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最新高考英语 词汇活用及搭配素材 精品.docx

1、最新高考英语 词汇活用及搭配素材 精品高考大纲词汇词性,活用及搭配高考单词最主要是记住习惯用法以及搭配,这些呕心沥血的总结是高考阅读、完型取胜的有效法宝,冲刺120分,一定需要它。没时间记忆大纲3500词汇的,就看这些吧!AAbandon(abandonment)Abandon a bad habitAbandon law for artAbandon oneself to fateAbilityDoubt about ones abilityApproach sth according to/beyond ones abilityFail due to ones abilityAdmire

2、sb for his ability to do sthBehind sb in abilityA person of abilityReach the limit of ones abilityDeal with sth with abilityAbility in/at musicThe body has has a remarkable ability for recoveryAbility of writingAboveAbove boardAbove ones headAbove the restAbolish(abolition)Can injustice be abolished

3、 from the face of the earthAbsent(absence)Be absent of mindBe absent from classAbrupta road with many abrupt turnsHe has an abrupt mannerAbsorb(absorption/absorbing)Be absorbed inAbsorption of the counterculture into the mainstreamAbstract(abstraction)We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itse

4、lf is abstractThe abstraction of a theory from observed phenomenonAbsurd(absurdity)Your claim is totally absurdThe statement reduces his argument to absurdityAbuse(abusive)Abuse ones authorityAccelerate(acceleration)Production has accelerated sharply in the last decadeAccept(acceptance/acceptable)Ac

5、cept challengesAcceptasHe was overjoyed at the acceptance of his poem by the newspaper.Receive educationAccess(accessible/accessibility)Have/gain/demand/ensure/allow/offer/provide/win access to raw materialsBlock/cut off/limit/loseAccidentHave/Cause/cut down/encounter/meet with/give rise to/witness

6、accidentI spotted muderer almost by accidentAccompany(companion/company)Rising income has been accompanied by inflationHe accomanied his lecture with color slidesKeep/bear/have sb companyBreak/part company with sbAccomplish(accomplished/accomplishment)Weight loss is most effrctively accomplished by

7、regular intensive exerciseBe accomplished at/inAchieve/acquire accomplshmentAccount(accountable/accountability/accounting/accountant)解释;导致;占据/账目;考虑;理由My credit-card account has been charged with purchases I didnt makeI bought the ring on accountDeposit$1,000 in ones accountTransfer a sum to sbs bank

8、 accountThe press office issued a full account of the negoiationsNeglect ones family on account of ones workTake.into accountHuman error accounts for 90%of all airplane accidentsI want you to account for every cent you spentAccumulate(accumulation)积累 of evidence for a law s

9、uitAccurate(accuracy)精确的He is accurate in his observationsThese figures are accurate to within 2 percentAccuse指责;控告Be accused of theft/burglary/fraud/murderAchieve(achievement)完成;实现;达到Accomplish a great achievementThe achievement of racial justice will take many yearsAcknowledge(Acknowledgment)承认;报偿

10、;就表示感谢;告知的收到;对做出反应I definitely dont acknowledge his authorityHe acknowledged my greeting with a nodAs an acknowledgment of/in acknowledgment ofAcquaintAcquaint oneself withAcquire(acquirement/acquisition)获得;学到,养成Fluency in a foreign language cant be acquired without constant practiceAcquisition of d

11、ata from published sourcesAct(action/active/acting/activity/avtivate)行动;扮演;举止;起作用Disturbed children sometimes act up when faced with difficult situationsShe acted out the scene with considerable skillAct against ones willAct as a go-betweenAct by instinctAct for the accused in courtAct from self-int

12、erestAct in a strange mannerMinds act upon mindsAct on instructionsAct under compulsionAct up to ones idealsAdapt(adaptable/adaptability/adaptation)The region is well adapted to apple growingThe software adapt the computer for input and printout using Chinese charactersAdaptability to new circumstan

13、cesAddict(addiction/addictive)He was addicted to gamblingAdequateBe adequate to/forAdd(addition/additive)The beauty of the river adds to the picturesqueness of the placeAll this effort adds up to nothingIn addition to ones commentAddressDeliver/draft/give/make/present/televise an address toNewspaper

14、s address to different readershipsThe letter was addressed to the wrong placeAdjust(adjustable/adjusment)Adjust sth to a standardAdjust for cost increasesAn adjustment of theory to the practical demands of real lifeAdmire(admirable/admiration)They admired her remark as the response of a free spiritS

15、he was admired for her bravery and honestyIn admiration ofAdmit(admissibility/admission)They refused to admit to any wrongdoingAdmission of a candidate to a clubAdopt(adoption)Adopt teaching as a professionBe adopted into a well-to-do familyBabies put out for adoptionHis experience led to his adoption of a scorning attitudeAdoreAdore sb for sbs talentAdore her as a living goddessAdore God with true devotionAdvanceAccelerate/promote/facilitate/further/make/produce advance

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