances B. advantages C. improvements D. forwardnessSecondly, speed has revolutionized the _34_ 34. A. circulation B. transference C. transmission D. transportationand reception of communications so :that local newsoften takes a back _3

18、5_ to national news. 35. A. seat B. place. C. post D. positionNo longer is the possession of information_36_ to a privileged minority. Forty years 36. A. given B. provided C. allowed D. confinedago people used to _37_ to the cinema, but now 37. A. walk B. head C. flock D. rushfar more people sit at

19、home and turn on the TV to watcha program that is being channeled to millions of homes.Communication is no longer merely concerned_38_ the transmission of information. The 38. A. about B. with C. to D. formodern communications industry influences the waypeople live in society and _39_their horizons

20、by 39. A. enlarges B.broadens C. brightens D. heightensallowing _40_ to information, education 40. A. access B. freedom C. opportunity D. channeland entertainment. The printing, broadcasting andadvertising industries are all _41_ with in- 41. A. dealt B. related C. involved D. targetedforming, educa

21、ting and entertaining._42_ a great deal of the material communi- 42. A. But B. Even if C. If D. Althoughcated by the mass media is very _43_ to the 43. A. valued B. precious C. valuable D. invaluableindividual and to the society of which he is a part,the vast modern network of communications is_44_

22、to abuse. However, the mass media 44. A. possible B. likely C. close D. openare with us for better, for worse, and there is noturning _45_. 45. A. away B. back C. down D. overADBCA BDACA DCBBA CDCDB4. Today, the Tower of London is one of the most popu-lartourist _26_ and attracts over three million

23、visi- 26. A. seats B. scenes C. grounds D. sightstors a year. It was occasionally used as a Royal Palacefor the Kings and Queens of England _27_ the 27. A. until B. by C. to D. attime of James I who _28_ from 1603 to 1625, 28. A. reined B. reigned C. powered D. controlledbut is best known as a priso

24、n and execution place. With-in the walls of the Tower, princes have been murdered,traitors _29_, spies shot, and Queens of Eng- 29. A. ruined B. destroyed C. tortured D. woundedland beheaded. One of the most famous _30_ was 30. A. murders B. tortures C. shot D. executionsthat of Anne Boleyn in 1536.

25、 She was the second wife ofHenry VIII. He wanted to _31_ her because 31. A. get away withB. get rid ofC. get done withD. get down onshe could not give him a son, so he _32_ her of adul- 32. A. persecuted B. accused C. scolded D. claimedtery. She was tried and found guilty. She asked to bebeheaded wi

26、th a sword , _33_ the usual axe , 33. A. apart from B. besides C. together D. rather thanwhich can still be seen in the Tower.The Tower was also the _34_ of one of 34. A. region B. scene C. place D. areaLondons most famous mysteries. King Edward IVdied in 1483. His elder son, Edward, became king_35_ his fathers death. Young Edward lived in 35. A. on B. at C. with D. bythe Tower, and the Duke of Gloucester, his protector,_36_ Edwards brother, Richard, to come and live 36. A. persuaded B. forced C. talked D. encouragedthere so that they could play together. _37_ then the 37. A. And

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