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1、 A.the second try B.a second try C.second try D.this second try.( )5.The number of giant pandas is getting _,becaue their living areas becoming farmlands. A. less and less B.larger and larger C.smaller and smaller D.fewer and fewer( )6.-Did you find the small village yesterday? -Yes,without any diff

2、iculy,for it has _ changed over the years. A. hardly B.greatly C.clearly D.nearly( )7.The boy is too young to _ clothes himself. A.get dressed B. put on C.wear D.dress( )8.You_ me waiting for two hours . I _ for you since five. A.kept;waited B.have kept;waited C.keep;have waited D.have kept;have wai

3、ted( )9.This paper is used _ a table. A.on B.for )10.He often _ people laugh and many people _ laugh with tears. A.makes;are made to made,make C.makes;make to D.made;are made( )11.How dirty the table are! They need _. clean B.clean D.cleaned( )12.-What a nice camera!

4、-Yeah,It _ Shanghai. A.made in made in made of D.made of( )13.-_ the Internet _ in your school? -Yes,but the computer in our office has broken down. A.Is;used B.Is;using using for D.used for( )14.Not only _ been to Canda.but _ a lot about the history of his country. A.has he,know he B

5、.has;he knows C.he has;knows he D.has he;he knows( )15.-Could you please tell me _? -For about one hour. long our meeting will last B.what you have done today C.what time your sister will arrive D.When the accident happened?( )16.Do you remember those days _ we spent along the sea shore very h

6、appily? A.when B.where C.which D.who( )17.We dont know if it _ tomorrow,If it _,we wont go out for a walk. A.will rain;rains B.rains;rains C.will rain;will rain D.rains;will rain( )18._ regular(有规律) exercise is very important,its never a good idea to exercise too close to bedroom. A.It B.As C.Althou

7、gh D.Unless( )19.My mon told me to meet John at the airport,but he didnt _. up B.come up C.cheer up D.turn up.( )20.-You wont do as he says ,will you? -_.I dont think he is right. A.Yes,I will. B.No,I wont C.Yes,I wont D.No,I will.II.完形填空Lang Lang was born in Shenyang ,China. He is only 30 ye

8、ars old,but has already been called“ The most popular pianist on the planet ” by American television network CNN.Like every successful person,Lang became famous _21_ years of hard work and lonely practice.He began to take piano_22_ at the age of three. With great talent ,he won his _23_competition a

9、t the age of five. Langs father pushed little Lang very hard to succeed,when he was nine,Lang went to learn music in Beijing. His father _24_ gave up his job and moved to Beijing with his son.Then the difficult time came. “I got fired(开出)by the piano teacher six months _24_ .It destroyed my piano dr

10、eam.” Lang said to a CNN interviewer.When he heard about his sons failure,Langs father was so_26_ that he shouted at Lang. Lang was under more pressure.His pressure _27_ changed to power(力量) He practiced more. Then his chance came ,he won a prize at the age of 17 at a concert in Chicago,US. His true

11、 love of _28_ and piano made him keep working .“When I was only two,I_29_ in love with the piano when I saw Tom,the cat playing it in cartoon,” said Lang. “Today,playing classical music on the piano is still _30_ thing in the world for me.” It is certain that he will make greater progress in the fut

12、ure.( )21.A.before B.after C.,in D.since ( )22.A.lessons B.practice C.exercise D.chance( )23.A.the first B.the last C,first D.last( )24.A.hardly B.never C.still D.even( )25.A,after B.later C.ago D,before( )26.A.happy B.excited C.relaxed D.angry( )27.A.early B.soon C.late D.ever( ) B.sports

13、 C. study D.books( ) B.dropped C.fell D.became( )30.A.happy B.happier C.happiest D.the happiestIII.阅读理解Passage 1 A man went to India for the first time. At that time,people could never travel by plane,by train or by car. So the man walked to India. When he got there,he was so excited to see

14、a lot of fruits. But they were more expensive than those in his country. At last he found a big basket of red ,long fruit and it was the cheapest in the shop. He bought some and started to eat.but after he eat some of them,his eyes watered,his mouth burned and his face become red .He jumped up and d

15、own ,but he continue to eat the fruit. Some people who were looking at him and said,“You are crazy,man. Those are chilles!You cant eat so many and they are not good for you.” Then the man said ,“No. cant stop. I paid money for them,and now Ill eat them. Its my money.!” And you think that man was sil

16、ly,ight?In fact ,we do a lot of things like that .Sometimes though we know theres no hope that things will change,well continue just because weve put money,time and love into it. So even if youve lost something,let it go and move on. Thats better than continue to lose.( )31.The man got to India _. A

17、. by plane train C.on foot car( )32.Which of these things didnt happen after the man ate the chilles? A.His eyes watered B.His mouth burned C.His face became red D.He jumped with joy.( )33.The man didnt stop eating chilles because_. A.they were delicious B.he really liked them very much C.

18、He was not full D.He thought he had paid for them( )34.What does the underlined word “Chilles” mean in Chinese? A.胡萝卜 B.辣椒 C.南瓜 D.苦瓜( )35.The write wants to tell us that_.A.sometimes we should learn to give upB.we cant eat things that make us uncomfortableC.we should not throw anything away if we ha

19、ve paid for it.D.If we have put love into something ,we should never give it up.Passage 2A website is now giving people the chance to name their own color to raise money for childrens charity.people can visit the website to name a color they like. Then they can give childrens charity at least 1 by u

20、sing credit cards(信用卡) The worlds tiniest camera has been created by a New York company ,Hommacher. Although it is a little bigger than a fingertip(指尖),it takes photos and records videos just like any other kind of camera. An airport in Moscow has opend “sleep box” service,Passengers can rent a mini

21、 sleep box for thirty mimutes to sleep if their flights are late. The chalkkeeper is a new invention to reuse chalk dust(灰尘)- it cleans the blackboard and collects the chalk dust ,when enough dust is collected,it will be changed back into a piece of chalk.( )36.The website is giving people the chanc

22、e to raise money for _. A.people in hospital B.childrens charity C.animalThen danger D.old peoples house( )37.The camera _. A.can not take photos the tiniest in the world C.was created by a London company as big as a fingertip( )38.Passengers can rent the “sleeping box to sleep_.A.if they

23、arrive at the airport too early any time during their flightsC.if they are sleepyD.when their flights are late( )39.The chalkkeeper_. a piece of chalk B.collets any kind of dust C.can reuse chalk dust D.can clean classrooms( )40.The passage above may come from_.A.a newspaper B.the TV C.the

24、 radio D.a travel guidebookPassage 3 Once there was an octopus . He always went around alone because he was too shy,although he wanted to have lots of friends. One day,the octopus was trying to catch a little fish. But he tied himself into one big knot(结),and he couldnt move. Though he tried to get

25、free,it was no use. In the end ,he had to ask the passing fish for help. Many fish swam past,but one very kind little fish offered to help him. Because the octopus was so shy,he only thanked the fish ,and quickly swam off. Later,he thought that he had wasted a great chance to make friends. A few day

26、s later,while the octopus was resting in rocks,he noticed that everyone around was swimming past in a hurry. There was a huge fish coming over. The octopus quickly hid in the rocks.From his hiding place ,he saw the huge fish was running after the kind little fish. That little fish really needed help

27、. But no one dared to go near. The octopus felt that he had to try his best to help.He rushed out and shot out his ink. Quickly he took the little fish,and hid in the rocks. The big fish swam away angrily. All the fish though the octopus was so brave.The the little fish told them how he had helped t

28、he octopus a few days earlier,after the other fish heard this,they discovered how nice the shy octopus was,and everyone would like to be the friend of such a brave octopus.( )41.The octopus didnt have many friends because he _. A. hardly ever come out. B.was not brave enough C.was too shy D.never he

29、lped others( )42._helped the octopus when he was in trouble. A.A big fish B.A little fish C.Many fish D.Another fish( )43After taking the little fish,the octopus _. A.hid in the rocks B.went to the other fish for help C.left the little fish D.rushed out from the rocks( )44.What happened to the littl

30、e fish in the end? A.A big fish ate him B.He swam away alone C. The octopus saved him D.Many fish helped him( )45.We can learn from the passage that _.A.its easy to make real friendsB.if you are not shy ,you will have a lot of friendsC.all animals are our good friendsD.we must be friendly and helpful to make friends Passage 4

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