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1、理解对话内容,尝试复述。Step3. Presentation1T: Just now, we talked about the story. What happened? Lets read the whole story and try to use “first-next-then-finally”to tell the story 出示学习目标,不同学生选择不同任务分区进行准备。学习总要求:Read the whole story and try to use “first-next-then-finally”to tell the story借助教室内电脑老师等资源读懂故事,完成P8

2、Read and match并寻找组内成员合作完成Ask and answer.和小伙伴一起合作学习读懂故事,完成P8Read and match以及 Ask andanswer并能用“first-next-then-finally”尝试讲故事(至少4句话)。自己读懂故事,完成P8Read and match以及 Ask and answer并能用上一段话来讲故事。2.学生根据选择的不同任务进行同质分区分组准备任务:第一组11人左右,第二组22人左右,第三组11人左右。(1)基础较为薄弱类学生(11人左右)可以自己再读课文或看课文动画,完成选择匹配并会读,准备接受小组长的问答检查,期间有疑惑可

3、以向组内其他人请教或要求老师帮助。(2)中等类同学(22人左右)合作问答,并将疑问做上记号,准备请教组长或老师。要求尽量说完整,可以看提示,也可以加入自己的语言。(3)优秀类学生(11人左右)进行互相检查,要求脱离书本连贯地说并接受老师的抽测,过程中关注组内其他同学任务完成情况,适时指导。 3. T:Now , lets check. (教师随机抽学号检测学生学习完成情况)抽到的学生选择不同的汇报方式进行汇报并获得不同星级数。 Lets say together. 全班齐说。教师小结:当我们讲故事时,首先要弄清故事发生在什么时候,什么地方,都有哪些人物做了什么,最后按照故事发展的顺序讲述出来就

4、可以了。板块三:巩固练习,进行评价(一)完成当堂检测:1. 会读Story time 2. 课课练Period 1优秀类同学在过关后帮助老师批阅组内其他同学的作业。学习任务全部完成后可以继续学习第二天的任务,还可以进行“挑战自我”,也可以进行拓展阅读。(Snow WhiteThree Little Pigs and a Big Wolf 教材解析P17 P21)【挑战自我】当堂背诵Story time 教师在此过程中,要特别关注班级内后进学生,进行第二次个别指导,利用课上时间进行补差。教学反思: 译林版 五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Culture time &

5、checkout timeTeaching aims and learning objectives (一)知识目标:1、能区分摄氏度与华氏度的不同。2、能正确使用疾病类单词,感觉类词组,相关建议3、能熟练运用Whats wrong with? have/ has a What should do?You/ he/ she should询问病情给出建议。(二)能力目标:1、能运用重点句型完成checkout time中的练习。2、能理解绘本Ann and Cindys story,并结合范例进行绘本创编。(三)情感目标:让学生通过学习了解如何给生病的人帮助。Focus of the lesso

6、n and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点:能运用Whats wrong with?You/ he/ she should完成相关练习,并能询问病情给出建议。教学难点:能理解绘本Ann and Cindys story,并结合范例进行绘本创编。教学准备:1、教师准备:PPT、板书2、学生准备:复习本单元story time 以及cartoon time。Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm up1. A song :An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. Brain storming:words

7、 of the unit3. Review: Happy puzzle: Task 1:illness; Task 2: feeling; Task 3:advice【设计意图:】通过歌曲导入新课学习,激发学生学习兴趣。通过游戏能使学生感到轻松,愉快,满足,产生兴奋情绪,复习了本单元主要词组,调动学生的学习兴趣,为下一步教学做好准备。Step 2 Presentation (Culture time)1.Look and say: Whats wrong with him? How does he feel? What should /shoulnt he do?2.Look and choo

8、se: Whats his temperature?3.Learn the new words: farenheit, centigrade 4.Watch a cartoon : Farenheit and Centigrade】通过ppt的形式,形象生动的解释了摄氏度与华氏度的不同,促使学生积极主动地开始新知识,拓展学生的知识面,同时结合本单元主要句型,展开对话,复习相关句型为下一步教学做好准备。Step3 Practice (Checkout time)1.Listen and choose: Tim is ill. Whats wrong with him? How does he f

9、eel and what should he do?Please listen and try to tick the correct answers.Q1 What s wrong with Tim?Q2 How does he feel?Q3. what should he do?Ss:Check their answers.2.Think and write:(1).T: Look at the boy.(选二图) Whats wrong with him?How does he feel? What should /shoulnt he do?.(T-S,S-S)(2).Ask the

10、 students to discuss in pairs,then check.(3).Fill in the blanks and check the answer.】充分复习基础句型的,利用图片创设情景,分组表演,让学生有展示自己的机会,充分发挥学生的主体性和创造性,完成相关练习,为实现英语交际打下坚实的基础。Step 4 Story time1.Watch the story(Students can ask the questions about the story).2.Exercixe:Q:1. Who is ill at first(最初)? 2. Who is ill at

11、last(最后)? 3. Whats the matter with Ann? 4. What should Ann do? 5. Circle the right words:Cindy wants to _(go skating/go swimming )with Ann. Ann_(cant/can)go. She has _(a toothache/a fever).And she _(feels/feel) cold. Cindy wants to read_(story/stories) with Ann, but Ann _(should/shouldnt) have a res

12、t. After Cindy leaving(离开),Ann takes some medicine, and has a lot a rest. Soon she gets_ (better/ill).She wants to go skating with Cindy, but _(Ann/Cindy) cant. She _(have/has)a cold now.】运用多媒体教学系统,使学生通过视听感知英语语言素材,发展视听能力。学生在各项练习中再次梳理知识,加深印象,为后续学习奠定基础。3.New story:(1)Discuss the pictures with the stud

13、ents, and give them some ideas(2)Students finish the dialogues in groups.(3)Students make a new story with or without the model.Bobby _at eight. e has a nice breakfast, hen _to school happily. Studdenly,he falls down from _.Whats _?His leg_.He feels_.He shouldnt_.Sam_to the hospital.The doctor_.Now_

14、.What a day!】通过绘本创作进一步巩固本节课的内容,同时注重生生间的合作与交流,发挥英语的交际功能,让学生在乐中学、玩中思,达到语言的最终输出。Step 5 Homework 1.通过网络,书籍等方式,收集并了解更多表示疾病类的单词。2.2.和你的朋友们分享一下你编写的绘本吧!课题Unit 1 CinderellaSoundtime Culturetime ticking time课型新授型学习目标1.能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事Cinderella2.了解字母dr在单词中的发音。3.了解中西方儿童的阅读喜好4. 能正确并熟练地运用“Why”“Because”重点难点能在教师的引导下

15、完成本单元的三项目标检测,与同学合作完成自评和互评,了解和调整自己的学习情况。能够使用正确使用Why Because .进行问答。学习过程1 Free talk:T:Do you like the story of Cinderella? Why? What else do you like reading?Step2 Presentation1 Show teaching aimsIn this lesson, well have some learning aims. Look at the learning aims. First, I can understand “Cinderell

16、a”. Then, I can use “Why” and “Because” to ask and answer questions. Finally, I know the sound of the letter “dr”. (PPT出示teaching aims)2 .Act the story Now, first, lets come to the first aim. Can you understand “Cinderella”?学生根据自己的理解叙述故事。a. Work in groups b. Ask some students to act the story(PPT出示t

17、icking form)3. Culture timeDifferent children like different stories.What does Mike like reading?He likes reading fairy tales.How about Yang Ling?She likes reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha.(Read the sentences of culture time)Ask and answer: What about you? What do you like reading?(Pa

18、ir work)中国经典故事和西方经典故事欣赏,出示封面,简单介绍。一些比较熟悉的,可以让学生用中文介绍。4 Sound timea. Lets come to the second aim. Look at the picture. The boy is Andrew. The girl is Andrews sister. Shes Andrea. (Andrew Andrea) Lets guess:a What is Andrew doing? (drink some water/have a drink )Andrew is having a drink.Use “why” to a

19、sk question and answer: Why is Andrew having a drink?Because hes thirsty.b What is Andrea doing? (draw a dress) Andrea is drawing a dress. Try to ask: Why is Andrea drawing a dress? Because she likes drawing. Because she wants a new dress. (I think you can use “why” and “Because” to ask and answer q

20、uestions. PPT出示teaching aims)c Why is Andrea drawing a dress? Because shell give it to her friend Sue. (出示Sound time 部分)Read and find:Whats the pronunciation of the letters “dr”?Can you say more words?Try to read(PPT出示teaching aims)5 完成课课练第四课时Step4 Homework1.Read an English story2. Finish the exerci

21、se in workbook.板书设计: Unit1 CinderellaWhy is Andrea drawing a dress?dr: draw dress drink driver 二次修订课 题Unit1 Cinderella (Fun time Grammar time)课 型新授课课时学习目标1. 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit ,leavebehind2. 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型:Why? Because3. 学生能

22、够根据Fun time中的图片说和演。4. 学生能够根据故事,完成Checkout time中的Think and write,进一步巩固故事,理解故事。学情分析重点、难点:1. 运用Why? Because交流,掌握句子结构。2. 复习巩固故事,叙述故事。易混、易错点能够掌握Why are you ? Why cant you ? Why does ? 句子结构学生认知基础:学生已经了解课文内容时间分配学 16 讲 15 练 14 教法与学法小组合作探究教学准备多媒体(PPT),导学案学生活动教师助学课后改进Step1 Free talk【自主先学、预习检测】1. Lets review:R

23、etell the story(出示图片)P1: There is P2: A fairy P3: Cinderella P4: P5: The prince 1. Fun time出示Fun time的图片P1: Why cant she go to the party? Because P2: Look, who comes? What will she say?P3: Cinderella meets price. P4: Look at the picture, What do they say?Read【设计意图】教师可以要求学生先看图,然后根据语言提示,发挥想象力,给出答句,通过学

24、生的已有知识,练习学生的英文表达,这样老师也能了解学生对文章的理解程度。Act 选择两幅图演一演。Checkout time: Think and write (leavebehind)【自主探究、小组合作】2. Grammar time:Show the sentences:Why are you so sad?Because I cant go to the party.Why cant you go to the party? Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.【小组讨论】Read and summary(学生根据自己的理解总结W

25、hy? Because的用法。)3. What question words do you remember?Why?What (What time, what color, what subject)WhenWhereWhoWhoseHow (how old, how many, how much)学生交流,这些提问词的具体用法。【设计意图】本版块呈现了询问原因的特殊疑问句及其问答的句型结构,。【练习检测】Ask and answer /Act the storyLook and write1. Why is Yang Ling not at school today? Because .2

26、. Why is Liu Tao so happy?3. Why does Nancy take off her cat?Because .4. Why does Mike put on his jacket?Step3 Homework1. Read Grammar time.2. Act Fun time.3. Recite the new words and the story.小组合作,采用各种形式,输出对课文主要内容的掌握情况,及时进行点评。特殊疑问句及其问答的句型结构,同时归纳了之前学过的疑问句副词和本单元出现的动词第三人称单数的一般现在式,都是需要孩子进行理解后再操练。完成练习后可以让组长对答案进行核对,有疑问之处小组讨论解决,最后请教老师。在小组合作过程中出现的疑点,以小组讨论的形式解决教师可以要求学生选择其中的一个场景进行表演,也可以将此部分内容与story time结合起来,要求小组内学生完整地表演故事。课后反思得:进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:学生能够根据故事,完成Checkout time中的Think and write,进一步巩固故事,理解故事失:学习困难的学生对理解故事方面有困难,特别时对重要的口语用于运用不熟练纠: 学生归

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