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1、Until hes ready. 等他能够接受的时候再告诉他There, there, Hagrid. 好了,好了,海格Its not really goodbye, after all. 又不是再也见不到面Good luck 祝你好运Harry Potter. 哈利波特Up. Get up! 起床!快起床!Now! 快点!Wake up, cousin! Were going to the zoo! 快醒来,表弟!要去动物园啰!Here he comes, the birthday boy. 我们的小寿星来了Happy birthday, son. 生日快乐,儿子Cook breakfast

2、. And try not to burn anything. 快去煮早餐,不准烧焦东西Yes. Aunt Petunia. 是,佩妮姨妈I want everything to be perfect我希望今天一切顺心for my Dudleys special day! 这可是我们达力的大日子Hurry up!Bring my coffee, boy. 给我咖啡,小子Yes. Uncle Vernon. 是,弗农姨父Arent they wonderful, darling 是不是很棒呀,亲爱的How many are there 一共有几个36. counted them myself.

3、三十六个,我自己数的36! But last year I had 37! 三十六个但去年有三十七个But some are bigger than last years. 但有些礼物比去年的大一点呀I dont care! 我管它有多大This is what were going to do. 好,好,待会儿我们一出去Were going to buy you two new presents. Hows that, pumpkin 就再去帮你买两个新礼物,好不好呀,小乖乖It should be a lovely day at the zoo. 要去动物园了Im really looki

4、ng forward to it. 一定可以玩得很开心,真期待Im warning you now, boy. 我警告你,小子Any funny business, and at all 要是有任何怪事发生,只要有一点点的怪事and you wont have any meals for a week. 你就一个礼拜不准吃饭,Get in. 上车Make it move. 叫它动嘛Move! 动呀!-Move! Hes asleep! 快动呀!- 它睡着了Hes boring. 真没劲!Sorry about him. He doesnt understand what its like. 对

5、不起,他不了解你的感受,像这样Lying there day after day 一天又一天地躺在这儿watching people press their ugly faces in on you. 看人们硬把丑脸贴到你面前Can you hear me 你听得懂我的话Its just. 只是%Ive never talked to a snake before. 我以前从没跟蛇讲过话Do you 你I means. Do you talk to people often 我是说,你常跟人说话吗Youre from Burma, arent you 你是从缅甸来的,对吧Was it nice

6、 there Do you miss your family 那儿是不是很美你想家吗I see. 我懂了Thats me as well. I never knew my parents either. 我也一样,我没见过我的父母Moving. Mummy, Dad. 动了!妈妈!爸爸!You wont believe what this snake is doing! 你绝对想不到这只蛇在干嘛Thanks. 谢谢Anytime. 别客气Snake! 蛇!Mum! Mummy! Help me! 妈妈,妈咪,救救我,救命呀My darling boy! How did you get in t

7、here 宝贝儿子,你是怎么进去的Who did this How did you get in there 我的天哪,你是怎么进去的Is there a snake 那是一条蛇吗Its all right, sweetheart. 没事的,小甜心Well get you out of these cold clothes. 我们会帮你把这湿冷的衣服脱掉What happened 这是怎么回事I swear. I dont know! 我发誓我真的不知道(The glass was there and then it was gone, 玻璃忽然消失Like magic. 就像魔法一样Ther

8、es no such thing as magic. 世上根本就没有魔法Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. 玛姬病了,吃了个怪油螺Dad, look! Harrys got a letter! 爸爸,你看!哈利有一封信Give back. Its mine! 还我,那是我的Yours Whod be writing to you 你的谁会写信给你啊No more mail through this letterbox. 这样就不能再往信箱里投信了Have a lovely day at the office, dear. 祝你上班愉快,亲爱的Go on. 快滚Fi

9、ne day. Sunday. 星期天真是个好日子In my opinion, best day of the week. 我认为是一星期中最棒的一天Why is that, Dudley 这是什么原因,达力Because theres no post on Sundays 因为星期天不送信Right you are, Harry! 答对了,哈利No post on Sunday. 星期天不送信No blasted letters today! No, sir. 今天没有讨厌的信!没有!Not one single bloody letter. Not one! 没有一封该死的信,完全没有No

10、, sir, not one blasted, miserable 没有,没有一封讨厌,可恶Oh, no! 喔,不!Make it stop, please! 叫它停下来,拜托,妈咪! 拜托,妈咪,叫它们停下来Stop! Stop it! 停!快停!Mummy, whats happening 妈妈,告诉我,这是怎么一回事Whats this 这是什么Give me that! 把它给我Give me that letter! 把信给我Get off! 放手!Theyre my letters! Let go of me! 这是我的信,放开我!Thats it! Were going away

11、! 够了,我们走吧。Far away, where they cant find us! 走得远远的,让他们找不到Daddys gone mad, hasnt he 爸爸发疯了,是不是Make a wish, Harry. 许个愿吧,哈利Whos there 什么人Sorry about that. 抱歉,不好意思I demand that you leave at once. 我要你立刻离开,先生You are breaking and entering. 你这是非法侵入民宅Dry up, Dursley, you great prune. 少罗嗦,德思礼,你这大笨蛋I havent see

12、n you 上回我看到你的时候Since you was a baby, Harry. But 你还是个婴儿,哈利,可是¥Youre a bit more along than I expected. 你块头比我想的大多了Particularly in the middle. 而且肚子还这么凸Im not Harry. 我又不是哈利I am. 我才是Well, of course you are. 恩,这才符合嘛Got something for you. 我这儿有个东西要送你Afraid I sat on it. 好像不小心被我压到了But I imagine itll taste fine

13、 just the same. 不过味道是不会变的Baked it myself, words and all. 全都是我自己烤自己做的唷Thank you. 谢谢你/Its not every day your young man turns 11, is it 一年里就只有这么一次,你现在满十一岁啰Excuse me, but 对不起,可是Who are you 你到底是谁呀Rubeus Hagrid. 鲁伯海格担任Keeper of keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. 霍格沃茨的钥匙管理员与猎场看守人Of course, you know about Hogwar

14、ts. 你总该知道霍格沃茨吧Sorry, no. 抱歉,不知道No Blot me, Harry. 不知道我的天哪,哈利Didnt you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all 没想过你爸妈是怎么学会的Learned what 学会什么Youre a wizard, Harry. 你是一个巫师,哈利Im a what 我是一个什么A wizard. 一个巫师A good one, Id wager, once youre trained up. 只要再受点训练,你一定会变成非常厉害的巫师No, youve made a mistak

15、e.不,我想你弄错了I mean 我是说I cant be a wizard. 我不可能是巫师啊I mean, Im just 我是说,我只是Harry. Just Harry. 哈利,我只是哈利Well. Just Harry. 好吧,哈利Did you ever make anything happen 你从来没发生过任何怪事吗Anything you couldnt explain, when you were angry or scared 在你生气害怕的时候,没出现什么搞不懂的怪事吗Dear Mr. Potter. 亲爱的波特先生We are pleased to inform yo

16、u 我们很荣幸能在此通知你that you have accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. 你已获准进入霍格沃茨魔法学校就读He will not be going! I told you. 我告诉你,我不准他去We swore wed put a stop to all this rubbish. 我们发誓要禁止这类的荒唐怪事You knew 你早就知道了You knew all along and you never told me 你们知道却不告诉我Of course we knew. 当然知道,How could

17、 you not be 想也知道你会是什么德行My perfect sister being who she was. 看看我那完美的好妹妹My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. 她收到信时,爸妈简直乐歪了We have a witch in the family. Isnt it wonderful 家里出了个女巫好棒啊I was the only one to see her for what she was. 就只有我能看清她的真面目A freak! 她是一个怪胎Then she met that Po

18、tter, and then she had you 然后她嫁给那个波特,生了你and I knew you would be the same. 我就知道你会和他们Just as strange, just as abnormal. 一样奇怪,一样不正常And then she got herself blown up. 然后呢,她就让自己给炸死了:And we got landed with you 所以我们就只好收留你Blown up You told me my parents died in a car crash. 炸死你说他们是出车祸死的A car crash 车祸A car c

19、rash killed Lily and James Potter 车祸哪伤得了莉莉和詹姆We had to say something. 我们总得说个理由Its an outrage! A scandal! 这是一种侮辱,一种毁谤Hell not be going. 他不能去A great Muggle like you is going to stop him 你以为像你这种超级大麻瓜阻止得了他吗Muggle 麻瓜Non-magic folk. 就是不会魔法的家伙This boys had his name down since he were born. 他一出生就列入学生名册了Hes

20、going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry. 他是去世上最棒的魔法学校Hell under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen. 而且还有有史以来最棒的校长Albus Dumbledore. 阿不思邓布利多I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks. 休想要我花一分钱,让个疯老头子来教他变戏法Never 不准Insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me. 在我面前侮辱邓

21、布利多Id appreciate it if you didnt tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. 你可千万别告诉霍格沃茨的人,我会感激你的Im not allowed to do magic. 照规定我是不能使用魔法的Okay. 好.Were a bit behind schedule. Best be off. 进度有点落后了,我们该走啰Unless youd rather stay, of course. 难不成你还想待在这儿All students must be equipped with 所有学生都必须准备one standard size 2

22、 pewter cauldron 一个标准尺寸的2号蜡制大锅and may bring. If they desire, 可自由携带Either an owl, a cat or a toad. 一只猫头鹰,猫,或是蟾蜍Can we find all this in London 在伦敦能把东西都买到吗If you know where to go. 只要你知道门径就可以Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume 啊,海格,要不要来一杯No, thanks, Tom. 不,谢了,汤姆Im on official Hogwarts business. 我正在替霍格沃茨办事呢

23、Just helping young Harry buy his school supplies. 带小哈利去买学校要用的东西Bless my soul. 上帝保佑Its Harry Potter! 他就是哈利波特!Welcome back, Mr. Potter. 欢迎回来,波特先生Welcome back. 欢迎回来Doris Crockford. Mr. Potter. 我是科多利,波特先生I cant believe Im meeting you at last. 真不敢相信,总算见到您了Harry Potter. 哈利Cant tell you how pleased I am to

24、 meet you. 见到你真说不出有多高兴Hello, professor. I didnt see you. 哈啰,教授,刚才没看到你Harry, thiss Professor Quirrell 哈利,这位是奇洛教授Will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. 霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御术老师Oh, nice to meet you. 喔,真高兴见到你Fearfully fascinating subject. 这门课迷人得很Not that you need it, eh, Potter 但你已经不用学了,波特Yes, well, m

25、ust be going now. Lots to buy. 现在得上路了,好多东西要买Goodbye. 再见See, Harry Youre famous. 瞧,哈利,你多有名啊!But why am I famous, Hagrid 但我为什么会出名呢,海格)All those people, how is it they know who I am. 那些人为什么全都认识我Im not sure Im the right person to tell you that, Harry. 我不知道这是由我来告诉你究竟合不合适,哈利Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley

26、. 欢迎来到对角巷,哈利Here, you get your quills and ink. 这儿可以买到羽毛笔和墨水Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry. 那边是卖各式各样的魔法玩意儿Its a world-class racing broom. 世界级的比赛用的飞天扫帚Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000! 哇,快看!最新型的光轮2000型Its the fastest model yet. 目前最快的型号But how an I to pay for all this 但是,我哪买的起这些东西

27、I havent any money. 我连一分钱也没有#Theres your money, Harry. 你的钱在那里,哈利Gringotts, the wizard bank. 古灵阁,巫师银行Aint no safer place, not one. 那可算是世上最安全的地方Except perhaps Hogwarts. 除了霍格沃茨以外Hagrid, 海格What exactly are these things 那是什么怪物呀Theyre goblins, Harry. 那就是妖精,哈利Clever as they come, but not the most friendly of beasts. 妖精聪明得很,但不太友善Best stay close. 最好是紧跟在我身边Mr. Harry Potter wisher to make a withdrawal. 哈利波特先生想要提钱$And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key 哈利波特先生有带钥匙吗W

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