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1、7、A system component that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) c. output device一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为C.输出设备 8、A CD is an example of a(n) c. optical discCD是_的简称C.光盘 9、If you want to communicate a message or persua

2、de other people, you would typically use this type of software. d. presentation如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。D.演示 10、Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. d. wireless许多专家预测,这场革命将极大地影响我们的沟通和使用计算机技术的方式。D.无线

3、 CHAPTER 2 1、The Internet was launched in 1969 when the United States funded a project that developed a national computer network called d. ARPANET互联网在1969开始在美国资助的一个项目,发达国家计算机网络称为D.阿帕网 2、_ is the most popular Internet activity. a. communication_是最流行的互联网活动。A.沟通 3、A(n) _ program provides access to Web

4、 resources. c. browser一个_程序提供访问网络资源。C. 浏览器 4、Rules for exchanging data between computers are called c. protocols用于计算机之间交换数据的规则被称为C.协议 5、The last part of the domain name following the dot (.) is the top _ domain. a. level随着网络域名的最后一部分是顶级_域。A.水平 6、_ are widely used to add interest and activity to a Web

5、 site by presenting animation, displaying graphics, providing interactive games, and more. a. Applets广泛用于呈现动画,给网站增加的兴趣和活动的图形显示,提供互动游戏,和更多。A小应用.程序7、Unwanted and unsolicited e-mails are called _. a. spam不必要的和不请自来的电子邮件称为_。A.垃圾邮件 8、Programs that automatically submit your search request to several search

6、 engines simultaneously are called _. a. metasearch engines多个搜索引擎同时自动提交你的搜索请求的程序被称为_。A.元搜索引擎 9、_ cash is the Internets equivalent to traditional cash. d. Digital_现金是互联网相当于传统的现金。D.数字 10、These programs allow parents as well as organizations to block out selected sites and set time limits on Internet a

7、ccess. b. filters这些程序允许父母以及组织块选定地点和时间限制对互联网的访问。B.过滤器 CHAPTER 3 1、This type of software works with end users , application software, and computer hardware t handle the majority of technical details. d. system software这类软件与终端用户、应用软件和计算机硬件之间处理大部分的技术细节。D.系统软件 2、_ are narrowly focused on specific discipl

8、ines and occupations. c. Specialized applications_狭隘地集中于特定的学科和领域。C.专业的应用 3、The primary purpose of this type of software is to create text-based document. b. word processing这类软件的主要目的是创建文本文件。B.文字处理 4、Organizations create newsletters, manuals, and contracts are all examples of d. word processing组织创建简报,

9、手册,和合同都是例子D.文字处理 5、Letters, memos, term papers, reports, and brochures whit this type of software. d.documents信函,备忘录,学期论文,报告,和小册子,与这种类型的软件。d.文本文件 6、Numbers and formulas entered in a cell are called a. numeric entries在单元格中输入的数字和公式被称为A.数字条目7、The acronym DBMS stands for what?b. database management syst

10、em简称DBMS代表什么?B.数据库管理系统 8、Database _ are primarily used to enter new records and to make changes to exciting records. c. queries数据库_主要用于输入新记录和更改激动人心的记录。C.查询 9、A file that includes predefined settings that can be used to create many common types of presentations is called a c. template一个文件,包括预定义的设置,可用

11、于创建演示文稿的许多常见的类型称为C.模板 10、A(n) _ is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager, and more. b. integrated package一个_是一个程序提供文字处理,电子表格,数据库管理器和更多的功能。B.集成包 CHAPTER 4 1、Graphic programs widely used in the graphic arts profession include _. a. desktop

12、publishing programs, image editors, and illustration programs 广泛应用于图形艺术专业图形程序包括_。A.桌面出版程序,图像编辑程序,和说明 2、Image editors are used for creating and editing _. a. bitmap imagine图像编辑器是用于创建和编辑_。A.位图图像 3、Programs used to create or modify vector images are called _. a. illustration programs创建或修改矢量图像的应用程序称为_。A

13、.插图程序 4、Pages in a multimedia presentation typically provide _ or connections to related information. b. links在一个多媒体演示页面通常提供_或相关信息。B.链接 5、When determining the overall objective of a multimedia project, the resources required, and the people who will work on the project, you are in _ step. a. plannin

14、g确定一个多媒体项目的整体目标时,所需要的资源,以及那些将工作项目,你在_阶段。A.规划 6、Many individuals create their own personal sites called Web logs, or b. blogs许多人建立自己的个人网站称为网络日志或B.博客 7、A special effect in which one image seems to melt into another is referred to as c. morphing特殊效果的图像似乎融入另一个称为C.渐变 8、Users can interact in a fully immer

15、sed 3-D environment using _. b. virtual reality 让用户可以完全沉浸在3D环境互动中使用_。B.虚拟现实 9、Fuzzy logic is a. used to respond to questions in a humanlike way 模糊逻辑是A.用来应对一个像人一样的问题 10、Robots used in automobile plants would be classified as b. industrial robots用于汽车厂的机器人将被归类为B.工业机器人 CHAPTER 5 1、Software that allows y

16、our computer to interact with the user, applications, and hardware is called c. system software允许您的计算机与用户、应用程序、硬件交互的软件,称为C.系统软件 2、In order for a computer to understand a program, it must be converted into machine language by a(n) _. d. language translator为了让计算机理解一个程序,它必须被转换成机器语言_。D.语言编译器3、“GUI” stan

17、ds for c. graphical user interface “GUI”代表 C.图形用户界面 4、To connect several computer together, one generally needs to be running a(n) _ operating system. a. network连接几个电脑连在一起,一般需要运行一个_操作系统。 5、_ is the most widely used operating system. a. Windows_是最广泛使用的操作系统。A. Windows 6、This operating system is mo

18、st popular with graphic designers and those who work in multimedia c. Mac OS这个操作系统是图形设计师和那些在多媒体工作中最流行的C. MAC OS 7、This operating system was originally designed to run on minicomputers used in a network environment. b. UNIX这个操作系统最初为运行在网络环境中使用的小型计算机被设计。B. UNIX 8、These programs guard your computer agai

19、nst malicious programs that may invade your computer system. b. antivirus program这些程序保护您的计算机免受恶意程序的入侵你的电脑系统。B.杀毒程序 9、A concentric ring on a hard disk is referred to as a a. track硬盘上的一个同心环称为A.磁道 10、Every time the computer system is started ,the operating system loads these into memory. c. device driv

20、ers每次计算机系统启动时,操作系统加载到内存。C.设备驱动程序 CHAPTER 6 1、The container that house most of the electronic components that make up a computer system is known as the d. system unit大部分构成计算机系统的电子组件被称为D.系统单元 2、The smallest unit in a digital system is a b. bit在数字系统中的最小单位是B.位 3、The communication medium for the entire c

21、omputer system is the c. motherboard整个计算机系统的通信介质是C.主板 4、These provide expansion capability for a computer system. b. slots 这些为计算机系统提供扩展能力。B.槽 5、The _tells the rest of the computer how to carry out a programs instructions. b. control unit_告诉的其余的计算机如何执行指令程序的。B.控制单元 6、A 32-bit word computer can access

22、_ bytes at a time. a. 4一个32位字计算机可以同时访问_字节。A. 4 7、These chips are specifically designed to handle the processing requirements ralated to display and manipulating 3-D image. a. graphics coprocessors专门设计这些芯片是用来处理要求加工显示和操纵的三维图像。A.图形协处理器 8、This type of memory improves processing by acting as a temporary

23、high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU. c. cache memory这种类型的存储器,是作为一个临时的高速内存和CPU之间保持提高效率的区域。 C.高速缓冲存储器 9、_ is a set of hardware and software standards. b. Plug and Play_是一套硬件和软件标准。B.即插即用 10、_ ports connect special types of music instruments to sound cards d. MIDI_端口连接乐器的特殊类型的声卡D. MID

24、I CHAPTER 7 1、Hardware used to translate words, sounds, images, and actions that people understand into a form that the system unit can process is known as a. input devices用于转换文字、声音、图像、和人们认识到计算机系统能够处理的形式行为的硬件被称为A.输入设备 2、This type of keyboard provides the greatest amount of flexibility and convenienc

25、e by eliminating cables connected to the system unit. b. wireless keyboard这种最大数量通过消除连接到系统单元的电缆类型的键盘提供了灵活方便。B.无线键盘 3、The mouse _ usually appears in the shape of an arrow. a. pointer_通常出现在鼠标箭头的形状。A.指针 4、This type of pointing device is located in the middle of the keyboard. b. pointing stick这种类型的指针装置位于

26、键盘的中部。B.指点杆 5、This type of pointing device has crisscrossed invisible beams of infrared light that are protected with a clear plastic outer layer. d. touch screen这种类型的指针设备有纵横交错的红外线,具有明确的塑料外层保护无形的梁。D.触摸屏 6、A universal product code is read by what type of scanner? a. bar code通用产品代码是由什么类型的扫描仪读取?A.条码 7、

27、_ input devices convert sounds into a form that can be processed by the system unit d. Audio_把声音转化成一种可以被处理系统单元形式的输入设备D.音频 8、The most important characteristic of a monitor is its c. clarity显示器的最重要的特点是它的C.清晰度 9、Which of the following printer types requires special paper? d. thermal下列哪种类型打印机需要特殊的纸?D.热敏

28、打印机 10、_ is a specialized input and output device for receiving and sending voice communication. b. Internet telephone_是一个专门用于接收和发送语音通信的输入和输出装置,。B.网络电话 CHAPTER 8 1、Primary storage is referred to as _storage. a. volatile主存储器简称_存储。A.挥发性 2、The amount of time required by a storage device to retrieve data and programs is its a. access speed通过存储装置检索数据和程序所需的时间叫A.访问速度 3、How tightly the bits can be packed next to one another on a disk is

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