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1、forgot to InVite her ClaUghter to the movies.refused to buy a dress her ClaUghter preferred.4.BUy anothernew dress that her daughter loves.HaVe PatienCe and PUt a IOt Of heart into the matter.C. GiVe her daughter even more money.D GO travelling With her daughter to NeW Orleans.QUeStiOnS5 to 8 are ba

2、sed On the Same PaSSage Or dialog.5.6.She eats and exercises in a Way InflUenCed by OPrah Winfrey.She S Set UP a book CIUb Under the InfIUenCe Of OPrah Winfrey.C. She S InfIUenCed to recommend OPrah Winfrey, S magazine to others.D.She, S influenced to read books written by OPrah Winfrey.7.A.BeCaUSe

3、she S finished 25 years Of her daily ShOW by 32.B.BeCaUSe sheS an InSPiring SUCCeSS StOry Of giving and sharing.C.BeCaUSe She knows What POVerty is through her POOr childhood.D.BeCaUSe She helps girls in SOUth AmeriCa With their education.8.A.He is COnVinCedB.He is Still doubtful.C.He is ImPreSSiVeD

4、. He is persuasive.Part 3LA.A houseB.StOCkS and ShareSC.Their children5 S education.D.A car.A.SUPPOrting themselves When they OUtIiVe their husbands by many yearsB.SaVing more for their ChilClrenC.FaCing the PreSSUre Of divorce during Old age PeriOdD.Taking Care Of their husbands When they are elder

5、ly.A.By investing more SaVingS in StOCkS and ShareSB.By being more dependent on others adviceC By getting themselves PrOPerIy informedD.By IOOking ahead and thinking aheadA.WOmerl need to SaVe enough money for buying CarSB.WOmerl need to Iearn to PrePare financially for their OId age.C.WOmerl need t

6、o Iearn more economic SkillSD.WOmerl need to have an independent retirement.QUeStiOnS 5 to 8 are based On the Same PaSSage Or dialog.A.11 male StUdentS and SeVen female students.B.SeVen male StUClentS and 11 female StUdellts.C.18 male StUdentS and 11 female StUdentSD.SeVerl male StUdentS and 18 fema

7、le attractive Partner and have two ChiIdren.B.MOSt PeOPle favor 21一25 as the ideal age to get married to an attractive Partner and have two Children.C.MOSt PeOPle favor 26-30 as the IcleaI age to get married to an intelligent Partner and have two ChiIelren.D.MOSt PeOPIe favor 2125 as t

8、he ideal age to get married to an intelligent Partner and have two ChiIClren.A.There are not equal numbers Of males and females.B.The SUrVey WaS based UPOn a Very SmalI sample.C.The QUeStiOnnaire doesn t include enough QUeStiOnSD.The StUdentS didn t give exact answers to the questions.Part 2 LOng CO

9、nVerSatiOnS(每小题:3分)DireCtiOnS: In this SeCtiOnj you WilI hear SOme IOng COnVerSatiOnS At the end Of each COnVerSation, SOme questions WilI be asked about What WaS Said BOth the COnVerSatiOn and the QUeStiOnS WilI be SPOken OnIy OnCe After each QUeStiOn there WilI be a PaUSe DUring the pause, you mus

10、t read the four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and D, and decide WhiCh the best answer is.QUeStiOnS 1 to 4 are based On the Same PaSSage Or dialog1.C.BeCaUSe he IS InterrUPted by the WOman yelling at him.D BeCaUSe he is WOrried for Iimited years Of experience.A.He has OnIy 50,OOO dollarsB.He has just Paid

11、Off his debtC.He is in great need Of moneyD.He IS in debt for his new house.A.They COntinUed to WOrk together in a SmalI CafeB.They Went OUt after their third day Of WOrk together.C.They talked for two hours in a SmalI CafeD.They found OUt that they had the Same dreamA.PeSSinIiStic.B.DOUbtful.C.Enco

12、uraging.D.Indifferent.A.He PiCked UP the engagement ring from Tiffany, S on 6th Avenue.B.He took MOlIy to his favorite PlaCe for an early CIinnerC.He took MOlIy to their favorite PIaCe in CentraI ParkD.He SaiCl SOmething WrOng Iike bury me Or scary meB.Nathan took OUt a flash Iight and found the rin

13、g.C.MOlly finally found the ring in her purse.D.Nathan finally found the ring in the boxA.She WaS CareIeSS and didn t Care to marry Nathan.B.She WaS COnSiderate and happy to marry Nathan.C.She WaS indiffereIlt to Nathalf S PrOPOSa 1D.She WaS PrePared to marry Nathan WithOUt a ringPart 3 PaSSage4分) I

14、n this section, youll hear SOme ShOrt PaSSageS At the end Of each passage, you WilI hear SOme QUeStiOnS BOth the PaSSage and the QUeStions WilI be SPOken OnIy OnCe After you hear a QUeStion, you must ChOOSe the best answer from the four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and DA.The feelings Of peace, IOVe and

15、goodwill ClUring holiday seasons.B.The feelings Of StreSSJ fatigue and PreSSUre during holidaySeaSOnSC.The feelings Of PhySiCaI COnfUSiOn during holiday SeaSOnSD.The feelings Of SeaSOnaI CIiSOrder that COmeS from holidayA.ShOPPing and decorating.B.COOking at Iate nightC.Winter, S ShOrter nightsD DOi

16、ng SPiritUaI tasksA.FamiIy reunions becoming too frequentB.The eagerness to have more family gatheringsC.FamilieS becoming much more COmPIeXD.The anxiety to help families Without jobs Or in debts.A.By arranging family reunions more frequentlyB.By accepting the feelings and trying to deal With them.C

17、.By denying that there are any feelings Of holiday bluesD.By doing things SUCh as exercises to SatiSfy Other people.QUeStiOnS 5 to 8 are based On the Same PaSSage Or dialogA.ParentS are OUt Of toUCh With their children S daily life.B.ParentS cant UnderStand their Childre, S SenSe Of humor.C.ParentS

18、rarely talk about Certain PrObIemS With their children.D.ParentS dor? t trust their ChiIeIren to tackle any PrObIems.A.BeCaUSe they Want to PrOVe themselves SUPeriOr in StyIe and tasteB.BeCaUSe they ChOOSe to be differeIlt from their parents.C.BeCaUSe they Want to make their ParentS appreciate them.

19、D.BeCaUSe they Want to make them IeaderS Of their parents.A.BeCaUSe they do, t Want to betray the aduIt WOrIdB.BeCaUSe they Want to be responsible for themselvesC.BeCaUSe they do,t Care about being taken as losers.D.BeCaUSe they are COmPIetely Under parents control.A.Be ObeClient.B.Be CharnIingC.Be

20、CO-OPeratiVeD.Be impressive In this SeCtiOnj you WilI hear SOme IOng COnVerSatiOnS At the end Of each COnVerSation, SOme questions WilI be asked about What WaS Said BOth the COnVerSation and the QUeStions WilI be SPOken OnIy OnCe After each QUeStiOn there WilI be a PaUSe DUring the pause, you must r

21、ead the four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and D, and decide WhiCh the best answer is.A.ReIaXing On his POrCh With his dogB.Reading a book in his hand at homeC.CIeaning in the SWinIming POOI downstairsD.Planting flowers in the COnlmUnity garden.A.By Planting SPeCiaI flowers to ClriVe away annoying insects

22、B.By PIanting fruits and VegetableS in the garden.C.By SPraying POiSOn On the PIants to kill damaging insectsD.By Often WeeCIing and Watering the PIantS in the gardenA.It S a garden for PeOPIe to relax in after SWimlningB.It S a bit fa:T from the apartment Where the WOman IiVeSC.FIOWers, fruits and

23、VegetableS Can be Planted in the garden.D.FIOWerS are PlaIlted in the garden and SOld in the store.A.BUy flowers from the StOreB.ViSit the garden With the man.C.Plant OrganiC POtatOeSD.GrOW SOme StraWberrieSA.TO make friends With the man.B.TO invite him go OUt golfingC.TO PIay OnIine VideO games tog

24、etherD.TO introduce new friends to him.The black-haired girl Miranela WaS going to the PartyA VideO game COmPetitiOn WOUld be held at the party.D.Home-baked COOkieS WOUld be available at the Party.A.5.B.8.C.3.D.6.DireCtions:ll hear SOme ShOrt PaSSageS At the end Of each passage, you WilI hear SOme Q

25、UeStions. BOth the PaSSage and the QUeStiOnS WilI be SPOken OnIy OnCe After you hear a question,you must ChOOSe the best answer from the four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and DA.When they are SCared by SOmeOneB.Right before they give a SPeeChC.When they feel UPSet at SOmethingD.Right before they are atta

26、ckedA.The abiIity to SenSe tense SitUatiOnSB.The ability to either fight Or fleeC.The abiIity to behave yourself.D.The abiIity to avoid COnfUSion.A.BeCaUSe the fight Or fIighresponses kick In at the WrOng time.B.BeCaUSe heart rate increases and breathing becomes ShalIOWC.BeCaUSe you feel that you ar

27、e really in dangerous SitUatiOnSD.BeCaUSe you feel COnfUSeCl and SCared from the SitUationsA.By taking anti-depression medication.B.By Staying away from PaniC attacksC.By taking heart for your SitUatiOn and no WOrry.D.By keeping your heart rate dowriA.The twoparent BritiSh family is dominantB.PeOPIe

28、 have ChiIdren after they get marriedC.Only ma:Tried PeOPIe are IiVing togetherD.The number Of One Parent family has InCreaSedA.The BritiSh have Changed their VieWS On marriageB.Getting married young is SOCialIy UnaCCePtabIe in Britain.C.Getting married COStS a IOt and takes time in Britain.D.DiVOrCe WaS Very difficult and not acceptable in Britain.A.18 PerCentB.29 PerCentC.40 percent.

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