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1、5.abstract adj.抽象的 n.摘要 concrete adj.具体的6.academic performance 学业成绩7.accepted adj.公认的 It is widely accepted that . It is widely believed/thought that . 大家都认为v 8.access n.进入,利用have (free) access to +n. 免费进入have little access to education 很少的机会享受教育have access to entering the library.have access to usi

2、ng the computer.accessible n.进入,利用 同义词:available adj.可利用的,可得到的sth be available(to sb) +地点我们每天都能喝到新鲜的牛奶。(available)Fresh milk can be available to us every day.这家花店的花应有尽有。Different kinds of flowers are available to customers in this flower shop.accessible adj.进入,利用sth be accessible(to sb) +地点The top o

3、f the mountain is accessible to tourists by v.陪伴 company n 陪伴accompany sb =keep sb company I am so busy every day that I have no time to keep my family members company.10.accomplish =achieve success/goal 取得成功,实现目标11.account n.账目 accountant 会计(1).考虑 take sth into consideration = ta

4、ke sth into account 当我们打算要出国的时候,要考虑机票和住宿。(account)When we are going to go abroad, we should take air tickets and accommodation into account. (2).解释,占比account for他的粗心解释了这次车祸。His carelessness accounts for this accident.我们班女生的数量占了一半。The number of girl students accounts for the half .(3).on account of =

5、because of =owing to =due to 由于12.exact adj.确切的=accurateaccuracy n.13.accuse sb of sth=charge sb with sth 控诉.He was accused of the theft. 他被控诉盗窃。 v.习惯于be accustomed to doing sth =be used to doing sth习惯于做某事2014高考: 睡觉之前,我习惯于听轻音乐。(accustom) 4Before sleeping, Im accustomed to listening to li

6、ght/soft music.我不习惯于早起 Im not accustomed to getting up early.15.toothache牙痛 stomachache 胃痛16.acid rain 酸雨17.acknowledge 承认It is widely acknowledged that.大家都认为. 18.acquire 获得 + skill/knowledge require 需要 inquire 咨询19.take action/measures to do sth 采取行动/措施做某事 take an active part in 积极参加20.adapt(onesel

7、f) to sth适应=adjust (oneself) to doing I adapt(myself) to school life quickly.1作为高三学生,我们应该知道如何调节心理状态。(adjust)2013年松江一模 As senior three students, we should know how to adjust mental state.遍布城市每个角落的星巴克(Starbucks)满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) 2013年长宁一模The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisf

8、ied/ meet/ satisfy peoples needs/demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life.21.In addition =besides= furthermore 而且22.address v.处理 address problem =deal with problem23.adequate =sufficient=enough adj.充足的,足够的24.admit (1).v.承认admit doing sth 反义词deny doing sth(2)v.允许进入 admission ticket 入场券 Sb be admitt

9、ed to/into sp某人允许进入某地 He was admitted to Fudan university.复旦大学录取了他。1. 为了保证游客安全,游客在九点之后不得进入公园。(admit)(2013静安一模) 2. 每天只允许五百名游客进入这座宏伟的博物馆。(admit) 2013年金山一模试卷1. To guarantee the visitors safety, they are not admitted into the park after 9 p.m.2. Only 500 visitors are admitted to this magnificent museum

10、every day.3.当她得知他被梦寐以求的大学录取的时候,她激动地彻夜未眠。(So.)5 倒装句So excited did she feel that she couldnt fall asleep the whole night/all the night when she knew that she was admitted to the university that she had been dreaming of for a long time.25.adapt oneself to sth 适应 adopt children 收养 adopt/take/follow advi

11、ce 采纳建议26.advance(可数) v/n.前进= progress 不可数 make(great) advances in sth=make(great) progress in sth取得很大的进步 advanced adj. 高级的 advanced education高等教育 advanced science and technology高科技 In advance =ahead of time 提前27.reach an agreement 达成一致意见28.affect v. effect n.=influence 影响have a great effect on sth=

12、affect sth greatly29.advise sb to do advise doing suggest (sb) doing30.aim at doing sth=aim to do sth 旨在做某事,目标于The art festival aims at providing an opportunity for students to show their talent.这些建设工程旨在降低人们的生活成本,并改善他们的生活条件。(aim)(虹口一模)These construction projects aim to reduce peoples living costs an

13、d (to) improve their living conditions.旨在.be intended/meant/designed to do /for sthThe experiment is intended to prove the theory that he put forward/proposed.31.alarming=frightening adj.令人惊恐的32.alert adj. sb be alert to 某人对.警觉The dogs are alert to strangers.alert v. 使警觉 sth alert sb使警觉33.allow/perm

14、it sb to do 允许某人做某事 allow/permit doing sth允许做某事34.have no alternative but to do sth=have no choice but to do sthv =cant help but do 不得不做某事35.30th wedding anniversary 30年结婚周年纪念日36.anxious adj.焦躁不安的,渴望的 anxiety n.焦虑be anxious about sth 担忧=be worried about sthbe anxious to do /for sth 渴望做某事.=be eager t

15、o do /for sth 当我在非洲做志愿者工作时,我的亲朋好友都盼望我早日平安归来。(anxious)4 2013年金山一模When I worked as a volunteer in Africa, my relatives and friends were anxious for my safe return soon.35.ap+parent adj.显然的,明显的It is apparent /obvious that 很显然36.appeal v 吸引 appealing adj.有吸引力的=attractive appeal to =attract吸引appeal to 呼吁

16、 appeal to sb to do sth appeal to everyone to save water.1.你对上周美术馆展出的那些画感兴趣吗?(appeal) (嘉定一模)2.一部吸引观众的电影从一开头就能调起他们的兴趣。 (appeal) (普陀)Do those paintings exhibited in the gallery last week appeal to you?A film which appeals to the audience can arouse their interest from the very beginning. 37.make an ap

17、pointment with sb 与某人约好做某事38. appreciate vt欣赏; 感谢 appreciationappreciate doing sth感谢做某事Id appreciate it very much if youd 如果你我就不胜感激Eg: Id appreciate it very much if you would help me with my English.40.approach v. 接近 n. 方法=wayChristmas is ing. 随着春节的临近,许多商店开始实行它们的促销计划。(approach n.)(嘉定)With the approa

18、ch of the Spring Festival, many shops start to /carry out/ their promoting plans.a new approach to language teaching 方法41.approve vt 批准; 赞成 approval n.批准,赞成 approve an anti-pollution law 批准反污染法 vi 赞成 approve of the plan 我不赞成儿童参加中国达人秀(Chinas Got Talent),因为这会使他们梦想一夜成名。(approve of)(嘉定一模)I dont approve

19、of children competing in Chinas Got Talent, which will make them dream of becoming famous overnight/for/because this/it will make them dream of becoming famous overnight.42.arouse vt. arouse ones interest/curiosity 激发/调动某人的兴趣、好奇心43.arrange vt 安排 v arrange for sb/sth to do sth 老板安排一辆车来机场接我。(arrange )

20、The boss arranges for a car to pick me up at the airport.arrangement n. 安排 v make arrangements for sth The boss makes arrangements for a car to pick me up at the ashamed to do sth/of sth 对.感到羞愧 associated with sth 与.有关46.assure sb of sth 使.放心 assure sb that.使.放心I assure you of the

21、 safety.=I assure you that you are safe.他向经理保证,一经录用,他会竭尽所能为公司服务,绝不辜负公司的期望并为自己的理想打拼。(assure) (虹口二模)He assured the manager that if / once (he was) appointed / accepted, he would do his best to work for / serve the company, live up to the expectation of the company and strive for his own at

22、tached to =be connected to= be linked to 连接,依附于attach great importance to sth =put/lay emphasis on sth强调,突出48.attempt to do sth =make attempts to do sth 企图做某事 attention to sth/doing sth v.注意新一代中国领导人将更加关注经济转型和提高人民的生活水平。(attention) (杨浦)The new generation of Chinese leaders will pay more attentio

23、n to the economic transformation/transition / restructuring and improving peoples living standards.50.attitude towards sth 对待.的态度我不认为我今天所说的话能改变别人对我的看法。(attitude)2013年金山一模I dont think what I have said today can(will) change others attitude(s)towards me.51. be full/well aware of sth=be conscious of st

24、h充分意识到.I am fully aware of the importance of protecting the environment.raise the awareness/consciousness of sth 提高的意识52.apply to sb for sth 向某人申请apply to school for scholarshipapply A to B 把A运用到Bapply theory to practice =put theory into practice=combine theory with practice理论运用于实践易混淆单词affection n.喜爱agreeable adj.=pleasant adj.宜人的,令人愉快的appropriate adj.=proper 合适的,恰当的assess v.评价,评估 区别access 进入assemble v.召集,装配assume v.假设,承担analyze v.分析analysis n.分析aggressive adj.有进取心的,有攻击性的

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