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人教版英语必修四课时作业Unit 2 Section 2Word文档格式.docx

1、s no good后接动名词作真正的主语,意为“做某事是没好处的”。4When the little boy heard that his father couldnt help get/to get (get)the ticket to the football match,he couldnt help crying (cry)当这小男孩听见他的爸爸不能帮忙买到足球赛的票时,他禁不住哭了。cant help doing sth.表示“禁不住干某事”;t help(to)do sth.表示“不能帮忙干某事”。5The presidents taking (take)office let Am

2、erican people see the hope of their economic recovery.总统就职让美国人看到了他们经济恢复的希望。动名词复合结构作主语时其结构应为“名词所有格或形容词性物主代词”。6Even though the modern way of life is popular now, there are still some people used to living (live)a life in an old fashion.即使现代生活模式现在已很盛行,但是仍有一些人习惯过着旧式的生活。be used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某

3、事”,其中的to是介词,故后接动名词。7Why did Mary weep?She couldnt bear being made (make) fun of like that before the whole class.玛丽为什么哭泣?她不能忍受在全班面前像那样被取笑。bear后跟动名词作宾语。又因为主语和动名词之间为被动关系。故应用动名词的被动形式。8He didnt drive to work today, for his car needs repairing/to be repaired (repair)他今天不能开车去上班,因为他的车需要修理。need作“需要”讲时,后跟动名词

4、的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式。类似用法的词还有:want,require等。9We dont allow smoking (smoke)here, but we can allow you to smoke (smoke)in the next room.考查动名词。我们不允许在这儿吸烟,但是允许你在隔壁房间吸。allow后有sb.接to do不定式,意为“允许某人做某事”;没有sb.则接动名词,意为“允许做某事”。10Knowing (know)basic firstaid techniques will help you respond quickly to emerge

5、ncies.考查非谓语动词。知道基本的急救技术将会帮助你对紧急情况快速作出反应。由谓语“will help”可知,此句缺少主语形式,且句中的“you”与动词“know”为逻辑上的主谓关系。故用动名词的一般形式作主语。11Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced (reduce)to ruins,the city took on a new look.在遭受大规模的地震和损失之后不久,那个城市就呈现出了崭新的面貌。and为并列连词,连接after后的两个宾语suffering from.和being r

6、educed to.。be reduced to (doing) sth.“使沦为”,固定结构。12China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from being attacked (attack) in the South China Sea.中国最近加紧了对黄岩岛附近海域的控制以阻止中国的渔船在南海海域不被袭击。prevent.from doing“阻止做”,根据句意可知“阻止渔船不被袭击”,故from后为being done。

7、13One learns a language by making mistakes and correcting (correct)them.人们在犯错误并改正它们的过程中学习一门语言。correcting them和making mistakes是并列的动名词短语,作介词by的宾语。14Its no use complaining (complain)without taking action.光抱怨而不采取任何行动是没用的。此句应为考查句型“It is no use doing sth.”,此结构中需用动词ing形式作真正的主语,it为形式主语。15I had great difficu

8、lty finding (find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.在那家餐厅,我花了很大力气才从菜谱上找到合适的食物。have difficulty(in)doing sth.为固定结构,意为“做某事有困难”。.完成句子1Everyone is satisfied with his performance.大家对他的表演很满意。2Id rather have left a note on her desk.我要是留张便条在她书桌上就好了。3She equipped her son with good education.她使

9、她的儿子受到了良好的教育。4This tree is three times as tall as that one.这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。5I make it my duty to protect the environment.我把保护环境当成自己的责任。6Therefore,he was determined to rid people of hunger.因此,他决定使人们摆脱饥饿。7He won the Nobel Prize for his contributions in struggling against hunger.因与饥饿做斗争所做出的贡献,他获得了诺贝尔奖。8Is

10、everybody feeling cold?If not,lets open the window.大家感到冷吗?如果不,让我们把窗户打开吧。9Thanks to your timely help,I managed to finish the work on time.多亏了你及时的帮助,我按时完成了工作。10He did not expand greatly on his statement.他未就他的声明多加解释。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。s always been a dream for Alex Pawl

11、owska to take a trip with her mother.But it was a death in the family that 1.A made them both realize how precious life really is.“After losing my grandma,I 2.B that neither I nor my mum will 3.D be here,and that I cant 4.C the right time to come,” the 27yearold girl told The Huffington Post.“After

12、a week of 5.A,my mum and I are off to travel around the United States.We will be traveling from New York to Los Angeles interviewing 6.D who are changing the world for the better and 7.C the dream I had for a very long time:to travel together with my mother.I have taken a month off work and we are o

13、n our way.8.B are waiting!” Alex said.So in August,Alex and her 63yearold mother traveled to the United States for a threeweek 9.A that took them from coast to coast.Alex is the 10.C of Looking For Heroes,a social media project,in which she photographs many of the interesting people she meets with,1

14、1.B unique tidbits(趣闻)of their life stories at the same time.The 12.D mother and daughter traveled across the nation,visiting cities which 13.A Knoxville,Tennessee,New York City,Los Angeles and Washington.Along the way they took photos 14.C famous backdrops(背景)in each city,making some 15.B memories.

15、Meanwhile,Alex 16.D much from her mother.Her mother often said,“My 17.C to young people will be to learn new things,and what you have learned will be your biggest 18.B in life.With age you stop 19.D about things that dont mater.With your priorities(优先处理的事)changing,20.A and health become the most imp

16、ortant.”文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Alex Pawlowaka 和母亲到美国各地旅行时,她用相机记录美好的景色,并对人生有了新的认识和感悟。1A.finally BsimplyCmildly Dsecretly考查副词辨析。空处与上文中的always呼应,这里用副词finally来叙述故事的发展:Alex一直希望和她的母亲一起去旅行,但是一位家人的去世终于让她和妈妈明白了生命的宝贵。A.finally最终;B.simply简单地;C.mildly温和地;D.secretly秘密地。故选A。2A.promised BrealizedCguessed Dhoped考查动词词义辨析

17、。这里表示Alex在祖母去世之后的感悟。A.promised答应;B.realized意识到;C.guessed猜测;D.hoped希望。故选B。3A.thus BevenCever Dforever祖母去世后,Alex意识到,自己和母亲不会永远(forever)在世界上。A.thus因此;B.even甚至;C.ever曾经;D.forever永远。故选D。4A.set aside Bput asideCwait for Dgive away考查短语辨析。下文说 Alex和母亲准备了一个星期之后就出发去旅行了,因此这里表示不能等待(wait for)合适时机的到来。A.set aside留出;

18、B.put aside储存;C.wait for等待;D.give away赠送。故选C。5A.preparation BworkCfreedom Dtreatment考查名词辨析。上文中提到要出发去旅行,因此这里说的是准备工作。A.preparation准备;B.work工作;C.freedom自由;D.treatment治疗。6A.friends BrelativesCreporters Dinfluencers考查名词词义。根据语境可知,空处所指的这些人正在使这个世界变得更好,因此这些人应该是一些有影响的人。A.friends朋友;B.relatives亲戚;C.reporters记者;

19、D.influencers有影响力的人。7A.leading BdescribingCachieving Dimagining文章开头第一句说Alex一直想和母亲一起去旅行,准备了一周之后她和母亲就出发了,故此处表示实现自己的梦想。A.leading领导;B.describing描述;C.achieving实现;D.imagining想象。8A.Troubles BDreamsCResults DDangers考查名词词义辨析。上文提到 Alex和母亲将一起出发去旅行,因此这里表示等待Alex和母亲的是她们的梦想。A.Troubles麻烦;B.Dreams梦想;C.Results结果;D.Da

20、ngers危险。9A.adventure BcampaignCbusiness Dgathering文章讲述Alex与母亲一起去旅行,根据语境可知,此处表示“三周的冒险”,A.adventure冒险;B.campaign战役;C.business生意;D.gathering聚会。10A.actress BmodelCeditor Dstudent根据语境可知,“寻找英雄”是个社交媒体项目,Alex在其中拍摄了很多她遇见的有趣的人的照片,并同时分享了他们生活故事中的独特趣闻,由此判断,她在这个社交媒体项目中当编辑(editor)。A.actress女演员;B.model模特;C.editor编辑

21、;D.student学生。11A.inventing BsharingCpreparing Dhearing参见上题解析。A.inventing发明,创造;B.sharing分享;C.preparing准备;D.hearing听见。12A.frightened BamusedCastonished Dexcited考查形容词词义。由下文内容可知,这对母女环游美国,因此可推断她们的心情是兴奋的。A.frightened害怕的;B.amused愉快的;C.astonished震惊的;D.excited兴奋的。13A.included BarrangedCconnected Dexpected考查动

22、词词义。由语境可知,Alex和母亲游览的城市包括下文中提到的城市。include“包括”,符合语境。A.included包括;B.arranged安排;C.connected连接;D.expected期待。14A.into BaboveCagainst Dfrom考查介词搭配。这里选介词against,表示“以为背景”。即每到一座城市,她们以著名景点为背景拍照。15A.unbelievable BunforgettableCunbearable Dunthinkable此处指制造一些难忘的回忆。A.unbelievable难以置信的;B.unforgettable令人难忘的;C.unbeara

23、ble难以忍受的;D.unthinkable不能想象的。16A.received BsavedCseparated DlearnedAlex从她妈妈身上学到了很多。A.received收到;B.saved保存;C.separated分离;D.learned知道,学会。17A.position BexampleCadvice Dcomment根据下文中的“to learn new thing.”可知,此处表示忠告。A.position位置;B.example例子;C.advice建议,忠告;D.comment评论。18A.goal BwealthCdiscovery Dchange根据语境和常识

24、可知,你所学到的东西将是你一生中最大的财富(wealth)。A.goal目标;B.wealth财富;C.discovery发现;D.change改变。19A.talking BbringingCsetting Dworrying根据语境可知,随着年龄的增长,你不再为那些无关紧要的事担心。A.talking谈论;B.bringing带来;C.setting设置;D.worrying担心。因此选D。 BidentityCbeauty Dexperience根据语境可知,随着你优先处理的事情发生了变化,家庭和健康就变成了最重要的事情。A.family家庭;B.identity身份

25、;C.beauty美;D.experience经历。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。After giving up his job as a designer for Ralph Lauren in 2011,Foster Huntington started to have a nomadic (流浪的 ) lifestyle,wandering around the country in a car.To make ends meet,he worked as a photographer and blogger and even publi

26、shed a book called Home Is Where You Park It about his lifestyle.But all good things have to come to an end.In 2014,the young man was ready to settle down in a more permanent home.For most people that would be an apartment or singlefamily home.But that was not for the freespirited Huntington.Instead,he decided to build a tree house,not a common one,but a paradise (乐园) that provides him with breathtaking views,some woodfired hot tubs and even a skate park!Called Cinder Cone Treehouse,it sits on Huntingtons hometown in Skamania,Washington and consists of two se

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