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本文(杭州经济技术开发区金沙湖实验学校三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、杭州经济技术开发区金沙湖实验学校三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案2018-2019年杭州经济技术开发区金沙湖实验学校三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、我会选一选(选择题)1 Hello,_Su Hai? A.are you B. I am C. are I 2 We cant sing in the_. A.classroomB.playgroundC.library3 He is making plane.( )A.a B. an C. the4 _ name is Aggie.AMy BI CIm5 Walk like an elephant._ A.B.C.D

2、.6 Nice meet you.A.toB.Too7 傍晚你遇到了你的朋友,你说:_AGood night.BGood afternoon.CGood evening. 8 _A.Look at the hair. Its long.B.Look at the hair. Its short.9 - How many crayons do you have? - _A.Nine. BIm fine. CIts a canyon.10英语课上,班长喊起立会说:_A. Stand up. B. Sit down.11Where_the pen?Aare Bis12体育课,同学摔倒受伤,你跑过去扶

3、起,问:_ A.Whats the matter?B.Hows the matter?13早上和同学见面时,应该说:_AGood afternoon. BGood morning.14爸爸叫你不要打开门,他会对你说:( )AOpen the door. BDont open the window. CDont open the door.15 he?AWhos BWho二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16根据图示,写英语算式及得数。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 17写出下面的名称。_18给下面的单词归类。pen head red four rulerface blue dog nine panda

4、1学习用品:_ 2. 颜色:_3. 人体部位: _ 4. 数字:_5. 动物: _19I,a,look,may,have _20看图选词,根据常识,给下列物体选择合适的颜色,填入图片下边的括号里。 2. yellow 3. blue 4. green ( )( )( )( )2.写出所给字母的邻居。1 _ _ b _ 2. _ c _ 3. _d_4.A _ _ 5. _ _ C _ _ 6. _B_21根据图片的信息,完成下列句子。 Im a _. _ name is Tom. Im _. This is my father. _is tall. _ my mother. Shes

5、 _. 22写出下面人物的名称 _ _ 23读一读,将下列句子排成一段顺畅的对话。ANice to meet you too.BHello, Im Mike.CNice to meet you, John.DWhats your name?E. My names John._,_,_,_,_,24将所给的字母重新排列组单词,并写出汉语意思。1. a r i h c _( )2. o k b o _( )3. e k s d _( )25连词成句。(将重新排序的数字写在横线上。)三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26我会连一连。 (1) nose A (2) ear B (3) eye C (4) m

6、outh D (5) arm E. (6) hand F. (7) leg G. 27快来帮笨羊羊数一数这是几根手指,连一连吧。1 2 3 4 5Anine Bsix Cten Deight Eseven28将下列英文单词和相对应的中文用线连起来。 29中英文连线。1. smell the coffee A 品茶2. taste the tea B 喝果汁3. drink the juice C 切面包4. pour the water D 闻咖啡5. cut the bread E 倒水30为汉语句子选择正确的英文翻译连线。1. 早上好! A This is Miss White.2. 再见

7、! B Good morning!3. 这位是怀特小姐。 C Goodbye!4. 下午好,小华。 D Good afternoon, Xiao Hua.5. 很好,谢谢! E Fine, thank you!四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31根据汉语提示补全单词。 (1)r_ b_ t (机器人) (2)t _ y (玩具) (3)b _ _l (球) (4)d _ _l (玩具娃娃) (5)c _ _ (小汽车) 32完成下列句子1. 这些 _ are Toms _ (裤子)2. That is Toms _(毛衣)3. 那些 _ are Sams _( 短裤)4. This is Sams

8、_(衬衫)33写单词。1.This is an _(英语) 书。2._ (哪里) is my cat?3.It is _(在里) the bag.4.-Where is the tree? -_(它是) over there.5.They are_ (怪物).34写单词。1. This is _(她的) nose。2. My_ (眼睛) are big.3. Point to your _(耳朵).4. His _ (嘴) is small. 5. This is _ (你的) book.35请写出下列单词的英文意思。1. 我的 _2. 他的 _3. 她的 _4. 电脑 _5. 帽子 _6.

9、包 _五、我是小法官(判断题)36How many apples?这句话的意思是:苹果多少钱?判断对错( ) 37判断下列单词与图片是(T)否(F)相符( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.38判断下面说法是否正确。( )早上到学校向老师同学问好可以说:“Good morning!” 39desk twenty( ) 六、阅读理解40阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello! My name is Jenny. Im ten years old. I have a sister and a brother. My sisters name is Lynn. She

10、 is six years old. She is young. Her hair is red. She is short. My brother is very tall. His name is Bob. He is a student. (1)What is Jennys sisters name?( ) A.Bob.B.Lynn.C.Jenny.(2)How old is Lynn?( ) A.Six.B.Nine.C.Ten.(3)Is Bob tall or short?( ) A.Tall.B.Short.C.Tall and short.(4)How old is Jenny?( ) A.She is eight years old.B.She is nine years old.C.She is ten years old.(5)Is Lynn old or young?( ) A.She is young.B.She is tall.C.She is old.41阅读理解。Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big cit

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