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vocab 2汇总Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、abstemious marked by temperance in indulgencecommensurate corresponding in size or degree or extentdistill undergo condensationgrandiloquent lofty in stylelevity a manner lacking seriousnessadmonish take to taskcompendium a publication containing a variety of worksdiverge move or draw apartgregariou

2、s temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of otherslog a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branchesadulterate make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substancecomplaisant showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for othersdivest take away possessions from someoneguilele

3、ss free of deceitloquacious full of trivial conversationaesthetic characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good tastecompliant disposed to act in accordance with someones wishesdocument a representation of a persons thinking with symbolic marksgullible naive and easily deceived or trickedlucid

4、transparently clear; easily understandableaggregate a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken togetherconciliatory making or willing to make concessionsdogmatic pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritativeharangue a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotionluminous s

5、oftly bright or radiantalacrity liveliness and eagernesscondone excuse, overlook, or make allowances fordormant inactive but capable of becoming activehomogeneous all of the same or similar kind or naturemagnanimity liberality in bestowing giftsalleviate provide physical relief, as from painconfound

6、 be confusing or perplexing todupe fool or hoaxhyperbole extravagant exaggerationmalingerer someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacityamalgamate to bring or combine together or with something elseconnoisseur an expert able to appreciate a fieldebullient joyously unrestrainediconoclastic

7、 characterized by attack on established beliefsmalleable capable of being shaped or bentambiguous having more than one possible meaningcontention the act of competing as for profit or a prizeeclectic selecting what seems best of various styles or ideasidolatry the worship of idols or images that are

8、 not Godmaverick someone who exhibits independence in thought and actionambivalence mixed feelings or emotionscontentious showing an inclination to disagreeefficacy capacity or power to produce a desired effectimmutable not subject or susceptible to change or variationmendacious given to lyingamelio

9、rate to make bettercontrite feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenseseffrontery audacious behavior that you have no right toimpair make worse or less effectivemetamorphosis striking change in appearance or character or circumstancesanachronism something located at a time when it coul

10、d not have existedconundrum a difficult problemelegy a mournful poem; a lament for the deadimpassive having or revealing little emotion or sensibilitymeticulous marked by precise accordance with detailsanalogous similar or equivalent in some respectsconverge be adjacent or come togetherelicit call f

11、orth, as an emotion, feeling, or responseimpede be a hindrance or obstacle tomisanthrope someone who dislikes people in generalanarchy a state of lawlessness and disorderconvoluted rolled longitudinally upon itselfembellish make more attractive, as by adding ornament or colorimpermeable preventing e

12、specially liquids to pass or diffuse throughmitigate lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent ofanomalous deviating from the general or common order or typecraven lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearfulempirical derived from experiment and observation rather than theoryim

13、perturbable marked by extreme calm and composuremollify cause to be more favorably inclinedantipathy a feeling of intense dislikedaunt cause to lose courageemulate strive to equal or match, especially by imitatingimpervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affectedmorose showing a broodi

14、ng ill humorapathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasmdecorum propriety in manners and conductendemic native to or confined to a certain regionimplacable incapable of being placatedmundane found in the ordinary course of eventsappease make peace withdefault an option that is selected automaticallyen

15、ervate weaken mentally or morallyimplicit implied though not directly expressednegate make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect ofapprise inform somebody of somethingdeference courteous regard for peoples feelingsengender make childrenimplode burst inwardneophyte any new participant in some ac

16、tivityapprobation official approvaldelineate represented accurately or preciselyenhance increaseinadvertently without knowledge or intentionobdurate stubbornly persistent in wrongdoingappropriate suitable for a particular person or place or condition etcdenigrate charge falsely or with malicious int

17、entephemeral anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a dayinchoate only partly in existence; imperfectly formedobsequious attempting to win favor from influential people by flatteryarduous characterized by effort to the point of exhaustionderide treat or speak of with contemptequanimi

18、ty steadiness of mind under stressincongruity the quality of disagreeingobviate do away withartless simple and natural; without cunning or deceitderivative a compound obtained from another compoundequivocate be deliberately ambiguous or unclearinconsequential lacking worth or importanceocclude block

19、 passage throughascetic someone who practices self denial as a spiritual disciplinedesiccate lacking vitality or spirit; lifelesserudite having or showing profound knowledgeincorporate make into a whole or make part of a wholeofficious intrusive in a meddling or offensive mannerassiduous marked by c

20、are and persistent effortdesultory marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purposeesoteric understandable only by an enlightened inner circleindeterminate not fixed or known in advanceonerous not easily borne; wearingassuage provide physical relief, as from paindeterrent something immateria

21、l that interferes with action or progresseulogy a formal expression of praise for someone who has diedindigence a state of extreme poverty or destitutionopprobrium a state of extreme dishonorattenuate become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitudediatribe thunderous verbal attackeuphemism an inoffe

22、nsive expression substituted for an offensive oneindolent disinclined to work or exertionoscillate move or swing from side to side regularlyaudacious disposed to venture or take risksdichotomy being twofoldexacerbate make worseinert unable to move or resist motionostentatious intended to attract not

23、ice and impress othersaustere f a stern or strict bearing or demeanordiffidence lack of self-assuranceexculpate pronounce not guilty of criminal chargespate liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasonedingenuous lacking in sophistication or worldlinessparagon a perfect embodim

24、ent of a conceptautonomous existing as an independent entitydiffuse spread out; not concentrated in one placeexigency a pressing or urgent situationinherent existing as an essential constituent or characteristicpartisan a fervent and even militant proponent of somethingaver to declare or affirm sole

25、mnly and formally as truedigression a turning asideextrapolation an inference about the future based on known factsinnocuous not injurious to physical or mental healthpathological relating to the study of diseasesbanal repeated too often; overfamiliar through overusedirge a song or hymn of mourning

26、as a memorial to a dead personfacetious cleverly amusing in toneinsensible barely able to be perceivedpaucity an insufficient quantity or numberbelie be in contradiction withdisabuse free somebody from an erroneous belieffacilitate make easierinsinuate give to understandpedantic marked by a narrow f

27、ocus on or display of learningbeneficent doing or producing gooddiscerning having or revealing keen insight and good judgmentfallacious containing or based on incorrect reasoninginsipid lacking interest or significance or impactpenchant a strong likingbolster support and strengthendiscordant not in

28、agreement or harmonyfatuous devoid of intelligenceinsularity the state of being isolated or detachedpenury a state of extreme poverty or destitutionbombastic ostentatiously lofty in stylediscredit the state of being held in low esteemfawning attempting to win favor by flatteryintractable difficult t

29、o manage or moldperennial lasting three seasons or moreboorish ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearancediscrepancy a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinionsfelicitous exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or styleintransigence stubbornly refusing to compromiseperfidious tending to betra

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