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1、不及物动词误用作及物动词误: deal a probn加油lem 正:deal win加油th a problem处理问题 depend sb. n加油 正:depend on sb. 依靠 (依赖)某n加油人 rely sb./sth. n加油 正:rely on sb./sth.依靠(依赖)某人n加油(某物) insist doing sth. n加油 正:insist on doing sth. 坚持要做某n加油事 knock the door 正:knockn加油 at/on the door敲门 operate sb. n加油 正:operate on sb.为某人做手术 n加油 p

2、articipate sthn加油. 正:particin加油pate in sth.参加某事 refen加油r sth. 正: refn加油er to sth.查阅(参考)某物 reply a ln加油etter n加油正:reply to a letter回信注意:在某些其他用法中,以上有n加油的动词也可能及物,如insist, reply等动词后可接n加油宾语从句,operate表示“操作”、“管理”等时则及物及物动词n加油误用作不及物动词三有两个以上动词(动作)的简单句我爱篮球n加油I love basketball. n加油第1变: 变非动词 我爱打篮球 n加油 简单句n加油中的 动

3、词 + 动词I love playing basketbn加油all.我想去打篮球I want to go to pn加油lay basketball.四动词(动作)之延n加油续不延续4.1非延续性动词(只限肯定式)n加油表示的动作短暂,不能持续;不可与表示一段时间n加油的状语连用。4.2非延续性动词可用来表示某一动作n加油完成,因此可用于现在完成时。 如:The train has arn加油rived. Have you jn加油oined the computer group?非延续性动词(动作)的用n加油法4.3非延续性动词一般不可与how long连用。4.4非n加油延续性动词可以用

4、于when引导的时间状语从句中,但不可以n加油用于while引导的时间状语从句中。 n加油 如:When we reached Londn加油on, it was twelve oclock. Plean加油se look after my daughter n加油while/when we are away.n加油 4.5非延续性动词不能用于进行时态,若是进行时态形式则表示将来时n加油态的含义。 Im leavingn加油 for Lanzhou.4.6非延续性n加油动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成“not+非延续性动词+until/n加油till .”的句型,意为“直到才”。

5、n加油如:You cant leave here until I arriven加油. I will not go to bed until I fin加油nish drawing the picture n加油tonight.4.7非延续性动词可用于现在完成时否定式中,n加油成为可以延续的状态,因而可与表示“段时间”的状语连用。n加油He hasnt left here since 1986.I n加油havent heard from my father fn加油or two weeks.附表转换: 非延续性 延续性 n加油 非延续性 延续性延续性动词的用法4.1延续性动词n加油用于现在完

6、成时,可与表示“段时间”的状语连用。如:He has liven加油d here for 6 years. I have n加油learned English since I camn加油e here.4.2延续性动词不能与“点时间n加油”状语连用。比较:It rained at eight yesterdan加油y morning. It begn加油an to rain at eight yesterday morningn加油.又如:-When did you get tn加油o know Jack?-Twon加油 years ago. -n加油Then youve known each

7、 other for n加油more than two years. n加油 -Thats right.九谓语动词的时态 一、一n加油般现在时的用法【概念】表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。【用法】n加油1. 表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。句中常用alwayn加油s, often, usually, seldom, everyn加油 day等时间状语。特别注意动词的第三人称单n加油数形式,也就是主谓一致原则。另everyday也可用于过去,n加油将来时+in the past/future.【例句】n加油The boy often takes a taxi tn加油o school

8、. 这个男孩经常乘坐出租车去学校。【考题链接】Waln加油mart, one of the largest Amen加油rican supermarket chains, n加油 some of its store open 24 hours n加油on Mondays through Saturdays.A keep n加油 B kept C have kept D keeps n加油 2. 表示客观真理或客观事实。【例句】n加油Light travels in a straight linen加油. 光沿直线传播。“Life is like walkingn加油 in the snow”,

9、 Granny used to say, “ben加油cause every step”A. n加油has shown B. is showing C. shows n加油 D. showed3. 表示按计划、规定n加油要发生的动作,句中都带有时间状语。常常表n加油示火车、汽车、轮船、飞机、学校上课等时间安排。The n加油train starts at nine in thn加油e morning. 火车早上九点钟开。Han加油ve you read the timetable ? n加油Yes. The train _ atn加油 10:12 p.m.A. will start n加油 B

10、. is going to start C. sn加油hould start D. startsn加油4. 在时间、条件、让步等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将n加油来。If you come this aftn加油ernoon, we will have a men加油eting. 如果今天下午你来,我们就开会。When n加油will you come to see me,Dadn加油?I will go to see you whenn加油 you _ the training con加油urse.A. will have finished n加油 B. will finish C. ar

11、e finishinn加油g D. finish【即学即练】1. Whon加油se English is better, John n加油or Tom?They have advantages in difn加油ferent aspects. Tom spends as much tn加油ime reading as John _n加油_.A. writes B. does writinn加油g C. is writing D. does write2. Cn加油ome and see me wheneven加油r _.A. youn加油 are convenient B. youn加油 wi

12、ll be convenient C. itn加油 is convenient for you D. it will bn加油e convenient to you二、一般过去时的用法在确定的n加油过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。时间状语有:n加油yesterday, last week, n加油an hour ago, the other dn加油ay前几天, in 1982等。动词过去式的变化n加油规则。表示在过去一段时间内经常性或习惯性的n加油动作。During the n加油vacation I often swam n加油in the sea. 假期期间我常在海中游泳。I n加油

13、saw this film yesterdan加油y. This is a wn加油onderful book. Who _n加油_ it?A. writes n加油 B. has written C. wrote n加油 D. had written1. Judy is goingn加油 to marry the sailor she _n加油 in Rome last year.A. meen加油ts B. met C. han加油s met D. would meet2. I dn加油ont believe youve n加油already finished reading the bo

14、okI _n加油_it to you this morning!An加油. would lend B. was lending n加油C. had lent D. len加油nt三、一般将来时的用法一般将来时表示将来某个时n加油间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复n加油发生的动作。常见形式为:will / shall 动词原形;be goinn加油g to动词原形;bev. ing;be to (be abon加油ut to)动词原形结构等。1. n加油这种结构是表示将来的动作或状态。常伴有表示将来的时间n加油状语。shall用于第一人称,will常用于第二、三人称,但在现代英语中

15、wiln加油l可以通用于各种人称。在问句中shall常用于第一人称表示建议或征求对方意见。常n加油用的时间状语有:tomorrow, tomorrow mornin加油ng / afternoon , the day after tomorron加油w, next year, next mon加油nth , from now on (从现在开始),in an hour (n加油一小时后),in two days / wen加油eks等。Please brin加油ng me a cup of tea. 请给我端n加油杯茶来。Ill do it in a minute. 我马上就去(端)n加油。当

16、事人(临时)当下做出的决定Ann isn加油 in hospital. Oh, really? n加油I _ know. I _go and n加油visit her. A. didnt; am going to n加油 B. dont; wouldC. dont; will n加油 D. didnt; will2. “be going ton加油动词原形”表示说话人的主观意图/推测,即打算在最近或将来要做某事。 I n加油am going to have an interview ton加油morrow/to be late.3. “be to +动词原形”表示按n加油计划或安排将要发生某事

17、。常表示“职责、意图、约定、可能性”等。Thn加油e president is to hold a news conferencen加油. 4. “be about动词不定式”表示最近或马上要发生n加油的动作,其后不接时间状语结构。The plane is aboutn加油 to take off起飞/land on降n加油落/taxi滑行._n加油 leave at the end of this mn加油onth.I dont think yon加油u should do that until_n加油_ another job. A. Im n加油going to; youd found

18、B. n加油Im going to; youve foundC. Ill; yn加油oull find n加油 D. Ill; youd find1. Whenn加油 _ again?n加油When he _, Ill let you n加油know.A. will he come; will come n加油 B. will he come; comeC. he comes; n加油comes D. will he come; cn加油omes2. Dr. Smith, togethn加油er with his wife and daughtern加油s, _ visit Ben加油ijin

19、g this summer.A. is n加油going to B. are going to C. wasn加油 going to D. were going ton加油四、现在进行时的用法1. 表示说话时正在发生的动作,谓语:n加油be+doing。2. 说话时不一定在进行,但那个时间背景n加油下正在发生的动作。3. 某些动词的现在进行时可表示将来发生的动作。常见n加油的动词有:go, come, leave, arrive, start, stan加油y, return, take off等。4. alwayn加油s, often, constantly始终如一地, n加油frequen

20、tly, forever等副词和现在进行时态连用n加油,表达说话人的某种情感,即“赞扬”或“厌恶”等,可译为“老是、总是”n加油。He is always helping others. n加油 他总是帮助别人。Imn加油 not finished with my dinn加油ner yet. But our friends _n加油_for us. A. win加油ll wait B. wait C. han加油ve waited D. are waitingn加油1. Teenagers n加油 their health because they play n加油computer game

21、s too much.A. have daman加油ged B. are damaging n加油C. damaged D. wiln加油l2. Have you got any job ofn加油fers? No. I _.A. waiten加油d B. had been waitingC. hn加油ave waited D. am waiting一般n加油现在时和现在进行时的区别I live in thn加油e country I n加油am living in the country 长期 n加油 n加油 短暂I read newspapern加油s in the morning. I

22、am reading nn加油ewspapers in the morning. n加油 习惯 n加油 临时五、过去进行时的用法表n加油示过去某一时刻, 某一阶段正在进行的动作,n加油由 “was (were)+现在分词”构n加油成。1. 表示过去某一时刻, n加油某一阶段正在进行的动作。2. 与always, forever,n加油 constantly连用,表示赞成或厌恶的感情色彩。n加油【考题链接】I thought Gao Hui and her frien加油nd were in the cinema seeing the n加油film “Let The Bullets Fly”

23、yesterday evn加油ening. Impossible. She n加油_ TV with me inn加油 my home then. A. watched n加油 B. had watchedCn加油. would watch n加油 D. was watchin加油ngThe telephone _n加油_, but by the time I got indoorsn加油, it stopped.A. had rung B. n加油was ringing C. rings n加油 D. has rung一般过去时和n加油过去进行时的区别Mary read a bon加油ok

24、yesterday. Mn加油ary was reading a book yesterdayn加油. 过去动作过去结束了 n加油 过去的画面正在进行六、将来进行时的用法n加油形式:。Will be doing 。一般将来时VSn加油将来进行时七、现在完成时的用法表示过去发生的动作n加油对现在造成的影响或结果,谓语结构:助动词have/n加油has+动词的过去分词。1. 现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过n加油去, 持续到现在, 也许还会持续下去。常与so far, recenn加油tly, lately近来, alreadn加油y, just, yet, never, up to now, ev

25、en加油r since, since then, for an加油 long time, in the lan加油st three years等时间状语连用。 2.否定句的谓语n加油结构:助动词have/has not+过去分词。 3.一般n加油疑问句:助动词have/has+主语+动词的过去分词。 肯n加油定回答:Yes,主语+have/has. n加油 否定回答:No,主语+have/hn加油as not. 4. 一般过去时和现在完成时辨析我钱n加油包不见了。翻译:我娶了她/我娶她了。n加油我在这工作。I ren加油member you were a talen加油nted pianist

26、 at college.n加油 Can you play the piano fon加油r me? Sorry, I _n加油_ the piano for yearsn加油.A. dont play B. wasnt playin加油ng C. havent played n加油 D. hadnt playedMy good friend _n加油_his hometown sinn加油ce 10 years ago. A. has left n加油 B. left C. has been away fn加油rom D. was away from2. 非延续n加油性动词,如come, go

27、, die, marry, bn加油uy, leave, begin, start, put on, bon加油rrow等的完成时不能与for, sincen加油等表示一段时间的短语连用。如果这类动词要和段时间连用,就必须转n加油变成相应的表示延续性动作的词/短语。leave die n加油buy put on borrow come ben加油gin/startbe away be dead have wearn加油 keep be in be on【例句辨n加油析】I have bought the calculatn加油or for a week. ( )I havn加油e woken up for 30 minutes. n加油 ( )I have married her for 7 yn加油ears. ( )I have had tn加油he calculator for a week. We got man加油rried 7 years ago.We n加油have been married for

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