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1、A. breakB. brokeC. break downD. broke downD1/415.The boy have grown two inches or more since I _ him a year ago.A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. am seeingC6.It _ true that sun rises from the east.A. beB. beenC. isD. was7.Has she _ to Settle?1A. beB. beingC. beenD. is8.You _ show more respect for your elde

2、rs.A. canB. couldC. mightD. should2/419.Im sure he_ notmind your going with me.A. shallB. canC. wouldD. must10.It is necessary that I _ return the books to him tomorrow.A. willB. canC. mayD. should11.Only then did he _ that he had been wrong, he might feel sorry forwhat he had done toyou.A. seeB. re

3、alizeC. sawD. realized12.Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest _ faced byscientists today.A. difficultiesB. difficultyC. difficultD. difficiency3/4113.The river _ through three counties before entering the sea just southof here.A. flowingB. flowC. flewD. flowed214.I prefer teachi

4、ng methods that actively _ students in learning.A .encourageB. encouragedC. encouragingD. courage15.The first _ at the concert got the best seat.A. getB. gotC. reachD. arrive16.Speech is the fastest method of _ between people.A. contactB. connectC. communicationD. communicate4/4117.I was _ to have a

5、 good teacher. Without her, I could not have suchan achievement.A. fortuneB. fortunateC. unluckyD. unluck18.Anne has set her mind to marry a wealthy man because she always thinksmoney will satisfy allher _.A. desireB. hopeC. desirationD. desiring19.The airline is taking steps to _ safety on its airc

6、raft.A. encourageB. ensureC. secureD. assume320.The children are taught to respect different _ of different countries.A. cultureB. customC. culturesD. customes5/41Unit21.She _ to school by school bus at eight in the morning.A. goB. goesC. wentD. gone2.The sun _ in the east.A. riseB. risesC. roseD. i

7、s rising3.I _ always _ that mistakes.A. am, makingB. /, makeC. will, makeD. /, to make4.My sister _ have a baby.A. go toB. goes toC. is going toD. went to6/415.The train _ at 10:15 tomorrow morning.A. leaveB. leavesC. leftD. is leaving.6.Metal _ when heatedA. expandB. expandedC. expandsD. is expandi

8、ng47.“She _ fine workat school.” her mother said proudly.A. doesB. is doingC. didD. done8.What _ the notice_?A. is, sayB. is, saidC. did, sayD. does, say7/419.Ill tell her after Ruby_.A. leaveB. leavesC. leftD. is leaving10.Sorry,you cant take the typewriter away, I _ it.A. useB. usedC. have usedD.

9、am using11.After four years of study, Jen will be a _ this year. He will graduate atthis summer.A. seniorB. juniorC. primaryD. graduates12.Please describe it in _ so that we can find out the problem as soon aspossible.A. detailB. detailsC. wordsD. detailed58/4113.Mary is so happy today because she f

10、inally _ the degree fromHarvard after three years hard work.A. receivesB. stealsC. requiresD. finds14.The policeman asked her to _ he look of the man who robbed her.A. describeB. descriptionC. describingD. transcribe15.Jon was _ to present his ID, otherwise he was not permitted toenter.A. askingB. f

11、orceC. askedD. forced16.The manager should _ Toms decision to quit the job because themanager hasnt found a person who ismore capable of doing this job than Tom.A. stopB. denyC. refuseD. agree9/4117.Boys broke into a shop and 45 _ dollars in cash.A. stolenB. stealC. stoleD. steals18.The police are t

12、rying to determine the series of _ that led up to themurder.A. testimonyB. evidencesC. proofD. evidence19.I took this new job because I felt that the _ future were much better.6A. promotingB. promoteC. promisedD. promising20.My studies were _ by the war. So I had to leave school and joinedinto the a

13、rmy.A.interruptedB. setlledC. interwavedD. interacted10/41Unit31.I _ twenty night next week.A. amB. isC. will beD. was2.We _ the result tomorrow.A. knowB. knewC. has knownD. will know3.Tom _ his exam by 18 December.A. haveB. will haveC. have hadD. will have had4.On November 1 we _ in this house for

14、thirty years.A. liveB. have livedC. are livingD. will have been living11/415.The daffodils _ in spring.A. flowerB. will flowerC. is floweringD. flowered76.It _ to rain soon.A. isB. is goingC. willD. shall7.This time tomorrow we _ in the cinema.A. will sitB. will be sittingC. is sittingD. sit8.Presid

15、ent Obama _ China in May.A. visitsB. is to visitC. is visitingD. visited12/419.Quick, jump in! The train _.A. leavesB. is leavingC. is about to leaveD. left10.I was just _ into a doze when he started up.A. fallB. fellC. fallingD. about to fall11.You can have any of the cakes _except_ that one.A. exc

16、eptB. do C. expectD.with12.The storm continues to move west and is expected to _ the eastcoast of Florida tomorrow.8A. wentB. endC. beyondD. reach13/4113.She tied the rope around the post and pulled it _.A. loseB. tightC. downD. on14.He was _ by the police, because he was charged with murder.A. arre

17、stedB. answeredC. treatD. talked15.Please dont sit in front of desk for a long time. You need to stand up and_ your body.A. twistB. tortureC. stretchD. bent16.The kids have been really _ today. Do you have any idea to keepthem quiet for a while?A. smartB. noisyC. quietD. busy14/4117.The boat is as l

18、ong as 20 feet in _ and 6 meters in width.A. deepB. lengthC. longD. square18.He hasnt seen his family in years, communicating with them only_through carefully chosen messengers.A. occasionallyB. oftenC. fewD. less919.Alexander Graham Bel _ the telephone in 1876.A. foundB. discoveredC. inventedD. saw

19、20.A visit from Mary always makes me feel better-shes so funny. Its like theysay, _ is the best medicine.A. discourageB. cryC. laughterD. laugh15/41Unit41.Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger.A. madeB. is makingC. was makingD. makes2.As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.A. read, was fallingB. w

20、as reading, fellC. was reading, was fallingD read, feel3.I _ your letter all the time.A. expectB. expectedC. was expectingD. will expect4.She _ TV in her bedroom at the time of five.A. watchesB. watchedC. was watchingD. will watch16/41105.They _ a new house at the foot of the hill last year.A. build

21、B. builtC. buildsD. was building6.I a letter when she _.A. write, callsB. wrote, calledC. was writing, callsD. was writing, called答题:7.She _ here a minute ago.A. isB. wasC. beD. been8.He _ a lot in his childhood.A. suffersB. sufferedC. is sufferingD. was suffering17/419.Two months ago he _ from abroad.A. returnB. returnsC. returnedD. was returning10.On her way to work that morning, the car _ on the icy roads.A. skidB. skiddedC. is skiddingD. was skidding11.Ill be sending you the for the _ washing machine.A. buyB. spendC. billD. use11

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