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1、10. Wu Wei is a born artist.吴伟天生就是一名艺术家。11. Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work.昊伟,年轻的艺术家,用他具有创造力的作品给全国人民留下了深刻印象。12. His sculpture for Sunshine Town Square has won high praise from the art community.他为阳光镇广场而刻的雕塑赢得了艺术协会的高度赞扬。13. I want to share the best ar

2、t with people, so Im always searching for something better or different. This in itself is great fun.我想和人们分享最好的艺术,所以我总是在寻找更好的或不同的事物。这本身就是一种极大的乐趣。14. Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company.苏宁在五年前放弃了她的会计工作并开始在一家大型公司的销售部工作。1

3、5. Life is Iike a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. Im ready to take on new challenges any time.生活就像一场赛跑。你要么领先,要么落后。我准备好了在任何时候都接受新的挑战。16. To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We cant afford to make any mistakes.对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。我们承担不起犯任何镨误(所造成的后果)。17. All of us know that its necessary to

4、pay attention to every detail.我们所有人都知道注意每个细节很有必要。18. He always works to high standards, but hes modest and easy to work with.他总是高标准地工作,但是他很谦虚而且容易共事。19. As a doctor, you cant be too careful.作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。20. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.粗心不仅对我们自已而且对病人也

5、将会是一场灾难。21. In fact, Doctor Fang often does operations for about ten hours a day. She has devoted most of her time to her work.实际上,方医生经常一天大约做10个小时手术。她已经把大部分时间都贡献给了工作。22. They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.它们以固定的顺序出现,每12年循环一次。23. In western countries, a year is divided

6、into a cycle of twelve star signs.在西方国家,一年被分为一个十二星座的循环。24. Some people believe that your star sign may decide your personality.一些人认为你的星座可能决定你的性格。25. If you are interested in either animal signs or star signs, read about them just for fun.如果你对生肖或星座感兴趣,阅读它们仅供娱乐。26. It is you who shape your life and yo

7、ur future.是你塑造了你的生活和未来。27. Your star sign depends on your date of birth.你的星座取决于你的出生日期。28. Is it true that some aspects of your personality are formed by nature? 你性格中的一些方面是天生的,对吗?29. Personality includes your thoughts, feelings and behaviours which make you different from other people. 性格包括使你不同于其他人的想

8、法、情感和行为。30. Some aspects of your personality are passed onto you by your parents, for example, liveliness and impatience. That is why people saylike father, like son.你性格中的一些方面是由你的父母遗传给你的,例如,活泼和急躁。那就是为什么人们说“有其父必有其子”。31. We are writing to recommend David as our new monitor. We think he has many strong

9、 qualities for this position. 我们正写信推荐戴维当我们的新班长。我们认为他有许多突出的品质适合这个职位。9AU21. Try it on. 试穿。2. But theres nothing wrong with pink. 但是粉色没什么不好。3. Im not sure if blue looks good on you. 我不敢肯定你穿蓝色是否好看。4. Describe the relationship between peoples moods and the colours they choose to wear.描述人们的情绪和他们选择穿的衣服的颜色之

10、间的关系。5. Millie looked out of her window after a rain shower and saw a rainbow.米莉在一场阵雨后向窗外看去并且看见了一道彩虹。6. Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. 一些人认为颜色能影响我们的情绪。你或许想知道它是否是真的。7. In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.实际上,颜色能改变我们的心情,使我

11、们觉得快乐或悲伤,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。8. This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.本文解释了颜色能起什么作用以及它们代表什么性格。9. It could be because the walls were painted blue.那可能是因为墙被刷成了蓝色。10. It brings peace to our mind and body.它给我们的心灵和身体带来平静。11. Many women like to wear white on their wedding

12、day. 许多女人喜欢在婚礼上穿白色衣服。12. People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.在寒冷地区的人们为了营造一种温暖而舒服的感受,更喜欢把房间涂成暖色。13. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.当你感觉伤心时它能让你振作起来。14. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day.

13、黄色是太阳的颜色,因此它能让你想起温暖、阳光明媚的日子。15. Yellow is the colour of wisdom. Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success. 黄色是智慧的颜色。当人们希望成功时,他们更喜欢这个颜色。16. If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you.如果你的身体或思想需要力量时,红色或许可以给你一些帮助。17. Wearing red can also make it easie

14、r to take action. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.穿红色的衣服也更容易采取行动。当你犹豫不决时,这也许有帮助。18. My mum says blue is suitable for bedrooms.我妈妈说蓝色适合卧室。19. Anyway, we should choose the colour which makes us feel comfortable.不管怎样,我们应该选择让我们感觉舒服的颜色。20. Red is often used for celebrations

15、! 红色经常被用来庆祝活动!21. We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back! 我们保证这种疗法可以帮助你改变情绪,否则全额退款!22. She has practised colour therapy since she left college.自从她离开大学,她就从事颜色疗法。23. In many places, baby boys are dressed in blue and baby girls in pink.在许多地方,男宝宝穿蓝衣服

16、,女宝宝穿粉红色衣服。24. In the past, womens main job was to look for food for their family.在过去,妇女的主要工作就是给家人寻找食物。25. The colour blue was once believed to have the power to drive evil spirits away, so people dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys would be protected.蓝色曾被认为具有驱逐邪恶灵魂的力量,所以人们把小男孩穿成蓝色就是希望男孩

17、子们会受到保护。26. Baby girls were dressed in pink because, according to a European story, girls were born inside pink roses. 小女孩被穿成粉色是因为,根据一个欧洲故事女孩出生在粉色玫瑰中。27. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.红色和白色是一种很好的搭配,因为强有力的红色平衡了冷静的白色。9AU31. Why not eat less and exercise mo

18、re? 为什么不少吃多锻炼呢?2. Some students are asking for advice on how to solve their problems. 一些学生正在寻求怎样解决他们的问题的建议。3. The TV is always on at my home. The noise almost drives me mad. 我家里的电视总是开着。噪音几乎使我发疯了。4. I have no choice but to do my homework. 我别无选择只有做我的家庭作业。5. I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the n

19、ext day. 有时候我发现第二天保持清醒很难。6. I know it is important to finish all my homework on time.我知道按时完成所有的作业很重要。7. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies, like volleyball and music.我几乎没有业余时间进行我的业余爱好,像排球和音乐。8. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.我经常怀疑花这幺多时间写作业是否值得。9. I dream

20、 of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.我梦想一个长假,这样我能有更多时间进行我的业余爱好。10. I hope to hear from you soon.我希望快点收到您的来信。11. I am crazy about football. 我对足球很痴迷。12. I get into trouble because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p. m. 我陷入麻烦中因为我父母不允许我在晚上6点以后在外面玩。13. I beli

21、eve it is important to develop our hobbies. 我认为培养我们的业会爱好很重要。14. I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.我想知道我怎样才能在学业和业余爱好之间取得平衡。15. Make a list of all the homework you have. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. 制作一个你所有的作业的列表。然后算出完成所有的作业需要的时间。16. I

22、hope you think my advice is worth taking. 我希望你认为我的建议是值得采纳的。17. Your parents are not strict with you; they just do not want you to stay out so late.你的父母对你要求不严,他们只是不想让你在外面待那么晚。18. I do not know how I should deal with the problem.我不知道我应该怎样处理这个问题。19. Why dont you let your parents know you need them? 你为什

23、么不让你父母知道你需要他们呢?20. What/How about choosing your hobby according to the time you have? 根据你有的时间选择业余爱好怎么样?21. She still finds sport difficult, but she can talk to her best friend Betty when she feels sad and share problems with her. 她仍然发现体育很难,但是当她感到伤心时,她能和她最好的朋友贝蒂交谈并能和她分享困难。22. Ive made little progress

24、 in my English. 我在英语上没有取得一点进步。23. Perhaps you should go over what youve learnt as often as possible. 或许你应该尽可能经常地复习你所学的内容。24. If we predict the answers that the questions might have, it will help us find the answers more quickly and easily when we read in detail. 如果我们预测到了问题可能有的答案,它会帮助我们在精读的时候更快速、更容易地

25、找到答案。25. Many students of our age have this problem.和我们同龄的许多学生都有这个问题。9AU41. Whats on your mind? 你在想什么呢?2. Youve been happy since I first met you. 自从我第一次见到你,你就一直很快乐。3. Mr Wu is asking the Class 1,Grade 9 students to do a survey on how they learn about the world.吴老师正让9年级1班的同学们做一项关于他们怎样了解这个世界的调查。4. As

26、soon as you click the mouse, theres a great deal of information. 你一点击鼠标,就会有大量的信息。5. While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small.当他上初中时,斯巴德就参加了校队的选拔,但是一开始他就落选了,因为他太矮小。6. He practised even harder and got the coach to cha

27、nge his mind. 他练习得更刻苦,并使教练改变了想法。7. This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. 这引起了北卡罗莱纳州立大学对他的注意。结果他成功地获得了奖学金。8. Although he was a great player at university, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were

28、 more than 20 cm taller than he was. 尽管他是大学里的一位优秀球员,但是NBA对他不感兴趣,因为所有的NBA球员都比他高超过20厘米。9. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him在NBA注意到他之前,他在那里待了大约一年。10. He had many great achievements, but his proudest moment came in 1986-he won the Slam Dunk Contest. 他取得过许多伟大的成绩,但是最让他自豪

29、的那一刻是在1986年他在灌篮比赛中获胜了。11. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter-you can do almost anything if you never give up. 通过艰苦的努力,斯巴德韦伯证明了身高和体型并不重要只要你永不放弃,几乎没有什么做不到的事情。12. World War broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. 第二次世界大战于1939年在欧洲爆发,1945年结束。13. It was publ

30、ished in 1943 and has been translated into 42 languages since then.14. The book was a record of that time, and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit. 这本书记录了那个时代,也成为人类精神胜利的一个象征。15. It is a pity that they couldnt enjoy a happy life as we do. 他们不能像我们一样享受幸福的生活是一种遗憾。16. Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live in fear of their lives. 尽管我们生活在和平中,但是

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