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1、 领头的是鸭妈妈,鸭妈妈脖子微弯,形成一个好看的弧度,翅膀在周围紧紧的粘着,脚步平稳。鸭妈妈身后跟着好几只小鸭,小鸭们三三两两,有的紧紧的跟着,生怕不小心,就被鸭妈妈甩了;有的则跑到前面,和一只小鸭嘎嘎的讲了起来,声音还放得很低,还怕妈妈知道似的;有的大概还是第一次来,东张西望,打量着四周,眼睛里满是好奇,还有的因为走得慢,看到要离队很远了,又急匆匆的跑向前,但一会儿就落队了。鸭妈妈扭头看小鸭在干嘛,嘎,鸭麻麻带着怒意长叫一声,小鸭们看见鸭妈妈生气了,自觉不对,便乖乖站好,排成一列。鸭妈妈又嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎的叫起来,像是对小鸭说“要过马路了,马路上危险,要乖乖听话,好好走路。”鸭妈妈走上马路,车子都

2、停了下来,鸭妈妈又向小鸭叫几声,小鸭们赶忙跟上去。但不一会儿就变成之前那样,该说的说,该玩的玩。突然,听见了“扑通”的落水声,然后就是“嘎嘎”的尖叫声。 The lead is the mother of the duck. The mother of the duck has a slight bend in the neck, forming a good radian, the wings sticking tightly around and the footsteps are smooth. The mother duck followed by several duckling d

3、ucklings by twos and threes, some closely followed, for fear of accidentally, it was the mother duck dumped; others went to the front, and a duck quack speaking voice, also very afraid, mother knew; some are probably the first time look around, and looked around, eyes full of curiosity, as well as w

4、alk slowly, see to leave far, hurriedly ran forward, but soon left the team. The mother duck duckling turned to look at why, GA, Ma with anger long duck call, the duckling was angry, saw the mother duck consciously wrong, just stand in a row. The ducks mother, Gaga and quack, said to the duckling, “

5、to cross the road, the danger in the road, to be obedient, to walk well.” Mother duck on the road, the car stopped, the mother duck to the duckling calls a few, the ducks hurried up. But in a few moments it turned out to be what it was to say, the play. Suddenly, the sound of “flop” was heard, then

6、the scream of “Gaga”. 鸭妈妈立刻回头查看,发现几只小鸭在马路上玩耍,没有留意到下水道,结果全部掉了进去。掉进下水道的小鸭十分狼狈,黑色水使小鸭身上干净的毛变的乌黑,它们大声尖叫着,仿佛是在说:“妈妈,我错了,我不应该不听您的话,可是妈妈快把我们拉上去啊!”而鸭妈妈急得在下水道周围团团转,大声尖叫着好像在说:“哎,你们几个,又不听我话,真是的,别说你们了,连你们的妈妈我都不知道怎么办了!”时间一分一秒过去,小鸭们的力气有些不足了,叫声也渐渐小了。鸭妈妈突然想到了什么,它冲到人群中,一部分和留在这里看同伴,另一部分则和妈妈一起去。鸭妈妈在人群中大声鸣叫,不停扇着翅膀,想告诉人

7、们救救它的孩子,但人们都不懂它的意思,只是人越来越多了。这时,一位巡警说道:“我去看看吧,这只鸭子好像遇到了麻烦。”鸭妈妈一看有人懂她的意思,转身便朝下水道跑去,巡警跟着鸭妈妈来到了“出事地点”。巡警一看下水道的小鸭,恍然大悟,转身问人们有没有网兜,人们一听,带网兜的立刻将网兜拿出,递给巡警,巡警立刻用网兜将小鸭捞了起来。小鸭刚上来是还有点发臭,全身脏兮兮的,估计在水里待久了,啰啰嗦嗦的,巡警打了盆水,给小鸭擦干身子,小鸭干净了许多,身子也不发臭了,但水还在一滴一滴往下滴。鸭妈妈朝巡警和人群叫两声,放佛在说谢谢。然后便带着小鸭走了。 Mother duck immediately looked

8、 back and found a few ducks playing on the road, and did not notice the sewer. All the results were dropped. The duckling who fell into the sewer was very embarrassed. The black water made the black fur of the duckling black. They screamed loudly, as if they were saying, “Mom, I am wrong. I should n

9、ot listen to you, but mom will pull us up.” And the mother duck rushed around the sewer, screaming loudly, as if saying, “Hey, you guys are not listening to me. Really, dont talk about you. I dont even know your mother. A minute and a second in the past, the strength of the ducks was somewhat inadeq

10、uate and the calls were gradually smaller. Mother duck suddenly thought of what, it rushed to the crowd, part and stay here to see the companion, the other part with the mother. Mother duck loudly shouted in the crowd, kept flying wings, wanted to tell people to save their children, but people didnt

11、 understand it, but more and more people. At this time, a patrol police said, “let me go and see, this duck seems to be in trouble.” The mother of the duck saw someone understand her meaning, turned around and ran down the sewer. The patrols followed the ducks mother to the “accident place”. A look

12、at the sewer patrol duckling, people have turned to see light suddenly, people listen to, with a net net, immediately will net out to patrol, patrol immediately with a net the duckling got up. There is little duckling just up the smelly, dirty, estimated in the water for a long time, nag, patrol hit

13、 a pot of water, to the duckling dried himself, duckling clean many, body does not stink, but the water is still a drip drip. The mother duck in patrol and the crowd called twice, put the Buddha to say thank you. And then he took the duckling. 巡警目送着鸭妈妈和小鸭离开,然后回到了自己的岗位上,人们散去了,而小鸭们的脚印则留在了路上,在阳光的照射下,闪闪

14、发光。 The patrol watched the mother duck and the duckling leave, and then returned to their posts. The people dispersed, and the footprints of the ducks remained on the road, sparkling in the sunlight. 脚,足也。人人有之。它最大的功用就是行走。行走在青青田间,行走在辽阔草原。跨过奔腾的江河,翻越险峻的山峰。我们都离不开它。 Feet, feet, too. Everyone has it. Its

15、greatest function is to walk. Walking in the green field, walking in the vast grassland. Across the galloping River, over the steep peaks. We all cant leave it. 我们虽然人人有脚,但走过的路却各有不同。有时我们闲庭信步,有时又是来去匆匆。脚步有的铿锵有力,有的步履轻盈。有的脚踏实地,有的轻飘浮躁。无论我们怎样走,身后都将留下脚印。这串串脚印记录下我们走过的道路,记录下我们走出的七彩人生。 We all have feet, but th

16、e way we go is different. Sometimes we stroll, sometimes in a hurry. Have some walking light footsteps sonorous and forceful. Some ground, some light impetuous. No matter how we go, we will leave footprints behind us. This string of footprints record the path we have passed and record the seven colo

17、red life we have come out of. 行走在天地之间,我们要去亲身领略大自然的秀奇瑰丽。古语说得好:“披五岳之图以为知山,不如樵夫之一足。”真正深入到大自然中,才会懂得大自然的慷慨与内涵。徐霞客不惧艰险,走遍了祖国各地,众多的名山大川都留下了他坚实的脚印。冬去春来,他用平凡的脚步铸成了非凡的地理学名著;为了遍识百草,李时珍放弃安逸平静的生活,踏遍青山人未老,几度行走在天地之间,才有本草纲目的诞生;马可波罗更是雄心壮志,不远万里,横跨亚欧。戈壁沙漠、森林雪原都不足惧。他的成功再一次证明,只要一步一步走,没有走不出的路,没有做不成的事。只有真正去做了,才会体味到道路的艰辛和收

18、获的喜悦。 Walking between the earth and the earth, we are going to enjoy the beauty of nature. The ancient language said well: “the map of the five mountains thought that it was better to know the mountain than one of the woodcutter.” In nature, the generosity and connotation of nature will be understoo

19、d. Xu Xiake is not afraid of danger, traveled across the country, many well-known mountains and rivers have left his footprints. Winter to spring, he made an extraordinary masterpiece Geography with ordinary steps; in order to know times Baicao, Li Shizhen gave up a comfortable and peaceful life, so

20、w the human not old, a few degrees walking in between heaven and earth, only the “Compendium of Materia Medica” birth; Marco Polo is the lofty ideals and high aspirations across Asia and Europe, make light of travelling a thousand li. The Gobi desert, snowy forest have nothing to fear. His success o

21、nce again proved that, as long as the step by step, there is no impossible Road, no impossible to do. Only if we really do it, it will taste the hardships of the road and the joy of harvest. 正所谓不积跬步,无以致千里。我们只要坚定地走下去,就一定会走的更高更远,走出天地,走向宇宙之间。 Is the so-called short step, resulting in thousands of miles

22、. As long as we go down firmly, we will go higher and farther, go out of heaven and earth and go to the universe. 行走在宇宙之间,我们人类要探求太空的奥秘,宇宙的渊源。曾几何时,宇宙是那么神秘莫测,只是让人遐想,却遥不可及。只有在神话里才见的到那里的神仙。嫦娥、悟空何曾想到我们不会他们的法术,如今也能自由穿梭在星球之间。当阿姆斯特朗的的左脚踏上月球的时候,那个著名的脚印实现了人类的梦想。阿姆斯特朗也因此留下了“我的一小步,是人类的一大步”的豪言。杨利伟、聂海盛、翟志刚也接踵步入太空

23、。苍穹中,翟志刚迈出了我国太空事业的第一步。这一步显得是那么轻柔,那么舒缓。而这轻柔和舒缓的背后,更多的是汗水和艰辛。是呀,迈出这一步,我们用了几千年。这一步有力的证明了我们只要想的到,只要脚踏实地不懈地去努力,就一定能办得到。 Between the universe, we human beings want to explore the mysteries of space and the origin of the universe. Once upon a time, the universe was so mysterious and unfathomable, only to m

24、ake people reverie, but unreachable. The immortals there only see in the mythology. The goddess of the moon, we wont ever think Wukong their spells can also free shuttle in the planet now. When Armstrongs left foot was on the moon, the famous footprints realized the human dream. Armstrong has also l

25、eft a “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind is the rhetoric. Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and Zhai Zhigang have also been into space. In the sky, Zhai Zhigang took the first step of our space career. This step is so gentle and so gentle. And the gentle and gentle behind, more sweat and har

26、dship. Yes, it took us thousands of years to take this step. This step is a powerful proof that as long as we want to, as long as we work unremittingly hard, we can do it. 浩瀚的太空静谧而美丽,深邃而幽远,她深藏的无尽的奥秘深深吸引我们去探求。我们已经跨越了一大步,我们还要跨出一大步。而我们无论能够走得多远,基础都在我们现在的每一天。 The vast expanse of space is quiet and beauti

27、ful, deep and distant, and her deep mysteries are deeply attracted to us. We have stride a big step, and we have to take a big step. And no matter how far we can go, the foundation is in every day we are now. 只有读破万卷书,才能纵横九万里。再宏伟的工程,再高大的摩天大楼也是一点一点盖起来的。通向太空的路就在我们点滴的积累,一步一步,越走越远。及之而后知,履之而后艰。但我们只要锲而不舍,就

28、会找到一条适合自己的路。找到一条适合自己走的路,我们就要坚持走下去。 Only certain structures to thousands of books, and in ninety thousand. In the grand project, the tall skyscrapers are also covered up a little bit by bit. The road to space is accumulated by us, step by step, and go farther and farther. And then know, and follow the hard. But as long as we have perseverance, we will find a way to suit ourselves. To find a way for us to walk, we must stick to it. 朋友们,既然我们走过的路都会留下脚印,那为什么不把脚印留下得更坚实,更精彩。 Friends, since we go through the road will leave footprints, then why not leave the footprints more solid, more wonderful.

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