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英语 中考英语书面表达本章综合与测试解析版经典1Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、mentally and physically.So I suggest that you take your friends advice. More importantly,let her live like a lovely girl;let herhave more friends and social activities;and let her make mistakes of her own as the teenagers often do.【解析】这是一篇给材料作文,对学生家长的博客进行回复。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句

2、子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:My idea is that,There are,Some all-A students in school have.,The reason is,So I suggest that等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。点睛:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头表明自己的看法,接下来陈述自己的理由,最后介绍自己的建议。此处turn out , by no means, help sb do sth, grow up, let sb do sth, make mistakes, of o

3、nes own等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。2 假如你是李华, 你的美国笔友Bill给你发了一封电子邮件, 想了解你的梦想职业。请认真阅读下面的邮件, 根据信中的内容和你的实际情况给他写封回信。To: lihua china. comFrom: bill006 america. comSubject: Your dream jobDear Li Hua,Our teacher told us China is developing fast. You are lucky enough to live in China.Would you please tell me about your

4、dream job in the future?What is your dream job? Why do you like the job? Do you think your personality is suitable for the job? Why or why not? What do you need to do for your dream job?Drop a few lines if you have time.Best wishes,Bill要求:1. 参考提示语, 可适当发挥;2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地

5、名等);4.词数: 不少于70词(开头已给出, 但不计入总词数)。Dear Bill,Thank you for your letter. I am glad to tell you about my dream job. _Yours,Li Hua【答案】例文Thank you for your letter. I am glad to tell you about my dream job. Teaching is my dream job because I would like to share my knowledge with my students and help them s

6、olve problems. I am outgoing and helpful. I get on well with children. Besides, the schools environment appeals to me and staying with students helps to keep me young and alive. To realize my dream, I have to make full use of spare time to acquire the essential knowledge and enter a good university.

7、 What efforts are you making for your dream?Tell me about your ideal job!【分析】本题通过描写梦想中的职业,让学生对未来有憧憬,给一部分提示词,让学生有话可说。【详解】首先回答职业是教师。然后解释为什么喜欢该工作,因为可以把自己的知识分享给孩子们,并且喜欢学校的环境。为了实现自己的梦想,正在为此作出努力。最后向Bill提出问题,结束全文。【点睛】本文首先开篇功能句Thank you for your letter.然后开始主要内容,运用多种连接词,比如because,Besides,To realize my dream,

8、 等使文章连贯性强,长短句结合,读起来朗朗上口,不失为一篇佳作。3书面表达根据下列表格的提示,写一篇题为Changes in Our Hometown的英语短文(80词左右)文章内容必须包含所给的所有信息开头已给出,不计入总词数内容要点:过去现在1旧房1高楼2河水肮脏2河水清澈(clean and clear)3步行、骑自行车上班3乘公交车、小汽车上班4道路狭窄(narrow)4街道宽阔(wide),干净整洁5居住条件(livingconditions)差5生活越来越好,环境(environment)越来越舒适6你的感想(写两到三句)Changes in Our HometownIn the

9、past ten years,great changes have taken place in our hometown【答案】Changes in Our HometownIn the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown. In the past, there used to be old houses. The river was very dirty. The roads were narrow and the living conditions were terrible. People wer

10、e not rich. They went to work on foot or by bike. But now, there are many tall buildings in our hometown. We can see the clean river and the clear water . Even we can see fish in the water. There are many wide and clean roads. Our life is better and better The environment around us is more and more

11、comfortable. People usually go to work by bus or by car.I am glad to see these great changes in my hometown. But I think its still important to remember the past. It tells that we should cherish the present life.亮点说明:这篇习作的层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。文中使用了非常好的短语,例如take place,in our hometown,in the past,used to be

12、,go to do,on foot,by bike,better and better,more and more等。而I think its still important to remember the past/It tells that we should cherish the present life.等宾语从句结构的运用,丰富了习作内容,使表达多样,是本文的最大亮点。书面表达题既不是汉译英,也不是可任意发挥的作文。它要求将所规定的材料内容经整理后展开思维,考查运用所学英语知识准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能遗漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、短语和句式,尽可能使用高级词汇和较复

13、杂的句式结构以便得到较高的分数。4环保话题是人们最关心的话题之一,请以Change for a better China为主题,结合自己家乡的变化写一篇英语短文。注意事项:1.短文应包括表格中的所有提示内容,条理清楚,作适当发挥。2.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名,词数不少于80。状况水污染,大气污染. 应对措施立即阻止此类活动,治理环境(至少两条). 感想建议环境能够变得更好.Change for a better China_【答案】We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment w

14、ell. But some people dont care about it .They throw litter into the river and even worse factories also put waste into the river, the river is full of rubbish. The air is badly polluted because there are more cars on the road these days. Factories that burn coal also pollute the air with a lot of bl

15、ack smoke. We hardly ever see blue skies anymore.I think everyone in our hometown should play a part in cleaning it up. We should write to the government ,they should close down the factories. Trees are very helpful and important for the environment .We can plant more trees and more trees in order t

16、o live better and more healthy .Now, Our hometown has started to face the problem, I believe we can make our country a better place if we keep trying.环保话题是人们最关心的话题之一,请以Change for a better China为主题,结合自己家乡的变化写一篇英语短文。要求中已经给出了部分提示,动笔先应先认真阅读提示,确定写作内容。写作中注意表达观点时的常用句式,注意在表达不同观点时,连词的使用。内容上应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符

17、合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。本文紧扣要求对家乡做了简单介绍,内容完整,用了表格中的信息。2.句式丰富。表述灵活。衔接自然,顺畅。文中用到了一些好的句型:The air is badly polluted because there are more cars on the road these days.;We can plant more trees and more trees in order to live better and more healthy.给文中增色不少。5书面表达以下图画呈现了林涛和梅梅在公园里发生的事情。请用英语写一篇约100词的短文。要求:1.完整叙

18、述图画内容。2.简要陈述你从中学到了什么。【答案】One day Lin Tao and Meimei were playing in the garden. They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die. So they decided to do something for the young tree. First, Meimei kept the tree straight and pushed the earth hard down with her foot. Then Lin Tao kn

19、ocked a board into the earth. It said, “Please take care of trees.” After that, they quickly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them.Trees are good for the environment. We should protect them.这是一篇看图作文,要求我们仔细观察图片,弄清楚里面发生的事情,用英语将


21、。首先短文内容完整,符合图片所传达的信息,表述准确。作者在短文中叙述了林涛和梅梅两人在公园里给小树浇水、并挂牌子告诉人们注意保护树木。整篇文章按照事情发生的先后顺序叙述,条理清晰。文章最后的两句话也点明了文章的主题。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章以一般过去时态为主,谓语动词用了过去式,尤其是注意了不规则动词过去式的形式,如found, kept, got, were, spoke等。语法规范、准确。短文中还使用了较丰富的句型和短语,如They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die.这句话中使用了并

22、列句和宾语从句;再如So they decided to do something for the young tree这句话中使用了句型decided to do sth.决定做某事;After that, they quickly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them.这两句话中用了短语after that, speak highly of等等。6书面表达为了配合“足球进校园”活动,你们班开展了一次主题班

23、会。请你以足球迷的身份,根据下列表格中的要点提示,用英语向同学们介绍足球这项运动并谈谈自己的梦想。常 识历史悠久,深受喜爱世界杯4年举行一次好 处男生女生皆可参加利于培养团队精神考生自拟(至少1点)偶 像梅西,有足球天赋梦 想注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;1.短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;2.短文中不得真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:梅西 MessiDear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed sch

24、ools by 2020.Thank you for your attention.【答案】Dear classmates,Im very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020Football has a very long historyIt is liked by people all over the worldThe World Cup takes place every four yearsPlaying football has lots of advantagesF

25、irst,both boys and girls can take part in itSecond,it helps develop team spiritWhats more,playing football is good for our healthIm a football fanMessi is my heroHe has a gift for playing footballMy dream is to become a famous football player like MessiI hope China will hold the World Cup some dayTh

26、ank you for your attention试题分析:本题要求按提纲的提示,介绍足球运动并谈谈自己的梦想。要求仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确本文主要从三个方面来写:介绍足球运动及其好处;说说自己的偶像;谈谈自己的梦想。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。写作亮点:本文语言精炼,像第二自然段的Football has a very long history. It is liked by people all over the world. The World Cup takes place every four years. it helps develop team spirit. Whats more, playing football is good for ou

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