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1、building land建筑用地C祖国喻mother landhome landnative neitiv landthe land of the dead黄泉路by land由陆路by air, by sealandlord店主,房东 landlady 女店主,女房东2) v.使着陆The plane can land anywhere.这架飞机能在任何地方着陆。不及物,无宾语The pilot was trying to land the damaged plane safely.这个飞行员试图使这架损坏的飞机平安着陆。及物land on ones feet化险为夷land in / l

2、and up 陷入We landed in a lot of trouble.我们陷入了许多费事。ploughplau v.用犁耕plow plau (Am)plough a field/plough up a field耕田They plough in spring.他们在春天耕种田地。plough a lonely furrow 孤独无援地工作furrow f:r, fr n.犁沟;(脸上的)皱纹 vt.犁田,开沟plough through a dull textbook费力地读一本枯燥的教科书the Plough北斗七星the Big Dipper (Am)lonelyadj.1) a

3、dj.孤寂的,寂寞的alone; unhappy because of being alone or without friendsAlthough he lives in a big family, he feels very lonely.尽管他住在一个大家庭里,他还是觉得很孤独。I live alone but I never feel lonely.我一个人住但是我不觉得孤独。2) adj.指地方偏僻的,人迹罕至的of places far from inhabited places; without people; unvisitedAntarctic is the lonelies

4、t place on the earth.南极是世界上最偏僻的地方。Antarctic nt:ktik 南极区;南极地方a lonely village in Africa在非洲一个偏僻的小村庄alone adj. / adv.单独的地;单独的地He lives alone. (adv.)他一个人住。Leave me alone. (adj.)别理我。I want to be alone. (adj.)我想一个人呆着。alone无不愉快的含义,lonely含不愉快的含义。alone作形容词不可放名词前,只能做表语,补语,后置定语。roof ru:f1) n.房顶,车顶,顶部pl. roofsA

5、lthough divorced, they continued to live under the same roof.尽管离婚了,他们还是住在同一栋房子里。have no roof over ones head /have no place to livein没有地方住2) n.最高处the roof of the world世界屋脊the roof of the mouth上颚-What kind of roof cant keep the wet?哪种房顶不能挡雨?-The roof of the mouth.3) ceilingsi:li 天花板hit the ceiling勃然大怒

6、hit the roof大发雷霆raise the roof闹翻了天block blk1) C n.木,石,金属等的大块a block of concreteknkri:t 一块混凝土块a block of marblem:bl 一块大理石a block of rock一大块岩石2) C n.大建筑物,大楼内有许多互相独立的公寓或办公室的a block of flats一栋公寓楼a tower block高层建筑,塔楼3) C街区,四面街道围成的一大片建筑物,或指此类建筑群一边的长度AmThe two buildings share the block.这两栋建筑物整整占满了这个街区。The

7、post office is two blocks away.邮局在两个街区之外。flat flt公寓,单元房,一套房间Brapartment p:tmnt flatletfltlet小公寓-let小的booklet小册子piglet小猪tablettblit 药片bombletbmlit 小炸弹平坦的flat land平原3) adj.泄了气的,瘪下去的flat tyre瘪了的轮胎4) adj.浅的,扁的a flat dish浅碟子The cake was flat.这个蛋糕没有发起来。5) adj.啤酒等会起泡的饮料走了气My cola has gone flat.我的可乐走气了。dese

8、rt1) dezt n.沙漠,荒漠the Sahara sh:r Desert撒哈拉大沙漠2) di离弃,放弃,遗弃desert sb / desert sp抛弃某人,放弃某个地方desert强调丢弃,抛弃abandon bndn:give up强调放弃某一想法,打算等He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.他抛弃妻子出国了。desert a house放弃一个房子desert a city放弃一座城市3) deserted dz:td adj.无人的empty, with no one presenta deserted stree

9、t空无一人的大街a deserted office空荡荡的办公室a deserted area无人地区deserted adj.被离弃的,被遗弃的,被抛弃的a deserted wife被抛弃的妻子a deserted house被遗弃的房子【出国参考】sporting house妓院不是体育室dead president美钞不是死了的总统lover情人不是爱人busboy餐馆勤杂工不是公汽售票员busybody爱管闲事的人不是大忙人dry goods 纺织品谷物不是干货heart man换心人不是有心人mad doctor精神病科医生不是发疯的医生eleventh hour最后时刻不是十一点

10、blind date由第三者安排的男女初次见面并非盲目的约会或者是瞎约会personal remark人身攻击并非个人评论sweet water淡水不是糖水或者甜水confidence man骗子不是信得过的人criminal lawyer刑事律师不是犯罪的律师service station加油站不是效劳站rest room厕所不是休息室dressing room化装室不是试衣间或者更衣室horse sense常识不是马的感觉capital idea好主意不是资本主义思想familiar talk庸俗的交谈不是熟悉的谈话black tea红茶black art妖术不是黑色艺术black str

11、anger完全生疏的人(不是生疏的黑人)white coal作动力来源用的水white man忠实可靠的人不是皮肤白色的人yellow book黄皮书法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封,不是黄色书籍red tape官僚习气不是红色带子green hand新手blue stocking女学者,女才子不是蓝色长筒袜China policy对华政策不是中华政策Chinese dragon麒麟不是中国龙American beauty(美国产)四季开花的红蔷薇 ;电影名美国丽人,又名:美丽有罪;美国心 ,玫瑰情English disease软骨病不是英国病Indian summer愉快宁静的晚年;小阳春 (老年

12、的)回春;愉快的晚年 不是印度的夏日Greek gift害人的礼品不是希腊的礼物Spanish athlete吹牛的人不是西班牙的运发动French chalk滑石粉不是法国粉笔pull ones leg开玩笑不是拉后腿in ones birthday suit赤身裸体不是穿着生日礼服eat ones words收回前言,成认错误不是食言an apple of love西红柿不是爱情之果handwriting on the wall不祥之兆; 显而易见的危险不是大字报课文讲解Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun

13、 a new service.句中出现了两个如今完成时表示对过去的强调。captain机长 本文含义可指上尉,队长,船长连长,领领班等servicel)n效劳,奉献,帮助,功绩social services社会福利事业例:He did me a great service 他帮了我很大的忙。2)n供水,通讯等公共事业,业务,公共汽车的行驶,班次等a mail servicea post service邮政业务the telephone service 业务 网络例: Is there a good train service into the city?往市内的火车方便吗?3)n车辆,机器等定

14、期的维修 When did you take your car for service?你什么时候修的车啊?after-sale service售后效劳4) n军务,兵役 He was in the service for two years.他服了两年兵役。at a person s service随时为某人效劳I am at your service 找随时为您效劳The taxi is a small Swiss aero plane called a Pilatus Porter.Swiss adj瑞士人的, 瑞士的n瑞士人单复数同形Switzerland瑞士called a Pila

15、tus Porter 被叫做.的飞机called过去分词作定语This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field.anywhere 任何地方somewhere 某个地方nowhere 没什么地方ploughed 过去分词作定语Captain Fawcetts first Passenger was a doctor

16、 who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.who引导的定语从句修饰a doctorCaptain Fawcett的第一个乘客是位医生,他从伯明翰飞往威尔士山区一个偏僻的小村庄。Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.Fly-flew-flown1)vi。鸟,飞机等飞 Look, we are flying over the Rocky Mountains.看,我们正在落基山脉飞翔呢。2) vt驾驶

17、飞机 It see/ns very difficult to fly a jumbo.驾驶大型的喷气式飞机看起来很难。3) Time flies 光阴似箭soar 急速升空高飞float 漂浮hover盘旋glide 滑行skim 掠过Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, tie landed in a deserted car park.once.on another occasion一次,还有一次/on one occasion . on another occasionoccasio

18、n n时机,场合on several occasions 在几次不同的场合in honor of the occasion 为表庆贺on rare occasions 偶然工have met him on several occasions, 我见过他几次。Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.refuse回绝恳求或给予某种东西He refused my help, 他回绝我的帮助。He refused my present.他回绝我的礼物。refuse to do sth 回绝做某事He r

19、efused to help me 他回绝帮助我。deny否认一种指控 不成认He denied that he had stolen the money.他否认偷了钱。The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.The Atlantic Ocean 大西洋the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Artic Ocean 北冰洋the Indi

20、an Ocean 印度洋Special Difficulties1. bring take fetch的区别:bring带来,有某处带来某物take拿走,从某地或某人处带走fetch取来,去某地,取某物并带回 He brought the book with him when he came to see me.他来看我时把书带来了。He took the book with him when he left.他走到时候把书带走了。I asked him to go to my room and fetch my glasses.我请他去我的房间取来我的眼镜。2、 very /too的区别:v

21、ery很,非常 I arrived very late but I caught the train.我到得很迟,但是赶上车了。too太,过分 I arrived too late and I missed the train我到的太迟,误了火车。用正确的词填空:l. When you go to the kitchen, please me a glass of water.(fetch /bring)2. The ball went over the fence and the football player asked a boy - it. (fetch/bring)3. When I

22、 asked him he to tell me. (refused/denied)4. Do you that you have told me a lie? (deny/refuse)5、- How are you?well, thank you. (Too/Very)答案: l. bring 2. fetch 3. refused 4. deny 5,Very复习Review1. Key Structure:一般过去时和如今完成时I saw him in 1994: 我1994年见过他。I have not seen him since 1994.自从1994年我就再也没有见过他。He

23、stayed at this hotel last month 他上个月住在这家旅馆。Have you ever stayed at this hotel?你曾经在这家旅馆住过吗?2. Main Points:The most surprising thing is that.最令人吃惊的事情是。区别lonely和alonelonely表示孤独的,寂寞的;alone表示单独一个人的be alone单独一个入feel lonely感到孤独live alone 一个人住a lonely village 一个偏僻的小村庄the roof of the world 世界屋脊a block of flats 公寓楼two blocks away 两个街区以外a deserted street 空荡荡的大街a deserted wife 被抛弃的妻子once on another occasion 一次., 还有一次补充内容谚语1. A watched kettle never boils.A watched pot never boils.凡事越焦急的等待反越觉得慢;老是看壶水不开;心急水不开。2.Actions speak louder than words.Facts speak louder than words.行动比语言更为重要,事实胜于雄辩。

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