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1、t have an exam.D.He left his notes in class. Why not use your class notes to study for the exam? I let Mary borrow them.A.She does not have a watch.B.She is nervous about the appointment.C.Toms watch keeps good time.D.Tom is afraid to be late. Tom, what time is it now? Its still early, just after tw

2、o. Well, as you know, this is a very important appointment. I cant be late, can I?A.Their best friend.B.Their favourite colour.C.The clothes the woman is wearing.D.A present the man has bought. Thats a nice dress youre wearing. Thank you. My mother gave it to me as a birthday present. She knows reds

3、 my favourite colour.A.In a library.B.In a classroom.C.In a bookstore.D.In a hotel. Id like to have a copy of Professor Smiths book on English dialects.m sorry, sir. That book has been out of stock for some time now.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Receptionist and customer

4、.B.Waitress and customer.C.Salesperson and customer.D.Nurse and patient. Friendship Department Store. May I help you? Yes, could you tell me when the store closes today? We close at 7:30. I see. And when do you open? Nine oclock on the weekend. Fine. Thank you very much.A.Electrician.B.Plumber.C.Rep

5、airman.D.Mechanic. This is Mr. James. My heater is not getting any power and the temperature is going to get down below freezing. Could you come over and repair it? This is our busiest time of the year, but Ill speak to one of our men about getting over there sometime today.A.8.B.12.C.36.D.24.m in c

6、harge of buying the fruit for the children at our church. Im so happy to find that apples and grapes are in season. Give me two dozens of each. I hope that theyre as good as they look.A.Fourteen inches.B.Fifteen inches.C.Forty inches.D.Fifty inches. Can I help you, Madam? Yes. I want to see some car

7、digans. What size do you take, Madam? About fourteen inches.A.1120, East 42nd Street.B.1120, East 32nd Street.C.1220 ,East 32nd Street.D.1220 ,East 42nd Street. Hello, I want a cab. OK. What address is it? 1120, East 32nd Street. Right. The cab will be there in several minutes.三、Part B(总题数:四、Questio

8、ns 11 13 are based on the following dialogue.(总题数:1,分数:3.00)A.Tennis courts.B.A recreation area.C.A sauna.D.A swimming pool.听力原文 11-13 Good afternoon. Globe Apartments. May I help you? Yes, I want to rent a one-bed-room apartment. Do you have any available? No, Im sorry. None are available at this t

9、ime, but I expect a vacancy in about three weeks. Could I interest you in a two-bedroom? Well, you see, Im a student, how much more would a two-bedroom apartment cost me? The one-bedroom rents for $ 1 150 a month and the two-bedroom is only thirty-five dollars more. Is the two-bedroom a great deal l

10、arger than the one-bedroom? Yes, it is. Also, I might tell you that the one-bedroom doesnt have a dishwasher. All of our two-bedroom apartments do. What about signing a lease? We do require a 6-month lease, and there is a deposit of $ 1 100 in case any damage is done to the apartment. Is there a poo

11、l?m sorry, there isnt. We do have a recreation area and a sauna. Also, there are tennis courts close to our building. When could I see an apartment? How about later this afternoon? Lets see. I have an appointment at three thirty and another one at four. What about five oclock this afternoon? That wo

12、uld be fine. Ill pick my wife up from work, and well come right over.ll be looking forward to seeing you then. Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye.A.One hundred dollars.B.Thirty-five dollars.C.Fifty dollars.D.One hundred fifty dollars.A.3:30 this afternoon.B.4:00 this afternoon.C.5:00 this afternoon.D.5:五、Q

13、uestions 14 17 are based on the following dialogue.4.00)A.Typing letters for Mr. Black.B.Typing a report for Mrs. Farnsworth.C.Typing a report for Mr. Black.D.Typing letters for Mrs. Farnsworth.听力原文 14-17 Sally, were you able to get that report all typed up. Not yet, Mr. Black. Mrs. Farnsworth asked

14、 me to type some letters for her. Ill be finished pretty quick and then Ill start on that. Dont forget I need it in the morning. I have to take it along to Chicago to the regional meeting.t worry, Ill get it done. My husbands on a business trip too. Hes in Detroit today, and tomorrow hell be in Bost

15、on. So Im planning to stay late. After its typed up I 11 leave it on your desk. I should be finished by 8:00.m sorry to make you so late.s all right, Mr. Black. Really ,I dont mind at all. Besides, I can make a little extra money. My husbands birthday is next month. I want to buy him a new watch. Wh

16、at kind are you going to get for him, a Bulova? No, I thought Id get a Rolex. or an Elgin. I dont really know much about got one of those Seiko digitals. I really like it. Do you think my husband would like one like that?m sure he would. The only problem is that theyre a little bit heavy.

17、 If theyre that good, I think Ill go ahead and get him one. Well, at least he wont get a tie. Thats what I usually get. Remember, its the thought that counts.A.Detroit.B.Chicago.C.New York.D.Boston.A.Pretty quick.B.By 8:00.C.In a little while.D.First thing in the morning.A.A Rolex.B.A Bulova.C.A Sei

18、ko.D.An Elgin.六、Questions 18 21 are based on the following dialogue.A.The blacks.B.The whites.C.The Chinese.D.The Japanese.听力原文 18-21 So youre visiting San Francisco? Yes, I just got here the day before yesterday. And you?m a native. Oh, really? Everyone else Ive met so far has been a tourist like u

19、s. I was beginning to think that maybe there were no natives. Well. San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups, so you might think youre seeing a lot of foreigners. But in fact, the city has a population of about 700 000 people. What are the different ethnic groups? Well, after whites, the l

20、argest one is blacks. I thought it was Chinese.s true that San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside Asia. But there are many more blacks here than Chinese.s interesting. Dont most of the Chinese people live in Chinatown? Well, no, they live throughout the city, but China-town is defin

21、itely the center of Chinese culture here. Thats where youll find the best Chinese restaurants, bookstores, art theaters, things like that. How about the Japanese? Doesnt San Francisco have a large Japanese population too? No, actually there are only about 12 000 Japanese people here, but we do have

22、an area called Japan-town that has Japanese restaurants and bookstores. You seem to know a lot about this city. Well, most San Franciscans think their city is pretty special. We like to talk about it. Besides,I teach ethnic history at the university here. No wonder you know so much!A.In China-town.B

23、.In the northern part of the city.C.All over the city.D.In Japan-town.A.12 000.B.700 000.C.50 000.D.20 000.A.He thinks the city is pretty.B.He likes to talk about it.C.He travels a lot in the city.D.He teaches ethnic history at a university.七、Questions 2225 are based on the following dialogue.A.She

24、failed.B.She barely passed.C.She passed easily.D.She wouldnt say.听力原文 22-25 Well, Mrs. Fern, how did you do on your driving test? Not so well, Im afraid. Didnt you get your license? No. My score was only 49 percent. The woman who tested me was very strict about everything. Where did you lose the mos

25、t points? One thing was not turning my head before changing lanes or making turns. Right. Using a turn signal isnt enough. To be safe, you have to glance back over your shoulder in the direction you want to go. My teacher didnt emphasize that enough, or about maintaining the right distance behind th

26、e car in front.s right. You need a training distance of about one or two car lengths for every 10 miles per hour youre going. My parallel parking was good. Ive been practising that a lot. What was your worst moment? Waiting on an uphill stop for the light to change to green. What happened? Well, I l

27、et the car stall and forgot how to use the hand break. So the car rolled back and bumped the one behind me. That alone probably failed you.A.Changing lanes.B.Starting on a hill.C.Parking at the curb.D.Keeping a proper distance.A.Not using her signal.B.Being in the wrong lane.C.Driving too slowly.D.Not looking over her shoulder.A.It hit her from behind.B.She rolled backwards.C.She shifted into reverse.D.She went through a red light.八、Section Use of English(总题数:

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