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1、 多少男孩儿? Eleven boys. 十一个。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty二十 twenty-one二十一 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 Module 6Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Hello,Sam. Happy birthday ! Heres your present. 这是你的礼物。Thank you, Dami

2、ng. Whats this? 这个是什么?A pencil.一只铅笔.Oh! Its a pen. Thank you ! 喔!它是一只笔。谢谢你!How old are you ? 你多大(年龄)? Im twelve. 我十二岁。How old are you,Daming ? 大明,你多大? Im twelve too. 我也十二岁。Module 7This is my classroom. 这是我的教室。This is my teacher,Ms Liu. 这是我的老师,刘女士。Whats this ?Its a desk. 它是一张书桌。Its an apple ear orang

3、e eye . 它是一(个)苹果 耳朵 柑橘 眼睛。Whats that ? 那个是什么?Its a schoolbag ball. 它是一(个)书包 球。Its a blue ball. (它是)一个蓝色的气球。Module 8Look!Whats that? 看!那个是什么?I dont know. 我不知道。Is it a dog? 它是一个怪物吗?No, it isnt. 不,它不是的。Is it a monster?Yes, it is. 是,它是的。 Help! 救命!Is it a kite? 它是一只风筝吗? Its a cat. 它是一只猫咪。Wheres the cat?

4、猫咪在哪里?Is it in the yellow bag ? 它在这(那)个黄色的包里面吗?No, it isnt. 不,(它)不是的。Is it in the blue bag ? 它在这(那)个蓝色的包里面吗?Wheres the bird? 鸟儿在哪里?Its in the blue bag. 它在这(那)个蓝色的包里。Module 9This is my mother. 这个是我的妈妈。And shes my teacher. 她是我的老师。Heres my father. 这是我的爸爸。Is this your sister, Amy? 这个是你的姐姐(妹妹)吗?No, it is

5、nt. Thats me! 那个是我!Thats my brother, Tom. 那个是我的哥哥(弟弟)。Hes a doctor policeman farmer. 他是一个医生 警察 农民。Shes a driver nurse pupil. 她是一个司机 护士 小学生。This is my father. Hes a policeman. 这(个)是我的爸爸。他是一个警察。Module 10This is my head. 这(个)是我的头。Point to your head. 指向你的头。This is a panda. 这是一只熊猫。This is his arm leg han

6、d foot. 这是他的胳膊腿手脚.Point to her nose. 指向她的鼻子。Point to her mouth. 指向她的嘴。Point to her eyes. 指向她的眼睛。 (eye ear 耳朵 , 两只是复数加s = eyes ears )Its on the book. 它是在这(那)个书上。三年级下1、二十六个字母手写体2、-Whats your favourite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?- My favourite colour is yellow.我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。1、-Whats this? -Its a tiger lion monkey

7、panda. 2、-Whats an elephant.(注意用”an”)3、Its bigsmall.4、-What are they?-They are tigers lions elephants monkeys pandas. (注意加“s”表复数) 5、They are bigsmall.6、This monkey is thinfat.7、That man is shorttall.1、I like footballbasketballtable tennismorning exercises.2、I dont like swimmingriding bikesskipping.3

8、、-Do you like football? -Yes, I do. -No, I dont.1、-Do you like ricenoodlesmeatfish?2、-Does Daming like bananasorangesapples? -Yes, he does. -No, he doesn1、Amy goes to school on Mondays.艾米星期一上学。2、Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays.3、-Does your mother go shopping on Saturdays?-Yes,she does. / -No,she

9、doesnt.1、-Do you go swimming on Mondays? -No, I don2、-What do you do in the afternoon?你下午做什么?-I watch TV in the afternoon.3、-What do you have in the morning?你上午上什么课?-I have Chinese in the morning.4、-What does Xiaoyong have in the afternoon?小勇下午上什么课?-He has music in the afternoon.1、 Its warmhotcoolco

10、ld. / Its sunnywindy.2、We fly kites in spring.3、We go swimming in summer.4、We play football in autumn.5、We go skating in winter.6、What do you do in springsummerautumnwinter?春(夏秋冬)季你(们)做什么?7、Spring is my favourite season. 春季是我最喜欢的季节。1、Where s the toy?It s behind the door.它在门后。/ It s under your chair.

11、它在你的椅子下面。2、The dog is in the lake.3、In spring, Daming files a kite in the park.春天,大明在公园放风筝。4、In autumn, he goes fishing under the tree.秋天,他在树下钓鱼。1、Ive got a new book.我有一本新书。2、I havent got a new sweater.3、-Have you got a new sweater? -Yes, I have.4、Mr Smart has got a car. 5、She hasnt got a kite.6、-Ha

12、s Amy got a bike? -No,she hasn7、She goes to school by buscarbike.8、My father goes to work by got funny trousers.2、Heres aan 这儿有 Heres a black hat. Heres an orange hat.3、-Has she got an orange sweater? -Yes, she has. -No, she hasn四年级上册Module1(1)Excuseme.Wheresthe,please?打扰一下,请问在哪儿?Turnleft./Go




16、.它是关于春节的。atChristmas?你们在圣诞节做什么?Wesingsongs.我们唱歌。AtFestival,webigfamilydinner.在春节我们吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐四年级下 一模块1. This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher.这是斯玛特女士,她是一位友善的老师。2. Parrot is very naughty!Buthes not a bad bird.帕罗特很调皮,但是他不是一直坏鸟。3.This isXiaoyong.Hes a clever pupil.这是小勇,它他一个聪明的小学生。4. This is myaunt.She

17、is very nice.这是我姨母,她很好友善。5. Thesemy friends.这些是我的朋友。6. A:you answer the call now?你现在能接电话了嘛?B: Yes, Ican.No, Imcant.是的,我是。不,我不。二模块1. London is a big city.伦敦是一座大城市。2.My house is very small, but its beautiful.我的房子很小但是很漂亮、3. Thisis a bookLondon.这是一本关于伦敦的书。4. Its very big and very beautiful.它既大又漂亮。5. A:

18、Whats this?这是什么? Its a book about London.这是一本关于伦敦的书。6. A:Whosehouse is it?这是谁的房子?B:Its theQueenshouse.它是女王的房子。三模块1. One day, robots willeverything.总有一天,机器人会做一切事情。2. They will do the housework.它们会做家务。3. They will do our homework too.它们也会做我们的家庭作业。3. Robots will help children learn.机器人会帮助孩子们学习。4. A: Wh

19、ats that?那是什么? Its a robot.是个机器人。OnMonday Ill go swimming.星期一我要去游泳。TuesdayIll play with my friends.星期二我要和朋友一起玩耍。7. A: What will you doSunday?你星期天干什么? Ill go to the park.我要去公园。8. Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday.今天是星期一,明天是星期二。四模块1. A:Willyou take your kiteSaturday?星期六你会带着你的风筝吗?willtake my kite

20、 and my footballSaturday.是的,周六我会带着我的风筝和我的足球。2. On Saturday were going tohave a picnic.星期六我们要去野餐。3. A:Will you take your ball tomorrow?你明天会带着你的球吗? No, I wont.不,我不带。4. A:Whynot?为什么不呢?Becausetomorrow is Friday.因为明天是周五。5. Will itbehot in Haikou?海口会很热吗?6. It willwindy in Beijing.北京将会有风。五模块1.Iwastwo then.

21、我那时候两岁。2. Theywereyoung then.他们那时候很年轻。3. Your hair was so short.那时候你的头发那么短啊。4But Ivery naughty too.但是我那时候也很淘气。5.Theywasntold then.他们那时候不老。6A: Whoare they?他们是谁?They aremy grandparents.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。Whois that little girl?那个小女孩是谁? Itsme.是我。六模块1.A: Were you at home yesterday?昨天你在家吗?No, I wasnt.不,我没在家。2. A:

22、 Are you at home now?你现在在家吗?Yes, I am.是的,我在家。3. A: Is it sunny in London?伦敦天气晴朗吗? No, it isnt.不,没有。 Was it sunny in London yesterday?昨天伦敦天气好吗? Yes, it was.是的,很好。5I was out with Grandpa for our Chinese lesson.我昨天和你爷爷去上语文课了。6. I want to play in the sun.我想到阳光下玩耍。7A: Was it a big city then?那时他是一座大城市吗? N

23、o, it was a very small village then.不,它那时候是一座很小的村庄。8. Shenzhen is a big city now.深圳现在是一座大城市。9. The park was small then.这个公园那时候很小。10. The street was old then.这条街那时候很破旧。11. A: How are you?你好吗? Very well, thank you.很好,谢谢。12. A: Where is he?他在那里?He is in Shenzhen.他在深圳。(-)13. A: Is it Beijing?它是北京吗? Yes, it is.是的,它是。七模块1. We roweda boatthe lake.我们在湖上划船。2. We allhada very happy day.我们玩的很开心。3. I cookednoodle

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