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1、1. the topic of dishonesty on campus (Dishonesty is on the rise especially on campus and the phenomenon needs urgent attention);2. the reading skill of finding out word meanings by using contextual clues;3. some typical features of an argumentative essay.教学难点:In these 2 periods, the students may hav

2、e difficulty in:1. guessing word meanings by using contextual clues while reading2. exploring the argumentative style of text A and the topic-details-conclusion pattern it uses to develop a paragraph .教学方法和手段:Teaching methods:task-based language teaching; communicative language teaching; elicitation

3、. Teaching aids:textbook, online resources, blackboard, multimedia.教学过程:Part 1 : Lead in1. Group discussion(20 min)The teacher divides the students into groups of five or six students and leads them to carry out a group discussion on dishonest behavior on campus, its underlying reasons and the ensui

4、ng consequences. Then, each group is asked to work out some solutions to one of these phenomena. After that, the teacher will ask one student of each group to give a presentation on behalf the whole team. 2. Brain storming (15 min) Interacting with students by asking them to think of words about dis

5、honesty as a way to lead in some important words.3. Pre-reading activities (page 176) (10 min)Part 2: Understanding the main idea of text A1. Skinning and scanning (15 min)Task 1: students are required to note nouns and adjectives concerning dishonesty in the article. Later, they will be asked to gr

6、oup these words into synonyms and antonyms. Task 2: students are also required to mark numbers that appear in the article and explain why they are used.2. Comprehension Qs (page 183) (15 min)Part 3 Stylistic analysis (15 min)Concerning the writing style, the students are guided to realize Text A is

7、an argumentative essay. With regard to an argumentative essay, they should know the whole text centers on a topic and concerning the topic the writer definitely has his standpoint. Then concerning each part and each paragraph, the students are guided to discover that there generally is a topic sente

8、nce/statement supported by details (examples in particular in Text A) and a concluding sentence/statement.板书设计:Unit 7 Hoping for the betterPart 1. Lead in 1. Group discussion2. Brain storming 3. Pre-reading activitiesPart 2. Understanding the main idea of text A 1. Skinning and scanning 2. Comprehen

9、sion Qs Part 3. Stylistic analysis讨论、思考题、作业:1. Preview the new words and expressions of text A;2. Utilizing the internet and get to know some life experiences of Abraham Lincoln.lesson 2 2When honesty disappears: detailed study of text A1. summarize the main idea of Text A;2. understand the key word

10、s, phrases & expressions, and sentence structures.1. Key words: eliminate; reveal; accurate; facilitate; exaggerate; imply; launch; frustrate; conscious; appropriate; expel; exemplify; extensive; awareness; etc.2. Phrases & expressions:launch a campaign; if this/that is the case; be confined to; rip

11、 off; descend to; turn in; cope with; not to mention; make a complaint about sth.;3. Sentence structures:Especially troubling /surprising /annoying are the reports/facts that.; Sth. , once hailed as sth., could become sth.; Whether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious) , sth. will do

12、an effect on sth.;1. understanding the main idea and structure of Text A;2. understanding and translating some complex sentences:Teaching methods: grammar translation teaching;Teaching aids: textbook, online resources, blackboard, and multimedia.Part 1 Language points (45 min)Key words:eliminate vt.

13、1 get rid of sth. that is not wanted or needed 消除;剔除;根除We are taking all measures within our power to eliminate violence. 我们正在采取我们力所能及的一切措施来消除暴力。You have to eliminate all mistakes from the essay before you hand it in. 在把论文交上去之前,你必须把所有的错误都改掉。2 (usu. passive) remove sb. from a competition or election

14、(在比赛或竞选中)淘汰I was eliminated from the 400 meters in the semifinal. 我在400 米半决赛中被淘汰。reveal make known sth. that was previously secret or unknown 揭示;揭露;透露Many women do not want to reveal their true age in front of others. 很多女性不愿意在别人面前透露自己的真实年龄。accurate a.correct and true in every detail 正确的;准确的Accurate

15、records about this accident must be kept for further investigation. 必须准确记录这次事故,以便以后进行进一步调查。They were accurate in their prediction that he would accept our invitation. 他们的预料真准,他接受了我们的邀请。facilitate (fml.) make it easier for a process or activity to happen 促进;使便利The development of the Internet greatly

16、facilitates peoples communication. 互联网的发展大大方便了人们之间的交流。I wondered what kind of teaching method would facilitate learning better. 我想知道哪种教学方法能更好地促进学习。exaggerate v.make sth. seem better, larger, worse, etc. than it really is 夸大;夸张;言过其实 Shelly admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the difficulty of

17、her job. 谢莉承认,她有时候确实夸大了自己的工作难度。Dont exaggerate. I was only two minutes late, not twenty. 不要夸张,我只是迟到了两分钟,不是二十分钟。imply suggest that sth. is true, without saying this directly 暗示;暗指If you know him a lot, you may figure out the meaning he implied in his statement. 如果你很了解他的话,你就会听出他话中隐含的意思。launch 1 start

18、sth., usu. sth. big or important 发动;发起;开始进行The company decided to launch a new advertisement campaign to increase the sales. 公司决定开展新的广告宣传活动来提高销售额。2 make a new product, book, etc. available for sale for the first time 把(新产品、新书等)投放市场;出版;发行The company announced it will launch a new version of its softw

19、are in January. 该公司宣布将在1 月份将其新版软件投放市场。3 send a weapon or spacecraft into the sky or into space 发射(武器或宇宙飞船)We have succeeded in launching several communications satellites. 我们已经成功发射了几颗通信卫星。frustrate make sb. feel annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing or getting sth. 阻挠;使烦恼;使灰心If you giv

20、e a child a math problem that is hard to solve, you may frustrate him. 如果你让一个孩子做太难的数学题,你会使他气馁的。conscious 1 thinking a lot about or concerned about sth. 关注的;有意识的;注重的She was very conscious of security. 她非常注重安全。2 (not before noun) noticing or realizing sth. 注意到的;意识到的Whether we are conscious of it or no

21、t, our body language tells what we really feel. 不管我们是否意识到了这一点,我们的肢体语言传达了我们的真正感受。3 awake and able to understand what is happening around you 清醒的;有知觉的;神志清醒的When I first woke up and became conscious again, I didnt remember anything about the accident. 当我刚醒过来、恢复意识的时候,我一点也不记得那场事故了。appropriate correct or

22、suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose 恰当的;合适的Sometimes a gesture that is appropriate in one culture is insulting in another. 有时候一种文化中得体的手势在另一种文化中却被认为具有侮辱性。Her bright clothes were not appropriate for this occasion. 她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合这个场合。expel officially force sb. to leave a place or organiz

23、ation because of their bad behavior 强迫(某人)离开;驱逐;开除Two senior students have been expelled for cheating on the final exam. 两名大四学生因为在期末考试时作弊而被学校开除。Eight Olympic athletes were expelled for drug-taking. 八名奥运会运动员因服用禁药被取消了比赛资格。exemplify 1 be a typical example of sth. 作为的范例;当作的典型Mark Twains novel The Advent

24、ures of Tom Sawyer exemplifies 19th-century life in the United States. 马克吐温的小说汤姆索亚历险记体现了19世纪美国的生活。The rooms style exemplifies her ideal of “beauty and practicality”. 这个房间的风格是体现她“美观且实用”理念的典范。2 give an example of sth. 举例说明I will exemplify my point with a story. 我将用一个故事来说明我的观点。extensive 1 large in size

25、, amount, or degree 广阔的;大量的;大规模的Extensive repair work is going to begin soon. 大规模的修缮工作很快就要开始了。The flood caused extensive damage. 洪水造成了巨大的损失。2 containing or dealing with a lot of information and details 广泛的;全面的He tried to impress us with his extensive knowledge of wine. 他试图用他丰富的葡萄酒知识来给我们留下深刻印象。awaren

26、ess n.U knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation 认识;意识Environmental awareness has increased over the years. 这些年来,人们的环境意识增强了。Adjusting to another culture requires a great deal of personal awareness and patience. 适应另一种文化需要很强的个人意识和很多耐心。Phrases &launch a campaign plan, organize, a

27、nd begin a campaign 发起一场运动if this/that is the case used to describe what you will do, or what will happen, as a result of a particular situation or event 如果是这样/那样的话He said he did not come because he had a family emergency. If thats the case, I will apologize to him for my harsh words. 他说他没来是因为家里出了急事

28、。如果是那样的话,我会为我说了那些伤人的话而向他道歉。be confined to sb./sth. exist in or affect only a particular place or group 限于某人/某事For human beings, the hunger for liberty is strong, and it is not confined to any time or place. 人类对自由的渴望是非常强烈的,并不受任何时间或地域的限制。rip off (infml.) 1 steal sth. 盗窃He walked into the store and rip

29、ped off a pair of gloves. 他走进商店,偷了一副手套。not to mention sth. used to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting, etc.更不用说某事了He owns a lot of property in New York, not to mention several luxurious cars. 他在纽约有很多财产,更不必说拥有好几辆豪车了。2 charge sb. too much money for sth. 敲的竹杠Tourists are worried theyll get ripped off. 游客们担心被

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