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1、because Jane was so hungry. “ It is really a special vacation. I will not forget it. ” Jane thought.sunny decidedno odlesmany really traders walk ing differe nee anything one 第2期Un it 2 阶段检测funny in terested less watch sport they know die movie useLinda is a teacher of No. 5 High School. Last month

2、stude nts in her school were asked ( 被提I、可)about 66 free time activeties. These questions were about exercise, use ofthe Internet and 67 TV. Here are the results.Only 15% of stude nts exercise every day. And 45% of them exercise four to six times a week.About 20% exercise only one to three times a w

3、eek. 20% n ever do exercise.Linda 68 that many stude nts often go on li ne, but she was surprised about 90%use the Internet every day. And the other ten perce nt use it at 69 three or fourtimes a week. Most of them use it to play games or watch 70 .The answers about television were also very 71 . On

4、ly 2%of the students watchTV one to three times a week. The other stude nts watch TV every day. Many stude nts like to watch 72 , but game shows are the most popular programs.Linda thinks its good to relax by 73 the Internet and watch ing game shows,but the best way to relax is through exercise. It

5、is good for our mind and body. Exercise suchas play ing sports is 74 . Stude nts can spe nd time with their friends and family.Remember, “An old habit 75 hard. ” So start exercising before its too late!第2期Unit 1-2 综合能力评估试题sn ake quiet decide well find anything us sing tree heavyWehad a good summer h

6、oliday. Whenwe came back to school, we 66 that our schoolis differe nt. There are so many 67 in our school and our classrooms are n ew.Mr. Liu is our headmaster (校长).Last term, he said our school was old, so he 68 to redecorate ( 重新装修)it in The summer holiday.When 69 sit in the new classrooms, we fe

7、el excited. We read books early inthe morning and do homework 70 in the after noon. There are birds 71 in trees and butterflies flying in flowers. what a beautiful school!Sometimes we can see 72 at school because our school is in a village. “ Whenyou see a snake, you cannot move. Just stamp your fee

8、t (跺脚)73 and the snake willleave, ” Mr. Liu told us. “ Why does nt the sn ake attack (攻击) whe n we stamp?” I asked. “ Because the sn ake is not 74 at see ing, but it is good at heari ng. When it hears 75 , it will go away, ” said Mr. Liu.This is our school. I love it very much.foundtreesdecidedwequi

9、etlysi ngingsnakesheavilygoodsometh ing第3期unit3say quiet he get break friend fun differe nee bad wellDo you thi nk friends should be the same or differe nt? Here are what these people thi nk.Jeff Gree ns mother told 66 a good friend is like a mirror. Yua n Li is Jeffsbest friend. They are both 67 th

10、a n most kids in his class. They both like readi ngbooks and study ing together. But Jeff is shy so its not easy for him to make 68 .Jeff thinks friends are like books you dont n eed lots of them as long as they are 69Huang Lei thinks its not n ecessary to be the same. Huang Lei is 70 from hisbest f

11、riend Larry. Larry is more outgoing than Huang Lei, and he plays tennis better, so he alwayswins. Larry often helps Huang Lei to bring out the best in him. So Huang Lei is 71 better at tennis. However, Larry always gets 72 grades tha n Huang Lei does.Mary Smith does nt mind if her friends are the sa

12、me as her or differe nt. Her favorite 73 is, “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ” Her best friend Carol is really kind and very 74 . Last year Mary 75 her arm but Caroltruly cared about Mary.She always made Mary laugh and feel better. They can talk about and share everythin

13、g. Carol is always there to liste n.himquieter frien ds good differe nt gett ing worse say ing funny broke 第4期unit 4 阅读下面短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。dance China well life serious tale nt funny decide enjoy firstWhen people want to relax, it is a good choice ( 选择)to watch other people show their 66 .

14、Tale nt shows are gett ing more and more popular. There were shows like America n Idol, Americas Got Tale nt, and 67 Got Tale nt.All these shows have 68 thing in com mon: They try to look for the best sin gers,the most tale nted 69 , the most excit ing magicia ns, the 70 actors andso on. Whe n peopl

15、e watch the show, they usually play a role in 71 the winner. Thewinner always gets a very72 prize. However, not everybody 73 watch ing these shows. Some thinkthat the 74 of the performers are made up. If you dont take these shows too 75 , they are fun to watch. One great thing about them is that the

16、y give people a way to make their dreams come true.tale ntsChi naonedan cers funni est decidi ng good enjoys lives Seriously 第5期unit 5 阅读下面短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。simply dan gerous eightieth want do well be mice reas on luckAmerican culture is different from other countries. A cartoon is one very

17、 famous symbol inAmerican culture. Weall know and love the black 66 with two large round ears MickeyMouse. Over 67 years ago, he first appeared in the carto on Steamboat Willie. Whenthis carto on came out, it 68 the first carto on with sound and music.Why 69 the cartoon ani mal become so popular? On

18、e of the main 70 is that Mickey was like a com mon man, but he always tried to face any 71 .In hisearly films, Mickey was 72 and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend,Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his 73 . People went to the cin ema tosee the “little man ” win. Most

19、of them 7 4 to be like Mickey. Time flies, manycarto ons came out .Though todays carto ons are usually not so 75 as little MickeyMouse, every one still knows and loves him because of his pair of more famous ears.mouse eighty was did reas ons danger uni ucky best wan ted simpleUnit 3-5much story make

20、 be try young he tenth cheap n ameBefore there were pla nes, people dreamed of flying. They told 66 about flyingover time, it should become much 75 . The n more peoples dreams of flying in to spacewill come true.stories n amed tried is manyHistenyoun gestmak ing cheaper第6期专项复习阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填

21、空,使短文完整、通顺。quick badly thi nk late hard you homework fight today differe neeDave had an excuse ( 借口 ) for everything. When he was 1 for school, he had anexcuse. Whenhe could nt finish his homework, he had an excuse. When he 2 with otherclassmates, he had an excuse.One evening, Daves pare nts asked h

22、im why his grade was so 3 “Its not my fault ( 过错),” Dave said. “My teacher isnt very good. ”“ The n I will teleph one the school and talk to 4 headmaster ( 校长),” hismother said.“ No, no, ” Dave said 5 . “ That wont help. He does nt like me. ”“Then well just have to send ( 送)you to a(n) 6 school, ” h

23、is father said.Dave 7 about this for a minu te. Then he said, “ In fact, I think I could try8 to get to school on timeWell, ” he said, “I think I could“That would help, ” his mother harder to finish it. I think ni go and do 10r, “ That was nt too difficult, was homework right now.After Dav

24、e left the room, his mother said to his fathe it?late fought bad yourquicklydiffere ntthoughtharderhomeworktoday期中综合能力评估试题(一)she love visit anything bored much they stude nt China successTeachers are important. But what role do they play? They help children learn. But they donjust help children with

25、 schoolwork. They also help them become good, 66 people. WorldTeachers Day is on October 5. But many coun tries celebrate Teachers Day on ano ther day. For example, 67 people celebrate it on September 10.On Teachers Day, students thank 68 teachers. They may give them small gifts.Some stude nts give

26、flowers. Some 69 even go back to their primary school or highschool. They visit their old teachers. If they cant 70 them, they may send themcards. Some stude nts stay friends with their old teachers for 71 years.What makes a good teacher? A good teacher 72 to teach! They love their subjectsand love

27、to share what they know with students. They find fun ways to do that, too. A good teachers class is hardly 73 ! A good teacher also cares about his or her students. They teachstude nts class subjects, and they also teach them 74 about life.Do you know a good teacher? Thank him or 75 today!successfulChin esetheirstude ntsvisitmany lovesbori ngher期中综合能力评估试题(二)table be happy know France n eighbor its h

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