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1、 When would it be most convenient for you? When can we meet to talk? 我们什么时候见面谈一谈?陈述方便与不方便的时候 Please call on me when it is convenient for you. 请在您方便的时候来找我。 Please call on me anytime suits you. 请在任何您方便的时候来找我。 Any time you say. 您说什么时候都方便。 Any time between three and five. 3点到5点之间的任何时间都可以。 Im free after

2、three oclock. 3点以后,我就有空了。 Ill be out of town tomorrow, but almost anytime after that would be fine time with me. 明天我将出城到外地去,不过之后的任何时间,我几乎都方便。 Im afraid Im busy all day tomorrow. 恐怕明天一天我都很忙。 Im excepting some visitors tomorrow morning. 明天早上我要等几个访客来。 Im sorry, I have an appointment. 抱歉,我有个约会。约定拜访时间 Id

3、 like to meet you at three oclock in the afternoon. 我想下午3点的时候跟您见面。 Id like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 如果您有时间,我想明天去见您。 How about tomorrow at ten? 明天十点怎么样? How about the day after tomorrow? 后天怎么样? How about eleven oclock in my office? 11点在我的办公室怎么样? Could we make a tentative appointment for,

4、 say, Thursday at two oclock? 我们能不能暂时约在,嗯,星期四两点? Are you free next Tuesday at two oclock? 下星期二2点您有空吗? Is that time convenient for you? 那个时间您方便吗?期待游客光临 Well be expecting you. 我们将期待您的到来。 Well be waiting for you. 我们将等着您来。 Im looking forward to meeting you. 我期待与您见面。 See you soon. 再见!情景对话 1This is ABC Co

5、mpany. May I help you? 这里是ABC公司,请问您有什么事? A: Hello, is this the ABC company? B: Good morning. Yes, this is ABC company. May I help you? A: My name is Liufang from M&H company. I would like to speak with someone who is responsible for imports. B:I suppose the person you want is Bill Smith of our Inter

6、national Marketing Department. Please wait a minute. Ill put you through. A:Thank you. I will speak to him. He is on the line. nice to speak to you,Mr Smith. My name is Linfang from M&H company, a company in China. Icalled because I was wondering if your company would be interested in a new product

7、we have developed. Have you heard about out “tapestry”? C: Yes,I have read about it in a trade journal. It seems like a promising item, but I have not seem any details about it yet. I will send you some brochures, if you are interested. That will be good. Thank you. After you study them, would I hav

8、e an opportunity to meet you and discuss various possibilities in the American market? Fine. Lets do that and see how it goes. 您好, 请问是ABC 公司吗?是的,早上好。 这里是ABC 公司。请问您有什么事?我是M&H 公司的刘放, 我想找你们负责出口的人员。您应该是要我找我们国际销售部的比尔史密斯。请稍候,我将为您转接。谢谢您,我就找他。请通话。史密斯先生,很高兴很您通话。我是中国M&H公司的刘放。想要介绍本公司新产品给贵公司,部知道您是否有兴趣,您听说过本公司的挂

9、毯吗? C:有,我曾在商业杂志中看过,这项商品似乎蛮有前景的,但是我还没有看到商品的细节介绍。如果您有兴趣的话,我可以寄些简介产品的小册子。那很好,谢谢!在您了解商品之后,我们能否有机会见面并讨论商品进入美国市场的可能性。好的。了解之后再定。情景对话 2June 2nd is fine with us, will you come alone? 6月2日没有问题,请问只有您一位吗?I would like to make an appointment with you, possibly the latter part of May, What do you think?B: Let me c

10、heck my calendar. Unfortunately, I have plans to travel around that time. How about the first week of June? A: We would like to meet you with you on June 2nd. Is that all right with you? June 2nd is fine with us. Will you come alone? Do you need accommodations of any kind? I will be accompanied by o

11、ne of my colleagues. Could you kindly send me a map showing how to get there from the airport? And could you be kind to reserve two single rooms for us for the night of June 1st and 2nd ? No problem. I will send you a facsimile with a map and confirmation of reservations. Then, lets say you will com

12、e to our offices at 10 a.m. on June 2nd, If it is convenient to you.Yes,Thank you. See you on June 2nd. See you. 我想与您约在五月底,不知您意下如何?B:让我查一下行程表。很抱歉,我的行程表中已经安排了出差,6月的第一个星期怎么样?A:我们希望安排在6月2日,您方便吗?6月2日没有问题。请问只有您一位吗?需要相关帮助吗?我和我的同事共两位。您可以提供机场至贵公司的地图吗?除此之外,您能帮我们订6月1日及2日两间单人房吗?没问题。我会寄上地图及订房确认单。如果可以的话6月2日上午10点

13、在本公司见面好吗?可以,谢谢您,6月2日见。再会。情景对话 3Maybe another time would be better. 也许另约个时间更好。 Excuse me, Id like to make an appointment with Mr.smith. can you fit me in on his schedule? Let me see. Oh, the whole morning is booked up, but he is free this afternoon. Is that all right with you? Well, Ill have an appoi

14、ntment at that time. Maybe another time would be better. How about 10 on Tuesday morning?Im sorry, I wont be free until 12 on Tuesday. Can I see him at three in the after in the afternoon that day? Let me see. No problem.3 p.m. Tuesday then. OK. Thank you. 打扰一下,我想和史密斯先生订个约会,他的日程还能给我安排吗?让我看一下,哦,整个上午都

15、安排满了,但他下午有时间,对您合适吗?那个时间我有约会。也许另约个时间更好。星期二上午10点怎么样?对不起,我星期二12点之前没有空。可以订在那天下午的3点吗?我来看一下,没问题,那就星期二下午3点吧!好的,谢谢您!情景对话 4One moment please. Ill transfer you. 请稍候。我将为您转接。 Good afternoon. My names Zhengli from ABC Company in China. May I speak to Mr.Smith? One moment please. Ill transfer you. Good afternoon,

16、 Mr smith. We have just arrived at the Hilton Hotel. I just called to confirm our appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Sure, Ill be excepting to see you at 10 a.m. tomorrow in my office. 下午好。我是中国ABC 公司的郑丽。我能和史密斯先生通话吗?请稍候,我将为你转接。下午好,史密斯先生。我们刚刚到达希尔顿饭店。我打你电话来确认上午10点的约会。没问题,明天上午10点我在办公室等您。 情景对话 5 Ill have t

17、ime at the beginning of next week. 下周初我不怎么忙。 Hello,Mr.Li. its Mary. Yes, Mary? Im afraid were really staffed this week. Mr.Li. Id like to meet you, but Im sorry I really cant. Are you telling me youre not going to meet with me? Not at all, sir. Id just like to delay our meeting to next week, Ill hav

18、e time at the beginning of next week. Well, I dont like it, but I guess I dont have any choice. How about Monday morning at 9 a.m. OK, Ill go to your office at that time. 您好, 李先生。我是玛丽。玛丽,什么事?恐怕这个星期我们的确没有人手,李先生,我其实很想见您,可是却没有时间。您的意思是不打算见我了吗?绝对不是,李先生,我只是想挪到下周,下周初我不怎么忙。好吧,虽然我不愿意这样,不过我想也别无选择了。星期一上午九点怎么样?

19、好的,到时我去你的办公室。情景对话 6 Do you think its convenient for you? 您认为这个时间对您方便吗?Good morning, Textile Import & Export Company. Hello,this is Jack. Im calling about the appointment with Mr.Zhang for this afternoon .Somethings just come up, Im afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled. Im very sorry ab

20、out the change. Thats all right. Maybe we can make another arrangement. Youre very kind to say so. Thank you. Do you think tomorrow morning would suit him? Im afraid theres a bit of a problem. In fact, hes booked up the whole week except tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon? see Ive made an

21、 appointment with Mr.Green for tomorrow afternoon. In order to meet Mr. Zhang, Ill have to cancel appointment with Mr.Green, Im afraid. Im terribly sorry, Sir, but Mr.Zhang is really busy this week. I understand. When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon? Please let me check. Tomor

22、row afternoonYes, hell be free from 2:00 on tomorrow afternoon. Do you think its convenient for you?Yes, thats quite all right for me. 早晨好,纺织品进出口公司。您好,我是杰克。是关于和张先生今天下午会面的事。发生了一件意想不到的事,恐怕约会不得不改期了,很抱歉!那没什么。也许我们可以再安排另一个时间会面。 非常感谢。您觉得明天上午对他合适吗?明天上午可能有点问题。事实上,除了明天下午之外,他这一周的其余时间都很忙。明天下午?嗯.我已经和格林先生约好了,为了和张

23、先生见面,恐怕我只好取消和格林先生的约会了。我十分抱歉,先生,但是张先生这周确实太忙了。我理解,您认为我明天下午什么时间可以来见他?我来查一查,明天下午他从两点开始就有空。您认为这个时间对您方便吗?好吧,这个时间对我很合适。Unit 2 Meet Each Other 双方会面焦点句型自我介绍 Welcome, Mr.Brown, its a pleasure to meet you.欢迎您,布朗先生,见到您真高兴。 Im Mary, Senior Vice President in charge of marketing. 我是玛丽,主管行销的高级副总裁。 Hi, my name is Jo

24、hn, Vice President of United Public Relations. 嗨,您好。我是约翰,联合公关公司副总裁。 May I have you name? 请问尊姓大名? How do you do, Mr.Wang? 王先生,您好。 I am Jenny. 我是珍妮。进入正题之前 Were meeting in the conference room. Follow me. 我们在会议室里谈, 请跟我来。 This is a very nice office. 这间办公室真气派。 Its exactly what Id expect from a business of

25、 your caliber. 这正如我所料,和你们公司的规模很相称。 Theres fresh brewed coffee and donuts in the corner. 角落里有新鲜的咖啡和多纳圈。 Please help yourself. 请自便。 Thank you, but Id like to get to the point first. 谢谢,不过我宁愿先谈正事。 Have you come up with any ideas? 您有什么想法? 谈判起始 I hope this meeting is productive. 我希望这次会谈有结果。 All right, le

26、ts get down to business. 好,让我们言归正传。 We cooperated with each other very well in the previous years ,didnt we? 我们在过去的几年里一直合作得非常好,对吧? We appreciate your effort in our pleasant cooperation. 我们感谢您为我们之间的愉快合作所作出的努力。 Shall we begin with a review of last time? 我们就从回顾上次的内容开始吧? I would like a refresher. 我也想回顾一

27、下。 I couldnt agree more. 我非常同意。 Now lets see the possibility of our further cooperation. 让我们看看是否有可能进一步合作。 I think we should give everyone an opportunity to speak. 我们觉得应该给每个人发言的机会。 Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you. 我们的目的是和你们探讨一下发展贸易的可能性。 情景对话 1 This is our general manager, Mr.John. 这是我们总经理约翰先生。General manager, this is Mr.Zhu from the METRO Trading company. Mr.Zhu this is our general manager, Mr.John. Mr.john, how do you do? Mr. Zhu, how do you do? I hope you have a pleasan

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