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1、生活水品也在不断的提高。而建筑是社会和科技发展所需的“衣、食、住、行”之首。它在任何一个国家的公民经济中都占有举足轻重的地位。 作为土木工程专业的本科毕业生,应该有从事土木工程设计的能力,因此,正是由于有这样的需要,学院为我们安排的毕业设计。 此次毕业设计的题目是 “万丽小区 5 号楼的构造设计和工程量清单”。 毕业设计要求我们在指导老师的指导下,独立系统的完成一项工程设计,解决与之相关的所有问题,熟悉相关设计规范、手册、标准图以及工程实践中常用的方法,拥有实践性、综合性强的显然特点。因此毕业设计对于培养学生初步的科学研究能力, 提高其综合运用所学知识解析问题、 解决问题能力有重视要意义,除此

2、之外还能够培养组织管理能力、社交能力和实践应用能力,培养设计工作中脚扎实地、严格正确的科学态度和作风,成立事业心和责任感。为立刻跨出校门走上社会打好基础。二、 研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题:1.研究内容构造设计部分方案合理 ,计算正确无误,计算书写工整,图面布局均匀,表达正确清楚,图面干净。1.依照建筑设计和结承重及抗震方面的要求、场所地质条件、资料供应及施工技术条件等 ,合理进行构造及其构件 (楼面板、屋面板、过梁等 )的选型和构造部署 ,应尽可能使计算简略 ,一致构件的编号 ,确立构件的定位尺寸 ,正确注明构件的构造标高。2.计算时,应有正确的计算简图 ,。选择合理的构件尺寸,清理荷载

3、时必然要认真。不能够多算也不能够少算。内力计算步骤要完满。内力计算可手算也可用计算机计算。手算时可依照详细情况采用不同样得计算方法。 进行内力组合,确立截面的配筋。并且满足构造要求。施工图中,构造及构件尺寸的注明要齐全,受力钢筋、箍筋及构造钢筋的编号要清楚、 正确。 受力钢筋的锚固、连接及截断地址要清楚正确。 箍筋加密区及非加密区的范围要详细正确。 配置的数量要正确。 横断面的采用地址及数量要合理3.现浇楼梯的设计时,梁式或板式楼梯自选,要有正确的计算简图,构件的截面尺寸要合理。内力计算及配筋要正确。施工图中,各构件的代号、尺寸的注明要齐全,配筋图要正确 ,构造标高要注明在相应地址。 、4.现

4、浇板的设计计算应依照详细情况考虑采用弹性理论或塑性理论。分清楚什么是单向板什么是双向板。板的厚度要合理,受力筋 (板底与板面 )及非受力筋的配置和注明要正确,并注明板的底部及顶部的构造标高。定位轴线、构件尺寸的标注要齐全。、5.连梁的设计计算可考虑采用塑性理论。2.拟解决的问题1.建筑构造部署,在满足建筑功能、工艺和生产使用要求的同时,力求平面和竖向形状简单、齐整,柱网对称、刚度合适、荷载分布均匀,构造传力简捷,构件受力明确。2.采集必定资料、图纸和现场情况 .如工程的场所情况,现场的地下水位和土壤种类,南昌的主要建材和人工、 机械租借价格信息以及南昌市常用招标法规和文件。三、 研究的方法与技

5、术路线:对于选定的课题,我们对他因此的内容进行全面的认识。认识这个课题在国内外的研究情况,包括研究以获取的成就及存在的问题,认识这一课题所属的理论系统等等。对课题的全面认识,能够让我们研究过程中少走很多弯路。确立研究的主攻方向。在本次课题研究中我将会用到以下研究方法。文件研究法 : 分类阅读相关文件(包括文字、图形、符号、声频、视频等拥有必然历史价值、理讨价值和资料价值的资料),得出一般性结论也许发现问题,搜寻新的思路。经验总结法:经过对实践活动中的详细情况,进行归纳与解析,使之系统化、理论化,上升为经验的一种方法。总结实行先进经验是人类历史上长远运用的较为卓有收效的领导方法之一。所谓经验,是


7、的一些问题,或对未来进行展望。案例研究法:中外学者还没有宽泛公认的、声威的定义,一般认为,案例是对现实生活中某一详细现象的客观描述。教育案例是对教育活动中拥有典型意义的,能够反响教育某些内在规律或某些授课思想、原理的详细授课事件的描述、总结解析,它平时是课堂内真实的故事,教学实践中遇到的迷惑的真实记录。对这些 “真实记录 ”进行解析研究,搜寻规律或产生问题的根源,进而追求解决问题或改进工作的方法,或形成新的研究课题。在案例法的研究中,研究者自己的洞察力是重点。观察研究法:从对事物发展变化过程的观察中获取所需信息,将其归纳整理并进行解析研究,形成新的见解和认识,这就是观察研究法四、 研究的整体安

8、排与进度:第一周 : 方案设计,建筑外形。第二周:更正方案,绘制建筑图。第三周:完成建筑图正式图纸。第四、五周:标准层构造平面图(框架梁,连梁)部署,现浇板的的荷载整理,内力及配筋计算。第六、七周:连梁的荷载整理,内力及配筋计算。第八、九周: 12 榀框架的荷载整理,内力及配筋计算。第十周:绘制框架配筋图、连梁的配筋图。第十一、十二周:桩承载力计算,基础平面图部署、承台配筋计算及绘制。第十三、十四周:绘制标准层构造平面图,现浇楼梯的构造计算及配筋图绘制,雨篷的构造计算及配筋图绘制。第十五周:整理图纸,设计总说明及计算书。五、主要参照文件:1混凝土构造设计规范GB500102002建筑构造荷载规

9、范GB50009 2006建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007 2002建筑工程抗震设防分类标准GB50223-2008建筑构造可靠度设计一致标准 GB50068-2001混凝土构造设计原理、混凝土构造设计多层与高层建筑构造设计简短建筑构造静力设计手册 中国建筑工业初版社江西省构造标准图集及国家其他相关现行规范2 混凝土构造设计规范 GB500102002建筑构造荷载规范 GB50009 2001 2006 年版建筑地基基础设计规范 GB50007 2002砌体构造设计规范 GB50003 2001混凝土构造计算手册3多层与高层建筑构造设计房屋建筑学教材建筑设计资料集 1、2、3 册江西省建筑标

10、准图集建筑制图标准其他相关设计规范Assessment of European seismic design proceduresfor steel framed structuresA.Y . Elghazouli1 IntroductionAlthough seismic design has bene?ted from substantial developments in recent years, theneed to offer practical and relatively unsophisticated design procedures inevitably results

11、 in various simpli?cations and idealisations. These assumptions can, in some cases, have advertimplications on the expected seismic performance and hence on the rationale and reliabil- ity ofthe design approaches. It is therefore imperative that design concepts and application rules are constantly a

12、ppraised and revised in l ight of recent research ?ndings and improvedunderstanding of seismic behaviour. To this end, this paper focuses on assessing the under- lying approaches and main procedures adopted in the seismic design of steel frames, with emphasis on European design provisions.In accorda

13、nce with current seismic design practice, which in Europe is represented by Eurocode 8 (EC8) (2004), structures may be designed according to either non-dissipative or dissipative behaviour. The former, through which the structure is dimensioned to respond largelyin the elastic range, is normally lim

14、ited to areas of low seismicity or to structures of special use and importance. Otherwise, codes aim to achieve economical design by employ- ing dissipative behaviour in which considerable inelastic deformations can be accommodated under significant seismic events. In the case of irregular or comple

15、x structures, detailed non- linear dynamic analysis may be necessary. However, dissipative design of regular structures isusually performed by assigning a structural behaviour factor (i.e. force reduction or modi?ca - tionfactor) which is used to reduce the code- speci?ed forces resulting from ideal

16、ised elastic responsespectra. This is carried outinconjunctionwith the capacity design concept whichrequiresanappropriate determinationof the capacity of the structure based on a pre-de?ned plasticmechanism (often referred to as failure mode), coupled with the provision of suf?cientductilityin plast

17、ic zones and adequate over-strength factors for other regions. Althoughthe fundamentaldesign principles of capacity design may not be purposely dissimilar in various codes, the actualprocedures can often vary due to differences in behavioural assumptionsand designidealisations.This paper examines th

18、e main design approaches and behavioural aspects of typical con?g-urations of moment-resistingand concentrically-bracedframes. Although this study focusesmainlyonEuropeanguidance, thediscussionsalsorefer toUSprovisions(AISC1999,2002, 2005a,b) for comparison purposes. Whereappropriate,simple analytic

19、altreatments are presented in order to illustrate salient behavioural aspects and trends, and referenceis also made to recent experimental observations and ?ndings. Amongst the various aspects examined in this paper, particular emphasis is given to capacity design veri?cations as well as the implica

20、tions of drift-related requirements in moment frames, and to the post-buck- lingbehaviour and ductility demand in braced frames, as these represent issues that warrant cautious interpretation and consideration in the design process. Accordingly, a number of necessary clari?cations and possible modi?

21、cations to code procedures are put forward. 2 General considerations2.1 Limit states and loading criteriaThe European seismic code, EC8 (Eurocode 8 2004) has evolved over a number of yearschanging status recentlyfroma pre-standard to a full European standard. Thecode explicitlyadopts capacity design

22、 approaches, with its associated procedures in terms of failure mode control,force reductionandrequirements. One ofthe main meritsofthe code is that, incomparison with other seismic provisions, it succeeds to a large extent in maintaining adirectand unambiguous relationshipbetween the speci?c design

23、 procedures and the overall capacitydesign concept.There aretwofundamentaldesign levelsconsidered in EC8,namely no-collapse and damage-limitationwhich, essentially refer toultimate and serviceabilitylimitstates, respec-tively, under seismic loading. The no-collapse requirement corresponds to seismic

24、 action based ona recommended probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years, or a return period of475years,whilstthevaluesassociatedwithdamage-limitationlevelrelatetoarecommended probability of 10% in 10 years, or return period of 95 years. As expected, capacitydesignprocedures are more directly asso

25、ciated withthe ultimate limitstate, buta numberchecks are included to ensure compliance with serviceability conditions.The code de?nes reference elastic response spectra (Se) for acceleration as a function of theperiodof vibration(T)and thedesign groundacceleration (ag) on?rmground. Theelasticspectr

26、um depends on the soil factor (S), the damping correction factor (-de?ned spectral ) and preperiods(TB,TCand TD)whichin turndepend on the soiltypeseismicsourcecharacteristics.Forultimate limitstate design, inelastic ductile performanceisincorporatedthrough the use of the behaviour factor (q) which i

27、n the last version of EC8 is assumed to capturealso the effect of viscous damping. Essentially, to avoid performing inelastic analysis in design,the elastic spectral acceleration s are divided by q (excepting some modi?cations forTB),to reduce the design forces in accordance with the structural con?

28、guration and expected ductility.For regularstructures (satisfyinga number ofcode-speci?ed criteria),asimpli?ed equival entstatic approach can be adopted, based largely on the fundamental mode of vibration.2.2 Behaviour factorsThis type of frame has special features that are not dealt with in this st

29、udy, although some comments relevant to its behaviour are made within the discussions. Also, K-braced frames are not considered herein as they are not recommended for dissipative design. On the other hand, eccentrically-braced frames which can combine the advantages of moment-resisting and concentrically-braced frames in terms of high ductility and stiffness, are bey

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